Beer Money, Storm & Roode - TNA's Newest Tag Team

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Jesus Christ, I can't believe nobody's made a thread about these two yet. I mean, I thought that Will or maybe even Jake might put one together but apparently not.

First thing's first; I was fucking ecstatic when these two won the tag titles on iMPACT! I hadn't read any spoilers or watched any videos online so I thought that TNA had genuinely done something to shock me. But no, that stupid Eddie Guerrero lookalike couldn't just let it go and, for some reason, the referee restarted the match. That's a first. Needless to say, I was pissed off. They got robbed goddammit, robbed!

Anywho, I'm a massive fan of this team. Obviously, I don't want it to go on any longer than it needs to (a couple months) and I'm a little confused seeing as how James Storm's feud with Sting has disappeared like, well, Sting, but I love this team. Both got tag experience, they're the two up and coming heels in TNA. One's Will-endorsed, one's Sam-endorsed. It's just a dream team, really.

For a team made up of two individuals (pretty much) this has worked out well so far. I was wondering who was going to fit the heel-shaped void next to LAX and I'm glad these two stepped up to the plate. They have great chemistry with LAX IMO, and the match was pretty sweet. Guessing we'll get a repeat at Victory Road, which I'm looking forward to. Come to think of it, I wouldn't mind them having a short title reign, but just while the Guns are busy with the World X Cup.

So what are your thoughts? Will especially.
Yeah. I like the idea of these guys teaming up together. I dont think they should stay tagging long. They are both phenomenal talents in my opinion with Storm being a future World Champ as well as Roode. Even though I like them teaming what purpose does it serve? Maybe a face turn coming for one of them?? I highly doubt it. But then again you never know.

Like I said I hope they don't end up tagging for a long time. It would put a stall on two up and comng careers.
But no, that stupid Eddie Guerrero lookalike couldn't just let it go

Er...That "Eddie Guerrero lookalike" is Hector Guerrero - Eddie's brother.

But anyway, I do like Storm and Roode teaming together, but some people here were bitching about how they started teaming so suddenly. It doesn't bother me, personally. After all, Carlito and Santino Marella started teaming out of nowhere, so why is it a problem for Storm and Roode?
Jesus Christ, I can't believe nobody's made a thread about these two yet. I mean, I thought that Will or maybe even Jake might put one together but apparently not.

LOL that proves how much people care about TNA. But seriously I think they make a great team but I do not want to see them win the TNA titles. I mean Robert Roode was just in the KOTM match for the TNA heavyweight title but a week later he is competing for the fricken tag team titles. Thats lame booking in my opinion.

I see these two guys above the Tag Titles in terms of ranks. Remember when A.J Styles was one half of the Tag champs not long ago. He shouldn't have won the titles because he didn't need them. I am happy with LAX holding the titles and they shouldn't lose them until a few months in my opinion. But yet again, Morrison and the Miz have been improving in every single aspect since they won the Tag titles in the WWE so maybe it could also work for Storm and Roode.
Ivan_Drago said:
Er...That "Eddie Guerrero lookalike" is Hector Guerrero - Eddie's brother.

I know. Is he not an Eddie Guerrero lookalike?

But anyway, I do like Storm and Roode teaming together, but some people here were bitching about how they started teaming so suddenly.

If WWE didn't do that, they wouldn't have a tag division. Then again, they don' really.

It doesn't bother me, personally. After all, Carlito and Santino Marella started teaming out of nowhere, so why is it a problem for Storm and Roode?

It isn't.

rusty1010 said:
I mean Robert Roode was just in the KOTM match for the TNA heavyweight title but a week later he is competing for the fricken tag team titles. Thats lame booking in my opinion.

I don't see it as that bad. There's always one or two upper midcarders in the King of the Mountain. Competing in it and not winning it does no favours to people who haven't already been established at main eventers, meaning nobody will realy argue with Roode in the tag title scene. What I don't understand is how Kaz gets the shit kicked out of him and is rewarded with a title match - that you can argue with, especially when it was boring as fuck.

I see these two guys above the Tag Titles in terms of ranks. Remember when A.J Styles was one half of the Tag champs not long ago. He shouldn't have won the titles because he didn't need them.

I disagree. The TNA tag titles aren't like the WWE ones, they don't stay permanently in the undercard. In TNA they shift all the way from the lower middle card to the very upper card, arguably the main event. They don't really change anyone's status either way. And that's just why I wouldn't mind Roode and Storm holding them, albeit for a short time. It'd be nice for LAX to chase a heel team for the gold.

But yet again, Morrison and the Miz have been improving in every single aspect since they won the Tag titles in the WWE so maybe it could also work for Storm and Roode.

I'm sure Will - where is he? - would agree with me when I say the two don't really need improving on. If it was WWE where everyone's jostling for space and is liable to just fall off the face of the Earth, maybe, but it isn't. It's TNA, where midcards constantly find themselves in the main event, so improvement isn't really necessary. They broke from their repsective teams to develop their own personalities, and they've done it pretty successfully IMHO. That's also why they're a team of two individuals.
Terrible, terrible idea. Storm just got out of a teag team, Roode is starting to make real headway as a top star. This is a serious step back. I blame Kaz. He'll probably get the push over one of those two instead.

I really just can't see why they would have them as a team. Unless it's just an alliance or the start of a stable. For one they just don't go together. Redneck & Rich Dude. It doesn't work. They'll look like such an odd couple walking to the ring together. Is the whole of TNA Deuces Wild? Inferno said that Russo admitted that it was a poor idea. So now he just puts the two together. Maybe if he had the foresight to think ahead a month, maybe he would have put these two as a team in that whole tournament.
Well, it is more of an alliance than a tag team. And it's hardly a permanent thing. They'll probably have a match with LAX at Victory Road and that'll be that. Cage and Rhino are tagging and after they break up Rhino will go back to mediocrity and Christian will be in the title scene once more. Same deal with Roode and Storm, really. This is just a stop gap. TNA obviously didn't have anything for them to do and they didn't have anyone for LAX to feud with. They put two and two together and got 4.125. Close enough, I'd say.

I don't think it'll do nearly as much damage to these two as you're saying Jake. They also won't be walking to the ring together. Well, they haven't yet anyway. They're also not too bad together. Misfit tag teams are big right now... apparently. These two are definitely the best of the bunch, and they actually complemented each other quite well in the match they had. I'll be looking forward to their Victory Road match with LAX. Then they can go nowhere except up. Down being the exception.
I don't think it'll do any damage as such. It's just a step back. You don't want them to start having a Kaz push. One minute they're getting title shots, then they're in mediocre mid card feuds, then out of nowhere they're recieving world title shots. It just doesn't work. Nobody would be bashing Kaz if he's recieved a consistent push since Genesis. But it's stop start.

After Joe defeats Booker in their feud who else is there, really? They'll probably need one of those tow for a one of PPV. And nobody will give a shit.
I don't think it'll do any damage as such. It's just a step back.

I agree it's a step back, particularly for people who were receiving a title shot and a Sting feud not too long ago. However, it's no worse than what they'd be doing otherwise; probably some program with Rellik or something. Tag teams in TNA are midcard, not lower card like in the E. It's been lower down the card than usual lately, y'know, after Deuces Wild, but it's midcard nonetheless.

You don't want them to start having a Kaz push. One minute they're getting title shots, then they're in mediocre mid card feuds, then out of nowhere they're recieving world title shots.

It's the way TNA works, sadly. Sometimes they have the common sense for someone to actually exhibit progression but usually not.

Nobody would be bashing Kaz if he's recieved a consistent push since Genesis.

I might. I really do hate him.

After Joe defeats Booker in their feud who else is there, really? They'll probably need one of those tow for a one of PPV. And nobody will give a shit.

I don't think they would anyway. If they gave one of the two a win over someone big - like Angle, Styles or even Cage - then they'd be taken seriously as world title contenders. Instead, Kaz gets those wins or near-wins. Makes no sense, because he will never be a suitable champion.

As it is, one will suddenly pop into the main event and one will probably be fodder for Abyss.
When I watched iMPACT I was like what? Since when did they become a seasoned tag team? But thats not the point becuase that was cleaned up after the match and I realised that although I dont think they really suit each other they work well together. Im glad they didnt give them the tag titles but at the same time now feel the need that they should have done. TNA needs a new heel tag team and these are two of the bets heels in TNA midcard so why not! They will obviousoly feud with LAX and I expect if they have a match at Victory Road will win the tag titles. But outlook looks good for the tag division!
I'm still not entirely sure why they're together in the first place. They sort of remind me of Rated RKO, minus the DX feud. Two top heels being put together. They have a certain chemistry to them, but I don't see much long term out of this. Rarely do these two random people being put together work, but it's not impossible. They could have a good little run with the tag belts, which actually mean something in TNA. These two could have interesting matches with LAX or the Guns. I'm intrigued by them, and they're miles above the Rock and Rave Infection or Rellik (which don't forget is Killer spelled backwards!) and Black Reign. They could be something good if pushed right, which so far they seem to be.
I see these two guys above the Tag Titles in terms of ranks. .

You are CRAZY!
Maybe I come from the old school where a person that actually carries some gold is better than a person that doesnt! REGARDLESS!!
So let me get this straight... you probably think Flairs last run as IC champ, or even Jerico is a step down??

HECK NO!! Basically you have to look at it like this.. TNA does not have a mid-card title,,,, so the tag team belts have filled that void. AJ/Tomko is a perfect example!

with taht being said: "sorry bout your damn luck"
I think it's a strange team. You got a rich and fancy egotistical stock broker like character. Then you got a drunk redneck cowboy from Tennessee. Could ya GET more opposite?

I think if they want to push these guys, a tag team may be the way to do it. I pray to God they don't bring comedy into it besides James Storm being drunk or whatever.

But if they develop more as a team, and get over, why not give em a run with the titles?
I don't see it as that bad. There's always one or two upper midcarders in the King of the Mountain. Competing in it and not winning it does no favours to people who haven't already been established at main eventers, meaning nobody will realy argue with Roode in the tag title scene. What I don't understand is how Kaz gets the shit kicked out of him and is rewarded with a title match - that you can argue with, especially when it was boring as fuck.

Well, I think its lame personally. I mean, I am still relatively new to Tna so I can't completely judge the value of the title belts. But to me, going from KOTM match to challenging for the Tag belts in a very short amount of time is quite ridiculous.

Kaz sucks, end of story. Thats also quite lame how he LOST his match for the X division title and is rewarded a shot for the fricken world title the very next week.

I disagree. The TNA tag titles aren't like the WWE ones, they don't stay permanently in the undercard. In TNA they shift all the way from the lower middle card to the very upper card, arguably the main event. They don't really change anyone's status either way. And that's just why I wouldn't mind Roode and Storm holding them, albeit for a short time. It'd be nice for LAX to chase a heel team for the gold.

Thanks for mentioning that. Well that makes a bit more sense but I still can't see how Roode and Storm will benefit from holding the TNA Tag titles. They are singles stars and need to break out on their own, not with each other.
Well, I think its lame personally. I mean, I am still relatively new to Tna so I can't completely judge the value of the title belts. But to me, going from KOTM match to challenging for the Tag belts in a very short amount of time is quite ridiculous.

Welcome to TNA, friend. Happens every week, you'll get used to it.

Kaz sucks, end of story. Thats also quite lame how he LOST his match for the X division title and is rewarded a shot for the fricken world title the very next week.

Kaz is extraordinary for even TNA. He loses his X Title match relatively cleanly, gets the shit kicked out of him afterwards and he somehow deserves a world title match? And it makes Joe look bad for allowing a guy who couldn't even beat Petey Williams any sort of offense, never mind near falls.

Thanks for mentioning that. Well that makes a bit more sense but I still can't see how Roode and Storm will benefit from holding the TNA Tag titles. They are singles stars and need to break out on their own, not with each other.

It's just a stop gap, really. The two will go back to the, erm, singles area of the midcard soon enough and their status will be just the same. They've just been put together so LAX have someone to feud with while the Guns are tied up in the World X Cup. Hopefully, they'll break out within the year. At least one of them will, hopefully. Sadly, that'd probably be Roode, although I feel Storm is more talented.
I recently went to watch TNA live in coventry, and these 2 boys work pretty well together, they work the way a heel tag team should. they cheat make, illegal tags distract the ref and on the whole, were a lot of fun 2 watch. This team of Storm and Roode can go far,
Personaly, I firmly think that Roode and Storm are too good to be tag guys.
They could be worth a lot more to the company as singles.
That being said, I do think it would be a good idea to keep these guys together, but as a stable, not just restricted to a tag team.

Just want to touch on this a sec:
LOL that proves how much people care about TNA.
Oh come onnnnnn, get real.

But seriously I think they make a great team but I do not want to see them win the TNA titles. I mean Robert Roode was just in the KOTM match for the TNA heavyweight title but a week later he is competing for the fricken tag team titles. Thats lame booking in my opinion.
I'm guessing your a WWE mark, first for the previous comment, and second because of your picture...?
If we was talking about the WWE tag titles then yes, I would agree. However in TNA, they actually mean something and personally I think they are prestigious enough to improve somebody's carreer standing.
HOWEVER, like I already said, I think Storm and Roode would be more beneficial to the company without them. It's about the company, not the individuals.

Remember when A.J Styles was one half of the Tag champs not long ago. He shouldn't have won the titles because he didn't need them.
Agreed, MCMG should have got a run while they were on fire. It would have shown TNA really do care about actual skill and wrestling ability. I don't know anyone who weren't a fan of MCMG at that time.

I am happy with LAX holding the titles and they shouldn't lose them until a few months in my opinion. But yet again, Morrison and the Miz have been improving in every single aspect since they won the Tag titles in the WWE so maybe it could also work for Storm and Roode.
LOL, I knew you were a WWE mark....

Anyway, I'd like to see Storm and Roode with a couple more guys behind them.
Personaly, I firmly think that Roode and Storm are too good to be tag guys.

Not really. I'm adamant that LAX, too, would be great as singles guys. As you go on to say, the tag scene also means something in TNA. Not as much as it used to, but quite a lot in comparison to the tag title scenes of any other company, even throughout history... as far as I'm aware. And again, it's easily midcard; where, half-meaningless multi-man title matches aside, these two are right now. It's not a step down, nor a step up, they're just staying in the same place together is all.

They could be worth a lot more to the company as singles.

Well, it's hardly a permanent thing, is it? I'm hoping and praying that one of these guys will get a push soon. One of them as champ by the end of the decade would be great.

That being said, I do think it would be a good idea to keep these guys together, but as a stable, not just restricted to a tag team.

A stable? As in, like, some more heels join? Or as in an alliance, e.g. the RKO dynamic. Because they're really an alliance right now. And a rather good one, I might add. I can't believe people don't at least begrudgingly like them.

If we was talking about the WWE tag titles then yes, I would agree. However in TNA, they actually mean something and personally I think they are prestigious enough to improve somebody's carreer standing.

The tag belts would improve the standing of a six time tag champion and a two time tag champion? I know that's not the point you were trying to make at all, just wanted to point out it would be ridiculous if someone were to make it.

HOWEVER, like I already said, I think Storm and Roode would be more beneficial to the company without them. It's about the company, not the individuals.

They won't get them. A one month reign wouldn't do any harm anyway. They're just waiting in line to be properly elevated at this point. Y'know, like Kaz has been when he's not losing X Division matches.

Anyway, I'd like to see Storm and Roode with a couple more guys behind them.

So you did mean a faction. Only problem there is, who'd be the leader? Successful stables need a prominent front man. Whoever it wouldn't be would suffer, looking weaker.
* Since when does Hector Guerrero or any manager/valet get to reverse a title change by bitchin' about it. At least do the whole second referee/replay thing which is still pretty b.s. in my opinion.

* The beating lax got was absolutely BRUTAL. I like.

* Let them team for a short time(spam/I agree with the early posts) then have them fight but keep them both heel, if that's possible.
* Since when does Hector Guerrero or any manager/valet get to reverse a title change by bitchin' about it. At least do the whole second referee/replay thing which is still pretty b.s. in my opinion.

Agreed. Certainly not a heel team. Heels are supposed to get away with things like that. It get's titles off faces, and harms thir momentum less. But TNA is ass backwards so they swerve and whatever just for the sake of it. Title changes equal ratings apparently. If they were going to do it, the Roode & Storm should have left with the titles. Otherwise it is pointless. I'm guessing that next week they won't even feature together.
i dont see why people dont like kaz, he just needs a rivalry. i remember when he was fightin raven and the other people and i thought that was cool.

and i would like a heel tag champs for a bit..maybe LAX as heels, when the MMG are done with the world x cup thing and i'd like them to have a fight for the titles
So its become apparent that T.N.A. is stealing the Rated R.K.O. gimmick from the W.W.E., and giving it to Robert Roode and James Storm. While I like the idea for half of it.. I think its incredibly stupid on the other half. Allow me to explain myself.

Positives: Robert Roode and James Storm are very qualified in the Tag Team division. They're both multiple time Tag Team Champions and as such, even as a collective team can or could be very dangerous. So pairing them up as a Tag Team would be similar to what they did with A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels.. only instead of faces, this times its heels.

Negatives: Robert Roode and James Storm are very qualified in the Tag Team division. As such they've won multiple Championships and accomplished all their is to do in that division. Its time for them to advance and grow as Single's wrestlers. Both have eclipsed their former Tag Team partners. (Storm over Harris, Roode over Young) Yet they find themselves still being pulled back into a division they have nothing left to prove in.

Rated R.K.O. Theory: While for the W.W.E., Edge and Randy Orton were both former World Heavyweight Champions, as well as worked incredibly well in a group. (Edge w/ Christian, Orton w/ Evolution) The fact that sets the Rated R.K.O. pair off from Beer Money is how they were two very established single's Wrestlers who later paired up to take out a common threat.. D-X.

Robert Roode and James Storm collectively as single's stars have beaten a Woman, and won a kid's W.W.E. spinner belt. I'd hardly call that accomplishments in the Single's division. Yet they're being paired, with a grouping of their gimmicks (Beer = Storm, Money = Roode) and their music is being mixed. (ala Rated R.K.O.)

Everything about this gimmick screams rip off, and furthermore it also screams Dead-in.

Why? Because in theory.. Rated R.K.O. had already been to the top, and were merely wasting their time taking out a common threat until something else came along. Whereas Roode and Storm's so-called "common threat" is a Tag Team, L.A.X. in which they're the top of the Tag Team division.. not the company.

So in closing. Robert Roode and James Storm are being given a type of gimmick that is suppose to make them look like two dominate single's stars, paired together.. when this is more a classic case of what happened when Miz & Morrison had to team up, due to no other options.

Therefore.. Beer Money is NOT nor will they ever be as good as, Rated R.K.O.. however if they win, and only if they win the Tag Team Championships.. they might become equal to John Morrison & The Miz.

What are everyone's theories on this new Tag Team. Hit or Miss? Flop or Success?
To me this is just not a good idea. As soon as I read this name, I flashed back to Head Cheese with Blackman and Snow in the late 90s. Rated RKO at least was a name that sounded good. Beer Money was part of the APA's catchphrase back in the day (Not saying it's part of the reasoning, just saying). This could be a good tag team, yet they're given an odd nickname like this, just doesn't work for me. At least the tag belts in TNA mean more than they do in WWE. Over there, winning the tag titles means very little. In TNA, they're at least competitive. It's little more than a funny idea, not something that could work for me long term though.
I like the gimmick,and I like both the wrestlers in this particular tag-team but it is stalling the careers and progress of both superstars. I was kinda hoping we'd be into a JOE/ROODE fued right now,but TNA has about a half dozen challengers higher than ROODE on thier ladder so it probley won't happen. I hope they do win the belts because there is no other belt either superstar could potentially get at this moment........and the TNA tag division is respectable........and a GUNS/BEER-MONEY fued would draw.
Is there tag name actually "Beer Money", or did you just make that up? Because that would make an awesome name.

After Team Canada broke up, Roode looked poised to become the breakout star of the group, but his first feud out of the gate was with Eric Young? Wrong move right there. If he had, say, feuded with.....I don't know, someone who wasn't considered to be a comedy act, then maybe Roode could've actually elevated his star status. His win over Jarrett should've done wonders for him, but then the whole Brookes/Banks thing started and he was just an afterthough.

Same goes with Storm. When AMW broke up, he actually had (and still has) a great gimmick. He tweaked his character just enough to make him interesting....but he hasn't had a whole lot in terms of opposition.

That's why I think that, even though the goal was to make them singles stars, it would suit both their careers better to continue as "Beer Money" until, perhaps, a spot opens up for them.
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