Best finishers of the 90's

Goliath Uterus

Getting Noticed By Management
Heres my list, i wanna keep it WWF/WCW/NWA/ECW I'll be posting one in the indy/foreign one too if your interested. Sorry if this has been made, i searched it and nothing came up, take it down if needed. Quick note, this doesnt have to be the move that has taken out the biggest names, etc. Just your opinion on who had the best finisher, top 5 or top 10 is fine w/me.

1. Rock Bottom- This move isnt a wild and fancy move, but when The Rock lifts you up in the air like only he can do, the fans go wild and you can almost guarentee the match is over.

2. Figure Four Leglock- The Nature Boy Ric Flair was still stylin and profilin in the 90's puttin on great matches for all of us to enjoy, he's put down numerous legends with the hold popularized by him.

3. Spinning Toe Hold- Lots of people think this move is stupid, but i think its awesome, Terry Funk has made many men tap out to the agonizing move.

4. Air Pillman- This move (springboard clothesline) doesnt look all that immpressive on paper, but when Pillman springs off that rope and is flying damn near parralell to the ground, you cant help but be immpressed.

5. Crippler Crossface- Benoit would trap that arm and bring you down in a 1/2 second of beauty, fantastic submission.

6. Scorpion Death Lock/Sharpshooter- Bret Hart and Sting put away hundreds of wrestling stars with one of the most popular submission holds in wrestling history.

7. Sweet Chin Music- Shawn Michaels has the prettiest superkick I've ever seen, thats for damn sure.

8. Stone Cold Stunner- Stone Cold became a HUGE wrestling star in the 90's and the stunner was one of the big reasons.

9. Elbow Drop (Randy Savage)- Best elbow drop the buisness has ever see, without a question.

10. - Tombstone Piledriver- Many, many men have been put down with this legendary finisher.

And and honorable mention goes to Triple H's Pedigree. Another honorable mention goes to the Perfect Plex, i would put this on the list but i already fucking did it. Thanks for reminding me Ice Cold.
Can't forget the Tombstone Pildriver and The Texas Cloverleaf.

Tombstone- The name caught on quick, and it was believable that the move could keep you down for the 3.

Cloverleaf- Once again the name was catchy, and the move made it believable that you could make your opponent submit to it.
1. The Crossface Chicken Wing (The most feared submission move in all of professional wrestling.)

2. The Diamond Cutter (This move went a long way into putting DDP over with the fans)

3. Crippler Crossface (Benoit could lock this move on at any time and it was a great move to watch.)

4. The Stone Cold Stunner (everyone and their dog used to emulate this move growing up.)

5. Mandible Claw (The move was unique and awesome)

6. The People's elbow (the most electrifying move in sports entertainment history)

7. Sweet Chin Music (Sure it may just be a simple kick, but Shawn Michaels made it legendary.)

8. The Pedigree (This move looks like it kills the opponent recieving it. It just has a great look.)

9. The Seven Year Itch (This move is just cool to watch)

10. Torture Rack (This move was great to see when Luger applied it to big men such as the Giant.)
Stone Cold's Stunner... out of nowhere, iconic finisher for one of the most iconic wrestler of the 90's (and the wrestling history)
Some of the most impressive I've seen...

Lou Spicoli-the Death Valley Driver,aka Spicoli slam...first time he uncorked it the ECW crowd was so crazed...they called out "ONE MORE TIME!,ONE MORE TIME!!"

Giant/Big Show - chokeslam,nothing fancy there,BUT when a guy that size holds you up that high and plants you down on your ass....say goodnight!!

Vadersault - A guy that size should not be that agile! I bet more than one guy when looking up and seeing that coming in,probably shit their pants!

The Tazmission--One of the reasons why they now "tap" in wrestling,IF he got it sunk in deep....get the stretcher ready 'cuz U R FUCKED!!
TOP 10






In no particular order

The Razors Edge/Outsiders Edge - Really? No one said this one yet?(correction) the poster 2 above did mention it, but I am surprised no one said it sooner.

Jacknife - Kept Diesel champ for a year, good enough for me.

Stone Cold Stunner - Need I explain?

Sharpshooter - Arguably the greatest submission hold of all time.

Superkick/Sweet Chin Music - Again, need I explain?

Pedigree - Devastating then, devastating still.

People's Elbow - I know most people say "Rock Bottom" but the People's Elbow was The Rocks equivalent of Hulk Hogans "Hulk-Up, Atomic Leg Drop" routine, and was the most electrifying move in sports entertainment history, period.

Goldberg - Yep, he gets his own spot. I personally never liked Goldberg, but it's hard to say anyone was as dominant in the 90's. His spear and jackhammer were killers through-and-through, and everything he did was pretty well meant to destroy you.

Tombstone Piledriver - Signature move of The Undertaker that has laid out basically everyone, can't leave it out.

Ultimate Slam and Splash - Well, it wasn't pretty and it wasn't spectacular, but the Ultimate Warrior did run through everyone. The ultimate slam and splash was the finish he used on Hogan that fateful night at the Skydome in Toronto as well.

Perfect Plex - My personal favorite. I loved this move then and I wish I seen it more now. Mr. Perfect made it look beautiful and it was a difficult enough looking move that as a kid watching it back in the day, you knew only Mr. Perfect could do it.

Honorable mention goes to: Flying Elbow Drop, DDT, Boston Crab, Figure Four, Diamond Cutter, Choke Slam, other version of the Powerbomb, and any other moves I glaringly missed.
Eddie Guerrero's/RVD's Frogsplash: Seriously, this move and Billy Kidman's Shooting Star Press has GOT to be the most impressive aerial finisher ever witnessed in the 90's, practically trumping all manners of Elbow Drops and Leg Drops period.

That, and the move looked like it hurt both combatants like hell.

Kane's/Big Show's/Undertaker's Chokeslam: Remember when this was an impressive feat; to see these big men take their opponent's neck, pick them up, and drop them to the mat? Remember all the shit WW(F)E used to get because kids would try that shit at home and have to pay a visit to the hospital? Nostalgia central.

Mick Foley's Mandible Claw: He used to get disqualified for this move; that's how badass it was. One of the most interesting submission finishers to come out of the 90's it was doomed to put a smile on victim's faces while they wreathed in agony.

Tommy Dreamer's Dreamer Driver: Unlike the Attitude Adjustment, this move wound up dropping many people on their head on the way down. Still on of my favorite combinations of a Fireman's Carry Finisher.

Sabu's Triple Jump Into Moonsault: Perhaps the most innovative aerial finisher including a weapon. This move (most of the time botched) made a lasting impression on the legacy of Terry Brunk. It was an impressive sight to behold once executed correctly. No other finisher compares to the creative swerve that was the Triple Jump.

Just to name a few.
well Im markin out and goin with the Jackhammer, nobody has gotten up from it ever and when he hit is holding his opponent up completely vertical with 1 arm, even to The Giant not everybody can hold a 500 lb man up with 1 arm let alone hold him perfectly vertical while doing so.
For me, it has to be the Stone Cold Stunner. I first got into wrestling watching Austin stun everything in sight. Everytime he did it, the crowd would go crazy. As a kid, I would cheer and scream a big "YEAH!".

The best part of the SCS was the way that others sold it. Especially The Rock. He would flop around like a fish out of water. It just made the move look so devastating. And the way Austin would roll over to them and talk up close to his face! Its the favorite image I have of watching wrestling.
A move i loved watching was Buff Bagwells Blockbuster, 2nd rope sunset flip style neckbreaker. Always looked amazing when he did it. After Buff's neck got injured he stopped doing it but i can still see him do it.
Some of the most impressive I've seen...

Lou Spicoli-the Death Valley Driver,aka Spicoli slam...first time he uncorked it the ECW crowd was so crazed...they called out "ONE MORE TIME!,ONE MORE TIME!!"

Giant/Big Show - chokeslam,nothing fancy there,BUT when a guy that size holds you up that high and plants you down on your ass....say goodnight!!

Vadersault - A guy that size should not be that agile! I bet more than one guy when looking up and seeing that coming in,probably shit their pants!

The Tazmission--One of the reasons why they now "tap" in wrestling,IF he got it sunk in deep....get the stretcher ready 'cuz U R FUCKED!!

Wow! I forgot about the Vadersault, that has to be the best finisher of all time. Personally the Sharpshooter is a favorite of the 90's (probably because I grew up a huge Hitman fan).

Just remembered one that hasn't been seen in a long time - The Steiner Screwdriver. I would guess Scott stopped using it because it just had to be really dangerous. Looked like it could kill someone.
Wow! I forgot about the Vadersault, that has to be the best finisher of all time. Personally the Sharpshooter is a favorite of the 90's (probably because I grew up a huge Hitman fan).

Just remembered one that hasn't been seen in a long time - The Steiner Screwdriver. I would guess Scott stopped using it because it just had to be really dangerous. Looked like it could kill someone.

Scotty brought it out in a match against Petey Williams as well as the Frankensteiner. Agreed with the SSD even thought I'm pretty sure it was used mostly in Japan.

I'm surprised that no one's mentioned the good old-fashioned sleeper hold.
If you are talking about finishers that were over with the fans then yea i can understand the people's elbow but really? The best move of the 90's?

If you are looking at most devastating you have to go with the Pedigree. There is not a finisher out there like it. If you look on youtube you can see him doing it to HBK and typical shawn trying to oversell it like he did with everything is lucky to still be walking!!!!!

If I had to choose a submission I would have to go with Crippler Crossface. It was unique and you put that on someone, even if then get to the ropes the damage is done. Whether wrestling is fake or hurts!!!

If I have to pick a high flying move I loved the Buff Blockbuster but I always liked the Phoenix Splash. Essa Rios could hit a sweet corkscrew 450.
I know it's a tag-team move, but fuck me, I don't think I ever went as insane as when the Eliminators hit "Total Elimination"!!! It was just. Fucking. Awesome! Doomsday Device had a similar effect too, but that was 80's, 90's & 00's.
As for singles finishers, I always loved:

The Diamiond Cutter- Just for the 1 million & 1 positions it was hit from.

The Jack Hammer- For it's sheer impact & the fact there wasn't anyone he couldn't do it too.

The Bubba Cutter- Just looked so impressive, esp' when it got done to Spike Dudley.

The Gore- Again for sheer impact.

The Clotheline from Hell- Anihalation!

The Amytiville Horror- Never seen it before & I fucking loved doing it on my friends!!!
This is actually a cool topic. I'm not gonna name the usual list of finishers that are used by the big names. I'm gonna name the 2 that I thought were the coolest.

1.Dean Malenko's Texas Clover Leaf was a great change of pace from the typical scorpion death lock/sharpshooter.

2. Shane (not Gregory) Helms' Vertebreaker was just a plain out scary move.

That in my opinion are the top finishers of the 90's, now had it been best finishers of the 2000 era, easily The Canadian Destroyer but that's another topic for another time.
Honestly, I never think of finishing moves by era. Granted, that's because I became a wrestling fan in the mid-80's, and by that point, there was a very clear line between "Finisher" and "Regular Move." I think the DDT is the only move to make the switch to "Regular Move" in the last 20 years.

So, without any more rant on my part, I'll just do a quick Top 10 of my favorite Finishers from wrestlers of that era.

Honorable Mention: Scorpion Deathlock/Sharpshooter, Razor's Edge, Tombstone, Doomsday Device, Vertebreaker

10: Michinoku Driver (TAKA Michinoku): Also known as the Juvi Driver, this is one of those moves that just looks like it hurts like hell, especially given how simple it looks to deliver.

9: Stone Cold Stunner (Steve Austin): I don't think I need to explain this any more than other people already have. The main thing that keeps this move from being higher on the list is the general lack of positions that it can be applied from.

8: 450 Splash (2 Cold Scorpio): This is, by far, my favorite top rope move ever. 2 Cold Scorpio made this move into a living art form during the 1990's.

7: TazMission (Taz): I've always been a fan of submission wrestling. A tapout just makes a victory seem more concrete, in my eyes. Taz broke out a Judo choke that, to my knowledge, hadn't been used in American wrestling, and almost single-handedly made it noteworthy.

6: Diamond Cutter ("Diamond" Dallas Page): Take everything great about the Stone Cold Stunner, and add in the ability to lock it on from pretty much any position, and you have a winner.

5: Jackhammer (Goldberg): Honestly, if someone with any less power than Goldberg used this move, I don't think I would like it as much. But, with Goldberg doing this move to The Giant (Big Show), you just knew that anyone else who was taking this move was going to be sore the next day.

4: Dragon Sleeper (Ultimo Dragon): I have no idea what it is about choke submissions that inspire my awe, but Ultimo Dragon had this move down to an exact science in WCW, and it was almost always the end of the match when it was locked in.

3: Pedigree (Hunter Hearst Helmsley): I defy anyone to tell me that they weren't impressed with Hunter Hearst Helmsley the first time they saw this move. It's a brutal move, and takes talent to either give, or to take.

2: Last Rites (Christopher Daniels): You'd know this move today as the "CrossRhodes." I can't really describe why I love this move, but it's probably my favorite move of all time.

1: Piledriver (Jerry "The King" Lawler): This is the reason that the Last Rites isn't #1. This move has been around for as long as wrestling, and actually started the short list of moves that are outright banned in a lot of wrestling companies. While the DDT got demoted from "Viable Finisher" to "Commonplace Move," the Piledriver got promoted from "Viable Finisher" to "Plot Device."

Even in 2010, people still mark out when this move is delivered, because we all know the level of damage it can do.
For me it has to be the Jackhammer purely for the fact that even though most of the guys Goldberg destroyed were jobbers, a lot of them were BIG and to be able to hold them up vertical like that was freaking awesome (the night he did it to the Giant, I flipped out!)
5. Sweet chin music- so quick so devastating a move that many people have used it but nobody could do it like hbk could
4. The pedigree- so powerful and so devastating when hhh put you down you didnt get up
3. The rock bottom- incredibly powerful the rock got so much elevation alot of people have used it as finisher but nobody can do it like the rock can
2. Stone cold stunner- so quick so devastating it was a huge reason stone cold was as big as he was.
1. CONCHAIRTO- I cant believe nobody else listed it yet. So dangerous looking and so violent the ultimate way to make sure your opponent doesnt get back up
most of my favorites have already been mentioned, but there are still just a few that have not been...

Steiner Recliner. basic camel clutch but elevated and trapped for just that bit of extra effect. plus, Steiner's arms were so huge that it looked freaking terribly painful.

Tequila Sunrise. Konnan's spinning arm-trapped single-leg crab. like one poster before me noted, a tap out victory just seems so much more decisive than a pinfall, so these two get the spots that haven't already been taken.

honorable mentions of course go to Sweet Chin Music, Stone Cold Stunner, Rock Bottom and People's Elbow combination, Mandible Claw, Chokeslam and Tombstone combination and the Spear and Jackhammer combination. totally devastating thru and thru.
Obviously some of mine have been mentioned already- the 5 star frog splash, the steiner screwdriver, stone cold stunner.

But some others are

Anklelock- Ken Shamrock

The look of intensity on his face when he locked it in, you felt the guys ankle would break any second! So much better than Angles version

The Raven Effect- Raven

My favourite DDT of all time, it looked fantastic, and i think it fitted the Raven character so well

Arabian Facebuster- Sabu

A top rope leg drop is awesome enough, but leg dropping a chair into someones face? BRUTAL

Van Daminator- Rob Van Dam

Drop kicking a chair into someones face, spectacular, painful and just cool to see! RVD could hit this in so many ways, its just a devastating move

Lo-Down- D'Lo Brown

A totally unique version of the Frog Splash, this is spectacular to see, probably the 2nd best frog splash in the business, after RVD's 5 Star.

Cradle Piledriver- Jerry Lynn

Piledrivers are always spectacular, but Jerry made his a thing of beauty. It really did look like the guy was dropped right on his head, and looked so dangerous

Impaler- Gangrel

Now the DDT in my favourite move in the business, but this one, a jumping Spike DDT was awesome! Love how the guy taking it ends up in mid air at one point. Such a cool move

Moneymaker- Kid Kash

An underhook piledriver, similar to the Jay Driller used now in ROH by Jay Briscoe, the first time I saw Kash hit his it was a HOLY SH*T moment! Such a vicious looking move, I love it!

Swanton Bomb- Jeff Hardy

The first time I saw this must have been right at the end of the 90s i think, which is when I started watching wrestling, before going back and watching tapes of all the earlier WWE and ECW shows. A guy jumping off the top rope, flipping in mid air and landing back first on his opponent???? It was something I had never seen before and totally blew me away, making The Hardy Boyz my favourite wrestlers for a few years
Like Caitiff said, it's really hard to define a finishing move by a decade. So, like him, I'll comprise a top 10 list of all time greatest finishers.

10) The Sleeper Hold -- Best done by Roddy Piper, but the Barber did it well to. It's the simplest of submission moves to apply, and if sold properly, it looks awesome.

9) The DDT -- Best done by Jake "The Snake" Roberts. His DDT set the standard for everyone else, and no one delievers it quite like Jake did.

8) The Perfect-plex/Fisherman's Suplex -- Perfected by Mr. Perfect.

7) The Texas Cloverleaf -- Only done by Dean Malenko (to the best of my knowledge). This is possibly one of the greatest submission moves of all time.

6) The Diamond Cutter/RKO -- Personally I like DDP's version better. He sold the "out of nowhere" delivery better. Either way, it's just a devistating looking move.

5) The Razor's Edge/Outsider's Edge/Crucifix Powerbomb -- Currently done by Sheamus, but best done by Scott Hall. This was always a favorite of mine to watch. Anytime you land on the back of your head, it's got to hurt, and this move was designed specificlly for that.

4) The Pedigree -- HHH found something early in his career, and it's benefited him well over the years. Talk about a headache in the morning.

3) The Frog Splash -- Best done by Eddie Guerrero. All other frog splashes were cheap knock-offs.

2) The Ankle Lock -- When Ken Shamrock put that on, I always thought his opponet's leg was going to snap. Kurt Angle preformed it nicely, and it was great to see him grapevine the leg.

1) The Superkick -- Perfected by Shawn Michaels. His set-up for Sweet Chin Music was awesome, and helped sell the after effects, but wasn't needed. When he hit it out of desperation, it was just as effective.
I will say the 4 finishers in the industry that got the biggest pop and theer 4 desreve to be the best finishers ever as as followed

5. Elbow Drop (Macho Man)

4. Gorilla Press & Splas (Ultimate Warrior)

3. Stone Cold Stunner (Steve Austin)


1. The Dooms Day Device (Road Warriors)

Just in my opinion no one mentioning the leg drop is beyond me as the fans always went nuts when that move started, and finished.

ALSO DOOMS DAY DEVICE: the most pain full looking move ever !!!! how can nobody of mentioned that............ cant believe it

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