Batista Title Reign


Pre-Show Stalwart
So I am sitting here thinking about the last PPV and the upcoming PPV. The past month the main event feud has been Batista vs. Randy Orton. However, Batista has kinda gotten the shaft on this program. Take a look at how they have pushed this angle:

First, the Monday before the last PPV, the opening video segment for Raw was highlighting Shane McMahon's feud with Orton, not Batista. Even though, Batista was the one in the Main Event match the following Sunday. No focus whatsoever on the Batista being a creditable contender.

Second, the past couple of weeks the focus has been taken off of their feud by focusing on Ric Flair returning and The Denver Nuggets fiasco. Not to mention the 5 on 5 Main Event match this past Monday which, I feel, did nothing to contribute to their program.

Now, I know everyone knows that the whole program with Batista is nothing more than filler. They always do this whenever someone(especially a heel) wins the championship. They always have 4 or 5 PPV's with the champ defending the title but everyone knows he will retain.

My question is: How would you feel if they threw a swerve in there and actually had Batista go over at Extreme Rules and win the championship? You may not be a big Batista fan, but, he does still gets a huge pop when he comes out. Basically, that is what WWE measures their talent with anymore. Not to mention, alot of you on here, say the same thing. Like Mysterio, you may not like him but he fits the mold of what WWE is now and he is good role model, etc.

I am not a huge fan of "shock value" but I think WWE is lacking a little shock here lately. If Batista did win, it definitely would not be expected. Also, Batista has beaten some big names, like Triple H. So him, going over Orton, would not be unbelievable.

Thoughts?? Opinions?
You know your excatly right. Last year at Cyber Sunday did anyone expect Batista to go over Jericho and win the world title? I know i didnt. I doubt he'll win against Orton as i'm expecting Flair to turn on him but if they do pull a swerve and have Batista win hopefully it wont be any longer then his last reign lol:lmao:
maybe, the wwe will make orton drop the title and like that, they can concentrate on their feud more...what can happen is batista wins and hhh returns and feuds with him or when batista is about to win at extreme rules, trips returns, takes batista's attention and he gets rko' for how i'd feel, i dunno, i think nowadays, there are other guys who need a shot at the title so batista getting the title won't surprise me, it probably won't last much kn owing that cena, bigshow, and most probably trips and hbk will want a shot at the title as well
What we need is Orton to win and retain the strap. Then at NOC he can start a new program with HHH or HBK.. Cena and Miz start up... Maybe Flair hit Batista with a low blow and then Orton RKO to retain... But what they should do is let Priceless out of this monotonous main event picture every Raw and do a Tag Team Tourney with the winner facing Colons at NOC... I feel a tourney will elevate this divison and Legacy will get stronger with the straps on Priceless IMO
I know it would have "shock value" or whatever, but I've said it before, sometimes what people expect to see is what they want to see.
If Batista wins, there'll be riots on the internet. E-riots, of course. Hell, if Batista at ER won I'd actually expect quite alot of boos in the arena.
He doesn't deserve the title. He's far past his prime, he's not as over as Orton and he hasn't done anything at all since his comeback other than squash The Legacy, which is nothing much to brag about these days.
Orton's pop on Monday night was huge. Due to half the crowd booing for him and half the crowd cheering, it sounded like one big random mess of a noise. But it was still loud as hell. it was louder than Batista's 'suprise returm' pop. The guy is more over than he's ever been right now and he's certainly more over than Batista, so they really shouldn't make him drop the title to Batista.
I can see Batista winning at Extreme Rules. After Batista, the only options really for Orton are Cena and whenever HHH comes back and even HBK is a slight possibility. I don't believe he would hold the title for very long anyway, maybe until Summerslam.
I know it would have "shock value" or whatever, but I've said it before, sometimes what people expect to see is what they want to see.
If Batista wins, there'll be riots on the internet. E-riots, of course. Hell, if Batista at ER won I'd actually expect quite alot of boos in the arena.
He doesn't deserve the title. He's far past his prime, he's not as over as Orton and he hasn't done anything at all since his comeback other than squash The Legacy, which is nothing much to brag about these days.
Orton's pop on Monday night was huge. Due to half the crowd booing for him and half the crowd cheering, it sounded like one big random mess of a noise. But it was still loud as hell. it was louder than Batista's 'suprise returm' pop. The guy is more over than he's ever been right now and he's certainly more over than Batista, so they really shouldn't make him drop the title to Batista.

I agree with you but let me remind you Jericho was over as he's ever been last year but Batista still beat him
Batista winning the belt at Extreme Rules is more possible now than it was a couple of months ago and I fully expect it to happen. Where the Orton/Legacy-Batista feud will go after that, I don't know especially with all the wild cards out there. When will HHH and the rest of the McMahons come back? Where is HBK in all this? Also, with Batista winning the belt, it will send Orton over the edge and he'll really go nuts.
I fully expect there to be a Batista title reign some time soon. I don't really have a solid opinion one way or another if that will happen at the upcoming Extreme Rules PPV, but it WILL happen. All signs point to a Batista retirement (or at least a drastic cut in his schedule) within the next year or two. I expect the WWE to squeeze out every bit of value this guy still has left. Whether you like him or not, he is still a big draw. Yes, women and children love him and so do the casual male wrestling fans. He puts asses in the seats and I would bet that he rakes in a killing with his merchandise as well. He will be in the main event picture until he walks away from the ring. It's the law of averages, Batista will have a title reign on RAW before it's all said and done.
Batista isn't a credible opponent.

If you are truly a fan you will realize that Batista has pretty much had to be carried thoughout his entire WWE career by everyone he faces because he can't hold his own in the ring, on the mic, etc.

What Batista is, is a steriod-created monster of a human being, with huge ears and an ego to match. If he actually cared about the business BEYOND collecting his weekly paycheck, he would be trying a little harder to make himself seem credible.

True fans are smart enough to see that Batista is over-hyped and overrated. He belongs back in the bush leagues, or on the mid-card somewhere. Give him the IC title or the US title and let him give those belts some credibility with the little name he has left.

The days of the gargantuan wrestling giants died with Chris Benoit. The sooner fans, and McMahons, realize this, the better off they will be. CM Punk is a more credible champion, and guys who look more like him, or edge or christian will be the new stars of the future.
Actually, to be honest, I have a prediction that Batista will win the WWE Championship. I know that it wouldn't be the best thing to put your money on, but let's put it this way. When Edge had ''La Familia'' on his side, he did not get any help in retaining the championship. They would interfere, but they did not help Edge keep his title for a very long time. When J.B.L had ''The Cabinet'' on his side, they would help him on several different occasions and J.B.L. would usually win his matches.

Now, Randy Orton has ''The Legacy'' on his side. The stable hasn't exactly helped Orton win matches, it would usually end in DQ. With a steel cage match at Extreme Rules for the WWE Championship, they will be no disqualifications. Legacy may or may not get involved in their steel cage match and I believe that will determine the outcome. If ''Legacy'' interferes and Orton still loses, he can go and blame them for his championship loss. If ''Legacy'' doesn't get involved and Orton loses, he could blame them for not coming out.

Both of those scenarios make you feel that Batista has the advantage over Randy Orton. Add that to the fact that Batista is nicknamed, ''The Animal'' and that he has lost his last three steel cage matches (The Undertaker, Edge, and Chris Jericho). I think that Batista has a huge advantage going into this match, and he's my prediction to win at Extreme Rules, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Randy Orton retain.
It would be a treat to me if Batista won because I'd take anyone over Randy Orton right about now. However, the problem is, Batista is a face and despite what the internet thinks, that isn't changing any time soon. If a face were to hold the title, what heels will challenge for it? It's actually ironic but despite all of Raw's "star power", it's completely unbalanced and many matches simply will not sell. Why do you think Cena/Miz is being tested out? Miz is quickly becoming a top heel, arguably the heel who gets the most heat on the show. He might be a guy that could sell more than an Orton cuz at least it's not boring. But honestly, if Orton loses to Batista, the only other heel that you could legitimately put against him is Big Show.....does anyone want to see that? It's truly an issue to think about the year on Raw as it currently is. Realistically, someone will have to turn heel, but no one makes sense to at this point. HHH would be the one to look for in this regard since he's done it the most, but you have to be careful in doing so because he had such a lengthy feud with Orton and they cannot be seen as friends.
i still dont like the fact that they decided to throw batista in the whole orton mcmahon fued. i think batista is over rated hes had a nice couple of title runs but i wouldnt mind a bit if he kind of laid low for a while and then came back as a major heel that barely talked that seems to be his weekness. kind of like when he debuted in wwe as deacon batista with revrend d von. actually it might seem crazy but if wwe did that maybe ran a storyline where he becomes hurt is out for a while like a year or two and have him loose a little muscle mass and not be a steroid queen but still big, and then pair him up with kendrick where he comes back as a crazy adrenalin junky and him and kendrick dominate wwe, totaly change batistas gimmick. it could end up like the old hbk deasel team like back in the day.
I fully expect there to be a Batista title reign some time soon. I don't really have a solid opinion one way or another if that will happen at the upcoming Extreme Rules PPV, but it WILL happen. All signs point to a Batista retirement (or at least a drastic cut in his schedule) within the next year or two. I expect the WWE to squeeze out every bit of value this guy still has left. Whether you like him or not, he is still a big draw. Yes, women and children love him and so do the casual male wrestling fans. He puts asses in the seats and I would bet that he rakes in a killing with his merchandise as well. He will be in the main event picture until he walks away from the ring. It's the law of averages, Batista will have a title reign on RAW before it's all said and done.

I totally agree. He's one of the wwe cash cows. Milk him as much possible before putting him out to pasture. With Batista you don't have to think to hard. Big man beat small title...crowd happy..goodguy win. There's no depth to him. Just like the average fan...
I agree that there probably will be a batista title reign sometime in the near future but i doubt it will happen at extreme rules. I think that having flair fucking over batista and extreme rules and turning heel and joining legace. I think that orton will keep the belt intill summerslam at least than he'll lose it to like someone like Triple H
I'm actually pulling for Batista to win. My hatred for Randy Abortion is at a depth I can't I can't even fathom anymore. I hate seeing the title on him. I hate hearing his monotone rehearsed promos. I hate his disporportioned head. I hate Batista too, but at least he shows energy. Randy moves slower than the Big Show.
I really don't see Batista as a heavyweight champ now. He seems so mediocre now that it just seems like the big strong guy with a belt, imagine that one. With Orton, the guy's unexpected. He can be losing the match, and just jump at you with an RKO or that crazy punt to the head. I'm actually glad to see Orton champ.

With Batista, for some reason, here's what I think's gonna happen:

Dave will win the belt. "Legacy" will jump ship from Orton, after him using Legacy like cannon fodder for Batista's attacks. Dibiase has great technical skills when he's not swinging off Orton's left or right nut. And Cody Rhodes' blood line is pure greatness with Dusty, and even Goldust.
It is almost assured that Batista will win another World Title or two before he retires from wrestling. And that is a shame.

I'm not a fan of Batista. I never have been. When I watched him win the world title for the first time from Triple H at Wrestlemania, Trips had to basically bottle feed him through the whole match. When he faced 'Taker at Wrestlemania, every time he took a bump he would hit the canvas like a sack of crap. Even JBL had to basically kill himself on a set of stairs to get a reaction from the crowd during one of their painful to watch main events.

Batista to me is just the new incarnation of the Ultimate Warrior minus the weirdness. Big guy, average to garbage in ring skills, two big moves and inane mic skills.

All that said, yes, I think in the next PPV or two, Batista will win one more WWE title. Then he will collect his money, bang someone else's girlfriend and go buy another Hummer.

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