Best Elimination Chamber Match


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Okay, pretty simple question really.

There have been 11 in total since the first in 2002 and most have had some electricity in them as well, but out of the 11, which is your favourite and why do you pick this as your favourite?

My favourite would have to be the first ever in 2002. Shawn Michaels won his first World Heavyweight title only to lose it a month later but it was an amazing match, had me on the edge of my seat as well. A great match overall and had some great competitors in the match aswell. This match for me is the best Chamber match ever.

I've told you mine, whats yours?
I havent been watching wrestling as long as some other people have here, a lot of peolpe will disagree with me, but i really enjoyed the extreme elimination chamber at decmberr to dismember when bobby lashley won the title. i think it was a really fun match that entertained me.
In my opinion, the best elimination chamber match was the one in '06 where Cena retained the title (New Year's Revolution). Not because he kept the strap, but because of Carlito's performance in the match. He eliminated half of the participants, including two big names: Kane and Shawn Michaels. Then he was the last, and only, participant eliminated by John Cena. Carlito isn't worth anything anymore, but back then he was receiving a great push, which they should have kept going. That match did him a lot of justice, and he hasn't done anything that great in a LONG time.
I've loved them all... even the Extreme Elimination Chamber which gets so much shit for some reason. It was a damn good match! Anyway, for me it's a toss up between the Raw Elimination Chamber in 2009 or the very first one at Survivor Series 2002. Both were really dramatic matches which both had me on the edge of my seat. But if I had to pick one, it would be the Raw Elimination Chamber from 2009. Just an amazing match from top to bottom.
for me i would have to say the second elimination chamber which happened in summerslam 2003 if you look at the names involoved HHH,HBK,Y2J,orten,nash,and my favorite goldberg what i really liked about this match was the storyline i thought i was really good
The SD portion of the recent Elimination Chamber was brilliant, and the Raw one was close behind it in my opinion. But then, I've only seen the one Elim Chamber PPV.
The Extreme Elimination Chamber was awful for so many reasons. Hardcore Holly being in it and Punk getting eliminated first are a few.

The best one and the one I enjoyed most was the 2003 one for two reasons: Goldberg and HHH.

When Goldberg got into that match, he dominated Jericho, HBK, and Orton for over five minutes. Then he turned his attention to HHH. The crowd was hot for Goldberg and that went away just like that when HHH hit him with that sledgehammer and won the match. HHH had zero offense before that and it was amazing. I've never seen a crowd go from wild and crazy to almost dead silent. I believe HHH was injured going into that match so I understand why they did what they had to do but it was brilliant nonetheless.
I think the Elimination Chamber matches are always performed to a high standard and the only one that I can think of that I didn't really enjoy was the extreme one at december to dismember.

With that being said, the best one was the original at Survivor Series 2002. Six huge names entering the unknown. At the time everything in the match was so exciting and intriguing because it had never been done before. However, I can watch it today and still enjoy it as much as I did back then. It was entertaining from beginning to end, especially at the end when HBK won the world title.

Close runner up would be the 2003 Elimination Chamber match. Pretty similar to the reasons LJL stated in his post. It was already a good match, but when Goldberg came into the match, the action didn't stop for a second. Also, the way HHH beat him with the use of the sledgehammer was genius. Good match but only second best behind the original.
For Me it has to be No Way Out 2009, when Edge lost The WWE Title, Then Won the World Heavyweight Title, less than 2 hours later!
Because i don't have any way of watching PPV's, this was my first real live event i watched, and by edge doing what he does best, That will be the Best Elimination Chamber Match ever.
I loved the Summerslam 2003 EC. It was awesome pushing Randy, and the intensity of the feud between Goldberg and HHH. Great ending too Goldberg breaking the glass and HHH smashing the hammer on Goldberg. It made Goldberg look like the monster athlete he was and HHH the shit the he was.
my favorite is new years revolution 2005. while i agree that the summerslam one was also very good, in my opinion it was kind of a short match.

but 2005 NYR is so good because the setup of the match with the whole vacant championship when edge and benoit beat each other at the same time. then you have batista who is starting to get a little over with the crowd and you can tell he wants to turn on triple h. then you add randy orton and y2j into the mix with hbk as the special guest referee, i mean this match was just off the chain the my opinion. it had all of raws biggest stars all in one match and every single one of them was over with the crowd.

in my opinion the only reason the 2006 one was good was because edge cashed in the mitb after the match, the actual match itself wasnt that good.

and the only thing that has been good recently in my opinion was edge losing in one and then winning in another last year.
I must admit I've always enjoyed the very first Elimination Chamber, not because Shawn Michaels won, or because Triple H lost, not because of any particular names were in it, if it was purely for the names, it would've been the New Year's Revolution one from 2005.

But the thing that made this match special was the fact that it was the very first one of them, seeing this huge steel structure for the first time, and seeing the wrestlers slowly inspect the structure.
The moves that were made on the in that match, it innovated new ways of violence if you ask me, seeing as how quickly a lot of the guys in there were reduced to a bloody mess, especially Triple H, which I've always liked about the Elimination Chamber matches Triple H would be in (during his Evolution period, the 3 chambers he wer in) he was always left a bloody mess, but would come out on top (except for this one, but it was fine because while I didn't like it because Shawn won, I still must admit it added a little bit to it)
I personally loved the 2009 eliminations chambers (either will do). They were both great matches and for once the WWE actually suprised me with something different. Edge losing his title within seconds, then assualting Kofi to get the WWE championship (correct me if I'm wrong I can't remember if it was WHC or WWE :p) . That was great because it was 2 good matches and I can't remember the WWE suprising me like that for quite some time.
2002, that was one sticks out in my mind as memorable, Extreme version was pretty unique but forgettable due to the card it was on, Summerslam 2003's version was a makeshift elimination chamber as HHH was injured and WWE had build up Goldberg/HHH for a while, so they joined 2 other feuds, and had a big match, plus with Orton in the match it played a good storyline for HHH retaining, but most of them are forgettable, the first two and extreme elimination chamber stand out, but the one that I can remember is the first one, it felt like the whole event was built up around the elimination chamber.
I must admit I've always enjoyed the very first Elimination Chamber, not because Shawn Michaels won, or because Triple H lost, not because of any particular names were in it, if it was purely for the names, it would've been the New Year's Revolution one from 2005.

But the thing that made this match special was the fact that it was the very first one of them, seeing this huge steel structure for the first time, and seeing the wrestlers slowly inspect the structure.
The moves that were made on the in that match, it innovated new ways of violence if you ask me, seeing as how quickly a lot of the guys in there were reduced to a bloody mess, especially Triple H, which I've always liked about the Elimination Chamber matches Triple H would be in (during his Evolution period, the 3 chambers he wer in) he was always left a bloody mess, but would come out on top (except for this one, but it was fine because while I didn't like it because Shawn won, I still must admit it added a little bit to it)

The 2002 Survivor Series felt special not only because of the elimination chamber but the whole event had that awe inspiring feel, I don't know it's because of MSG either but when I watch both Survivor series 1996 and 2002 (both from MSG) I get the feel of something special, 2002 had the debut of the elimination chamber and the whole event seemed to be building and built up to this point it was amazing, HBK winning kind of capped off a great match, had HHH of won it wouldn't of felt special and would of been forgotten since he went on to win 5 or 6 elimination chambers afterward.
had HHH of won it wouldn't of felt special and would of been forgotten since he went on to win 5 or 6 elimination chambers afterward.

Not Necessarily, I would've still remembered it at least, because I didn't care for the winner (of course I might have complained a little over a Kane or RVD win as opposed to a Triple H or Shawn Michaels win)

And I think Triple H winning it would've still made it memorable, seeing as (even though it's not the first time) he was the first to enter, and would've then made it all the way, being bloody and battered by almost every single guy that entered the match, who everybody seemed to be very targeting towards Triple H because he was the champion (until Shawn came out where Triple H and Jericho started going at him)
The best elimination chamber was the original in 02' at Survivor Series in Madison Square Garden. Also might i add I'm pretty sure it was shawn micheals return to paperview after 5 years or something (I think). But yeah that was the best chamber
I have 3 picks obviously the first one, why? BECAUSE IT WAS THE FIRST ONE you didnt know what to expect and HBK winning WOW!

secondly the EC that had the vacant WH title. for me in that EC you had ALL THE TALENT thta the E could offer(eith the exeption of the only wrestler that needed to be there: Cena).you had the present and future of the E: HHH, HBK (even if he was just the referee), Y2J, RKO, Edge, Benoit and Batista, awesome card

my last pick would be one that no one mentioned: the first No Way Out that had 2 EC but only the Raw chamber, for me in terms of wrestling skills it was really really good, and seing the last two Jeff and HHH big finale!
i think most of the chamber matches have been amazing. In particular the ecw extreme one i enjoyed as it was different. The first was amazing as it was the excitement of a new match.
It's a difficult question. 2002 was an excellent matchw ith Shawn winning the title in MSG really being a great moment, while 2003 kinda gets the wind sucked out of it's sails because Triple H uses a Sledgehammer to pin Goldberg in a poor piece of booking. 2005 was an entertaining contest with the special referee stimpulation being pretty exciting seeing as Shawn had history with everyone in that match. In 2006 we had the Extreme Rules version which never really warmed up to me. In 2008 we got two with The SD one not being that entertaining (mainly because it consisted of various big men) while the Raw one was fun it still wasn't that good. In 2009 both matches were very entertaining and while the SD one was fun it was predictable but the Raw one was far from it with Edge taking Kofi out. Lastly we have this years set with Raw being okay and SD putting on a great show.

Personally I have to go with the original. The fact Shawn was victorious and we had all the confetti coming down was great especially with Triple H having to fight from the start against guys who he had a past with like Kane, Chris Jericho and RVD and a future with (Booker T) before finally getting to his hated foe. It was a great set-up an piece of booking that still hasn't been matched (yet) when it comes to the Chamber.
2002, the original as with most originals was the best imo. I was gettin excited before the event began just to see what the chamber looked like and the fact that it was HBK's 2nd match since his return and the thought of him being slammed onto & into steel and chains with his condition was enough alone to make it the stand out chamber match. The reaction of the crowd as always in MSG was electric and other than The Rock winning the strap at Backlash 2000 ive never heard a louder reaction to a title win as HBK's win. The general setting, originality (is that a word) of the whole match was 1st class , and the superstars involved must go down in history for their accomplishments that night. Triple H suffered a crushed Trachea (throat) from a botched RVD frog splash and managed to continue the match (as always) even taking the sweet chin to the throat area, a true legend!! Only downfall of this match (have a chuckle if you've seen the HBK dvd) was HBK's brown pants and Dutch boy hair-doo.......WHAT? p.s. 2nd fave: NYR 2005, how good was that Batista heel turn storyline portrayed?superb!
I liked the one from New Year Revolution 2005. That was a good time for WWE. Batista, Orton, and Edge were all about to take the next step to the main event and Triple H, Benoit, and Jericho were established main eventers there to help them make the transition. Everyone just seemed to fit in so well together. HBK as the ref was a nice touch too. This was a star studded match and this was just the raw roster. WWE also had Cena, Angle, JBL, and Eddie among others. 2005 was a good year.

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