Best and Worst Feud Right Now?!

That N Word

Actively evolving
Last Month, Someone did this for NOC I believe. I am doing the same thread for HIAC. What is the best feud going right now,the worst feud.

The Best Feud: Obviously Reigns vs. Wyatt for me. Roman Reigns is getting pretty damn good on the mic. Last week, he had a rough week on the mic. But this week he showed us once again a pretty good mic performance. This feud is bringing out the best in both man and is making them both stars. Some was worried that one or the other would be buried by this feud. But both are looking like a million bucks

This has been THE feud. Not Brock/Taker what is suppose to headline HIAC but Wyatt/Reigns. They have been opening and closing shows and has been the focal point of the middle of the show as well. IMO they should be the headline match because they have been the main feud.

The Worst Feud: Rusev vs. Summer Rae- Self-Explanatory... but if were going with a match that will happen at HIAC feud then it is a toss up between Ryback vs. Kevin Owens and the Mid-Card hell 6 man tag.

I didn't choose Taker vs. Lesnar because they're feud started 16 months ago and has moments like the streak ending,the massive brawl on Raw,and the controversial finish. Only big problem with this feud is neither one really showing up and the fact that they made Taker look like the badass face and Lesnar look like the scared heel. It lacks logic for the fact that Taker was just the cowardly heel and Lesnar was the pissed off monster babyface.
Best feud - Taker vs. Lesnar i guess, not any feuds are that intriguing right now, the roster has been putting on good matches lately but the storytelling is brutal.. They can't do shit when they're so limited on what they can do.

Worst feud - Anything involved with the divas, it's always been like that. They don't know how to create intriguing stories with these woman.
To tell you the truth they're all pretty bad right now.

I can't get into the Reigns/Wyatt feud. Way to many changes/adds/injuries have happened. Didn't understand why it all started to begin with and it's gotten more con fluted as time's worn on.

Take/Lesnar. Another feud which started up after a year and a half of Taker waiting to get his revenge. Never mind in the meantime he's fought Wyatt, and said squat about that.

Rusev/Ziggler. Ugh just ugh. Should never have happened.

So I guess the best feud is New Day/Dudley Boys for me. Anything New Day is involved in is entertaining, and this promises to be no different.

Wonder what Wyatt would look like with a saxophone. Now that I would watch.
It's kind of sad that I had to look at wikipedia to remind myself of the various matches and feuds.

I'm going to go through them all and decide afterwards.

Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro and Neville vs. Rusev, Sheamus and King Barrett: Er, is this supposed to be a feud? I know they've been clashing lately, but hulu hasn't shown much.

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar: I was intriguing during their Wrestlemania build up and thought the lead-in to SummerSlam was pretty damn good. But I have no reason to be invested in this, as I still can't tell who is the villain or not. Both switch roles on a show to show basis. Plus, they've had interaction between Hell in a Cell and SummerSlam? The drama has been deflated.

Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt: My interest keeps drifting in and out of this storyline and is probably a contender for 'the best', even though it's nothing special. There have been some good twists and turns, but there have also moments when it felt like they were just killing time. Rowan's return could've brought a new spark, but it was poorly timed and treated like an afterthought. At least this is one of the few times I've understood Bray's motivations though.

Seth Rollins Vs Kane: I will give the writers credit, they've tried hard to make this feud work. There have been some fun moments, but quite frankly...Kane just looks too old to be convincing as the demon. I feel bad for saying that, as he can still perform surprisingly well, but it's just kind of hard to take him seriously. Plus, Kane has been booked so badly in the last year that he shouldn't be anywhere near the belt. Sting might have lost his only WWE match, but at least he's a novelty. We've seen too much of Kane and we've seen him lose a lot more than he wins. The writing is sloppy and convoluted, but at least kind of ambitious.

Charlotte Vs Nikki: BORING. Sasha has been more interesting and Paige has stolen the show. Charlotte feels so irrelevant, even though she's champion and Nikki seems almost obsolete these days.

The New Day Vs Dudley Boys: I enjoyed this storyline at first, but they've ultimately run out of ideas and now they're just combining this with other storylines. I think they should've added another team into the mix for HiaC, like the Prime Time Players. That could've given the proper dynamic to this sagging storyline.

Ryback Vs Kevin Owens: Hulu doesn;t like this storyline, but to be honest...I've enjoyed what I've seen. They seem like they genuinely want to destroy each-other. Simple stuff, but well done.

So the best? Probably Paige Vs Natalya/PCB, which of course won't be a match for the PPV. Other than that, I might just say Ryback and Owens because nothing has really pissed me off about it and I want to see them tear each-other apart. I don't really care to see Roman and Bray in the ring again, even though the storyline is more complex and has sometimes struck higher notes.

Worst: Rusev-Summer, but if that doesn't count...Nikki/Charlotte. Nikki's defeat should've meant something, but it was anti-climactic and Charlotte hasn't been allowed to stand out as the champ because she keeps being upstaged by everyone else. I blame the writers though, as they're presented her as a vanilla babyface, when she probably would be more comfortable as the wild card.
I guess Undertaker vs. Lesnar is the best feud because at least it feels big. It's two huge stars and it's ultimately about the fucking Streak ending, so it's pretty much impossible for it not to feel big. Still pretty fucking stupid to have Undertaker kicking people in the dick, but what the hell do I know.

Seth Rollins vs. Kane is a fun little storyline with one major flaw. It's for the belt. Kane is not a credible threat, but it gets a bit of a pass because Rollins plays the heel roll so well and it's not like this is going to headline PPVs. They can do it because they have Lesnar vs. Taker as the real main event.

Wyatt vs. Reigns is lame. Ryback vs. Owens is completly generic and epitomizes everything wrong with how wrestling is being written in 2015. New Day vs. The Dudleys is fun just because the teams are so over, but there's no real story progression there. The divas division is doing pretty well I guess, Paige did her whole CM Punk promo and that seemed to work out okay. Honestly I'm not paying that close attention to most of this shit, which says a lot in and of itself.

The Rusev/Ziggler/Summer/Lana angle was going very well until Lana got hurt. The crowd was responding, regardless of what idiots on here may think. Now with Lana off TV they're fucked. This angle had potential. It was pretty over, all the pieces were there, but they couldn't bring it too an effective conclusion and now with Lana out there's not much they can do. Who'd have thought things would get muddled and confused when you have a writing staff of 20 people? Fuck.
Best - Sadly I'd have to say Brock vs. Taker. The reason why I say sadly is because Brock and Taker only been on TV once since the buildup for HIAC began. All the other feuds have been lackluster. Dudleyz vs. New Day had potential but they're overdoing it with all these six man tags.

Worse - Seth Rollins vs. Kane. Rollins is scared of Kane of 2015. I could see if this was 1998-2001 Kane but this is Kane of 2015. At some point Rollins has to be booked better.
To be fair, I'm pretty sure Seth Rollins would be scared of Curtis Axel if he challenged him. The only person who hasn't been able to drive him away is Heath Slater.
Best Feud is Paige with Natalya... paige is just stealing the show and they should have had paige vs natalaya at hell in a cell but unfortunately no...... other than this i like wyatt vs reigns....
Worst feud is tie between rusev-summer & charlotte-nikki..... too bad....
The Best Feud: The New Day vs. Dudleyz/Cena. It's not even that this feud has been amazing. It's just that the feud hasn't been bad. There have been a few great moments from these guys,some good moments, and a few ok moments. But no bad moments. And compared to everything else, that make's it the best.

The Worst Feud: Everything else. Storylines are horrible right now. Reigns and Wyatt have basically no heat, nothing creating intrigue, and has gone on too long. The Rusev Summer thing has been disastrous, Kane and Rollins is a mid-card feud for the World Title, and don't even get me started on the monstrosity that is the booking of the Divas.

Honestly, I think the biggest feud right now is RAW vs. TV Ratings. Or, in other words, what Vince puts on TV vs. what the fans actually want to see, which is basically anything else.
I'd go along with the TV ratings one, although the fact Vince has no-one left to beat(TNA or RoH are not credible threats to the WWE). The best work he ever did was when there was a promotion with a genuine threat to his business, now he's just gotten lazy.

In ring, best is Taker v Brock. Worst is whatever the hell Ziggler and Rusev are playing at, that's just cringeworthy. Now poor Tyler has been thrown into the mix as well, this is an angle that needed to die weeks ago and for some mind-boggling reason, it hasn't.
I'm not really interested in any of the current feuds. I felt Dolph and Breeze could pull it off but I haven't been impressed. But, I blame the writers.
Owens and Ambrose is the best feud for me right now, but it's almost by default because there are so many that are so bad. Also, with all the injuries right now, Owens is my favorite guy going so pretty much whomever he is feuding with is my favorite.

As for worst... tough choice, again, because there are so many awful ones without a true purpose. I guess I'd go with Del Rio/Swagger simply because it's incredibly boring. One guy left the company, nobody missed him, came back and immediately took the US title and made it irrelevant again. The other guy was purposely held off TV for months because he's so bad and yet here they are in a feud that is sleep-inducing and one we all know how it's going to end.
MERPER; I respect ADR in ring abilities and really liked him when he first started in WWE.

Do you feel he would be better off in NXT helping the younger guys?

I've seen rumours that his next programme will be with Brock Lesnar, and I don't see that working at all so hoping it's false.
MERPER; I respect ADR in ring abilities and really liked him when he first started in WWE.

Do you feel he would be better off in NXT helping the younger guys?

I've seen rumours that his next programme will be with Brock Lesnar, and I don't see that working at all so hoping it's false.

Del Rio is fine in the ring in terms of technical skill but he's boring. There's just nothing about him, at least IMHO, that is exciting or fun. Maybe helping the young guys is an option, not sure.

Or, like you can say about most of the roster, just give him a compelling feud. But him vs. Swagger does nothing for anyone. It's a complete snoozefest.

Is him vs. Lesnar much better? Are we supposed to believe that Lesnar (who over the past 18 months has nearly beaten Rollins, Reigns, beat Undertaker twice, crushed Cena, etc.) would lose to Del Rio? Or that Del Rio is, in any way, realistically able to beat Lesnar? I just don't know what WWE sees in him that they feel a need to force him on the audience.
Best: ECW vs. Wyatts- FAR better than the dream feud of Wyatt vs. Brothers of Destruction. Dream feuds/matches tend to suck in reality. Maybe its best they stay out of reality. I have been noticing that a lot ( Wyatt/Ambrose,Wyatt/Taker,Brock/Reigns,Reigns/Batista,Orton/Owens.)

Second best is Paige vs. Charlotte (vs. Becky)- I love this feud right now and I love the heel Flair/Charlotte duo. I initially hated Charlotte as a babyface but she is damn good as a heel. Even though the Face/Hero roles are confusing I like it. I wish they would add Becky making it a Triple Threat Ladder it would have made more sense.

Ambrose vs. Owens isn't that bad but its only had a week of build with both man involved with each other for real. Which is no fault of either one. But for what they had they did a damn good job with it.

Worst- Literally everything else. Reigns/The Family vs. Sheamus/L.O.N. vs. was a dream feud to some around this time last year. But its terrible right now. If the face/heel roles were reversed it would probably be better. One question is why is Uso's not focused on their own feud? They are more worried about helping Reigns win gold than their selves. Del Rio/Swagger has just been terrible. Probably the worst feud of all-time. Lucha Dragon vs. New Day vs. Usos as just been the same tag team match over and over again. With one of The Usos only appearance in the feud stomping out Xavier like heels. Did I miss any feuds?
The best feud - ( with the most promise of an excellent match if given a good amount of time ) - Kevin Owens vs Dean Ambrose - IMO Dean Ambrose doesn't put on a good short match, I feel he's the type of wrestler that would be a great 45-50 minute wrestler who takes a great deal of damage in a long match and mounts a late comeback. Kevin Owens is the best wrestler in the WWE so I think given a long match with Ambrose could be gold. He had three MOTY Candidates with Cena that were excellent matches.

Worst feud is a tie for Del Rio vs Swagger and Rusev vs Ryback - It's a tie for me as both matches have zero interest. Ryback only works when he's fighting a more agile type wrestler and can throw his opponent around. Rusev and Ryback could engage in a long grudge match but would the crowd still be awake at the end of the match ? Del Rio vs Swagger is another WHO CARES ? feud. It's just about the most obvious outcome possible, there's no way Swagger walks out with the U.S Title against Del Rio who is freshly back in WWE and just starting his run with the belt. On the other hand, if WWE gave these two some real time to work with in the ring, I think they could really steal the show. No Joke. I could picture a 30 minute technical masterpiece if done right, both wrestlers are able and willing to do such a match, but I highly doubt the WWE will give them any real time on Sunday.

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