Sunny Side Up

At the end of the day, its Tammy's life & body & she can do whatever the hell she likes.

Ok, for whatever reason she's gone down this path:-

Needs the money that bad.
Wants the fame to get her "celeb status" back on track.
She's always wanted a career in the adult entertainment industry.

The list is endless, if she's comfortable enough to go down that route & as long as theres no physical harm involved, fair-do's to her.

There's been a few former WWE divas who have gone down this route as named in an above post & the playboy spreads of divas (who were at the time employed by WWE) I know different time ala PG14.

But Vivid recently tweeted Eva-Marie saying "when your so-called wrestling career blows up in your face, give us a call"

Eva-Marie is shit in the ring, but by god im wondering how good she can take it in front of a porn camera?

It least Eva couldnt #allbotcheverything that.
I plan on seeing this in its entirety once it's out and at no cost to me. I quite enjoyed Chyna's efforts, until I realized how mentally unhealthy Joanie Lauer is, and I didn't like it anymore. I don't know how I feel about enjoying this one, but, I'll certainly watch.

But it's been said over and over. Tammy was a woman who got in over her head, swooned at being objectified, and then once Chris passed away, really never got it back. Once the movie is out, we'll have more to judge her on.
Well, I watched it. All 3 scenes. It was absolutely as sad as expected...she didn't really realize that she was making a film, I don't think...I was really like she was sleeping with her boyfriend and he was trying some buttstuff.

I would not recommend that this be watched for anything besides wanting to see Sunny in a porno...this really isn't good material.
As an update to this, the main page is reporting that Sunny has been hospitalized. She is suffering from pancreatitis, a cyst and might have to have her bladder removed.

I haven't seen the movie, but what the holy shit, no pun intended, what happened to this woman. I think I can hear Vince laughing all the way to Toronto. But really this is sad news and I hope she recovers.
It's her life at the end of the day, but she'll probably be silently removed from the Hall of Fame as well as from anything else remotely associated with WWE ala Hogan, albeit silently. I'd believe that even if she wasn't wearing the ring, but the fact that she allegedly is dumps more fuel on the fire.

She hasn't worked for the company in any capacity in ages, causing some to believe this shouldn't be that big a deal. And that may be true, but this is Vince McMahon we're talking about. When something negative pops up with a talent, employed or alumni, his two reactions seem to generally be either "Totally Ignore" or "Scorched Earth" and he tends to fall on the latter.

Hulk Hogan, their biggest star ever, was exiled for making a few dumb remarks in a video that was filmed YEARS ago. Titus O'Neil was suspended for 60 days for playfully shoving Vince on-camera when a simple fine arguably would have sufficed. Batista was fined an insane $100,000 for blading after the company went PG. For better or worse, Vinnie Mac treats every controversy like a gangrene infection; instead of healing it with medicine, he jumps straight to severing that limb and maybe hope it grows back later. Does anyone really think Sunny will be any different?

The main reason Chyna isn't in the HoF is because of her porn history, so I see no reason why they'd let Sunny slide. My only gripe is that Sunny didn't do this 20 years ago when I was actually still attracted to her.

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