Best Friend/Enemy/Friend pairing of all time?

Best Friend/Enemy/Friend pair of all time

  • Shawn Michaels and Triple H

  • Chris Harris and James Storm

  • Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy

  • Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage

  • Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty

  • Bret Hart and Owen Hart

  • Steve Austin and Mick Foley

  • The Undertaker and Kane

  • Ric Flair and Sting

  • Other

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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
We've seen it all before. Two wrestlers start as friends, then something happens where one of them turns and the feud begins. Sometime down the line, they reconcile and the friendship and team is back together. I want to know the best on-again, off-again, on-again story of all time.

In this poll, the wrestlers do not have to have started as friends. They could have started as enemies and gone the other way. Please provide reasons, and feel free to add write-ins.
That's a great list. Hard to choose but I have to go with Hulk and Savage. I wasn't old enough to be a fan back then, but when they became partners, it was one of the biggest things to ever happen in wrestling, and they're break-up was even bigger.

Considering how much real life heat they have as well, I think that nudges them over the top in this poll.

Kane and Undertaker come close though, as do Triple H and Shawn Michaels, I consider that to be one of the best feuds of the last decade if not the best feud of all time, but Savage and Hogan was just huge in the 80s, because they were the two biggest stars back then. Granted, Triple H and HBK are two of the biggest stars now, so that might change if they ever do anything else.

Edit: wow... 2000th post!
Kane and Undertaker for me.

It were on right from when Kane ripped open the cell door! Then you got the whole back story, and Paul Bearer made the story more drematic, and there were always part of you that though, maybe they can become a tag team. Which were awsome when they took on vince, and then when they split were ace
Good list but I'll go Trips and HBK as that was one that we all never thought we be able to see. Though they remain good friends today is a something that took some years in the making and once it wa sput into action it wa sgreat. Thought the feud was dragged out for a wee bit it was still great. Then later on you have them become friends again so that have a fill 180. So thats why i go HHH/HBK
This ones tough..I'll go with the Brothers of Destruction...Kane and Undertaker. The storylines were awesome filled with alot of drama espicially when Paul Bearer came around callin Taker a murderer. They had alot of good feuds and pretty good matches all the way up until WM 20. Great duo as tag team( 3 time champs) . They are still 2 of the top names in WWE today..I'll go with them over HBK and HHH (close though)
No respect for Michaels and Jannetty?

The Rockers were a popular, top-flight tag team. When Michaels tossed Jannetty through the Barber Shop window, it devistated people and launched Michaels into a mid-card superstar. Then, when Jannetty came back and battled HBK for the Intercontinental Title, the matches were classics. Near falls, high flying, mat wrestling, back story, Sherri getting destroyed with the mini-mirror, etc. Just recently, the Rockers Reunion, fans went INSANE! If you don't remember a great match between the two, check out Royal Rumble 1993 or 1994. I forget the year.
I will also make a case for Bret and Owen Hart because of the family connection. We hear the saying a lot when teams of friends split: "They were like family" or "they were like brothers." Bret and Owen WERE brothers, and when Owen beat Bret clean at WrestleMania 10, people stopped and realized there was a real feud to be watched here.

That also made the reunion as the New Hart Foundation all the more intense - Owen had honest to God credibility at that point.

Can you choose the false brothers story of Kane and Undertaker over the REAl brothers story of Bret and Owen?
HHH and HBK's feud in 2002 was awesome, I loved every minute of it. I know that they continued it a little bit after that, but it wasn't nearly as good in my opinion. With that said, it is one of my favorite storylines/feuds of all time, however, I would have to give it to Undertaker and Kane. The story behind these two was so entertaining and it was played out so well, they have probably one of the best rivalrys in professional wrestling. I just feel that the stories behind both of these feuds were so personal that it made for amazing moments and matches.
In my opinion it comes down to 2 of the choices listed above. The Undertaker & Kane is my personal favorite. What is there not to love about their relationship. You have The Undertaker's thought dead brother come out of nowhere, and start destroying everyone in his way to get to the Phenom. Have a huge initial program, and then a frienship/rivalary that you never know how whenever you see them together anymore what is going to happen.

Then the next best is the Owen-Bret rivalary. Owen's quest to get out of brothers shadow, and also trying to be there for his brother. Once again whenever both of them were together it was unknown what was going to happen.
I have to say the best one would be Bret and Owen. Kane/Undertaker and HBK/HHH were awesome too but their was something about the Owen/Bret fued that I loved. Ever since it started during survivor series 93, I was interested in what happened between the two. Like traunero78 said, when those two were together, you didn't know if they were going to hug or try to lock each other in the sharpshooter.
Wrestlemania V, the MegaPowers collide! That's freakin sweet. You've got two of the biggest names ever combined as what could ultimately end up as one of the most dominate tagteams ever. And that is where the story takes a turn. And all for the love of a woman. At the end of Wrestlemania V you see Hulk Hogan with his newly acquired championship belt hoisting Ms. Elizabeth up on his shoulder. That fued was awesome.

And you can't forget about the Rockers. This tagteam paved the way for many high flying wrestlers. They were years ahead of their time. Crowd favorites. I used to love the way those guys entered the ring by doing a flip over the top rope. And then Shawn Michaels gets jealous and decides to put Jannetys head through a "plate glass window" in the Barber Shop. I was pissed when that happened. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. For those of you who say wrestling was stale back in the late 80's and early 90's, I think you're dead wrong. It was awesome!
DaddyBrash, well said. Glad you chimed in!

I find it hard to believe that the on again / off again / on again Ric Flair and Sting fiasco has yet to get a vote. They had so many great matches! And, I just watched the extras on the second disk of the Four Horsemen, the night the Horsemen kicked Sting out was CRAZYNESS! Ole Anderson was an artist with the mic.

SOMEBODY make the case for Sting vs Flair. Make a compelling arguement and I will rep you. :)
Good list hard to choose from,Alot of people would go with DX(triple h & his butt buddy HBK).I would like to pick Flair and Sting ecuase many people belived it would never happen.But

I have to go with family..For me its a tie with The Hart Brothers(Bret and Owen) and The Hardys(Matt and Jeff)..See my opionion is that you can be best friends with your partner and you guy could be great together in the ring.But when you have your own blood getting the crap betten out of them in the middle of the squared circle there has to be a fire just burning up in you..Also when there are brothers in the ring they think alike and know what each other is thinking.(not saying that regular partners dont its just it takes time.with brothers it should be instinct)

So for me its is family above all and i have to pick The Hardys and The Hart Family(Bret and Owen)
HHH and HBK's fueds have been amazing every single time. HBK's comeback match at summerslam, the 3 stages of hell match at badd blood, their match at backlash 04. none of these other fueds could match up with those bouts and none could compare to dx wen these 2 were frends.
I voted HHH & HBK simply because they both have such good chemistry together heated up around the time i got back into watching wrestling. heard Bret & Owen was good but watched WCW back then, same with Undertaker & Kane saw more recent stuff but missed the early stuff.

Question - would Eddie & Chavo fit into the list when Chavo got too jelious of Eddie & cost them the titles only for Eddie to keep giving Chavo more chances & keep getting betrayed or was it too short to be considered. if Eddie not passed (RIP) wonder how it would've progressed?

Great question. I would say "no." But not by much. If you tap back to their WCW days, they did have some entertaining feuds and friendships. But I don't think the heat between them ever really delivered. Who knows if that would be the case if not for Eddie's death.
i really liked Bret Hart and Owen Hart because they had a great feud during 1994 by pulling off a Huge match at Wrestlemania X and then having one hell of a steel cage match at Summerslam but also it was great on how this feud came about. Owen was jealous of brets popularity and well, it started on that. and then during 1997 they reformed the Hart Foundation! along with Neidhart Bulldog and Pillman and then well became a great faction during 97

Great question. I would say "no." But not by much. If you tap back to their WCW days, they did have some entertaining feuds and friendships. But I don't think the heat between them ever really delivered. Who knows if that would be the case if not for Eddie's death.

hey irsh canadian this list is so hard but im goin wit taker/kane my question is if not chavo and eddie do u think if eddie didnt die r.i.p it could be rey/eddie cuz before he died they were great tag teams champs and had a nice rivary goin as rey gettin the best of eddie and wat not but still
IMHO, Trips/HBK has to go down as the greatest. After forming one of (if not, the) best stables in the original D-Generation X, they had the best feud of 2002 and some of the greatest matches the WWF/E has seen in a long while.

Another pairing that, although might not have as much support, should get consideration is the Rock and Sock Connection. At the beginning, it was the feud in the WWF; from the I Quit match at the Royal Rumble 2000 (I think) to Mankind's historic win on Raw where Tony Shavonnie (sp?) announced the results on Nitro and said, "That'll put a lot of butts in the seats," which is considered the turning point in the Monday Night Wars; they put on many great matches. And who could forget them as a tag team, with Mick hosting "This is Your Life." I believe they should be considered in with the group above.
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