"Bang for your Buck"- Which company gives you the best value for your money?


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I have spent well over $300 on WWE events and merchandise. I love the WWE, and I've had a very good time at all the events I've been to and I've enjoyed all three of the WWE DVDs I've purchased.

I've spent under $100 on TNA, and I enjoyed the live show they put on more. Furthermore, I spent $30 on TNA merchandise (compared to the $50+ I've spent on WWE merchandise) and I have 4 DVDs, one of which I've thoroughly enjoyed and the others I haven't finished watching yet, a t-shirt, and a Sting Action figure that I can't WAIT to give away. I also got a program that was autographed by a variety of TNA wrestlers, and of course, the fabled brown bag, though I must say it's a little more tan than brown. I loved the deal so much that I ordered ANOTHER brown bag special from Don West on TNAshop.com I say I ordered one from Don West because he's personally autographing it, and boy howdy does that man know how to pitch a product.

But of course, my experience is hardly an accurate indicator of which company gives you more bang for your buck, so I want to know your experiences? If you've been to shows for both companies or have spent money on each company's merchandise, who do you think gave you a better deal? WWE or TNA?
TNA merch is expensive. I can't compare the show experience but if TNA Impact in the UK is as good as the Wembley show then it will be great, even though last years was a little boring.
TNA has never done a house show in PR. WWE used to do them about 2 hours away but now they are "too big for it". Assholes.

I guess the one that gives me more bang for my buck is TNA. Because they didn't support SOPA.
It depends really. Going to a live RAW or a Smackdown taping beats anything TNA has ever done ever. No matter what the price, it's worth it. But, when it comes to house shows, TNA seems like the better choice. I still don't understand why the WWE don't offer meet and greet's for a higher price. I'm sure Tyson Kidd and Yoshi Tatsu can spare some time in their hectic NXT schedule to sign a few autographs.
I've been to both a TNA & WWE show. I got merch at both shows & they were about the same price. Matches at both shows had their share of stinkers and quality.

The TNA & WWE show both had great Four ways with TNA's being a fatal four way with Daivari vs. Doug Williams(Who wasn't on TNA TV at this point) vs. Consequences creed vs. Eric Young. The match was short but had some great spots and excellent comedy by EY while WWE's show had Kaval vs. Kofi vs. Jack Swagger vs. Dolph with some great work by all guys especially Kaval. Both shows had some shitty main events(Kurt Angle/Mick Foley & Edge/Kane) and divas matches though WWE's was more bearable as it was shorter & after TNA's one the Beautiful People tried to get heat(They were cheered over Taylor Wilde & ODB) by insulting our football team which was met with apathy.

I met a few stars after each show also. For TNA I met Creed(Funny guy) & AJ Styles after show(They stopped to talk to a few fans). I met Dolph & Cody Rhodes at the hotel i was staying at. I complimented Dolph on having the best match of the show and he stayed in character responding with "Yeah that's kinda my thing" & Cody was really nice asking how long I'd been watching the product. I told him since 2004 and he asked me who he won his first match against(It was Daivari). I got their autographs too.

Overall I think I enjoyed the SD show more but the TNA one was pretty sweet too.
My bias says WWE as does my head, but I've never had the oppertunity to visit TNA on the road. I enjoyed my WWE live event experience and I'm always entertained by something when I watch them.
As far as merch goes, I don't have a ton. What I do have (a few shirts and DVDs) I got on either their Black Friday specials or Christmas specials. If they have something you're into during those times, it's a wonderful deal! I can't say I really have a preference as to which company I would rather buy merch from...

Actually, as far as what you get vs. the amount of money you spend, I have to go with Ring of Honor events. It's understandable that most aren't in to indie wrestling, but when you're paying $15-20 for seats and usually have the opportunity to talk to the wrestlers before and after, as well as collect autographs, there's no doubt you get more for the small price you do pay. I should have also started this by saying I LIVE IN CHICAGO. If you're not familiar with it as a wrestling city, every company goes way out of their way to put on amazing events here. Not sure if it's the amount of money we generate, our reactions, or what...but I've never been disappointed by a SINGLE one of the shows I've been to in Chicago for ANY wrestling company. Basically, I'm just saying that I never have to worry about the quality of what I'm getting because of where I live.

For WWE I've been to two episodes of Raw and one PPV. I have also been to a TNA road show and the Bound for Glory PPV that took place outside of Chicago a few years back. The last Raw was the one before Mania last year and featured HBK's return, Undertaker, Triple H, Edge & Christian's final match together, and of course the moment when Cena hit the AA on the Rock... The PPV I went to was Money in the Bank last year. I don't think I need to tell you how that went over!

TNA's BFG was a really great event, but because of its size and the work they have to do for it the wrestlers didnt' get a lot of time to hang out, talk, or sign autographs. On the other hand, the road show I went to last year featured a TON of of pre-show and post-show activities, none of which I had to actually pay for. I basically just walked up and started talking to Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, and Kazarian. It was CRAZY! I wanted to talk to Sting, but there was a line about 2 miles long (ok, it was a few hundred feet) and he had to go about halfway through it. But seriously, just being able to thank Angle for all he's done for wrestling, and all he's done in Chicago was awesome. The fact that I didn't have to pay $100 for some extra Axxess event was even better!

So I would say if you're looking for the BIG moments, WWE is second-to-none. Every show they do has the potential for something huge to happen. Not many end up like the shows in Chicago, but you just never know... We had a feeling Rock would show up when we bought our tickets over a month in advance. But we had NO idea Undertaker and especially Shawn Michaels was going to be there. I literally jumped out of my seat and started marking out right in the fourth row! A bunch of Cena fans (all little kids) behind me yelled at me and told me to sit down, but I yelled "DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT IS!?" ...none of them had any idea. :banghead:

So yeah, WWE has the shock factor and huge stars, with the potential for unforgettable moments. They are also pricey. TNA is a bit cheaper, and with smaller venues it's easier to get close to the ring. They also have much better in-ring action, the wrestlers are all very approachable, and if you're there because you love the history of the industry it's great. You want good entertainment, go see WWE. You want a good pro wrestling show, go see TNA. Or like I said, spend the $15 for General Admission at ROH, and ditch your seats to stand by the entrance ramp the whole time. :)

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