Believe in Reigns! Say no to Daniel


Occasional Pre-Show
Starting off I would like to say, I already know the heat I'm going to get from you Daniel Bryan Bandwagon marks, but anyways,

Roman Reigns has been in the WWE for 3 years, and since his time he has broken Kane's Royal Rumble record, had an impressive showing at Survivor Series, and has had a Tag Title Reign to add onto his success, that's it...he wasn't handed the WWE Championship after a few months (Sheamus) he didn't win the rumble in his first 2 years (Del Rio) and he wasn't shoved into the WWE Title picture when he wasn't ready (Ryback).

So why all the hate? I'll tell you why, because you're not getting what you want (AGAIN) shocker right? Big deal Daniel Bryan didn't win the Royal Rumble last year, he's not going to win it again this year either!, all of you complain that there is no good stories in WWE anymore and there's no real entertainment, yet when WWE tries to build up new talent, and prepare for the future, you all complain...I'm not the biggest DB fan, but I'll admit the story he told last Wrestlemania was great!, do I want to see the same thing again? Hell no, I want to see someone who's big and a bad ass take Lesnar out! Daniel Bryan vs Lesnar isn't believable at all!

My question to each and everyone of you is why don't for a second, you sit down, let Roman Reigns settle into his character and just let him do his job, he isn't the best on the mic, but I'm sure if he had Paul Heyman behind him like some people (Lesnar) you'd all be on top of Roman Reigns like you are DB, and before this gets into a Daniel Bryan bandwagon fest, I don't like Bryan as a actor, I think he's bland and boring without his Yes chants, HOWEVER, I think the man is a phenomenal in ring talent and nobody can take that away from him

So in closing

Why do you choose to get behind Daniel Bryan more then Reigns,?

What can Reigns do to win over the WWE Universe?

Where can Romans Character go from here?
he certainly hasn't displayed that at all. he has yet to have a good singles match or cut a passable promo. it's so annoying when fanboys like you don't understand the difference between legitimate criticism and "hate". some of us don't like willingly laping up the crap we're being force fed....sorry to hear you do. also, are you so dumb as to not realize you're one of the complaining IWC members you seem to have so much disdain for?

I wouldn't MIND seeing Lesnar v Reigns, but Brock vs DB just sells itself. Bryan, who, some thought may never wrestle again after a series of injuries and surgeries put his career into doubt, is returning, but not just returning, returning at Wrestlemania, the site of his career defining moment. But at WM 30, another Superstar had a history making and defining moment of his own, Brock Lesnar, beating The Undertaker and ending The Streak. While Bryan sat on the shelves, Lesnar became the most dominant force WWE had ever seen and winning the title in the process. Coming off an improbable win in this year's Royal Rumble, Daniel Bryan now looks to return to Wrestlemania off countless surgeries to face the most dangerous superstar in the game: Brock Lesnar
Let me state first that I'm a big fan of BOTH Bryan and Reigns. If I was ranking my favorite wrestlers on the current roster, they would be 1 and 2. With that said, I am absolutely against Reigns main eventing WrestleMania this year. It's not his fault, it's not WWE's fault. He got injured. It sucks and it happens, but there's no regaining that momentum once it's gone. Just like when Swagger kicked Ziggler in his head. He spent six or so weeks at home, lost all momentum.. then eventually lost his title and his SPOT. Just like Ziggler though, Reigns is still over. I would say he still has support from majority of the fans. Hell, he won superstar of the year based on votes, not based on having the best year.

But with that momentum gone, you have to look at the raw material that is Roman Reigns. He's just not ready. It's not his time. Momentum towards the World Title is zero. He's working a very middle of the card rate right now. And my biggest gripe isn't about him not being good on the mic, but it's what they have him saying. Idc how much bigger Roman is than Bryan. Him quoting cartoons and telling fairy tales doesn't get me hyped to see him fight Lesnar. But Daniel Bryan.. he's OUR champion. The one we've chosen as the guy WE want. He had an amazing ride last year, we got the payoff... then we were robbed of the celebration. No title reign to enjoy or to solidify Bryan's spot at the top. So there's unfinished business. There's redemption. That's a better story than Roman's magic beans guiding him to Mania. Sorry.

Also look at the potential match. Anyone who argues that Reigns/Lesnar would be a better match than Bryan/Lesnar is a damn fool. Brock and Reigns BOTH need someone to guide them. It's fact. Lesnar's BEST match since returning in 2012 is undoubtedly against CM Punk. Imagine that kind of match main eventing the biggest show of the year. The emotion and the ride. The unwavering support for Bryan to conquer the conquerer. Size doesn't matter, it's fake fighting bro. If Bryan can beat Kane, Triple H, John Cena, Batista and Big Show.. why can't he beat Lesnar? Because he used to punch people for real? Well he doesn't anymore.

Bryan is there. He's at the top, he has the support. Put the beast who hasn't lost in 2 years against the most over guy for the last 2 years on the biggest stage and let history write itself. Roman needs more 1 on 1 feuds to really continue to grow and build his character. That's a big problem for me, how Roman hasn't evolved AT ALL post Shield breakup. No change in gear, music, entrance or even in the ring. He's still very clearly more comfortable in tag matches where he doesn't have to worry about making the match good. I want Reigns seasoned and READY to take that torch. I want him to be READY to be the face of the company. To dethrone Cena and lead WWE for the next decade. Not get hot shotted to the top JUST BECAUSE they want to. That's how he becomes irrelevant like Sheamus. Sure he'd have some title reigns, but who would care.

Have patience bro. Reigns will get there. But it isn't his time. It's Daniel Bryan's universe.
Okay first of all I'm a Roman Reigns fan. I think he will go far and when he does win the title, when he's ready to win the title, sorry, it will be something special. He is just not ready right now.

He was the silent partner of the Shield, and rightly so, he can't say shit on the mic. He's impressive looking, has a body that most men would kill for, but he can't carry a match. His best matches were against Orton and Rollins, and they carried him through them.

3 years is nothing to a wrestler, in fact most would say he's still a baby when it comes to experience. Just because his father, uncles and cousins were all in the business, the Uso's still are, doesn't mean he's going to be the same. Family gene's and a great look can only carry you so far, you have to show that you mean business.

Now he's had a bit of bad luck with being sidelined after the hernia operation, but since he's come back hasn't really done much to get himself ready to main event Mania. He talks about fairy tales, and talks like cartoon characters on the mic, and that doesn't make him look like a credible threat to a guy like Lesnar.

Lesnar/Reigns would be a horrible match sorry to tell you. I'm looking forward to Daniel Bryan and Lesnar. Bryan can put on a hell of a match with anyone.

Now I'll answer your questions.

Why do you choose to get behind Daniel Bryan more then Reigns,?

I didn't choose Daniel Bryan over Roman Reigns. I'm not really an Daniel Bryan fan. I don't hate the guy, but he's not a favourite of mine.

What can Reigns do to win over the WWE Universe?

They have to take their time with him, he has to show he's ready to be the next face of the WWE, and not just because Vince McMahon wants it that way. If they push him too fast, there will be a backlash, and it might take years for him to recover if he does at all. He is so inexperienced that it could permanently damage what could be a very promising career.

Where can Romans Character go from here?

He has to capture a mid card title first. I would like to see him feud with Barrett or Rusev. And he has to start talking like himself, not what creative feeds him.

If you look at the Shield as they stand now Reigns is the one who has come out the worst. Ambrose has main evented PPV's, and while he's on a losing streak, it's not going to kill him. Rollins is the top heel in the company and well on his way to his first WWE title.

Roman Reigns hasn't grown. He still comes through the crowd, wears basically the same outfit, uses the same music. He needs to change something and do it quickly, cause he is getting boo's.
While Roman Reigns, when with the Shield, was a force to be reckoned with, he falls short in singles competition. He repeatedly gets the underdog come backs, and just doesn't bring the same energy. Yes he's big. Yes he's athletic but he isn't believable. No offense to the big man but he's crap on a mic, and after losing to a returning Batista at last years RR, there is no way it's believable for him to win the RR then win against Lesnar. After the Shield it's like he lost his passion. DB on the other hand, brings all the same excitement to the ring, is pure energy and emotion on a mic, and also is smarter about taking on bigger opponents, using what he has to get the win. While yes, Reigns Lesnar would be one for the ages, I don't think Reigns is ready for it, mentally. Honestly if he had Heyman as his "mic guy" I'd hate him. Heyman is played out, he's a leech, and latches onto who ever he can. Frankly, I'd rather see Cesaro Lesnar.

Why do you choose to get behind Daniel Bryan more then Reigns,?
Simple, DB is ready for big matches. He came into the WWE ready. He can carry almost anyone and make them look good, Cena being the biggest.

What can Reigns do to win over the WWE Universe?
Go slow, refuse things you aren't ready for. As stated already, beat Rusev, or BNB. Turn "Heel" join the Authority to destroy it from within. There is plenty he could do, but he has to be ready. Take mic skills training for one.

Where can Romans Character go from here?
Train on the mic, invent himself.
Reigns is not ready plain and simple. If he's the guy they choose to be the future then they need to do everything in their power to make sure he succeeds. Haide his weaknesses extenuate his positives. He's currently too raw and too green. 2015 should be a year where he is developed and prepped for a run next year. No need to rush it. Daniel Bryan is ready let him get that Rumble push.
1. Why do you choose to get behind Daniel Bryan more then Reigns,?

2. What can Reigns do to win over the WWE Universe?

3. Where can Romans Character go from here?

Before I answer these questions, I'll respect your opinion. Not everybody wants to see the same match or like the same wrestlers. I don't hate Reigns, its just that I believe he's not ready to main event a WrestleMania against Brock Lesnar for the title. It's too much too early. That said:

1. I've always liked Bryan, since before he got in WWE. While his timed passed on WWE, I saw how he really evolved. He made that yes chant and revealed his charisma. He got better doing promos. The fans' support also helped. I saw fans cheering him even though he lost in 18 seconds. I have never, ever seen that since I started watching wrestling back in '98. That's why he's my favorite over anyone.

2. I wish WWE hadn't made Reigns talk too much. I think it ruined him. He should've been more silent, more mysterious. Something like Goldberg or Brock himself when he started. He already has the look, the strength, good entrance song (even though it's the same of the Shield) a good finisher (even though EVERYF***ING wrestler has done the Spear) and charisma. He should feud and defeat Rusev at WM to gain more fans for the time being.

3. Like I said on the second question, either shut him up or improve the promo work. Also, build him more. What has Reigns done in his solo career? Beat Orton? He hasn't done ANYTHING else. WWE needs to make me care about him, make me believe he's top notch and deserves to be in the main event. I believe he can win the title between SummerSlam and the Rumble, or he can win the 2016 Rumble. But that's ONLY if he progresses...
I simply don't think Reigns is ready. He is improving, but I believe champions need to tear the house down as solo performers before even being near the title scene. I feel fans slowly began to question Reigns when he became a WHC contender during MitB and Battleground, despite having only a handful of singles matches under his belt- most of which were boring.

I think fans have changed in that they want to make stars themselves instead of having WWE package stars for them. This in my opinion won't always work, as I think a Ziggler's career will only be shortened if fans/WWE encourage his dangerous bumps (I also don't think he has the charisma or promo skills, but whatevers). People thought they were pushing Reigns by cheering for him before it became the thing to do so, as he seemed like the show stealer. Without Ambrose and Rollins by his side though, his weaknesses became more apparent and it was obvious he wasn't ready despite WWE's desire to have him in that spot.

Bryan is good on the mic, an excellent performer and has a stronger grasp of wrestling psychology. He is ready for a real reign and his main storyline in 2014 was one of the only great moments of the year (although to the credit of Reigns, the Shield was awesome too). Admittedly I can see where the op has come from, as I feel Bryan's storyline has been...lets say underwhelming.

Admittedly right now, no one has any great storylines that would provide a great pay-off if they won the rumble. I mean, yeah, if Bryan loses to Kane then he's screwed...but how many times did Kane win in 2014? The stakes don't matter much when facing a certified loser. Reigns is taking on the Big Show, who is hardly the main heel of the company. If Reigns' storyline involved Triple H more directly, then perhaps that would be another matter. Annoyingly, Ziggler would be the best choice in terms of story just because that would make an awesome pay-off if it wasn't for this firing angle. I wouldn't want him to get that kind of push, but that would make a better story.

Granted though, Batista didn't even have a storyline going into the Rumble. He just won it. So storylines don't have a lot to do with being victorious in that event.
Why do you choose to get behind Daniel Bryan more then Reigns?

I don't get behind Bryan more than Reigns. I like Reigns better, he has better ring attire and a better pro wrestling look but I respect Daniel Bryan as a person, a wrestler and the work he's put in to getting better and better in all aspects of pro wrestling (NOT saying Sports Entertainment, Vince can suck it).

But I see why Bryan vs Lesnar is a better choice than Reigns vs Lesnar at WM 31 because of the last few months.

It's not because Reigns has been 'shoved' down our throats. He hasn't. He's been put in a position to succeed and he's gained many fans. The problem was his unfortunate injury during which time he probably could have had at least one or two BIG singles match victories over Rollins or Wyatt or Orton or someone like that before being brought back without any serious singles wins under his belt recently.

And lately he's been given childish nonsense to spew in promos. He needs to find HIS voice and find it fast. Even if most of his fans are kids I don't think they will want to hear him quoting cartoons from years in which they weren't even born!

Bryan has better momentum and history behind him to warrant a big singles match with Lesnar at WM 31. This is maybe Bryan's last chance to be THE Main Event WrestleMania in a singles match for the WWE Title. And if he gets this then all his fans SHOULD finally be happy and shouldn't expect him to be THE main event of WM again anytime soon because The Rock and Stone Cold barely did that for many years in a row.

IF they do go with Bryan vs Lesnar it will be very important for them to build the match so Lesnar is clearly a beast but Bryan can be seen in a light where casuals could believe he could beat Lesnar because of how smart and skilled he is. If they have to bring in footage of Bruce Lee destroying people twice his size or show instructional/testimonial videos of how a small animal can kill a big beast by being smart and skilled... something, ANYTHING to let people believe Bryan could win and if he does win the win isn't BS. Lesnar still has to beat up Bryan most of the match but when Bryan wins he has to win in a way that is most believable.

What can Reigns do to win over the WWE Universe?

First of all, Reigns IS winning over the WWE Universe. WWE isn't pumping in crowd cheers on Raw. Those pops are real. But they can get bigger.

Reigns needs to find his voice on the mic and sooner rather than later. Quoting cartoons and fairy tales is not right for him. In my mind he would go over well if he could speak strong, confident and a little bit snarky where he is able to make a few keen verbal jabs at his opponent while being passionate on the mic. He just needs to find it in himself and convince WWE creative that it's right for him and he doesn't need anything cheesy to say.

Next, Reigns needs a few solid singles match victories over star opponents AND he needs to show us a few different moves or sides of him. If Reigns doesn't go in the main event of WM he can have a good match with someone like Orton or Triple H or Rusev and win! Fans can get behind him in a match like that because they won't get mad he's in the main event when he's 'not ready' and they probably understand he needs to have a few big singles wins.

And during the match he needs to show a few new moves or 'sides' of himself. He needs to do a few things that even his detractors might say 'wow, I didn't know he could do that!'

If he does those things and does them fairly consistently, he will win over a large portion of the WWE Universe.

Where can Romans Character go from here?

Reigns character can go many ways from here. First, I'll say it again, he needs to get away from cheesy promos and at the very least go back to simple, serious-tone promos but then build on them to become more passionate and quick-witted.

He needs some big singles match victories over stars. If Bryan wins the WWE title at WM, surely Rollins will be hot on his tail until at least SummerSlam. They may want to throw Reigns into that mix but there is also Cena, Ziggler and possibly Orton, Wyatt and Sheamus to consider. I'm okay with Reigns feuding with Orton until WM and the PPV after or a heel Sheamus or even face vs face Cena (as long as Reigns wins).

What might be better for Reigns if the WWE Title will be held by only Bryan or Rollins until SummerSlam and beyond would be for Reigns to beat Rusev for the US title at WM, go back and forth with him losing and then winning the title again, then holding the title until SummerSlam where he loses it to someone because of Rollins interfering causing Reigns to feud with Rollins for the WWE title or the #1 Contender spot.
Another problem for Reigns right now is that the Daniel Bryan story isn't really over is it? It just sort of got interrupted last year because of his surgery.

When he won at Mania, I thought he would go on to have a memorable title run, not the disaster that it turned out to be. His big feud was Kane, and then he was gone for 9 months. The timing of the his return has been a blessing in disguise for Reigns. It now gives the WWE a reason to pull back on pushing Reigns. They can let him have the time to build up his mic and in ring skills.

Fans are still behind Bryan in a way that Roman Reigns could only dream of right now. If they let the Bryan story line run it's course, Reigns will come out ahead in the end. If they push Reigns over Bryan, we'll have a repeat of last year.
Reigns cheers are the weirdest I've ever heard. Cena had kids, Orton had mix of kids/women. Roman Reigns gets cheered like a male stripper just walked out on stage and the chunky 30 and 40 yr old women are hungry. Might as well call the guy the human *****.

Reigns was paired with 2 exceptional talents in Ambrose and Rollins. The narative has always been "make him look strong" where Reigns has only had to work like 1-2 mins ever, while with shield the other guys did the rest, falling 20-30 feet, talking, timing everything and taking the bumps.

Unless your sexually attracted to him or want to be him as a man, the guy ain't doing shit. He's not Goldberg with the spear, he can't talk. I don't get excited to see Bryan again at Mania or win Rumble, but Reigns winning is just same old shit, and WWE has been turning a new leaf lately.

WWE could stun everyone and have Cesaro win and unhandcuff him and he'd make Mania more exciting then Reigns cause he is just better, but WWE doesn't push him like they do the "premium VIP."
Roman Reigns sucks that's why nobody likes him.. If he shows he has more than "the look" maybe more people will get behind him.. Majority of wrestling fans are males, guys don't give a shit how another guy looks.. Reigns is terrible in the ring and he's bland on the microphone. It's not fucking rocket science.. Daniel Bryan is willing to offer something Roman Reigns can't, wrestling ability.
Reigns has one thing going for him: He looks like the stereotypical superhero. He is something you would expect DC or Stan Lee to come up with. The problem is that is all he has. He has 3 moves of doom. He cannot cut a promo worth a damn. His strikes are hideous. When someone verbally says with a straight face "you hit like a girl" on NATIONAL F-ING television, something is very, very wrong. I doubt VERY seriously Big Show said that in kayfabe, but for real. That alone is troubling. Daniel Bryan, on the other hand, is the People's Champion. He is the "everyman". He is the guy fathers wished they were, and live through him. He is someone that the general public can relate to.

I will answer 2 and 3 in one shot: You need to completely redevelop his character. Right now, he is more like Chris Masters than a masterpiece. He needs to fundamentally learn not only to give good promos, but to SELL them. Any idiot can get up there to talk. However, the basis of a successful promo is to get the audience to fundamentally BELIEVE it. If you cannot sell, you are a fish out of water in this era. In the end, I truly believe that Reigns will not get the reigns, but will be a gatekeeper for the Main Event. He just does not have the skill set for it at this time. Furthermore, I do not believe that he can surpass Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose, or Seth Rollins in the pecking order. It is hard to do with people just so much more superior in every way, and you have to basically start over.
Just goes to show that these guys have a built in feud ready to pounce. All WWE needs to do is pull a simple trigger and get what could be an opportunity to really re-establish Bryan as the underdog and Reigns as the bad ass he used to be with The Shield.

As far as the topic at hand, I don't know what to tell the OP. I don't think Daniel Bryan has much to do with the fans displeasure of Roman Reigns. I don't even think the fans would bat an eye if neither guy won The Rumble as long as there were stories told well and another "deserving" guy came out on top (Ziggler, Orton, Ambrose). Reigns is failing too significantly in certain categories of what makes a wrestler ready for Mania. Those topics have pretty much been covered. Daniel Bryan's return just gives people someone else to root for. If it wasn't Bryan, it would probably be Ziggler, Orton, or Ambrose. Even Wyatt or Cesaro.
I'm sorry but to me Roman sucks. He has not one drop of charisma and is a terrible talker. He can't wrestle and displays less moves than the IWC's most hated, John Cena. I can't stand the thought of Reigns winning the Rumble nor headlining WM. It is not his time, IMO. Maybe in a year or two it will be but for now I think Daniel Bryan should be the one to win the Rumble and headline WM. His run was cut short due to injury and I think that a vast majority of the fans would rather see him as champion right now.
We all know Reigns has many, many shortcomings. When it comes to gaining a positive crowd reaction, his biggest shortcoming is that he is the chosen one. People do not want to be told who to like, period. That's a big part of why Cena gets booed so much. That's also a big part of why Daniel Bryan gets cheered. DB is the anti WWE main eventer. Like it or not Roman Reigns muscle marks, that's how it is. Maybe if your precious superhero reject did something on camera, besides look pretty and stumble over his lines, people would be more accepting of him.

Roman Reigns has done NOTHING to stand out on his own. For someone to think he should be in this year's WM main event, you'd have to be pretty out of touch (I'm talking to you Vince). With Reigns being so bland, and WWE's notorious booking style, it would almost be certain to end badly.

Everybody wants to keep bringing Daniel Bryan into this, and somehow blaming him for Reigns not getting over. Reigns's troubles have nothing to do with Daniel Bryan. They lie on creative, and Reigns himself. Just because Daniel Bryan was as over with the crowd as anyone had been in a long time, muscles marks who obviously don't understand, resent that. The Rock got booed when his character sucked. He and creative got together, and made it happen. The rest is history. I'm afraid the current WWE structure will not let Reigns do this.
Reigns has one thing going for him: He looks like the stereotypical superhero.

Yes. Even during the earliest days of the Shield, WWE management was presumably looking to the future, hoping that at least one of them would break out and become a hit as a singles wrestler. In the beginning, I believe they thought it was going to be Dean Ambrose; as they seemed to cast him as leader of the group....and certainly as the lead spokesman. At that time, Roman Reigns was seen only as the strong, silent type.

Today, he still is, but they're hoping he'll be the biggest star of the three; in fact, the biggest young star in the company. The problem is that he's not ready; they've been hoping against hope his look will be what carries him over......never mind how raw he is on the mic & in the ring. Obviously, the multi-month vacation from the ring did him no favors, especially since there's still a chance WWE has him in mind for a prime spot at WM31. If they do, it will be as if they've chosen to ignore the down time and proceed as if he's been there all along.

Reigns isn't going to get ready that fast, Vince, no matter how hard you push him.....and, in my opinion, he's never going to be a great ring performer. If they can find a way to get him completely over on his look alone, more power to them.

Meanwhile, the Daniel Bryan saga has resumed, and if his first match back is an indication, it's going to run exactly in the manner of his first effort. Although we know he possesses an amazing repertoire of ring moves, apparently WWE only wants him to display a small fraction of what he's got, so we're again seeing the dropkick against his opponent who's draped across the turnbuckle, the roundhouse kicks to his enemy who poses on his knees, allowing them, etc etc nauseam.

All of this might make you believe I have something against Daniel.....which I don't. But when watching his first match on Smackdown in all this time, we saw the same moves, the same "Yes" chant over & over again.....and a body that's slightly pudgier than before, which disappointed me because I figured he'd use some of the down time to get his body in better shape.

The company needs stars and, for better or worse, these guys are here and get audience reaction. But I'm sorry that Daniel Bryan II looks exactly the same as DB I and wonder if WWE figures his shelf life as a top star has only a limited time to run, and are therefore letting him use it up now.......and I'm still hoping management realizes there's plenty of time for Roman Reigns to develop naturally and become a big star; he'll continue to have that great look, and the speaking and ring performance qualities should follow.

I say "yes" to Daniel and Roman......although maybe not for main event-level status WM31.
If Reigns is to be the next company face, he needs to step up his promos and add a few more moves to his arsenal. DB does very well on his promos and that, combined with his exciting in-ring style and his persona as the little man trying to overthrow the giant known as The Authority, makes for compelling TV. Reigns has the look but I'm concerned that they're pushing him too much too early. We'll see.
It is going to take a lot for me to jump on the Roman Reigns bandwagon. Only time will truly tell if he is ready for the coronation we already know he's going to have (which also contributes to his number of detractors growing). Right now, he's the flavor of the month. We will truly see if WWE is right about Roman when he gets there and how he performs. Give him an I-C title run and see how he does as champion first. If not, get ready for a colossal booking blunder.
I'm a fan of Reigns and Bryan, so who ever wwe choices to face (hopefully beat) Brock Lesnar I would be fine with.
I couldn't sleep last night so I watched youtube. (Mostly Shield related videos). One thing about Reigns that I've always agreed with is that he's horrible on the mic, but watching last night he's not that bad. His Miz TV segment was short and to the point, some of The Shield's backstage videos with Reigns are actually good( the ones they usually show on youtube after shows). Wwe needs to realise that he's not a big talker, and allow him to come up with things on his own (or atleast get his scripts away from Vince).
To answer your questions
1. I choose Bryan over Reigns this year, because of the obvious, Reigns isn't ready, and really lack momentum. He hasnt accomplished anything this year, last year he beat 4/5 survivor series opponents and broke record for most eliminations in the Rumble. This year all he has done was have a lackluster feud with Orton and now Show.
2. Reigns has won the fans over, its the IWC that hates him. He's constantly getting pops every night. He's not the most over guy, that honor goes to Bryan, but he constantly gets good pops from the live crowds.
3. Reigns should win the IC title, and have a lengthy time as champion, constantly defending it on Raws and occasionally Smackdown. Then he should eventually turn heel, because of the overabundance of faces in the Main Event. (Cena, Ambrose?, Ziggler, Ryback, Bryan, Orton?)
I like both guys and I give Reigns credit for how far he's come after only being in the business a small handful of years. However, as a singles wrestler, Roman Reigns hasn't displayed to me that he's remotely ready to be WWE World Heavyweight Champion. The only thing that Roman Reigns has that's superior to Daniel Bryan is his overall look. Reigns has a fantastic look, I've said many times that he bears a strong resemblance to The Rock. If you gave Rock a goatee, put him in riot gear, put a professional looking wig of long, jet black hair on him and put him next to Roman Reigns, they could almost be twins. The guy looks like a superhero, which is one reason why Vince reportedly loves him. Vince believes that the top guy, the "hero" if you were, of a company should have a certain look first & foremost. Cena has that look but, fortunately for Cena and everyone else, the guy also has a load of talent. Reigns may have a great look but, in all honesty, that's all he has right now that can be considered great. When it comes to me personally, I couldn't care less about how good Reigns' look is and I don't think I'm not alone in that line of thinking. He & Lesnar won't be having a pose down, they're not gonna be prancing around in speedos to see which one of them looks prettier. What I care about it is being able to deliver a good story as part of the build up to WrestleMania, a wrestler being able to get me to invest in him because of who he is, what he brings to the table & because of his part in the story and being able to work a strong wrestling match that furthers the story. Daniel Bryan can do that and, as of right now, Roman Reigns simply can't. If he were paired up against someone like Bryan or John Cena, someone that could help carry him, I think Reigns would be able to put on a stronger performance, but it's not. Brock Lesnar is champ and in order to have a strong match, in my opinion, you need a strong wrestler who can carry the lion's share of the match.

However, when it comes to forging a rapport with fans, delivering promos and carrying a match, Reigns isn't anywhere close to being on Daniel Bryan's level. I'm not saying that to put Reigns down, I genuinely like the guy, but it's just how it is. As I said, he's come a long way for someone that's only been in wrestling for 3 or 4 years. However, since The Shield broke up & Reigns went solo, he's shortcomings have become obvious. When it comes to personality, Reigns is the definition of bland. I think he has potential, but not with Vince McMahon writing for him. His injury did put him on the shelf for a few months and that's unfortunate because that's time that he could've used to develop himself more, and any amount of time is gonna help. However, we're right on top of the beginning of WrestleMania season and I do not remotely see Reigns being able to carry a match with Brock Lesnar. Lesnar himself doesn't have the ability, we saw that last year during his match against The Undertaker, and Reigns simply doesn't have the ability right now himself. The result would most likely be one lousy match that the fans would let WWE know about in no uncertain terms from the moment the Royal Rumble ended right on through the Reigns vs. Lesnar match at WrestleMania XXXI.

Maybe in another year, Reigns might be far enough along. I agree that Reigns hasn't been forced down fans' throats so far, but I think that will very much change if he winds up winning the Royal Rumble. Reigns is over with fans, but he's not THAT over. If fans see WWE pushing Roman Reigns before they believe in him and believe he's ready, I see a lot of them turning on him because he fits Vince's stereotypical formula for who the "face" of WWE should be. It's something that's caused many people to view Vince as being out of touch because it's no secret that a significant majority don't want the "face" to be a stereotypical superhero who they don't feel has the goods at this point in time. If Reigns was solid on the mic and could work long matches in addition to having the "look", then it MIGHT be different. Fans don't want a bland, babyface muscleman as the "face" of WWE, nor do they want the John Cena clone that Vince looks like he's trying to turn Reigns into. Daniel Bryan's easily the most popular babyface in WWE, his popularity hasn't slipped one notch in the 8 months he's been gone. As Navi pointed out, his story isn't really over because of the injury. Bryan would have most likely had a strong, memorable run as champion and even if he did drop the strap to Lesnar, he'd have still been in the title picture for the rest of 2014 and would still be a favorite to win the Rumble.

If WWE is insistent on having Reigns win the Rumble, they'll probably have to do what they did last year and insert Bryan into the title match. Orton vs. Batista would've been, technically, a pretty good match but fans didn't wanna see it. Some might want to see Reigns vs. Lesnar, though I don't think it'll be a whole helluva lot of fans, but I have little confidence in their ability to present a strong build or match to go along with it.
It's not that I have a problem with Reigns, I view him like the Royal Rumble 1995 version of HBK. He was popular and probably title ready, but it was clearly Diesels time as he was I'm the middle of a 1 year reign. HBK goes on to win the IC title again in 1995 before having his big moment at 1996 wrestlemania. 20 years later, and the same is true for Reigns. Let him have an IC Title run and let him try to elevate the title.

Besides, once Bryan wins the title it's all set up for Seth Rollins to win the belt by Summerslam and retain it until 2016 wrestlemania. By that point, we can have our wrestlemania triple threat former shield members for the WWE Title. Reigns winning now is too soon and it the crowd and fans will shit on the event like last year. Batista was clearly hurt by the fans and he was a veteran. With Reigns, he is a 3 year pro and epic backlash could ruin his career.
3. Reigns should win the IC title, and have a lengthy time as champion, constantly defending it on Raws and occasionally Smackdown. Then he should eventually turn heel, because of the overabundance of faces in the Main Event. (Cena, Ambrose?, Ziggler, Ryback, Bryan, Orton?)

Definitely agree with most of what you've said, but the bottom portion is what i agree with the most. It's argued that the IWC hates Reigns and I can believe that. A lot of the people that make up the IWC proobably couldn't cut it in wrestling anyway. So they believe in the everyman who looks average to be their savior.

But this isn't a knock on Daniel Bryan at all. I worked a show with Daniel in 2010 and he is as advertised. Roman can work. But people are so focused on his mic work, they don't see a lot of that. I think if the Shield turn happened a little differently, then Roman's ascent to the title would be seen more favorably. I know I'm rambling, but ultimately Reigns needs to be gauged as a champion first. Give him a real challenge like making people look forward to an Intercontinental title match. If he can accompish that for six months, I'd say he's ready.
Definitely agree with most of what you've said, but the bottom portion is what i agree with the most. It's argued that the IWC hates Reigns and I can believe that. A lot of the people that make up the IWC proobably couldn't cut it in wrestling anyway. So they believe in the everyman who looks average to be their savior.

But this isn't a knock on Daniel Bryan at all. I worked a show with Daniel in 2010 and he is as advertised. Roman can work. But people are so focused on his mic work, they don't see a lot of that. I think if the Shield turn happened a little differently, then Roman's ascent to the title would be seen more favorably. I know I'm rambling, but ultimately Reigns needs to be gauged as a champion first. Give him a real challenge like making people look forward to an Intercontinental title match. If he can accompish that for six months, I'd say he's ready.

I would love if Roman Reigns picked up the original story after the break-up where he was going to turn Orton from the so-called 'face of the company' to the a** of the company, and then as he said in the same promo, 'have a game of thrones with HHH'.

We never got a true payoff from their numerous staredowns either, ntm, Evolution seemed to be focused on Reigns alot during the Shield vs Evolution feud post-Mania 30.



I doubt we get the ending to the Roman Reigns arc of Shield break-up fallout, as the WWE seems to have dropped it completely after SummerSlam and moreso after NoC and Reigns' Hernia problem which sidelined him.

Thus, based on his current momentum, a collision with Rusev and the US title being on the line would be a great option for Reigns at this time. It is interesting that Reigns vs Rusev has been done at numerous house shows recently, rather than having Reigns vs Big Show as it is his current feud on TV.

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