Batista Not Coming Back Until PG Is Over/Boycotting WWE

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There is one thing that I do not understand. How does going TV-14 help Batista of all people? I mean I could see it helping guys like Cena and Orton to an extent but what can Batista do in a TV-14 era that he was not able to do in a PG era. Batista was never a huge trash talker on the mic. Niether was he a huge hardcore wrestler. He did have the odd brutal match but as guys like Cena and on occasion Orton have shown, it is possible to have brutal matches in the WWE even without the usage of blood.

Basically, what I think Batista is doing is trying to increase his price and relevance in the wrestling market. By portraying the fact that he is not in favour of the PG era, Batista is trying to send a message to Vince that he would have to thrown in more money than he would have in order to get Batista back in the WWE.

On the other hand, if he is serious about this business then we might have seen the last of Batista in the WWE.
Batista is an idiot. He's already 42. If he wants to wait till the PG era gets over, he'll have to wrestle in a wheelchair. Oh I mean, botch in a wheelchair. But I really think it isn't the PG thing. I think he just got a little unstable due to the fact that younger guys were being pushed and his place in the company was in danger. Also, it could be for the money. But as far I know, he got a lot of money during his time in the WWE. Bottomline, Batista is gone crazy. Go away Big Dave, no one cares about you...
I'm so sick of the bitching over "PG". If Batista isn't gonna watch the product until the PG Rating is done with, I'm guessing he never watched the WWE until the Attitude Era.

He probably never watched WCW, either.

This is just stupid. Just stay away, Dave.


David 'Batista' Bautista famously attended WCW's Power Plant training facility in 1998, Where bully boy head trainer 'Sgt.' Buddy Lee Parker made Batista yell "I'm a dying cockroach" as he was on the ground struggling through the endless push-ups etc new trainees were forced to do.

The Sarge also was especially harsh on Dave as at his age, even then, he thought he was too old to wrestle.

Also, I personally feel Batista makes a legitimate point towards the PG rating. Those of us, who actually watched Pro Wrestling through the mid 90's - early 2000's and don't have to rely on biased, edited WWE DVD's to tell us what it was like, certainly know what a difference to the product the TV rating can make.
I'm sure I'm gonna jump of the Empire State Building soon. WTF is wrong with P f'ing G. So, Dave, you're telling me nothing entertaining has happened since 2008 when the PG Era started? Are you telling me nothing entertaining has happened since 2003?

My favourite moment watching Batista must have been when he said "I QUIT" whilst he was in a wheel chair (I mean I laughed at "I QUIT", not whilst he was in a wheel chair BTW).

I have never, eeeeeevvvvvvvvveeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr liked Batista. He thinks he is better than everyone and what exactly has he done? 6x World Champion. OK.

He should have stayed kissing Triple H's ass in Evolution. I might of cared about him. PG doesn't effect the product. If anything, it may have improved the range of people watching. If KIDS want to watch, the adults will tag along with them. More people.

Look Baby Batista, just cos your name isn't Super Cena or Ultimate Orton doesn't mean PG is shit. Go kiss Dixie Carter's ass if you are so bothered about PG. Get back at WWE. Doubt they'll miss you.
Can someone PLEASE explain to me what's REALLY changed between TV-PG and PG-14?

The biggest 2 changes I've seen;
A WHOLE lot less blood and blading
A WHOLE lot less strong language.

Okay looking at this realistically.

Blood probably wasn't taken from product due to the TV rating. Being honest with you, for YEARS now on RAW and Smackdown, they've BLOCKED Blood on TV. They censor it and when a chair shot happens, they cut to the crowd. They've always pretty much been tight on it for rating purposes because excessive violence wouldn't even adhere to PG-14.

PPV's were always a bit different but HONESTLY are the health complications worth a bit of blood? McGuinness is in major trouble, health wise because of blading and blood. All it takes is one person with infection and that's it, a whole roster is in trouble if Blading is happening.

Also Blading caused notably big issues with continuity. A LOT of guys messed up. I remember seeing Orton in an Elimination Chamber match (05 maybe?) where he pulls a blade out AFTER he's launched into the chain and you can see the blade get stuck in the top of his head. The camera catches it perfectly. Honestly, it DOESN'T look good and it just causes health issues. Why do you NEED blood in a match to make it realistic? A lot of the time you're dropping someone onto their back. I can think of a few moves, DDT's mainly where you're attacking the face and even then, at the angles they're hit, you're rarely really going to get blood out of someone for it unless you hit it onto a sharp object.

Chair shots have become a whole lot more lethal LOOKING while being safer too. Gunna' bring up Orton here again. Anyone noticed his chair shots in the past couple of years? He sorta swipes with it instead of doing a full blown hit. This looks a lot better IMO than a straight shot and it does LESS DAMAGE.

Chair shots haven't been taken away completely, just to the skull. Which is fair enough, do we really want to risk more brain damage in this industry?

Blood is not neccessary. I hate people saying "it makes it more realistic" because it doesn't. At all. You can STILL have emotion in a match without it. Yes, it has added things in the past, but never really good things and now...lets say someone gets busted open at a PPV now, and it CAN happen due to legit injury, you know its legit and my God, the effect is amazing. It really adds something. Blood in every match...gets boring. Really boring.

As for profanity. Is it needed? No.
Why, honestly do people praise those who have built a career off of promos that basically JUST swore the entire time? Not taking away from Stone Cold here but come it REALLY needed, every single time you step out there, to use profanity?

We can still have mild profanity in cases of TV-PG anyways.

I honestly don't see WHY the PG rating has caused WWE to be a worse product. Surely its just more a case of stale storylines, with no real stars yet to push the product further. All of the big guys have left, leaving no real names to work with and WWE are now trying to build that. Unfortunately it takes a long time. It won't be a year or two before we have big names, try five or six.

Is Batista really that sour because they've cut down on strong language and blood? I understand he left WWE because of this but being honest, going BACK to PG-14 is STILL going BACKWARDS. Wrestling should evolve and become fresh...not go back to what it was because it did well at the time. This is year 2011, not 2001. We don't have what we had before anymore...we don't have it because in this current climate it would fail. Miserably.
I'm not an Attitude Era mark, actually I don't give a fuck about this Era, but there are a lot of guys that don't like this PG thing.

First the Wrestlers are doing what they love to do, and it may be just me, but I don't care about my health if I'm living my dream!
A lot of wrestlers like Edge, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Big Show and HHH complained about the PG thing.

I think that the fake blood is needed in some matches to give that dramatic effect and I always thought that helped some guys get over as beasts or sick and twisted guys.
John Cena & Stone Cold& DX got over also because of the TV14 rating and you know it.

But I get it, this is a business Vince wants money so he doesn't care about Batista and company, he only cares for the kids buying the merch like gums...
Good storylines and writing would make the PG Era more palatable.

Also, does anyone have any financial #s on "Attitude Era" vs PG-Era? I.E. Is WWE making the same amount of $$ today as vs (say) 1998? Obviously if they are (or doing better)...why the hell would they drop PG Era?

On the flip side...are the thousands of Little Jimmies gonna hang around as they get older, the way us Attitude fans have? They're obviously buying merchandise now but as they become smart-ass cursing Marks like the rest of us, will they be content to stay "PG"?

End of day: It all comes down to $$$. As long as PG turns a profit, get used to it. It's why my first comment here centered around angles. Make those better and I won't need chair-shots, cursing, and blading to be entertained.
People that continuously say that PG is killing a product wasn't around in 97', Sting and Hogan building towards Starrcade was one of the biggest, most anticipated builds in history... and it was all under a PG rating, all of the best nWo in WCW, was PG rating. It's not the rating why WWE sucks at the moments... it's the boring talent and the un-motivated writing/management.
The PG era is not going away anytime soon!! Batista was not that great of a wrestler lets face facts!!! Stomp punch shake the ropes thumbs down batista bomb thats pretty much it!!! The WWE doesnt not cater to us they cater to the kids!!! lets face facts the WWE is way better off without batista. I do miss Cenas old character though ripping his opponents apart talking trash wearing old school jerseys!! I do wish they let Cena do that but its wishfull thinking
This is the best argument for keeping PG that I've heard.

Amen! Batista is "protesting" the PG era? Who gives a crap? Has there really been a cry out for Batista to come back? Or is this really his way of making up an excuse for his non-return (also known as the WWE not wanting him)? Hell, I cheered when he quit. Batista is big, but that is his only plus. He is horrible in the ring, and just as bad on the mic. The PG era doesn't need him. The WWE doesn't need him.
If the WWE were really to change their style again, Batista will probably be almost 50. I started as a mark of his, but realized he was terrible outside of his limited moveset. Id call him Splatista based on what his machine gun enterance would do to my friend in his pants (which was a joke).
If they need a big guy who can botch spots and look strong doing it, they bred Mason Ryan. Even though he's green, he has years to train, unlike Splatista.
Its understandable if he feels held back creatively or something by the rating, but he's too old now to be able to go back to the ring by the time, or if ever that they change the rating. He can stick with acting where he isn't too slow to keep up.

Shit when he was training, the Wcw banned blood so he'd be fired for it.
Who cares if Batista says he's "boycotting" PG WWE? If Vince called him up to work a few matches with 500 grand paycheck he would be back there in a heartbeat. Why do you think he wanted to go to MMA, becuase it's more popular than WWE.

The fact that a grown man can't move on from the Attitute Era, when he was built as a megastar in 2005, 5 year's after the AE died is a little sad. I really don't see why he's so against being at a lesser edgier, more profitable company, that by banning chair shot's to the head and blading is logical and is benefiting the performer's. The PG rating does'nt make the show, and Batista is one of the biggest star in the "pre-PG" era, I'm pretty sure h would still be a big star today as well if he never left. I still don't see where Dave is coming from by "boycotting" today's WWE. Maybe he was afraid of people being built up and taking his spot?

Who knows, all I know is if everything else fail's, WWE will welcome him back with open arm's and he will do the same to the WWE.
I liked Batista overall when he was on top in WWE from his Feuds with HHH,Edge,Undertaker,Booker T,Mr Kennedy,Chris Jericho,John Cena,Randy Orton,etc. I don't see what bad he can say about them considering he was World & WWE Champion on numerous occassions,a Royal Rumble winner,Main Evented a couple Wrestlemanias, and whatever else. If I had that type of career in the business I would be pretty happy with it.
Batista will come back once he blows all of his money again. Batista worked with WWE when it really wasn't the Attitude Era. WWE seems like he has been more lenient towards cussing and violence since Wrestlemania. It really doesn't matter what era it is because there have been some horrible segments and gimmicks in the 80's, 90's, Attitude, and PG era. I don't enjoy seeing arm wrestling matches or dance competitions on Raw, but at the same time I don't need to see Mae Young in a thong giving a bronco buster to someone.

Batista will change his tune come Wrestlemania time.
It's nice to see some wrestlers coming out against the current creative direction. Batista was on fire before he left, imagine how much more on fire he would have been had he had the leeway to use some salty language or give some horrific bloody beat downs. I'm not saying every match or angle needs these things to be good, 90% of it rests on the story being told, and frankly the writers are awful. The non PG stuff adds that last6 little bit to an already good angle or match. Taker and HHH needed it at Mania this year, last year Batista and Cena definitely could have used it. I think he just wants a more serious product, and he is echoing alot of the old school guys in his opinions. A hamstrung Stone Cold is a sad thing to watch, and that's what we get when he comes around now, and I bet he is frustrated he can't show today's audience the character he was back when he was on top.
I definately agree

WWE at this point is like a burger without the buns, they know something's missing, but they just can't pinpoint what it is

The PG era draining the company's "FUN-O-METER" and just making it bland and stereotypical as wrestling was in the 80's and very early 90's

I know that many people would prefer wrestling to be "Kid Friendly", but even with the PG rating in place, it's still a fairly violent program

So why not reup the anty?

Why not make the violent mean something again, why not make WRESTLING mean something again?

And as for Batista...........he looks........nothing short of rough

So yeah, stay on the sidelines buddy

Loved you in your prime, but you're over
Keep in mind Batista just launched that Twitter account. He has said in other interviews before he started his Twitter that his character does not really fit the PG era. I don't see that as the case but either way. I think this is a case of he just started that Twitter and was probably a little overwhelmed but all the fan interaction. He posted that boycott comment in response to a fan asking when he was coming back to the WWE.

That being said, Batista is not a huge movie star like The Rock. He is currently doing straight to DVD movie probably making a decent living. In my opinion though, when Vinces wants him back, he will get him. Batista is a huge draw so I'm sure Vince will throw loads of money at him when the time is right.

Batista will have a final run in the WWE. He has way to big of an ego to go out the way he did and stay gone forever. To be honest, I'm sure Batista thought he would be back with the company at this point when he left awhile back. He is getting old but the guy is in good shape. Flair, Sting, and Hogan all wrestled well into there fifties. I don't see why a guy like Batista couldn't do the same.

Then throw in the fact that Trips will be running the company soon enough. He put Batista over for the WHC years back and they were in Evolution together. I'm sure these two were or are close because Trips doesn't put just anyone over. I'm sure Batista will have some sorta' role with the company when Trips takes over. I could see him in an Undertaker sorta situation and schedule.
Batista's comments come off as whining and not much more. Claiming he is boycotting them until they drop the PG direction is dumb of him. As for him not wanting to return until the PG direction changes, I'm perfectly fine with that because they do not need him. WWE is in a time where they need to change and make new stars. Bringing back Batista or the vulgarity will not help them achieve anything new. This is a different era and the PG is here to stay.
I'm not really a Batista fan, didn't hate him but didn't love him either. But i do agree with his attitude. Wrestling is wrestling, Nobody is going to change that fact. He worked best when the PG rating wasn't looming. Same with Cena and all the other top stars. In intense fueds you really can't see the emotion. I'm not trying to seem like a badass but when you dislike someone and want to hurt them, the odd swear word doesn't hurt. And if he wants to make people bleed let him do so. It makes it more realistic. Kids are living in a world now where power counts over everything. Guns, crime, war and gangs. They have seen worse distressful situations on the daytime news. So why not wrestling? KEYWORD = WRESTLING!
Really could give a fuck less about Big Dave. I liked him when he was on for the most part, and loved his last heel character a whole lot. It just seems like a lot of whining today from a man who understood the business, but never really "got it" if you know what I mean. He bitched back then, he bitches now. Sure he may not like the direction of the company is going, I just don't see him doing anything about it. He quit, he took his ball and went home, and honestly, there isn't much room in the WWE for him now anyways. Which is probably more than likely why his pussy hurts so much.

He went from Big Dave to Big Bitch.
It's pointless for Dave to say this. Because look at it from others points of view, if Vince wants you bad enough he will pay the big dollars to get you. If vince wants Batista back in the WWE even on a short term basis, I would go to think that he could throw enough cash in his face.

Lets face it, this whole art thing is bullshit. Batista never struggled in the Indi's for shit promotions putting on great matches. He got handed a contract in OVW because of his size. So his Art is wrestling speach can piss off, because none of his matches were ever art. He needs to quit being a whiner and just say it. I got burnt out and needed some time away. I'll be back later.
If Vince offers enough money Dave will be back, no doubt about it. He was in the wrestling business for money, and he has a glamorous lifestyle to maintain, so if the cheque was big enough, you can bet your ass Batista would be right there.

Wait this PG thing out? How long does he think its going to last? And isnt he like 45 now anyway? Sorry Dave, but if you want to get back in the ring and still make an impact, you need to do it sooner rather than later before your age catches up with you and while people still care about who you are.
There is discussion in another thread about whether or not Batista refusing to even consider going to TNA is arrogant or not, to which I replied that it is not. However a comment of this nature could be considered arrogant for sure.

Does Dave Batista think he is significant enough that WWE will change the entire direction it has been following just to get him back? Does he think his return is significant enough to the fans, to WWE, or to Vince McMahon that anyone cares about a boycott by a 45 year old man? If he chooses to boycott WWE for this reason, that's fine, but if he thinks that ultimately anyone of significance cares about such a boycott, then he is arrogant. He needs to either put pro wrestling behind him once and for all and move on, or return fairly soon, because at his age, his window is closing fast.

Unless he isn't too arrogant to go to TNA after all, as he approaches 50, he's moving straight into their target roster age. Too old and no longer relevant :)
Now, okay, Batista was quite good as the top big-ass power guy, he had some personality which so many of that ilk seem to lack. I also admire Batista for standing up for his views and not coming back, but he's talking like he knows 'oh, this'll go down well with those internet guys and anti-Cena fans if I whale on PG.' He's been a success, and left when he wanted to, can't blame him for that either.

But he continues to comment on the product as if he still adds something to it. Sure we all discuss it really in depth too, but Tista just rolls in like some big name to try and shut people up. Trying to get people all suspenseful over his reutrn - can't blame him, considering he might well come back at some point, but it's the way he does it that annoys me. It's like he's saying 'Look! Look at me! I left and I'm no longer part of the show, but I'm still important!' Although in regards to his TNA comments, I feel he is totally justified in that - he was a top guy in WWE for quite a few years. I'm sorry but TNA is an ant compared to the big jungle spider, at least, of WWE. I like their talent, but not their direction, because I think they really are harming their own company, unlike WWE.

There's also the question of whether PG really hurts the company, and I don't think it does. Here's why:

- More sponsoring
- Better PR
- Better rep
- Violent spots happen less often, so are more meaningful when they do
- Swears happen less often, so are more meaningful when they do
- Wider (effectively) demographic, despite viewership being down since Attitude Era
- Heels have to work harder at promos (I'm all for this, so much unoriginality as far as non-PG heels go)

Sorry Batista dude - but you just don't leave the gap that Edge did, or that Jericho did, or even the gap that Punk might leave if he goes after MITB.
Isn't Dave Bautista the same guy that wanted to wrestle b/c of the Ultimate Warrior? He's just a juicehead that's known for being a dick and getting hurt like clockwork every 6 months. Not to mention he's a grandfather. I'm pretty sure his "protest" is just talk as I can't imagine VKM calling him up, needing him. Despite what some people have mentioned, he was NOT a draw either. No one pays money to see that guy at all. He was cheered, sure, but there's a huge difference between cheering someone while you are there and spending your money to actually go see them.

Also, the PG era is fine. The Attitude era was cool at the time, but honestly, it was more due to the talent than the actual rating. The Rock would've been The Rock regardless, Austin would've been Austin regardless. I really don't think the higher rating for the Attitude era was even b/c of those two. The blood, sexual inneundos, that was more the cause and honestly, I don't really miss either one too much on TV. I think blood is something that, if used, should be VERY sparingly and only in huge PPV matches (and not all of them, only if the story truly calls for it).
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