Batista lands Bond role....

Christian Faith

Occasional Pre-Show
Confirmed today Dave Bautista will be in the new James Bond film Spectre.

I'm guessing this means (thank goodness) he won't be making a comeback to the WWE anytime soon.

What's everybody's thoughts on this? Was anybody hoping he'd return next year?
Good for him. He's not a half bad actor. Pity, though, I was hoping to see him back in the wwe soon to take on Triple H or someone big.
No issue with Batista. He is a talented individual. I know a huge proportion of the dweebs, dorks and nerds in the IWC dont like him because he never did the indie scene and never appeared in ROH but Batista can draw, is over and can work with the correct booking.

Good luck to him and hope to see him back for that 'final run' maybe in 2016.
I've seen some quotes mentioning he's a talented wrestler in the ring!! HE WAS!! alright? just agree in this!
His inring talent got shaggy when he made a return earlier this year. I could see his, oh wait, possibly everyone could his hands and legs tremble when he tried to hit spinebusters and Powerbombs! Or am I the only one who saw it?

The bottomline is I don't want his return.
Let's push a talent instead?
Would be good
I'm figuratively wet reading over the villain casting here. Batista as the Big Scary Henchman under Christopher Waltz? If this idea doesn't have you running to grab your lotion and tissue paper, go watch Inglourious Basterds. Waltz makes that movie happen.

If you'll excuse me, I need about five minutes.
I'm figuratively wet reading over the villain casting here. Batista as the Big Scary Henchman under Christopher Waltz? If this idea doesn't have you running to grab your lotion and tissue paper, go watch Inglourious Basterds. Waltz makes that movie happen.

If you'll excuse me, I need about five minutes.

... I hadn't heard about Christoph Waltz's casting. I think I'll need a minute too.

He stole every scene he was in during Django Unchained, the man has an incredible screen presence. Playing a Bond villain just sounds perfect to me.
He's done alright in movies so far, he was about the only thing I liked in Guardians of the Galaxy after they reduced my boy Benecio to a comical interlude.
Good for Batista I say. I felt kinda bad how he was treated on his comeback... though it was probably based around Daniel Bryan, etc.

At least he was able to wrestle for a while before his blockbuster movie came out. We could be seeing a "new Rock" in the making - Guardians of the Galaxy and Bond isn't a bad resume. I can see him coming back to possibly do one off matches similar to The Rock or something in the future at a Wrestlemania or something down the line.

I guess he gets the last laugh.
I saw someone online earlier today make the point that, in retrospect, this is why it would have been great for the company to have Batista go over at WrestleMania, instead of Bryan. It kind of made me laugh in a painful honesty kind of way. Of course the entire IWC was on the Boo-tista wagon and had such a negative reaction to him, but the truth is, landing Hollywood roles like this that could greatly benefit the exposure to the company is exactly the type of thing the vanilla midgets will never be able to do.

Everyone's hero CM Punk has talked about the "bi-polar nature" of this business, and that's true in this instance too. The tug of war between people/fans who think the top priority in the wrestling business should be the wrestling, 5 star matches, etc, and at the other end of that rope, a publicly traded corporation who benefits more from having one of their stars land a role in a blockbuster movie than having two 175lb wrestlers tear the house down in a wrestling clinic for the ages. I don't see any way this dichotomy will ever resolve itself. People need to stop looking to the WWE for the greatest "wrestling" product out there and let them be the entertainment company that they want to be. Go watch ROH or something else and let WWE be the company where a guy like Batista is going to be in the main event, because frankly, it makes sense for everyone involved. The biggest thing Bryan has accomplished is a few instances where his yes chant has bled over into other sports and been featured in a segment on sports center.

All I'm saying is that I can see the point that person was trying to make. WWE would be in a better position if they had done something bigger with Batista. Instead he just has this incredibly successful Hollywood career that doesn't really get linked back to him as being a wrestler. The WWE listened to the fans, the person who went over at WrestleMania is at home with a nagging injury, and the guy who got booed out of the building is going on to do incredible things.

For WWE, it doesn't make sense to NOT prioritize the bigger, more charismatic guys, who maybe "can't wrestle". A company of that size is not going to benefit from having extremely technical showcases of a scripted sport. Nobody cares. If wrestling was really the most important part of the wrestling business, ROH would be the biggest company in the world. Die hard fans never seem to appreciate that they are an extremely small minority, in any business. Die hard video game fans account for 10-20% of the market. Casual gamers are where the money lies, which is why things like the Wii sold astronomically when it first came out, and why game companies see the biggest, brightest future in developing dinky little boring games for cell phones and tablets. Game consoles are going to be dead within a generation or two because there is no more money there. Microsoft has never made a profit off of XBOX hardware, the PS4 is the first time Sony is selling a piece of hardware at slight profit rather than a staggering loss (the original $600 PS3 cost them $900 to manufacture). The same goes for diehard wrestling fans, You simply aren't the majority, and if your favorite companies were actually to start giving you what you wanted 24/7, they'd be bankrupt within a few years. Closing RAW with a 5 star match means nothing to Vince compared to having the next Bond villain be a part of your company.

I'm rambling and failing to make a point. But basically, reasons like this (Batista landing this role) are why WWE always leans towards favoring these guys, and they'd probably be feeling pretty good right about now if they HAD let Batista become champion, and would now be receiving greater promotion as the company that he works for, rather than him having a miserable, temporary run that ended when the fans insisted that Daniel Bryan was their guy.

Congrats to Batista, what an amazing transition he is pulling off with his career.
Congrats to Batista! That is huge for his career.

Looks like no Batista for WM 31, maybe they could get him for WM 32 so he can get his retirement match against HHH.

The mainstream appeal Batista would bring could be huge if creative books him right this time.
To be perfectly honest I havent seen the GOTG movie, but to see Batista in a Bond movie?Really.......Really........REALLY!!!!!

He's just cashing in like The Rock has, its just took Batista a few years longer to get the instant success that The Rock did, but now Batista is counting the dollars to live his expensive lifestyle even more.

Then if Triple H contacts him to come back, he now has the stuck-up attitude to say "Im a Big movie star now, if you want me, pay me as much (if not more) than Brock Lesnar" to do fuck all.

Im just wondering how much Triple H will promo this to fuck to try and cash in too.
Good for him, I say.

He wasn't too bad in Guardians of the Galaxy but then his part wasn't that big. Yes, he was one of the main characters but he was the least interesting and the least out-spoken. Even Groot had a better reception than he did.

Still, he has the look for a Bond villain so I don't see it being a bad thing for his career. And since the James Bond franchise is starting to find it's feet again, this could be a very big movie for his movie career. And if it is, then there is no way that he is going to be back in the WWE in the next 5 years. Maybe he could go as far as The Rock?

I guess we'll see how it pans out. But I'm excited about it.
He is probably going to be the new "Jaws" type character.

Unless they kill him off but it's strange I thought they were going for a more realistic Bond since Casino Royale. Batista's character name, the fact he's not the primary villain (Waltz is) screams henchmen role. Of course I could be wrong but it doesn't feel right with the more realistic or grounded approach the recent Bond films have been doing.
I must say, Batista was the best part of Guardians of the Galaxy... which was already a pretty good film to start with. And I am really happy for him.

Casting as a villain in the new Bond film shows that his career is officially a success!
House of the Rising sun was actually a pretty good film, man with the iron fists was garbage, but he wasnt given much of a part in that.
He was good in the new Riddick film, and Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is on the way, possible cameo in the last two Avengers movies.... Bond.... Bad Guy Role in the Kickboxer Remake.....

Just gotta love Batista! I would like to see him in the WWE again...but why should he? He's doing great!
Batista has always been a talented guy no matter what a sizable swathe of the IWC would tell you. Just under Triple H on the list of the most memorable World Heavyweight Champs, in my opinion. A great guy and he was pretty awesome as Drax on Guardians. Hope this movie career of his flourishes.

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