Best Dx Mockings!!!!

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Dark Match Jobber
Hey all. Which DX mocking do you think is the best.

1. HHH and HBK mocking Vince and shane
2. DX mocking the nation of domination (dont remember it quite that much but i believe HHH played "The crock".....but i dont remember the rest but i knew it was pretty funny.)
3. DX mocking the corporation (Road Dogg was mocking vince, Mr Ass mocked shane and so on."
dont remember 2 n 3 that well, but the whole gag of micheals coming out as shane 0 mac was pretty funny. so 1
I would have to say the best DX mockings have to be all three of them. DX mocking the Nation, the Corporation and McMahons.
When DX mocked the Nation. It was sooooooooooooooo FUNNY!! Their new mockings of Vince and Shane do not compare. Triple H was "the Crock" or the The Rock, a guy mocked Mark Henry, and their was this guy who impersontated Owen Hart (RIP). He has had Owen Hart's voice down to the T. "I am not a nugget..."!

Flames Out
The mocking of Shane and Vince wasnt that interesting but the nation mockings were the best

EDIT: This thread is gunna get closed as theres a DX thread at the top of the page.
The Nation of Domination mocking was one of the funniest moments EVER. HHH was the Crock, X-pac was Mark henry, roaddog was d'lo brown, i think billy gunn was the godfather, and the kid who did owen hart was so accurate, it was histerical
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