Because this is a good idea.

Fire Marshall Bill

Let me show ya somethin!!!
In other Sunny (Tammy Sytch) news, she noted today on Facebook that she has been approved to adopt a child from Cambodia. She applied a few months ago and received the acceptance call today.

What is she going to do when she goes back to rehab?
I don't care what the Bangladeshians like to claim, Cambodian kids make the best drug mules.

Nice acquisition Sunny. I think you should name it Eightball.
I'm appalled that anyone who did the slightest bit of a background check on Sunny would approve her to adopt a child. Having said that, I'm not aware of the screening process in Cambodia.

I do know there was a story from 2005ish about an adoption agency that brokered through Cambodia, "orphans" exclusively, that turned out to have family there after all. And she was raking in cash from it, charging the families doing the adopting an "orphanage donation fee" if I recall correctly.

God Bless, Sunny. Your ass is gonna need it.
I'm appalled that anyone who did the slightest bit of a background check on Sunny would approve her to adopt a child. Having said that, I'm not aware of the screening process in Cambodia.

I cant EVEN fuckin belive that this is true. Just from what I know about how ridiculous and difficult it is to adopt
I cant EVEN fuckin belive that this is true. Just from what I know about how ridiculous and difficult it is to adopt

Being adopted myself, I agree. My mom and dad have no criminal records, my dad just retired after 35 years as a special needs teacher, and my parents went through months of hell and worry before they found out they were approved.

And Sunny's been arrested and in rehab how many times, just this year?
Hope those Breastalyzer strips on the League are a real thing

:lmao: Did you see the episode last night where Kristin found out Jenny stole her breast milk?

"So you stole my breast milk so you could get wasted?"

"I'm sensing a little bit of judgment here!"

That shouldn't spoil much if you haven't.
Being adopted myself, I agree. My mom and dad have no criminal records, my dad just retired after 35 years as a special needs teacher, and my parents went through months of hell and worry before they found out they were approved.

And Sunny's been arrested and in rehab how many times, just this year?

Ive looked into adoption myself, and as you obviously know, there is MILES of red tape and screening.

When I say I can't possibly belive this report to be true, I say it in all seriousness. Simply cannot fathom it.
Ive looked into adoption myself, and as you obviously know, there is MILES of red tape and screening.
My wife and I have as well, for reasons I won't get into. And despite me being a psychologist and her a counselor at a University, several 'red flags' have come up about us, including us both having full-time jobs, and myself having had serious knee and ankle surgeries within the past year, even though I'm almost fully recovered. They screen EVERYTHING.

When I say I can't possibly belive this report to be true, I say it in all seriousness. Simply cannot fathom it.

Which would be because it's not. From the main page:

Tammy "Sunny" Sytch admitted today on Facebook that she lied about being mugged yesterday, plus she lied about being accepted for child adoption, all in an attempt to get one over on the wrestling websites that report her FB statuses as facts.

She then dropped the "public" viewing from her Facebook page, and commented:

Sunny, you're not a performer, you're a drug addict, violent woman who is an attention ****e. And based on her last public appearance, I'll drop the "attention" from "****e" as well.

I would be more then happy if I NEVER heard from Sunny again. Making light of a mugging or adoption is just despicable.
I don't get it. I genuinely don't. Is she trying to say that things celebrities say in their own words and willingly release to the public should be off limits? That makes a grand total of zero sense to me. Yes, it's not crack investigative journalism. But it can make for decent click-bait. And oh yeah. You posted the stuff on an open forum.

If she was attempting to make some sort of salient point about subpar journalism, she fell well short of the bar. I don't think we should feel bad for looking when she cries wolf.

I know I'm expecting a lot from a violent, substance-abusing, has-been attention ****e. It's a lot like a Super Awesome post in the Bar. You'd like some pay off even though you should know better.
So yeah, this was bogus.

- Tammy Sytch posted the following on her Facebook today, noting that the story about her recent mugging as well as the story about her being approved to adopt a child from Cambodia were not true. Her Facebook was not hacked or anything of the sort, apparently it was all a game to Sytch, who despite making the posts herself, slammed people for not "checking the facts"...

"Soooooo my plan worked!! Every time I put a status on facebook, every wrestling website writer copies it and posts it as their status!! WELL, I guess I got the best of them this time! For the past two days Ive been making up the craziest crap, just to see if they post it as factual news, without checking the facts first!! And yep! They did! Isnt it sad that these "journalists" have no real skills for actual reporting other than copying bogus social media status updates!! Reminds me of a couple years ago, when I said "one of the TNA knockouts was expecting"..remember that??? Yep, I made that one up too to see if they'd run with it... So FANS, Im sorry i had to include you all on this charade, but I DIDNT get mugged, NOR am I adopting a child from Cambodia. And WRITERS, maybe you'll think twice before you copy my statuses just makes you look gullible and STUPID that you jump on things BELIEVING you have the newest BIG SCOOP, when in actuality, you have nonsense that just makes you look pathetic...... SOOO, stop whacking off, get out of Mommy's basement, and get a REAL JOB!!! AND FOR ONCE, GIVE US PERFORMERS OUR PRIVACY!!!! HAHAHAHAAH! Ohhhh that was fun!"

So that's the latest from Sytch, who over the last year has been arrested five times, went to rehab on more than one occasion, got mad at WWE for refusing to pay for more rehab and spent 114 days in jail.
PG, apparently you missed the sarcasm in my post.

Point is moot now that kb ruined it though.

Read post # 10. My crack journalism spoiled it hours ago, I.E. I read the main page, copied and pasted. You can praise me now. ;)

I know I'm expecting a lot from a violent, substance-abusing, has-been attention ****e.

You're giving her too much credit here. Based on her latest public opinion, which you posted in the Bar, you can drop the "attention" from "****e", and you're more on target.
The woman has me ready to actually defend dirt shirts. They reported something she provided about herself. I think The NY Times and Washington Post would have called that rock solid.

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