Benoits Legacy Cemented by WWE Network


Occasional Pre-Show
Thanks to the immense amount of archived (in particular WCW) content on the WWE network, Chris Benoit will forever be cemented in WWE and wrestling history. Even though he will never make the HoF, I believe through the public nature and accessibility of these archives, there will come a day where his legacy in the ring will outshine the controversy surrounding him.

If we were reliant on replay and a DVD home archive, Benoit (as he had been previously) could have been selectively removed from history. With all the content so readily available now it is impossible to remove someone who played such pivotal roles in wrestling history (WMXX, Ortons First title win to name a few).

I have to applaud WWE for leaving history unaltered in terms of Benoit. Despite his outside issues (which is putting it mildly), the man is one of the all time greats in the ring.

So what do you all think...

Do you believe it is possible that there will come a day where Chris Benoits legacy in the ring will outshine the controversy surrounding his death?
No, I don't see it happening.

The truth is Benoit was a glorified upper midcarder who was never a major draw who happened to murder his family and then take his own life. I enjoyed watching Benoit, I was shocked to hear the news when it happened, but no matter how good he may have been, he will always be the guy who murdered his wife and son due to head trauma directly related to pro wrestling and will forever be a black mark on the industry.
The fact is, Benoit won the main event of WrestleMania 20 at Madison Square Garden. He won the Royal Rumble from number one. He was world champion in WCW and WWE, and held just about every title available in those promotions. On top of that, he was widely regarded as one of, if not the, best technical wrestler in history. You can't ignore or erase that, so I'm glad WWE isn't editing him out or blurring him or whatever.

That said, the killings will always outweigh everything else. OJ Simpson is best remembered as a psychopathic criminal, not as a football player or actor.

He's not being showcased. The reason the WWE has left him in is because he's a part of history for other popular wrestlers. It wouldn't be fair to take away great matches they had with him because of his decision.

I find it very weird for someone to forget that this guy murdered his wife and son, then offed himself all because he did a cool flying headbutt.
Benoit is a tragedy, a tragedy that was brought on after years of diving headbutts, chairshots to the face, and other insane spots Benoit took like a crash dummy. I really liked Benoit, I liked him a lot. But what he did to his family was an unfortunate incident that could have been prevented if companies like WCW, or WWE understood how important it is to keep your athletes healthy. His legacy will forever be overshadowed by the fact he murdered his family before killing himself. Because of that, no one can honor Benoit with a seat in the hall of fame.
His legacy will never "outshine" the horrible acts that he committed nor should it. I get it, Benoit was a great technician, he was entertaining, he was an amazing wrestler, but he committed one of the most heinous crimes a person can commit, he murdered his wife and child in cold blood.

As mentioned above, nobody glorifies OJ Simpson because he was a great football player. He murdered his wife and her lover and that's it. He will never be in the HOF, he will never be "remembered" for his football career because he was a disgraceful person. He might as well have never played football.

I don't know all the facts about Benoit's head trauma or whatnot but he still committed the crime and he doesn't deserve to be remembered imo. People always say, "But his crimes don't take away from what he did in the ring!" No they don't but for me personally, I can't enjoy watching a Chris Benoit match anymore. It's easy to talk about this as an "unfortunate accident" but the truth is, Benoit committed filicide and matricide in cold blood. If it were anybody else, no MATTER the head trauma, he would be labeled a monster
Fuck Chris Benoit.

And fuck anyone who thinks his "legacy in the ring" should outweigh the fact that he KILLED his wife and son.

It amazes me that this is actually a topic of discussion.
The thing about Chris Benoit is that whatever legacy he had as a professional wrestler is and probably always shall be VASTLY overshadowed by the fact that he murdered his wife & son before taking his own life and the controversial debates on performance enhancing drugs & head trauma in the aftermath.

Inside the ring, Chris Benoit was a damn good, physically tough and devoted professional wrestler. As a wrestling fan, there's a part of me that would like to see him honored for his accomplishment and the memories he helped create for me as a fan. However, it's just not feasible because of the murder/suicide case. WWE even publicly acknowledging Chris Benoit in statements, interviews, specials or whatever runs the possibility of opening up a can of worms.
Fuck Chris Benoit.

And fuck anyone who thinks his "legacy in the ring" should outweigh the fact that he KILLED his wife and son.

It amazes me that this is actually a topic of discussion.

There are a lot of fans who can in fact separate the wrestler from the person. And kudo's to them for being able to do that.

I like the poster I quoted can't. Whenever I think of the name Chris Benoit, I think of the following:

The sentiments and the heartfelt sorrow the WWE showed on that RAW the day after they found out he died.

And then I think of the reaction after everyone found out that the son of a bitch not only killed himself, but killed his wife and son as well.

What he did obliterates anything he did in the ring. And the WWE in order to save the footage of the other wrestlers left it in. I will never watch a Benoit match, he makes me sick.
At the time Chris Beniot had been my favourite wrestler but I can't even watch his matches now and haven't watched any one of his matches since it happened, I'm glad at least the truth about the head trauma came out afterwards and I do personally think he's now made more of a tragic victim of the wrestling industry and not the monster originally, but still not face watching him anymore, I wouldn't want him completely deleted from history or any wrestling events but I do hope the WWE continues to mainly refrain from mentioning him as its not exactly a high moment in wrestling, I can't actually think of a worse moment involving wrestling.
WWE is in the damned if they do/don't situation.

The biggest reason for keeping him in isn't cos of fairness to wrestlers... it's the pure economics of a subscription service that is sold on "completeness". The concept behind the Network, that they have sold to people is you can (or will be able to eventually) watch it all... It's very difficult to do that and then start making cuts where Benoit was involved. Inevitably some fans will want to watch Benoit's matches and those who don't can skip them or have the disclaimer to at least warn them. Some won't like that he is on there but they want the subs and dollars... so it's the lesser of two evils, put the choice in the fans hands rather than be accused of "censorship" or selling a butchered product.

There are other considerations too.. like the Superfly case and even the AWA material they own and may put on there... both Snuka and Verne Gagne are in the HOF and killed someone so there is an element of hypocrisy at play if Benoit only is removed.

They are being clever in how they do it with their original programming, they show him but don't reference him directly. Take the Cruiser MNW programme, they showed Benoit as one of the Radicalz, but didn't reference him by name - going so far as to only focus on the other 3 unless it totally couldn't be avoided like when they walked into the arena or hopped the barrier. They are being quite upfront about some of the more controversial aspects of their past, even in the new Savage doc directly referencing the Steph rumors (no definitive answer however) which is a pretty major step for them... they are not hiding their dirty laundry on the Network... arguably because those who are subscribing are doing so cos they are either aware of the bad stuff or rumors or want to see it anyway/are making an informed choice.

When it comes to the HOF, there really isn't anything that should stop an induction with 2 known killers already in there... except one was a child, and that is never going to go down well. The accepted wisdom is it won't happen cos of that, but eventually in a post PG era where child marketing is not as important it could happen... while I don't see the usual pomp etc around it, it could be an off-screen induction or one where it is directly stated his actions are not condoned, accepted and the award is based on his in ring accomplishments only... There is enough medical evidence now to prove that he was of diminished capacity from his brain damage, even if that wasn't the case it's clear he suffered a severe mental breakdown to the point of insanity. The reality is had Benoit survived he would never have been convicted, just put away in a hospital as a "tragic case"...but cos he killed himself, thats' more the nail in the coffin of the reputation... "he must be guilty or he wouldn't have done that..." is now the accepted version.

Perhaps the yardstick is how his friends look at it. Jericho for example is very upfront about the fact he considered Chris a mentor and a great friend but that is legacy is destroyed for him... that's understandable, he has kids... Many fans don't and don't actually care... just as many don't care OJ was a nut or Pete Rose was gambling, Luis Suarez bites or even that Ray Rice or Stone Cold are known wife beaters...

Eventually the WWE will come to terms with Benoit and he will get his due for his career, just as Savage is now getting... there is NOTHING insurmountable. However it will be done very low key. After all, it could be argued Nancy/Woman could deserve a place in the HOF herself... can that never happen?

Some say Benoit was the worst thing to happen in the business ever... I'd disagree... aspects of the Snuka case are FAR more unsavory or that a man died for a stunt that was unnecessary. It was bad in that a child died, which is never acceptable but parents "go nuts" and kill their wives families all the time for real...intentionally or cos they are off their tits like Snuka. The reason it's the worst thing in the businesses eyes is cos SO MANY within it were either blind to his plight, saw it and didn't say anything (remember Regal's comments on the "tribute) or immediately decried him as evil before knowing the medical facts... that's WWE's cross to bear, not the deaths themselves....if there's any reason they won't induct, it'll be that...
There are other considerations too.. like the Superfly case and even the AWA material they own and may put on there... both Snuka and Verne Gagne are in the HOF and killed someone so there is an element of hypocrisy at play if Benoit only is removed.

When it comes to the HOF, there really isn't anything that should stop an induction with 2 known killers already in there... except one was a child, and that is never going to go down well.

Don't want to nitpick but both of these scenarios are completely different from Benoit's atm.

1. First of all, unlike Benoit, Gagne had no intention of killing anybody. He was involved in an altercation with a 97 year old man where he pushed the man, the man fell, and broke his hip which later ended up killing him. Gagne didn't maliciously plan to murder the man, it was ultimately an accident, and one that Gagne doesn't even remember happening. He's not a cold-blooded killer.

2. Snuka has not been charged with anything as of yet, so he's technically not a "known killer". As of right now, all the evidence points towards Snuka but until he is legally charged, why would the WWE do anything? I'm sure that if Snuka is found guilty of the crime, he will be blackballed and removed from the Hall much like Benoit.

3. It's also just more twisted and sadistic because he killed his family along with himself... WWE just can't honor Benoit in any way because of the severity of his crimes. Out of all three cases, Benoit is the only known MURDERER (at least for a little while more) and that's the reason why Gagne and Snuka are in right now.
Don't want to nitpick but both of these scenarios are completely different from Benoit's atm.

1. First of all, unlike Benoit, Gagne had no intention of killing anybody. He was involved in an altercation with a 97 year old man where he pushed the man, the man fell, and broke his hip which later ended up killing him. Gagne didn't maliciously plan to murder the man, it was ultimately an accident, and one that Gagne doesn't even remember happening. He's not a cold-blooded killer.

2. Snuka has not been charged with anything as of yet, so he's technically not a "known killer". As of right now, all the evidence points towards Snuka but until he is legally charged, why would the WWE do anything? I'm sure that if Snuka is found guilty of the crime, he will be blackballed and removed from the Hall much like Benoit.

3. It's also just more twisted and sadistic because he killed his family along with himself... WWE just can't honor Benoit in any way because of the severity of his crimes. Out of all three cases, Benoit is the only known MURDERER (at least for a little while more) and that's the reason why Gagne and Snuka are in right now.

Both are directly relevant...

Gagne was 85 and with severe dementia, Benoit medically has been shown to have the equivalent brain... so it can be argued that both crimes are essentially the same, neither man had legal responsibility at the time... Benoit would have been treated no different if alive with that medical evidence, even if the crime is considered more violent.

Snuka lost a civil judgement to the girls parents... exactly the same as OJ Simpson... so a Judge has held him legally responsible for the death of the lady concerned and awarded her family money, just as Nicole Brown's were.

While a criminal conviction is still possible it's unlikely, but Snuka is not "scott-free", especially as he never paid the judgement. If OJ is considered a killer by the public at large, thus Snuka must also be as their situations and the judgements against them are identical bar the crazy trial (which could still yet happen), WWE has just done a good job keeping it all quiet.

The outcome of the Grand Jury is still to come but Snuka is not "out of the woods" on this, and WWE and Vince in particular will have some uncomfortable times if it does go against Snuka.

The first HOF removal would have to take place and questions would be asked about what took place during the original investigation. The police have long said they think Snuka was responsible but couldn't prove it and that Snuka basically "hid" behind his gimmick at the time to avoid questions, which if anyone at WWE was involved in could be messy for the company.

That is why I say this is more unsavory than Benoit in reality, a guy losing his mind or being so far gone that once he "snapped" would never have seen the outside of a padded cell again kills his family against a drugged up known wife beater who then "pretends to not speak English and to be a savage" to escape prosecution, loses a civil case and never pays yet still walks the streets and appears at WWE events to ovations...

Both guys have pride of place in the HOF and on the Network... so it's a double standard not to use Benoit.
WWE is in the damned if they do/don't situation.

When it comes to the HOF, there really isn't anything that should stop an induction with 2 known killers already in there... except one was a child, and that is never going to go down well.

They aren't in that kind of a position, they didn't know he was going to kill not only himself but his wife and child as well.

And as for two known killers in there already. One was an accident and not considered a murder. Verne Gagne apparently pushed a 97 year old man, who died a few weeks later. He was never convicted of any crime, and he was in his eighties as well. That's not an excuse, but if the authorities deem no murder was committed then it wasn't.

As for Snuka, that case is 30 years old. I know they were going to try to convene a grand jury at the beginning of this year, but I haven't heard anything since. Besides all a grand jury would do is tell prosecutors they have a case to go to trial. No defense is ever mounted during grand jury testimony.

Once the case goes to trial, then it's a different story. And in this case, Snuka was named a person of interest, but nothing was ever done about it. 30 years ago CSI isn't the same as it is now, and evidence collected from that crime scene has either been destroyed or deteriorated to the point where it would be useless. Memories also get foggy over time, and there probably isn't that many people alive that where involved, that even remember was happened exactly. They won't convict someone on foggy memories.

Benoit was another case and one they could prove. The wife didn't kill herself and neither did the child. Not including him in the HOF was the right decision made by the WWE, and I hope it never changes.
As above...a judge held him responsible, so basically if you feel OJ was guilty then so is Snuka.

Where WWE has to be careful is if any of those "foggy memories" come forward if the investigation does get the greenlight and they're not so foggy. The recent Cosby situation proves that once "cover is broken" on a long buried "wrong", many people will come forward, some of whom may have legit reasons to and others who may have axes to grind. While a lot of people around may be dead as you say, just as many may not be and may not have "the businesses" best interests in mind anymore as they did 30 years ago as the "business" is now just WWE and Vince.

As I said, it's unlikely they will ever get a conviction, just as Cosby probably won't ever stand trial and Jose Gonzalez never faced justice for Bruiser Brody... but all it takes is the investigation and the fragile reputation Snuka has is gone... and if anything untoward was done by WWE at the time then it can only be damaging.

Calling Benoit a murderer is not accurate... he is considered to be a killer. Had he survived it is very doubtful he would have been charged with pre-meditated murder, certainly for Nancy... he may have faced that charge for Daniel, IF it could be shown he had mental faculty... but the medical evidence since his death, even the texts he sent shows that to be unlikely. In reality it was a diminished responsibility/insanity manslaughter situation, not a cold blooded murder planned for weeks or days... The time delay in fact would fit more with insanity than premeditation, that he would indeed be in a fantasy by that stage and unfortunately for Daniel it ended horribly.

It is likely that if clarity came, it was after the fact and led to the suicide... but taking his own life doesn't mean he murdered his family... it is believed he killed them, and that is all the record or a coroners report can ever is not proven and it can never be demonstrated it was a planned double murder beyond reasonable doubt. A fight with Nancy gone too far? An accident? any of those things could have occured and set the chain in motion... the only thing certain is all 3 died and Benoit's brain showed he was in a VERY bad way.
As above...a judge held him responsible, so basically if you feel OJ was guilty then so is Snuka.

Where WWE has to be careful is if any of those "foggy memories" come forward if the investigation does get the greenlight and they're not so foggy. The recent Cosby situation proves that once "cover is broken" on a long buried "wrong", many people will come forward, some of whom may have legit reasons to and others who may have axes to grind. While a lot of people around may be dead as you say, just as many may not be and may not have "the businesses" best interests in mind anymore as they did 30 years ago as the "business" is now just WWE and Vince.

As I said, it's unlikely they will ever get a conviction, just as Cosby probably won't ever stand trial and Jose Gonzalez never faced justice for Bruiser Brody... but all it takes is the investigation and the fragile reputation Snuka has is gone... and if anything untoward was done by WWE at the time then it can only be damaging.

Calling Benoit a murderer is not accurate... he is considered to be a killer. Had he survived it is very doubtful he would have been charged with pre-meditated murder, certainly for Nancy... he may have faced that charge for Daniel, IF it could be shown he had mental faculty... but the medical evidence since his death shows that to be unlikely. In reality it was a diminished responsibility/insanity manslaughter situation, not a cold blooded murder planned for weeks or days... if clarity came, it was after the fact and led to the suicide but taking his own life doesn't mean he murdered his family... it is believed he killed them, and that is all the record can ever show.

I seriously think you are grasping at straws here. A judge found Snuka guilty in a civil case, just like Simpson was, but the preponderance of evidence is very different.

All you have to show is the person probably did it. In a criminal case you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they did do it. It's a lot harder to prove criminally. And the two don't have any bearing on each other because of the difference in evidence.

None of us know what happened in that house, but police reports say he did it and that's all we have to go by. Now the wife could have killed the child and then Benoit killed her for doing it, and then himself. But according to the reports if I remember correctly, they were killed a day or two apart. The wife was killed first. Is he a murderer, I think he is, and the WWE made the right decision.

In the Snuka case, I don't see anything ever coming of that. If he is eventually found guilty though, I'm sure the WWE would immediately take his name out of the HOF as well.
I seriously think you are grasping at straws here. A judge found Snuka guilty in a civil case, just like Simpson was, but the preponderance of evidence is very different.

All you have to show is the person probably did it. In a criminal case you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they did do it. It's a lot harder to prove criminally. And the two don't have any bearing on each other because of the difference in evidence.

None of us know what happened in that house, but police reports say he did it and that's all we have to go by. Now the wife could have killed the child and then Benoit killed her for doing it, and then himself. But according to the reports if I remember correctly, they were killed a day or two apart. The wife was killed first. Is he a murderer, I think he is, and the WWE made the right decision.

In the Snuka case, I don't see anything ever coming of that. If he is eventually found guilty though, I'm sure the WWE would immediately take his name out of the HOF as well.

That's kind of the point... the police think Snuka did it too... and said so... they just couldn't prove it hence asking for the Grand Jury to reopen the case as they now feel they can.

They can't prove Benoit murdered his family, only that it is likely we again have only the police's view of it and a coroner, both of which were made BEFORE the medical findings that the brain tissue that Nowinski's guys tested and presented.

Whatever the level of proof required, a judge has at least looked at Snuka's case and said he believes him responsible and ordered him to compensate the family, which he has never done... which is actually a worse position than Benoit.

The worst in the Benoit case can be is he was a guy with such a bad mental state/brain damage that he murdered his family. At best he is a guy with such a bad mental state he killed his family in a delusional state. for Snuka it's a far worse situation either way... he's hidden this, not paid the judgement and gone about his business like it never happened... whether he murdered the girl concerned or not, a judge has said he killed her... and he didn't have the problems Benoit had 30 years ago... just a drug problem, there's no mitigation for him, with Benoit there will always now be the findings of Nowinski and co to MIGHT not have been cold blooded murder, he probably wasn't capable of thinking that far ahead once his faculties started to break down.

The Benoit situation is a tragedy and Benoit is a tragic figure... Snuka isn't... and a Grand Jury will be the ones who ultimately decide his fate where as the public at large and a very rushed police and coroners report seem to have decided Benoit's.

I think he did it... but I don't think he was responsible for it...he was too far gone...
That's kind of the point... the police think Snuka did it too... and said so... they just couldn't prove it hence asking for the Grand Jury to reopen the case as they now feel they can.

They can't prove Benoit murdered his family, only that it is likely we again have only the police's view of it and a coroner, both of which were made BEFORE the medical findings that the brain tissue that Nowinski's guys tested and presented.

Whatever the level of proof required, a judge has at least looked at Snuka's case and said he believes him responsible and ordered him to compensate the family, which he has never done... which is actually a worse position than Benoit.

The worst in the Benoit case can be is he was a guy with such a bad mental state/brain damage that he murdered his family. At best he is a guy with such a bad mental state he killed his family in a delusional state. for Snuka it's a far worse situation either way... he's hidden this, not paid the judgement and gone about his business like it never happened... whether he murdered the girl concerned or not, a judge has said he killed her... and he didn't have the problems Benoit had 30 years ago... just a drug problem, there's no mitigation for him, with Benoit there will always now be the findings of Nowinski and co to MIGHT not have been cold blooded murder, he probably wasn't capable of thinking that far ahead once his faculties started to break down.

The Benoit situation is a tragedy and Benoit is a tragic figure... Snuka isn't... and a Grand Jury will be the ones who ultimately decide his fate where as the public at large and a very rushed police and coroners report seem to have decided Benoit's.

I think he did it... but I don't think he was responsible for it...he was too far gone...

If the police thought Snuka did it, then why wasn't he arrested and charged. Because they had no proof then and they have even less now. Did he do it? I don't know, but if he did he should pay for it by doing jail time.

No jury in the US is going to convict him now after 30 years has gone by with just rumour and speculation. They will want hard core proof and the police don't have it to give to them. That's why we never heard anything back from the grand jury. It doesn't take a year for them to decide something like this. It was probably a no go.

I'm not going to continue the argument on Benoit. I think he's a murderer and nothing will ever change that. It was investigated and determined to be him that did it.
Chris Benoit is in the same category in the court of public opinion as O.J. Simpson at this point. Most people's first thought when the name "O.J. Simpson" is brought up isn't "great football player." Instead, it's "killer." If you ask the casual observer about Chris Benoit, they aren't going to say "what a great ring tactician." They're going to say, "he murdered his family and killed himself." For that reason (as well as the fact that Benoit was a glorified mid-carder who wasn't particularly skilled on the mic), WWE is never going to formally recognize his existence. The fact that they haven't blurred out his face in all of his matches on the Network is the closest fans of Benoit will get to a formal recognition of his presence.
It would be cool to eventually have his dvd on there but that's not happening. I love how the network has those on there. Worth the price.
Calling Benoit a murderer is not accurate... he is considered to be a killer.
Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice intent.

Benoit is a murderer. He murdered his wife and then he murdered his son.

Had he survived it is very doubtful he would have been charged with pre-meditated murder, certainly for Nancy... he may have faced that charge for Daniel, IF it could be shown he had mental faculty... but the medical evidence since his death, even the texts he sent shows that to be unlikely. In reality it was a diminished responsibility/insanity manslaughter situation, not a cold blooded murder planned for weeks or days... The time delay in fact would fit more with insanity than premeditation, that he would indeed be in a fantasy by that stage and unfortunately for Daniel it ended horribly.

He didn't survive. He killed himself because he couldn't face what he had done and the consequences it would bring. Yes, he was fucked in the head, but that does not excuse his actions.

It is likely that if clarity came, it was after the fact and led to the suicide... but taking his own life doesn't mean he murdered his family... it is believed he killed them, and that is all the record or a coroners report can ever is not proven and it can never be demonstrated it was a planned double murder beyond reasonable doubt. A fight with Nancy gone too far? An accident? any of those things could have occured and set the chain in motion... the only thing certain is all 3 died and Benoit's brain showed he was in a VERY bad way.

A murder doesn't have to be planned. As I stated before, since you love repeating points; murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice intent. Did he unlawfully kill Nancy and Daniel? Yes. So he's a murderer.

Let's not forget that because of Benoit and what he did, the wrestling business almost died. Think about that for a minute.
While the WWE Network does include Benoit's matches unedited from the archival shows, it avoids listing his presence. Normally where it would read "Benoit vs. Godfather" or such on the timeline instead shows a noticeable gap between the preceding and following matches. It seems they leave past material untouched for history's sake but forego any outright acknowledgement.
Calling Benoit a murderer is not accurate... he is considered to be a killer. Had he survived it is very doubtful he would have been charged with pre-meditated murder, certainly for Nancy... he may have faced that charge for Daniel, IF it could be shown he had mental faculty... but the medical evidence since his death, even the texts he sent shows that to be unlikely. In reality it was a diminished responsibility/insanity manslaughter situation, not a cold blooded murder planned for weeks or days... The time delay in fact would fit more with insanity than premeditation, that he would indeed be in a fantasy by that stage and unfortunately for Daniel it ended horribly.

After going through this last night I went back and re-read most of what was put out when this happened.

Chris Benoit left the Vengeance PPV saying he had a family emergency. No one knows to this day what that emergency was. He texted WWE officials, saying when he got home his wife and child were throwing up blood. They never heard from him again.

According to the police reports, Benoit killed his wife Nancy, she was found bound by her feet and hands, and he killed his son either the next day or the say after by strangulation. He then committed suicide by hanging himself in his weight room.

The bodies were found by police, because WWE officials were worried when they couldn't get a hold of him. They are the ones who called the police and asked them to go and investigate what was going on. The police went into the house and found the wife in her room, the child in his room, and Benoit's body in the weight room.

Now considering all that occurred, the lying, the time difference between the crimes. The fact that at anytime over that weekend he could have stopped and got some help or just got out of the house, shows that it might not have been premeditated on his wives behalf, but certainly in the case of the son. If he had lived, he would probably have received the death penalty.
He literally did the worst thing a human being can do. It will never out shine but his matches need to be in the network so you do not punish people who worked him. I still prefer to skip bouts he's in, personal choice, but I didn't begrudge anyone who wants to see him.
Chris Benoit left the Vengeance PPV saying he had a family emergency. No one knows to this day what that emergency was. He texted WWE officials, saying when he got home his wife and child were throwing up blood. They never heard from him again.

Exactly, I've watched enough Law and Order to know covering it up like that is an acknowledgment of guilt. Cold blooded murderer, plain and simple

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