Best And Worst Shoot Interviews


Championship Contender
Just been watching a load of shoot interviews lately and was wondering, out of you guys, what shoots you've seen that've been your favourites and what've been the worst?

My personal favourite is the New Age Outlaws shoot and that's simply because of the Road-Dogg, he admits he's stoned out of his tree yet gives, in my opinion, some really honest and, often, funny opinions on things. Billy Gunn was a bit of a hindrance to the shoot in that he took himself a bit more seriously but Road-Dogg was great.

My worst has to be the Ken Anderson shoot because, simply put, the bloke is a tool. He was talking about how the steroid thing still wasn't his fault and he was also saying he couldn't understand why Randy Orton was upset with how he dropped him in his last WWE match (even though he'd just got back from a shoulder injury himself). The man's a joke and yet still couldn't see what he'd done wrong.

Any other personal recommendations or ones to avoid?
The best shoot interview was Brickhouse Browns!! its totally epic! lol

the worst one without a shadow of a doubt was Scotty Riggs it was so boring. His main claim in life was being on family fued!
I'd say Goldberg's interview about why he quit wrestling, both good and bad considering the crazy shit Russo pulled doesn't give him a decent excuse for leaving the Attitude Era.

Besides that, I'd say that ECW's Heyman rant about TNN was epicly delivered, especially considering the follow-up.
Steve Austin's rant against WCW and Eric Bischoff on ECW was the best legit shoot interview I have ever heard. It was absolutely brilliant.
Shawns shoot shortly after retiring was pretty good considering he openly talked about the screw job and being a prick. To bad a lot of the stuff he said about the screw job were lies, but still a good shoot none the less.

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