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Batista....Make him a Paul Heyman Guy?


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Simple as that...would it be better for Batista to come back a Paul Heyman guy?

Let me start by saying I don't really care how he comes back as long as he doesn't win the RR and main event WM. I am looking forward to seeing the guy return. Imagine though...Paul Heyman having Brock Lesner and Batista standing over his shoulders.

Batista was never really any good on the mic so Heyman would serve him well from that standpoint. He's better as a heel then a face, and Heyman would only generate more heat for the guy. It would give Heyman something to do on a weekly basis with Lesnar's limited schedule.

What do ya'll think? It's more fantasy booking then anything. I haven't read anything online about Heyman working with Batista.
I don't mind this idea, but where would it lead towards WM30? Honestly, I don't mind what they decide to do with Batista - just very happy to have him back. I'd like to see him come after Sheamus during the RR.

We don't know if he's back like Jericho or like The Rock yet either - if he's back for a few months on TV every week then I'd be more than happy to see him in the title picture, with or without Heyman. With him it would be great TV though if Brock isn't around.
I don't mind this idea, but where would it lead towards WM30? Honestly, I don't mind what they decide to do with Batista - just very happy to have him back. I'd like to see him come after Sheamus during the RR.

We don't know if he's back like Jericho or like The Rock yet either - if he's back for a few months on TV every week then I'd be more than happy to see him in the title picture, with or without Heyman. With him it would be great TV though if Brock isn't around.

Sheamus/Batista would be a good WM match. I don't want to see another part timer take up the main event without putting someone over. Sheamus doesn't need any help. Like him or not, he's over well enough. A match with Batista would be great for both, a great mid-card filler and keeps all the main event matches in place (i.e. Taker/Lesnar/Cena/Punk/Bryan/Orton/etc.).

From what I've read...he's coming back full time till the summer, then he's gone. There may be more info out there saying he'll be on again off again like Y2J, or something like it but I haven't read it.
I wouldn't mind seeing that happen but I also can't help but wonder if they aren't setting up for he and Lesnar to have a program, eventually. Maybe not WM (remembering Lesnar/Goldberg) which is ok by me. Gonna be hatd to call which way it will go until his return. If he comes in supporting someone it's hard to think it wouldn't be Triple H but the Heyman swerve could be very interesting.
I wouldn't mind seeing that happen but I also can't help but wonder if they aren't setting up for he and Lesnar to have a program, eventually. Maybe not WM (remembering Lesnar/Goldberg) which is ok by me. Gonna be hatd to call which way it will go until his return. If he comes in supporting someone it's hard to think it wouldn't be Triple H but the Heyman swerve could be very interesting.

That would be a pretty good program. I'd almost like to see Brock as a face in that matchup, myself. Brock would have to find a new talking piece I think...cause PH is better served as a heel manager. Maybe find a way to have Zeb Coulter manage Brock. I don't know...but I agree...definitely not at WM. It'd be good for SummerSlam. Maybe Batista could interfere in Brock's WM match trying to help him win but screws it up somehow? Several possibilities to make that happen for sure. Good thoughts Doc. Now...about that prescription of awesome sauce!!
I personally don't like the idea of him being a Heyman guy, as he is already an established star. Actually, his last few months as a heel, he was pretty damn good on the mic. I would rather him come back once again as a heel, maybe as an enforcer for the Authority
Does anyone else think he needs to come back as a heel I know he won't but that's going to put a lost of faces on the roster with sheamus,RVD,Y2j, and the rumer turn of reigns and already having cena,big show,mark Henry,big e,Rey,cm punk and DB
Here is the thing, Batista can talk, Batista can fight, so he doesn't need Paul Heyman. The problem with everyone else he has been with was they needed Paul Heyman and they couldn't capitalize on being Paul Heyman guys, CM Punk established himself before Heyman returned, and Brock was already a major star.

Batista has all the tools, so does it benefit Batista? No, Does Heyman need Batista? No

Honestly its almost a bad pairing, but WWE is notorious for that, so we could see what happens, but none of them need that.
hopefully batistas only back for a few months. never thought he was that good in any way, except his look.i do not want to see him main event wrestlemania or even close to the main event. i would like to see the shield take him out. Then have a Batista vs Roman Reigns match, maybe at wrestlemania. i just dont see him being that big of a deal after his initial return. he may just return and join Orton and the authority, and feud with with Daniel Bryan or CM Punk. Chances are If he does join authority, theyll more than likely put him in a program with John Cena though.Just doesnt matter too much to me though. he'll make some good coin and split. Please prove me wrong wwe/Batista
I can't see him coming back as a Paul Heyman guy. As others have mentioned he can talk as he proved with his last run and especially with his feud with Cena.

I also can't see him returning as a heel. He is starring in an upcoming blockbuster movie as a hero so it wouldn't make any sense him being a bad guy in wrestling and a good guy in a movie. WWE aren't stupid, they know that they can cream off the top of next summers blockbuster movie just by having one of the movie's stars on their roster. Pairing him with someone like Heyman just doesn't make sense at this juncture.
Unlike Brock Lesnar, Curtis Axel, and Ryback, Batista is like CM Punk in that he is capable of cutting effective promos, especially as a heel. Add in the fact he's already an established former main-eventer that everyone remembers from just a few years ago. I don't feel like he needs Paul Heyman as a mouthpiece.
Here is the thing, Batista can talk, Batista can fight, so he doesn't need Paul Heyman.

That might be so. I think a lot of how Batista is handled will depend on how he wants to be handled; in other words, he might regard himself as returning royalty, meaning he intends to call the shots as to whether he talks for himself or has Paul Heyman talking for him. Who knows? He might figure if he has a talking head to pave his way, it's less work for him to do.....and that might appeal to him. Or, he might feel he's the greatest talker in the world and wants to do it himself.

Some of this will be determined based on whether Batista comes back as heel or face. As we well know, many performers want to be heels because it's an easier role to play, but if Batista likes the idea of being cheered, he might choose to return as a good guy.

So much depends on how badly WWE wanted the man....and what they had to do to get him. Conversely, perhaps his financial situation is so bad that he approached Vince McMahon.....in which case he might not be calling the shots.

Through his first run with the company, he came to detest the whole profession after making it to the top. How he approaches this segment depends on what brought him back.

Whether Batista gets tossed in a program with Paul Heyman might depend on the same thing.
Simple as that...would it be better for Batista to come back a Paul Heyman guy?
No, plain and simple. Batista has proven himself already that he doesn't need a mouthpiece and we wouldn't see Heyman as a face even with Lesnar being one so that couldn't work on the other side.

On another note: I read somewhere that Batista signed a 2 year deal? That this is more of a "last run" that a "part-time return" so he could have a run as both heel and face we'll never know, a lot can happen in 2 years...
I also can't see him returning as a heel. He is starring in an upcoming blockbuster movie as a hero so it wouldn't make any sense him being a bad guy in wrestling and a good guy in a movie. WWE aren't stupid, they know that they can cream off the top of next summers blockbuster movie just by having one of the movie's stars on their roster. Pairing him with someone like Heyman just doesn't make sense at this juncture.

That's a pretty legit statement. I considered how his upcomming movie would affect his WWE persona leading up to the "Gaurdians of the Galaxies" release. I just don't see how he fits into the crowd of faces and be able to maintain a solid program with anyone outside of the main event scene. But...all signs seem to be pointing to him getting the bump up and guys like DB and CMP getting a bump down.

Good points Sid.
On another note: I read somewhere that Batista signed a 2 year deal? That this is more of a "last run" that a "part-time return" so he could have a run as both heel and face we'll never know, a lot can happen in 2 years...

Or nothing could happen at all, and he could be wasted. Just ask Chris Jericho. :shifty:
Some good counter arguments here...thanks for the input.

Like I said...it's all more fantasy booking. Looking at Paul Heyman it's obvious that he'll jump back in when Brock returns. But he's limited in Raw/Smackdown appearances and its got me wondering if they'll try and pair him up with someone else to capitalize on his ability to draw heat during the road to WM. Batista, from a certain perspective, would make sense.
Batista really doesn't need Paul Heyman. He's a former 6 time World Champion, 4 time Tag Team Champion (2 with Ric Flair, 1 with Rey Mysterio, 1 with John Cena), as well as a former Royal Rumble winner. When he was a heel in 2010 during his last few feuds he got a lot better on the mic. Batista was always the type to let his actions in the ring do his talking for him so if he returns as a face that is most likely what will end up happening. Plus, Heyman already has Brock Lesnar who needs Heyman's promos more than Batista would. The only way that could work without any issues is if the two of them formed a tag team. Heyman's Monsters. Batista and Brock Lesnar. There's a nearly unbeatable team right there. I don't want him taking Lesnar's place as far as Heyman guys are concerned. It's really not something Batista needs to be quite honest.
When the WWE made Axel and Ryback "Heyman guys," I cringed. I always felt a Heyman guy should be someone that Paul legitimately had a relationship with, not someone that can just be inserted into a storyline for the sake of trying to make something out of nothing.

With that said, unless I missed something and Heyman and Batista actually have a previous working relationship, I would say that making him a Paul E guy isn't a good idea, nor is it necessary.
I'm kinda surprised, although not really, at the amount of people saying Batista has good mic skills. His mic skills are OK at best. He benefited from being in a time when there wasn't many good Mic workers so the expectations were lower. The same was true for the Miz. He has ok Mic skills but did a decent promo after the split from Morrison and people were shouting to give him the title. I dare anyone who has said he had great mic skills to go back and watch those promos with Cena and compare them to punk, ambrose, jericho, etc.

However, I do agree with the masses that he doesn't need to be a Paul Heyman guy. The term Paul Heyman guy gets overused in my opinion. A Paul Heyman guy is someone who doesn't fit the muscular build of a "typical" star: Punk, Axel, RVD, Tyson Kidd (I think they dropped the ball on kidd not having him be a paul heyman guy). Of course the exception to this was Brock but that is because BROCK CAN'T TALK AT ALL so he NEEDED Heyman plus from what I've heard Heyman was worried they would misuse Brock so he kept a close eye on him.
I don't think it would look to right if a Movie Actor/Star like Batista has to use a mouthpiece in the ring,tbh. Batista was also quite capable in the ring until his last promo when he quit and left a few years ago.
Simple as that...would it be better for Batista to come back a Paul Heyman guy?

Let me start by saying I don't really care how he comes back as long as he doesn't win the RR and main event WM. I am looking forward to seeing the guy return. Imagine though...Paul Heyman having Brock Lesner and Batista standing over his shoulders.

Batista was never really any good on the mic so Heyman would serve him well from that standpoint. He's better as a heel then a face, and Heyman would only generate more heat for the guy. It would give Heyman something to do on a weekly basis with Lesnar's limited schedule.

What do ya'll think? It's more fantasy booking then anything. I haven't read anything online about Heyman working with Batista.

I don't think he needs Heyman. Batista alone should be enough to sell himself as a legit main eventer.

If anything Heyman needs to continue to be used as somebody to elevate younger talents. I'd love to see him work with Kofi.
Batista may not be the voice of a generation on the microphone, but he can still get the crowd to care about him. There are several other gentlemen on the roster who would be in aid to Heyman's management other than a multiple World Champion.

It makes sense with Lesnar because of their past, and some sense with Punk because he's been very vocal about being a "Heyman Guy", but Curtis Axel and Ryback make me think not anyone can work with Heyman without having some sort of real history. Having Batista work with Heyman "off the cuff" is bound to be a worse idea than Batista being a lone wolf or siding with The Authority.
When Punk coined the phrase "Paul Heyman Guy" in his infamous Pipe Bomb, It referred to guys that Heyman "discovered" or guys he believed in.

I think that is the only time it should apply. When they started calling Curtis Axel and Ryback PH guys,I think it hurt the credibility of Heyman and the actual phrase itself. Batista was already over before he left, I don't think he needs Heyman's rub.
Personally I think whats' best for Batista's return would be to feud with Lesnar. I think this should lead to the dream match at WrestleMania between the two.
NO NO NO, sheamus suck and im in no rush to have him back, his character along with ortons bore me to death, and its OBVIOUS batista is coming back face by the promos....

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