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Batista: A Legit Heel?


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I have watched batista wrestle and i dun understand why hes still a face. People love him even though he has less moves then cena. Ive also heard about his backstage attitude and frankly in real life i dun like him.

Even when his wife was battling breast cancer, he had an affair wife melina as it says so in his new book on page 263. "My wife thought I was sleeping with Melina right off the bat, while we were still married. It wasn't true, but it did make me feel guilty about being friends with her. Since then, as I've said, Melina and I have gotten closer and our relationship has become physical. That's caused a bit of controversy, but I don't give a sh*t. She's my friend, and I love her very much." Hennigan should punch him out

When his daughter was pregnant and the father of the child died in a car accident, he wanted nothing to do with her and her baby. Luckily for her Eddie Guerrero (RIP) convinced batista to be there with her wen she was having problems giving birth to his grandson

Not just outside the ring does he has problems. He has sum backstage heat as well. He actually managed to get Shelly Martinez (Ariel) fired gets into a fight with Booker. He made fun of smackdown while he was on raw and wen he got transfered, no one liked him. He then criticizes TNA and aj styles for not being a good wrestler wen this guy only has 5 moves.

Tell me wat you think and whether u honestly think hes better then John Cena
Batista is a real "legit heel". He is in the same bout as Cena IMO with only children & women liking him. I dont think any real wrestling fan likes him for his ability. He seems to think he is the best thing in wrestling since slice bread #2(get it) and doesn't respect the business. I do think it was mean for him to cheat on his wife and don't understand y Melina would sleep with him(y melina, y?). I think John Morrison should go phsycho on his ass!!!
The guys an asshole, and apparantely we're going to find this out with his book, "I got pushed because I'm buds with the bosses Son In Law". The guy has zero respect for the business, but gets by on his look, plain and simple.

For years we have heard the rumors and reports of what a bad seed this guy is. I'm kinda interested in reading the book, just to see how big of an ego one human being could possibly have, but then again, why give Big Dave Dudd my time to do that.

I know what I need to know about him. He's not a very good human being, he's a horrible in ring performer, and he does everything in his power to belittle everyone around him, including his family. He walked out on his family, cheats on his wife when she is ill, and disowns a pregnant daughter. That's all you need to know about the guy to know what kind of human being he is.

On a side note, Morrison is probably more upset because Big Dave Dudd took his shipment of steroids.
lol shock...stole his roids....too funny

Batista could indeed be a good heel...but does he deserve it? hell no...he doesn't deserve the title or a push at all...he should be the one getting his ass kicked every week...FINLEY deserves the title and a push way more then he does....The highlight of Batista career was when he put trip through the table on raw...then beat him at wrestlemania for the title...and I really think that will be about the only thing we remember from batista (if that even)

But if they really want to make him a heel...then he should jump Rey when there in Rey's hometown and beat him and bloody him up a good one...that should do it
I freaken just read the book. He never belittled his family and wasn't a horrible father as you people clam. He had full custady over his children. Just becuz eddie told him to go to see his grandson he still took care of both of them. He was just mad and embaressed that his sixteen year old daughter had a baby.

You people think he cheat on his wife with melina your dead wrong, she was the love of his life. Melina and him were just friends and when that happened they were already had a divorce with his wife. After he started going out with her.

If you people think he doesnt have respect for the buisness your wronge again. He respects really everyone in the business except Bubba dudly. He praises what he learned from flair, fit finlay, d-von, hhh, chris benoit, etc. He is a asshole at times but is really cool most of the time.

Where ever these rumors that he is hated by everyone backstage is complete rumor. He gets well with mostly everyone.
u can believe in w/e u want, im just getting wat i hear and wat i see.

i found this online: First of all the book has good points and bad points. Because it's put out by the WWE all the good stuff about him fucking divas is not in the book. There's no mention of Shelly Martinez but they do mention his friendship with Melina Perez. The book also has his ex-wife claiming that he slept with WWE divas but he denies it.

The thing that really shocked me was that he is 38 and has 2 grandchildren - his daughter was 16 when she got pregnant with her son Jacob. Dave was on the outs with her but she was having problems with the delivery, so Eddie Guerrero convinced him go see his daughter and his first grandson. Throughout the book you get the feeling the only reason Vicky Guerrero is in WWE on-screen is out of respect for Eddie. The book also talks about Dave moving his daughter and her boyfriend down to Florida and them having problems, exacerbated by the fact Jacob's father died in a car crash. Apparently Dave and his daughter are now in a custody battle over the kid.

You get a lot about OVW and people who came up with him. He talks about the Dudleys being assholes, Goldberg's stiff punches, and him knocking Orton, Triple H and himself all in one match. He also talks about his ex-wives and his fight with Booker T. WWE edited this book in a way that makes him look human. <---- See, WWE helped him with his book

Plus i forgot to mention this, when wwe did a show in england, there was a kid whos birthday was coming up. he refused to take pictures with the kid and sign a birthday card. he made the kid go home crying

Another thing was that i heard that he hit his kids before when he went to the mall wit them
can you say some of those are rumors off the internet, i mean some of those are true Shelly Martinez and some of those true things hasnt happened yet, wwe did a show in england, there was a kid whos birthday was coming up. he refused to take pictures with the kid and sign a birthday card. he made the kid go home crying. That was after he wrote his book. You cant believe every thing you read you read on the internet thats just commom sense.
batista is an amazing athlete yes everyone has problems in life and sometimes an industry like wrestling only makes them worse but he is a very legit heal and is only getting better you can see it when he faced the undertaker at wm and ever since then you see him becoming more technical and to say he doesnt have respect for the bussiness is an insult people like orton dont respect it since wwf converted into wwe he is by far one of the most passionate in the industry and has more respect than 90% of the stars that have come in since then
it seems to me that we look to much into there personal lives and not focus on in ring abilities and that takes away from there ability in ring that they show and we dont see cause all we want to see is there personal life. like beniot whos probably not going into the hall of fame just cause of his personal yet look at his talents in ring his passion for the business and his respect for it and the locker room who he had gain and earned the respect of it and his personal life and issue and yes he did a stupid thing in killing his family but can u take away his accomplishments. the answer is no just like you cant take away what batista brings to the company because he is an asshole or of his personal life
the question is is batista a real heal yeah he is and if you disagree
look at his series of matches earlier in the year with the undertaker and tell me if you ever seen a better rival or in ring challenge than batista and with all the dominance the dead man has had and all of the he has had i dont think your going to find to many wrestlers to fight him the way batista did and be sucessful despite his loss and draws
I agree. I think creative needs to turn Dead Air Dave into a heel on screen. Remember in 2002 - 2003 when he was an unstoppable monster? that's how he needs to be again. He's been a babyface for pretty much over two years now, and it's getting really old. Infact pretty much the only show I watch now a days is Raw, I do watch Smackdown but only if there is something good in the product itself to watch (I'm REALLY high on the Jesse and Festus team, and think that the whole gimmick of the two is great), MVP should get a title shot because he's entertaining to watch as well. Seeing Batista and Khali for the 8 thousandth time just puts me to sleep. But back to the subject, I've heard he has major backstage heat with the boys in the locker room, and I don't blame him, he does nothing to improve, and at least Cena trys, at least Cena trys his best to learn new stuff, etc. But then again there is something called CREATIVE CONTROL, and unfortunately, that is why both mens movelists only have about 8 moves in it all together. I haven't read the book yet, but with the stuff that's been said recently, I should, cause it wouldn't surprise me to read about him cheating on his wife, or etc. I heard the dude was at an autograph session not too long ago, and he wouldn't take pictures with anyone and acted like a complete dick, while on the other hand another talent that was there with very nice, took pictures, etc. And it's a real shame that Vince is too blind to see that this guy needs to be cut. I mean if they cut Teddy Hart from the developmental territory because of his attitude then by all means please take dead air dave with em'.
Batista is boring to me, all he does is spear and the sit down powerbomb. And he isnt very exciting to watch because he hardly speaks, like when he was speaking to jbl last week he let jbl talk loads then say like 2 words and spear him which is boring.
Man! The thing that kills me is that none of us (assumption) know this man personally. Who in the Blue Hell do you think you are to pass judgement on this man? Especially when half of this stuff is hear-say. Now what he puts in his own book is by his own accord truth. Even then...If you all see my name in the paper for punching out a priest, I'm automatically a bad person. you never know the CIRCUMSTANCES surrounding the situation. Maybe the priest keyed my car, or said something out of line to my family.

Before we go calling these shots, we need to realize that we weren't in the hotel room or wherever with this man and Melina. Maybe they did sip tea and go home. Conventional wisdom says he ate her like grandma's spaghetti (slurp) and bent her over the...what I mean to say is that we don't know. His daughter could be a complete bitch. As much as I love mine, if she was out ****ing and doing everything that I tell her not to, I will not further empower her. We don't know. It might've been tough love.

I'm not really a Batista fan, but that's strictly off of his in-ring work. I don't know him backstage. None of us do. Think about it like this...

People judge too much before they even meet the man. Yes i am a fan of him but it doesnt get by me that he can get off being a asshole. But comeon that doesnt mean hes like that all the time. like people said before he can be a dick at autograph signings but i've also heard hes a very nice guy. Even all you people can be assholes at times (assumption) does that mean your assholes. no. its how the person day is going.
Even you people say he sucks at wrestling but how can you say anything your not in the ring working your ass off. Hes not the best wrestler and he will never be. I even know that. Its all about if your enterained by the person and i am. So you can call me what ever you want but its my opinon.
With this topic he is and always will be a better heel then face.No and ifs or buts about it.
Well said Batistafan90!!!
I hate talking to ppl who base their argument on "Oh I read this article and it said that ppl said that he's an a-hole" etc.
Were they there? Did they here what happened?
How many times has someone told you another person was a tool and then u meet them and u thinkk they are OK. It's personal opinion, just because u don't like someone doesn't mean I won't.
Batista isn't the most skilled or has the most moves but, but thats not all to wrestling. Don't get me wrong I enjoy watching wrestlers with lots of moves and skill like the Hitman, but thats only half of it. The other is entertainment factor. I personally think Batista is quite entertaining. He's very cool and swauve on the mic, and I think it's awesome watching a tank go bananas. When he battled HHH and took the title thats one of the best story lines Ive seen. Same as him and Undertaker.
When they were last in Australia I was there and without doubt out of every show Ive been to noone has received a bigger cheer when their music hit then Batista, it was awesome!!
Here's a quote from the book that is nothing short of shocking:

Now, don't get me wrong, my ex-wife is the love of my life and I would never knowingly hurt her. However, while I was busting my butt on the road like a dog, she would sit around the house and do nothing. I mean, yeah, she had cancer, but she couldn't vacuum? And since the chemo made her "not in the mood", I had no choice but to have threesomes on the road. I mean, she's talented and I hated to see her waste her life like that when she could be a dancer, or maybe a nurse. But she's not a bad person and I take full responsibility for my actions, even though it was her fault.

Later in the book, Batista said that his wife suspected him of cheating. Batista claims he wasn't cheating on her yet, but started a "physical relationship" with WWE Diva Melina shortly after.

Thank You Wrestlezone.com

This is a direct quote written by the man in his own book. How can people still justify defending this guy? The guy is an asshole, plain and simple. He has zero respect for the business, and obviously zero respect for vows you take when you get married.

Batista is just a miserable human being that only gets by because of his look, plain and simple. All he does is belittle other people in and out of the business to make himself look better.

And as far as the daughter a complete bitch statement earlier by someone, honestly, what a crock of shit. The girl was 16 when she was pregnant two years ago, so she's 18. She's a teenager, without her dad because daddy is too busy living like a rockstar on the road. Her mother was sick with cancer and going through therapy, and yet, you wonder why a teenage girl with no parental guidance is a "bitch" and get's pregnant. Seriously, quit making excuses for this guy. It's one thing that Batista has fucked his own life up, but to destroy the life of his family because he's a selfish bastard, that's ridiculous.
I have lost all respect for Batista after that quote.. Seriously is he that selfish and insensitive to say something like that?? Any one who knows anyone who had cancer would be absolutely sick with this statement.. When people are going through chemo of course they aren't in the f'n mood.. They know they have something eating away at them inside and possibly face death. I've seen some of the worst signs of cancer up close and personal with a family member and Batista is a terrible human being
Wow that quote prety much just solidifies a lot of the things that are said about Batista back stage. I used to like the guy, but now it's like... How can you even think of treating another human being like that, espically someone who you "love". It's not right. I know it's his life and he can do what he wants, but it's just plain wrong. Cancer is not a joke, and it's patients need to relax. Dave evidentally does not think so. This guy is a legit heel... In life
So, his wife didn't vacuum due to cancer, so he had "no choice" but to have threesomes on the road?! I don't think I've ever heard anything more ******ed in my whole life, as anything said by Eugene in-character still doesn't even come close. Simply put, the guy is a freakin' asshole. Cheating on your ill spouse is bad enough, but to try and justify it by saying "Well, she didn't clean the house, and the cancer makes her not in the mood" is absolutely terrible.
I rerally just don't understand why people have to be like that. Tista is not the first and won't be the last, which is a damn shame. I mean your wife has cance. You should be thankful that she's even alive, but know we're going to go have threesomes on the road and leave her to do nothing because she has cancer. Goddamn the more I think about it the more pissed about the whole thing I get. I know it's not any of my buisness, but to have the audacity to actually make stuff like that public... Well it's either he has an awful lot of "grapefruits" or he really does not care about what a damn person thinks of him... *end rant here*
I just read that quote and i am shocked!!! What sort of f****d up c**t could say something like that?!? I bet the thick piece of shit doesnt even realise how bad he has sounded with that one statement and even if he does he probably doesnt care because he is better than everyone else!
It makes me laugh how people say "you dont know him, how can you judge?" Well what do these people say now? Im sure every person who has actually lost someone close to them to cancer hopes this piece of shit goes straight to hell!
damn man i cant belive the guy actually said that, i was never a batista fan, but i was never a fan of his character and wrestling skills, i didnt have anything personal against him.. until now... that quote was just sick, what kind of human being can actually think like that??? ''oh she has cancer, doesnt clean the house and isnt in the mood, so i HAD NO CHOICE but to have THREESOMES''.......right... wtf?? of course u had a choice u dumb fuck, and why the hell did if have to be threesomes? not that that matters but... wtf? seriously

and this isnt even a mistake from some punk kid, the guys is in his 40s, he should know whats right and wrong at his age, if hes not happy with his wife, divorce her and just keep sending her money (and thats already being a shit) but to cheat on her because she doesnt wanna fuck u cuz shes ill is just really fucked up

and another mentality i didnt get, ''shes very talented, she could have been a dancer, or a nurse'', first of all, what kind of guy wants their ''talented wife'' to be a dancer? and what the hell does being a dancer have anything to do with being a nurse? o_O.. this guy must be on some powerful shit

i lost all the respect i had for him as a person and wrestler, seriously get that belt off of him!, and how dumb can some1 actually be to write that in their book???? god he must be fucking ******ed or something

i just dont even know what to think anymore man, good thing i was never a fan of him, fuck batista get that belt off of him and fire his ass... anytime he comes on the tv im changing the channel man, seriously...
CENA HATERS: I highly doubt Cena has even come close to saying anything like what we just read from Batista, in his entire life.

Sure, Cena lacks high-flying and even pure wrestling moves/look, but the guy is GOOD FOR THE BUSINESS.

Here we have Batista, a man who is a represented Champion and has children looking up to him, spewing these incredibly disgusting remarks.

This dude isn't even worth me booing him. From now on, Dave Batista no longer exsists. Disgusting.
How in the fucking hell could he justify the reason he had three ways on the road was because his wife had cancer and didn't feel like doing anything? Yeah, no shit she didn't feel like doing anything, she had/has cancer you dumbass. I never liked Batista to begin with, and now this just solidifies my position towards him. He's not even a fucking human being. Please, take that title off of him and give it to someone who isn't a total douchebag. Zero respect to this idiot.
What a complete idiot to write such terrible things about his "wife" , who is "the love of his life"???? She had CANCER and all he cared about was housework not getting done??? What a CREAP!!! So, she gets sick and he says this pushed him into having threesomes??? I have heard it all now! (which by the way, is she and ex-wife or what? he talks in circles thru out the entire book.) And how about all of these tramps he is shacking up with around the US and abroad?? We've got threesomes, strippers, drunk girls at 3 AM in his hotel room, you name it he has done it! STD's this man must have! My question is who helped him with his grammer? A 10 year old??! And what kind of looser would send his waitress over to some cheap girl to get her phone number who was first, at a bar with her boyfriend, second, was kissing RKO (who wasn't he engaged,too??!!) and he quote "thought she was sweet and saw her himself a couple of times"??????? This guys brains have been beat in one to many times and he obviously has no good judgement of character or sense at all for that matter to spill his guts like he did. I used to think he was a classy person until I read this masterpiece he wrote about himself and now I have nothing but disgust for this man. He describes this Angie like she walks on water then bashes her in the next sentence.
Dave Batista you should be LEASHED! WWE made a big mistake letting you loose to write that trash you call a book! You are a MORON!
Paul Bearer said:
Here's a quote from the book that is nothing short of shocking:

Now, don't get me wrong, my ex-wife is the love of my life and I would never knowingly hurt her. However, while I was busting my butt on the road like a dog, she would sit around the house and do nothing. I mean, yeah, she had cancer, but she couldn't vacuum? And since the chemo made her "not in the mood", I had no choice but to have threesomes on the road. I mean, she's talented and I hated to see her waste her life like that when she could be a dancer, or maybe a nurse. But she's not a bad person and I take full responsibility for my actions, even though it was her fault.

Later in the book, Batista said that his wife suspected him of cheating. Batista claims he wasn't cheating on her yet, but started a "physical relationship" with WWE Diva Melina shortly after.

Guys, this is NOT written by Batista, and it isn't in the book. I know people who have read it (and they're not exactly Batista fans) and they're saying that it's not in the book and some wacko fan who hates Batista wrote it. As much as I dislike Batista, it just doesn't sound like something he would ever say. Especially about his own ex-wife.

Flames Out
Guys, this is NOT written by Batista, and it isn't in the book. I know people who have read it (and they're not exactly Batista fans) and they're saying that it's not in the book and some wacko fan who hates Batista wrote it. As much as I dislike Batista, it just doesn't sound like something he would ever say. Especially about his own ex-wife.

Flames Out

Do you personally know Batista?

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