Batman vs. Superman?

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Waste of time. Why do two big films in one? Pointless. Do them separately. I never got the point of AvP either. Not the films, the point of the monsters together in one.

Crossovers are big news in the comic-book community - so much so that even competing companies Marvel and DC have been known to crap on continuity and combine their characters.

We're a long way off seeing Wolverine and Batman having a scrap, of course, but following Marvel's bold moves into the crossover sector - Iron Man and Hulk paving the way for a wave of future flicks (Captain America and Thor, anyone?) - DC are finally starting to move their action figures around.

Until recently the chances of Batman and Superman showing up in the same flick was the stuff of an I Am Legend in-joke, but with Warners meeting with DC bigwigs - including talent like Jim Lee - to discuss their long term adaptation strategy, it seems crossovers are on the cards for the company.
You have got to be kidding me. Every movie with one movie Character Vs Another is just ridicoulas. Its bad enough having two villians competing against each other but at least that is Possible as there egos might get to big Etc. But when it is two super HEROES it doesnt make sense.
fuck this. The only hero movie with even CLOSE to decent character development in the last 10 years has been Batman Begins. Having more than one hero, or villain, all but makes a decent development and plot impossible. Itll make a shit ton of money though, so itll probably happen.
Batman Begins & Superman Return fell significantly short of what Warners were expecting. So while Superman vs. Batman might make a lot of money, it would also cost a lot of money. They'd be better off making two smaller budget films.

If The Dark Knight makes lots of money I think they can thank The Joker & Dead Heath.
Marvel movies makes sense for the crossovers because they are building to something. DC what are they going to do build to a JLA movie. Avengers are at least understandable because they cover their own flaws with others. And it leads to the involvement of H.Y.D.R.A. or A.I.M. and MODOK. but what is a JLA movie going to go against? Darkseid or Mongo the Planet Conquerer? or perhaps Lobo. Too bad that is too unrealistic for the universe that Chistopher Nolan has created
Dark Knight should make pretty epic numbers, just becuase Begins was so damn good, and everyone spread the word.

Maybe. I think it'll do better on DVD. If Ledgers death will attract more intrest. And The Joker is the best villain bar none. That's where Superman comes short. Lex Luther is just a buisnessman, the guy needs a gimmick.
Its like making a Live-Action Akira movie based on the Comics. oh Shit they are making it. Fucking dumbass Dicaprio.
Maybe. I think it'll do better on DVD. If Ledgers death will attract more intrest. And The Joker is the best villain bar none. That's where Superman comes short. Lex Luther is just a buisnessman, the guy needs a gimmick.

Truth. this is the big'n. The Joker may be the best villian in any medium of entertainment, period.
How many Americans are called Tetsuo and Kaneda? It is getting set in New York now. Im looking forward to seeing that Bike though.
Moving the ages up to their 20s Im guessing. Taking away one of the best scenes in the Anime. That isn't involving the Bike Fight all 10 minutes of the opening bit. And the Fight at the End.
I get the feeling that this film would have looked better with gritty 80's technology as opposed to modern shiny cgi.
Thor won't work with anybody who isn't HHH's size. I don't see why they need a Thor film anyway. Geeks alone won't make it a hit.

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