Backyard Wrestling

How Stupid Are Backyard Wrestlers?

  • Incredibly Stupid

  • Moderately Stupid

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and P.S.

For being so "Dangerous" and unable to perform the maneuvers properly as some people would state, we've actually had less injuries in the past five years combined than WWE suffered this year alone and guess what? we wrestle just about twice a week. So much for all that wreckless wrestling, huh.

Possibly down to how little travel you do. Or maybe down to the fact that you aren't actually wrestling. You're probably just doing moves. I suspect your suplexes aren't as fluid as they should be. There's probably a significant stall before somebody is picked up, and I'm guessing they break their fall by using their feet.
Once again, as I had just stated in the previous posting, you can easily catch us on to watch our FULL matches. We aren't like other BYW federations where you'd turn around and only catch music videos. We have no shame in what we may possibly need to work in, but as i've mentioned, you'd be surprised to find out that some BYW'ers have actually been trained in schools and such but didn't have the money to continue training so they use their knowledge to help others learn. I really can't see what's so wrong about someone actually LEARNING how to bump properly not to hurt themselves rather than turning around and hitting each other wildly with weapons.
But why would I want to watch you on You Tube when I can watch some professionals? There are millions of matches I've never seen. But there is no reason why I'd purposley find your fed and watch a match. The likelihood is that I'll be just as unimpressed as the two people who attended the match.

Do you backyard wrestlers high five during a match if you hit a move correctly?
That's quite a moronic statement, wouldn't you say? To jump into assumption and REFUSE to actually research said subject proves just how pointless it would be to try and debate with someone who obviously has a much lower intellect and simply found a way to back out since said person probably figured he could not win this verbal war.

Once again, as I've said to this idiot I will say to anyone else. I'm not a big fan of BYW, I hate the whole stereotype labeled around the BYW community due to such insulting antics from most BYW'ers who use weapons to compensate for their lack of talent. We do what we do for fun. None of us want to be professional wrestlers. None of us care to make any money off of what we're doing. We're just enjoying our day at a local park, having our fun, imitating a sport (in the safest way we know how by actually receiving professional training to learn how to bump) and we aren't harming anyone. For the idiot who claims we're just entertaining 2 fans, I guess he didn't do his research and notice the near 100 - 150 people who come to the park weekly to watch a BACKYARD WRESTLING SHOW, or perhaps he failed to notice the 680 subscribers to our youtube, the 1400 REAL Fans on Our MySpace (as we deny bands, porn stars, and any other spam adding sites.) We do what we do just as any other people would imitate their favorite sports in the street. To take something like wrestling and learn the craft is much safer than actually going out and playing street basketball and being knocked wildly out of the air or tackled in street football blindly by someone who may come from your side or behind you causing serious physical harm.

I can debate this all day, but i'd rather actually debate with someone who won't dare try to insult something and prove his lack of intelligence by not even researching what he is trying to attack in the first place.
I backyard wrestled for years (mainly because there was no feds in my city till just last year) and Im glad I did because it started me on the road to wrestling legitimately for a real fed. But at the same time, After looking at old vids, I thought to myself "wow, why aren't I in a wheelchair?". the most prominent instance was a botched double superplex that turned into a double super brainbuster. And when you're pushing 300 pound with 2 guys driving your head down 4 feet unexpectedly, you should have a broken neck lol. But we still had some good times and I don't regret it.

But now I get to wrestle indoors, with a lot of the same people I wrestled with in the backyard, for real fans, and I must say backyard wrestling started it for me. Although now Id never do it again haha, it seems very pointless now, with very little reward for the risks, but if I were to say don't do it I'd be a hypocrite, and that's not what I'm about.
Backyard Wrestling is surely worth watching especially 2KW. And honestly Y2Jake, you need to catch 2KW sometimes on YouTube unless you're gonna remain moronically objective, up to you anyhow, no offense intended. 2KW is NOT your typical average backyard fed. You definitely get pure money-worth performances that these guys scoop up and dish out to you for free. An utter enjoyment to watch bottled up with excitement. I even run a backyard wrestling station on YouTube at:

Go BYW! But so much for me praising an underground practice on here (in which whips out some innovation and skillful athletes) that hardly anyone seems to like. And ryancoke, BYW isn't pointless. It's a great implementation to test the trust of, and bond the unity between friends and yeah enemies too. It is usually the first stage to Pro Wrestling. Everyone's gotta start somewhere. The key element is safe practice though and having acquired some training. Let it be known that it starts in the yard sometimes and it can be fun if you make it!

That's quite a moronic statement, wouldn't you say? To jump into assumption and REFUSE to actually research said subject proves just how pointless it would be to try and debate with someone who obviously has a much lower intellect and simply found a way to back out since said person probably figured he could not win this verbal war.

Once again, as I've said to this idiot I will say to anyone else. I'm not a big fan of BYW, I hate the whole stereotype labeled around the BYW community due to such insulting antics from most BYW'ers who use weapons to compensate for their lack of talent. We do what we do for fun. None of us want to be professional wrestlers. None of us care to make any money off of what we're doing. We're just enjoying our day at a local park, having our fun, imitating a sport (in the safest way we know how by actually receiving professional training to learn how to bump) and we aren't harming anyone. For the idiot who claims we're just entertaining 2 fans, I guess he didn't do his research and notice the near 100 - 150 people who come to the park weekly to watch a BACKYARD WRESTLING SHOW, or perhaps he failed to notice the 680 subscribers to our youtube, the 1400 REAL Fans on Our MySpace (as we deny bands, porn stars, and any other spam adding sites.) We do what we do just as any other people would imitate their favorite sports in the street. To take something like wrestling and learn the craft is much safer than actually going out and playing street basketball and being knocked wildly out of the air or tackled in street football blindly by someone who may come from your side or behind you causing serious physical harm.

I can debate this all day, but i'd rather actually debate with someone who won't dare try to insult something and prove his lack of intelligence by not even researching what he is trying to attack in the first place.

I've seen plenty of backyward wrestling. And each time I've been proven right. It's shit. You talk about lack of intelligence. But how old are you? You're in a park, pretending to wrestle. For one parks are for children to play in and for teens to drink cider in. Not for people who should know better to swing off stuff and hit legdrops on their mates.

Two, normal people don't do it. That's a proven fact. Why? Because I know more people who don't do it, and I've only replied to about 10 idiots who do do it.
Listen, Synn. I'm a pro wrestler and I actually went and checked out your youtube channel. I'm not going to lie, you and your crew have a natural talent for wrestling. It kills me that say you guys aren't trying to become something because your talent would be well-served with extensive training and marketable gimmicks. I find that 2KW, while rich with nostalgia, is a waste of you guys' God-given talent. Please, for the sake of your bodies and for the sake of the business, get trained (in more than just the basics) and become the entertaining professional wrestlers that I see a lot of you could become! :disappointed:
Synn, I don't normally check out BYW just for the fact that any moron can hit someone with a chair or table BLAH BLAH BLAH. But your conviction on what you guys do warented atleast a look. The things you guys do are absolutly amazing. There is alot of innovative moves as well as some oldies but goodies. It definatly caught me off gaurd. Like Jason Said, You guys should look to take it to the next level. HOWEVER, there is one flaw with your wrestlers, they SUCK at the interviewing. Their talking and stumbling over their words and sound like they rehearsed it 100 times before coming out and blowing it.

I can understand wanting to do it for fun, but if your going to do that, get a ring and do it like ECW did, in a bingo hall. There's no shame in it. Not to mention, if they can do all this stuff on the ground and on mats, imagine the potiential of a match in a ring! I also loved the fact that it was WRESTLING. Not "Let's see who can beat each others brains out first with a barbwire bat". Thats half the battle.

Me as a wrestling fan, could careless if I know every aspect of the wrestler I am watching. I am there to be entertained. I want action, NOT Soap Opera's or DUMB AS FUCK BOOGER T ******ED ACCENTS. I will watch ANYONE wrestle if that what they are doing. You guys have a good thing, take it to the next step. Good Luck.
I've seen plenty of backyward wrestling. And each time I've been proven right. It's shit. You talk about lack of intelligence. But how old are you? You're in a park, pretending to wrestle. For one parks are for children to play in and for teens to drink cider in. Not for people who should know better to swing off stuff and hit legdrops on their mates.

Two, normal people don't do it. That's a proven fact. Why? Because I know more people who don't do it, and I've only replied to about 10 idiots who do do it.

WOW. Complete ignorance. No credit. Full objection. Not one compliment to acknowledge that even though they wrestle in a park and not a pro environment to your disaprovement, that they actually offer some skillful entertainment. You talk about normal people? Have you stopped to take a look around the world? Exactly how consistent is normal? You got child predators, sex offenders, basically a hole big clusterfuck of corruption that is way worse on any given day than people that want to entertain you with wrestling freely in a park. Besides that point, no one was really imploring you to become a BYW fan. SyNN was only trying to offer you to watch 2KW that is not your stereotypical, chair-bashing backyard fed. Enough said.
WOW. Complete ignorance. No credit. Full objection. Not one compliment to acknowledge that even though they wrestle in a park and not a pro environment to your disaprovement, that they actually offer some skillful entertainment.

It's no different to me ignoring skateboarders on the street. If I see them do something impressive I'm not going to stop, clap, and give the little fella a hug. I'm going to be pissed that the idiot is playing in the street and has almost caused mass genocide towards all the padestrians walking past.

You talk about normal people? Have you stopped to take a look around the world? Exactly how consistent is normal? You got child predators, sex offenders,

Some of them are probably backyard wrestlers. I could explain what normal is, but I really shouldn't have to.

basically a hole big clusterfuck of corruption that is way worse on any given day than people that want to entertain you with wrestling freely in a park.

''Entertain you'' or entertain themselves?

Besides that point, no one was really imploring you to become a BYW fan.

I've watched more than my fair share. The irony is that the only reason this thread is getting a response is because I talked about how shitty the stereotypical version of it was. And without the reputation of dangerous backyard feds this promotion you're on about would probably only have one spectator.

SyNN was only trying to offer you to watch 2KW that is not your stereotypical, chair-bashing backyard fed. Enough said.

I actually watched it and I came to the conclusion that if I can watch WWE, TNA, ROH, SHIMMER, NOAH, PWG, CZW, etc on YouTube, then why would I watch that shit.
I don't see the point in Backyard Wrestling as I would rather sign with a legit promotion and earn a living through something I love rather than put my body at risk. You probably haven't got the correct wrestling ring so you could be risking serious back or neck injury.

Medics are at all wrestling events just in case something goes wrong and I doubt you have medics at BYW events. There is a reason why the WWE run "Don't Try This At Home" ads during their programmes.

If people who have BYW feds really want to run a wrestling promotion, then at least do what Matt and Jeff Hardy did and turn their BYW fed into a legit promotion
Yup, what a person you are Y2Jake. 2KW is far from anything name shit and you know it. Just trying to continue being the asshole that you are, but understood. World's full of them. And sick assholes who actually allow topics such as "Would a High Profile Death in TNA Improve Ratings" which on any given day is fucking immoral. You don't see the point in backyard wrestling, AFC1986? Damn, what happened to entertaining and having fun in this world. I mean, true wrestling fans will watch any wrestling as long as it's good and people with true wrestling passion will wrestle for the sake of wrestling hopefully knowing one day they'll go pro is how I look at it.

Futhermore, I think it's a healthy alternative away the mainstream pro clusterfuck stuff if preferred I'll tell you that. And as far as WWE warning people not to backyard wrestle, no disrespect to you AFC1986 but I say who gives a fuck. WWE is constant shit that can't improve, TNA is a suffering sinking ship, it's all about BYW and Indies now. Don't have to expect too much but besides that they lay it down for your entertainment.
I've wrestled with my friends before. But nothing big , Mostly just crappy looking clotheslines , chops , and various submission holds. It's pretty fun if you stay safe and dont actualy try any kind a move that could hurt your body. But the problem is that most people who "Backyard wrestle" go all crazy and shit. They start trying to do pedigrees , DDT's , Piledrivers, ETC. And then some idiots start using chairs , Tables , barbed wire and other such things that could seriously hurt you. Botton line is , Just playing around wrestling on a trampoline or something is fun , Unless you do dangerous moves. But all people who use weapons and do moves that could compact your spine are ******s.
Yup, what a person you are Y2Jake.

You don't need to tell me.

2KW is far from anything name shit and you know it.

If it's so good then how come nobody has ever mentioned it before?

Just trying to continue being the asshole that you are, but understood. World's full of them. And sick assholes who actually allow topics such as "Would a High Profile Death in TNA Improve Ratings" which on any given day is fucking immoral.

That thread got people talking, and without my contribution to this thread it would have died a long time ago. You can thank me later.

You don't see the point in backyard wrestling, AFC1986? Damn, what happened to entertaining and having fun in this world.

You can have fun in life without doing something dangerous. It shows a lack of intelligence if the only way people can entertain them selves is by pretending to wrestle.

I mean, true wrestling fans will watch any wrestling as long as it's good

But it's not good. It's poor.

What exactly is a true wrestling fan anyway?

and people with true wrestling passion will wrestle for the sake of wrestling hopefully knowing one day they'll go pro is how I look at it.

So I've got no wrestling passion because I opt not to try and wrestle myself?

Futhermore, I think it's a healthy alternative away the mainstream pro clusterfuck stuff if preferred I'll tell you that. And as far as WWE warning people not to backyard wrestle, no disrespect to you AFC1986 but I say who gives a fuck. WWE is constant shit that can't improve, TNA is a suffering sinking ship, it's all about BYW and Indies now. Don't have to expect too much but besides that they lay it down for your entertainment.

But all the big promotions make money & entertain more people. That fed you're on about has less spectators than the local indy feds with no name stars. ROH has 10 times the ammount of fans as your fed. And that's nothing more than an indy fed.

Why do you think WWE & TNA are more mainstream> Because in a stupid sport they're less stupid than the rest.
You don't need to tell me.

If it's so good then how come nobody has ever mentioned it before?

That thread got people talking, and without my contribution to this thread it would have died a long time ago. You can thank me later.

You can have fun in life without doing something dangerous. It shows a lack of intelligence if the only way people can entertain them selves is by pretending to wrestle.

But it's not good. It's poor.

What exactly is a true wrestling fan anyway?

So I've got no wrestling passion because I opt not to try and wrestle myself?

But all the big promotions make money & entertain more people. That fed you're on about has less spectators than the local indy feds with no name stars. ROH has 10 times the ammount of fans as your fed. And that's nothing more than an indy fed.

Why do you think WWE & TNA are more mainstream> Because in a stupid sport they're less stupid than the rest.

Y2Jake, that last line told me everything that I needed to know, thank you. Why has no body mentioned 2KW before if it's so good? Alright, I was expecting some more intelligence out of you but it seems SyNN is right in his opinion of you. Backyard wrestling is an underground scene. You, I, the whole world should know that. BYW don't get mainstream television exposure, it only gets online viewing and maybe some media attention here and there.

You can have fun in life without doing something dangerous? I think some crazyness is what makes this petty little world sometimes much more worth living. 2KW pretending to wrestle? I don't know about you, but I'm not in any illusion and I don't see any of them in pretense mode. I see pure talent in 2KW, thanks, come again.

What a "TNA Needs A High Profile Death" topic to permit on these boards, some moderator you are. As for you countering and saying that you no have wrestling passion if you don't wrestle, well what I meant was that people who actually do wrestle unsanctionally have quite a lot.

Yeah, all the big name promotions make money, they do this, that, the other, shit on you high ticket purchases by giving you a big bucket of slop shit for a wrestling show and collect your money. Wrestling isn't about wrestling today, all it is, is about McMahon, piece of crap entertainment and money. No competition for motivation. Fuck that!

I can't take that shit anymore. I'm up to the sky with being fed shit that is the only kind of shit you can view on tv. McMahon destroyed wrestling, he turned it to a piece of shit and while WCW and ECW are defunct, people want to turn around now and create some old glory.

2KW, BYW can have a very small audience but as they say, even if it's 10people, you can still appreciate that. I appreciate 2KW. A fresh alternative promotion anyway from crap wrestling fake-ass television today (alongside the indies) and in last words to you referring to wrestling as a stupid sport, you just proved that you're NOT much a wrestling fan! Sucks for you.

So I watched this, supposed, best of. It's terrible. I made notes, so other poor souls don't need to watch this trash.

So what i first noticed was that for a Best Of there are a lot of clotheslines. Not special clotheslines, just regual ones. So out of 8:03 minutes of video at least half is made up of this one, unimpressive move. Also 8:03 is a lot longer than I thought it was. It seemed to take forever to end. And the song that accompanies the video is the same length. There's a reason songs are usually about 3 minutes long, and swearing isn't needed on other wrestling highlight reels.

The only thing intresting about the clotheslines is the wrestlers apparent need to oversell them. But overselling is what makes this promotion great, right?

Most of them are stiff, probably because they don't know how to work. Ok so ROH main events are stiff. But that's to add realism to the matches. Yet the matches on show in this video are all high spot based. It's more lucha than anything. Find me a stiff lucha match, I dare you. The only rule is that it's got to be good.

For people defending backyard wrestling none of you appear to have noticed that this isn't in a backyard. It's in a park in a childrens play area. So really what it all comes down to is people playing on swings.

Most of the moves are performed at Kevin Nash pace, probably because they're not quite sure what to do. Do I move left or right when I perform this move, etc.

Is that a 10 year old? Which makes me ask the question: Was that his dad doing the move on him?

The people watching have their hands in their pockets, like me they're probably concerned. They're watching in the same way you watch when you see somebody passed out in the street. It's called morbid fascination.

It all looks very dangerous. I can't say the same for regular wrestling. And whilst they're being dangerous they're doing nowthing new or unique, I've seen it all done before. But better.

Most of the people involved should know better. What they need is a job/girlfriend/education/toys.
Y2Jake, that last line told me everything that I needed to know, thank you. Why has no body mentioned 2KW before if it's so good? Alright, I was expecting some more intelligence out of you but it seems SyNN is right in his opinion of you. Backyard wrestling is an underground scene. You, I, the whole world should know that. BYW don't get mainstream television exposure, it only gets online viewing and maybe some media attention here and there.

If it was good then wouldn't it be on TV? Easy to make, hardly any costs, it would be a networks dream. But they're not intrested in it, why's that?

2KW pretending to wrestle? I don't know about you, but I'm not in any illusion and I don't see any of them in pretense mode. I see pure talent in 2KW, thanks, come again.

It's just a shame that nobody is going to capitalize on this pure talent. A damn shame.

As for you countering and saying that you no have wrestling passion if you don't wrestle, well what I meant was that people who actually do wrestle unsanctionally have quite a lot.

I'm sure they're big wrestling fans. I wonder what promotion got them into it, I really do wonder. If somebody could help me name it I'd be happy. It's slipped my mind.

Yeah, all the big name promotions make money, they do this, that, the other, shit on you high ticket purchases by giving you a big bucket of slop shit for a wrestling show and collect your money. Wrestling isn't about wrestling today, all it is, is about McMahon, piece of crap entertainment and money. No competition for motivation. Fuck that!

WWE draws more people who pay to watch, yet that promotion doesn't draw and it's free to watch? Which one is smarter?

I can't take that shit anymore. I'm up to the sky with being fed shit that is the only kind of shit you can view on tv. McMahon destroyed wrestling, he turned it to a piece of shit and while WCW and ECW are defunct, people want to turn around now and create some old glory.

I bet you got into wrestling because of WWE, didn't you? Go on, admit it. I won't mock you.

2KW, BYW can have a very small audience but as they say, even if it's 10people, you can still appreciate that. I appreciate 2KW. A fresh alternative promotion anyway from crap wrestling fake-ass television today (alongside the indies)

You should watch some ROH. Because there were no moves in the video I posted that I haven't seen in ROH.

and in last words to you referring to wrestling as a stupid sport, you just proved that you're NOT much a wrestling fan! Sucks for you.

People fighting in lycra not stupid? How so?
It's scary to see those moves being performed on a clearly unsafe surface and the guys involved have no regard for their safety.

Accuse me of hating all you want...but the 'entertainment' goes when you constantly think the next move will kill him. The stiffness shows you need to need to learn to do it properly and in a safe environment.

No offence, I admire your love of wrestling, but BYW is stupidly dangerous.
HOLY SHIT, that video was terrifying. I'm all in favour of adrenaline-rush extreme sports, but you have to know what you're doing. These guys clearly don't. Frankly I'm surprised no one's died yet, the amount of damage that heads and necks looked to be taking. It's not funny, or clever - if you're going to do this, get trained, get paid, and do it properly. But in children's play areas? Not funny or clever.

That being said, it was the first time I'd ever seen the FU actually look painful.
Threw that whole video i was wondering if someone broke their neck especially during that German suplex. That shit is sick in a bad way these people aren't even using a proper ring. And i agree most moves were very stiff in the video but their are some talented people in that video. Its shame instead of going to a proper wrestling school they are wasting their time putting matches in a park without a proper ring.O and if your gonna respond saying its just hobby then i suggest finding a new hobby that cant harm you for life or even worse maybe kill you. I cant imagine someone watching that without wondering if someone got seriously hurt the shit people do with free time honestly.
If it was good then wouldn't it be on TV? Easy to make, hardly any costs, it would be a networks dream. But they're not intrested in it, why's that?

It's just a shame that nobody is going to capitalize on this pure talent. A damn shame.

I'm sure they're big wrestling fans. I wonder what promotion got them into it, I really do wonder. If somebody could help me name it I'd be happy. It's slipped my mind.

WWE draws more people who pay to watch, yet that promotion doesn't draw and it's free to watch? Which one is smarter?

I bet you got into wrestling because of WWE, didn't you? Go on, admit it. I won't mock you.

You should watch some ROH. Because there were no moves in the video I posted that I haven't seen in ROH.

People fighting in lycra not stupid? How so?

Let me give you some education, someone really needs it. BYW whether park, field, yard whatever is BYW, do your research. 2KW talent has actually received some professional training and that's how they are able to pull off those death-defying moves that keep people off the edge of their seats and maybe a little too MUCH. Now, your opinion remains your opinion on their wrestling Y 2 Jake, it means the same shit it would mean to Vince McMahon. Fecal matter, scum off the bat. You make it seem like 2KW has absolutely no talent at all from your psychoanalysis but it only makes you look like the complete A-word because those guys bust their asses to give online audience a good show and people like you can't appreciate instead of contrasting a small organization to those llike that of the ole hollywood, flashy, HD, lack of entertainment WWE. And tell you what. You make a video, you do those moves if you have an ounce of testicular fortitude in what you think is a sack between your legs and then you can make it seem like it's so easy to do without talent, whether seen before or not. "Oh, I'm not that stupid to go out there and risk my body, blah, blah blah". Yup, I see a vagina!! Too much inter-sexes in this world.

Anyway, 2KW is great entertainment. Edge of your seat entertainment. I can get an "OMG" from 2KW and not an "Zzzzz" from WWE. You really have to get accustomed to these guys to watch them cause they bring it to you. They may not be the best, but they are good. 10X better than any WWE action, guarandamnteed!! Death-defying, sure, but they've been doing this since 1999, they know what they're doing. And yeah, they may be in a park and well, I love park action, what can I say. Sure maybe a ring would be better, but the action is so much more exciting at the park and who doesn't go to the park. All people do. Kids, the parents that bring their kids, teens, whatever. Nitpick at that all you want.

You know, PFC MVP, you should tell that to the stuntmen that ride bicycles on thin wires with no safety arrangements all for only a damn record. In that one stunt, they could lose their life faster than any BYW'er that has a chance to live if they slip up. All in all, hate on BYW all you want because like the damn WWE, it won't die! With that, I'm out of here now, have your selves a nice day. Go watch the World Heavyroid Chumpion Blahtista now!

YARDERS. A smudge on the profession that is professional wrestling. I used to do some shooting a bit, but not yarding, and we knew what the hell we were doing as well, we were actual mat wrestlers. Now I am training with a good group from out here in DesMoines, Iowa. I have been training for a while now and I know how to do basically everything. Not every move, every hold, but I can carry on a good match and make an opponent look good. Right now I am not in the show, I work security, set up the ring, help with putting out the chairs, tend to the guys needs if any, and sometimes have a spot in the show. It's fun, and I have some real experience in the ring and the business. I had been around it for quite some time before but hadn't trained until this past summer. Let me tell any of you yarders who think you know how to wrestle something. You Don't! I thought I knew how to wrestle before and damn was I wrong. Taking bumps, running ropes, jumping off of them, making calls, performing moves, and being safe are all a learned craft and until you have actually learned it you don't have a clue. My trainers were trained by Harley Race so I hope that's enough credentials ok, I know what I am talking about. It takes repetition, conditioning, grit, and determination. Just because a buddy shows you how to keep from breaking your neck doing a piledriver doesn't mean shit. You need to learn that from a professional who can show you how not to break your neck and how to post and how to even get off the canvas right. There is also a method to making the moves look good in the process. Some guys can do a suplex but can't make it look right so they have to learn the right way to do it. Just going out there thinking you know something, and trying to do what you think you know how to do is irresponsible, and dumb. Either you or someone your wrestling with is bound to get hurt because you thought you knew what you were doing. Hell if you don't communicate right in the match you can end up severely injuring someone because you thought they called another move but they meant something else and you guys went to do opposite things and ended up with concussions. It costs money to learn but if you really want to wrestle it's the only good way.
I ain't gonna lie I have done backyard wrestling many many times & for about 3 to 4 years there was a tournament where I used to live which I always entered & I won the tournament only once but the other three times I lost the final match. The point is is that even though it may be stupid to people, but if people wanna try backyard wrestling then let them do it & not bash them for doing it
Let me give you some education, someone really needs it. BYW whether park, field, yard whatever is BYW, do your research.

I did, and I was unimpressed.

2KW talent has actually received some professional training and that's how they are able to pull off those death-defying moves

I agree, they're more death defying than any wrestling moves I've ever seen. Death is almost a certainty for one of those idiots.

that keep people off the edge of their seats and maybe a little too MUCH.

So what you're saying is that they do too much? If they were really good wouldn't they entertain people by doing less?

Now, your opinion remains your opinion on their wrestling Y 2 Jake,

Please, call me Jake.

it means the same shit it would mean to Vince McMahon. Fecal matter, scum off the bat.

So you're saying that me and Vince McMahon are the same? Well, I'm not a billionaire. But I take the complement.

You make it seem like 2KW has absolutely no talent at all from your psychoanalysis but it only makes you look like the complete A-word because those guys bust their asses to give online audience a good show

Is that any different from you saying WWE is boring? After all, those guys bust their asses to give millions of people a good show.

and people like you can't appreciate instead of contrasting a small organization to those llike that of the ole hollywood, flashy, HD, lack of entertainment WWE.

I like ROH, the small organization with a total lack of flash and HD.

And tell you what. You make a video, you do those moves if you have an ounce of testicular fortitude in what you think is a sack between your legs and then you can make it seem like it's so easy to do without talent, whether seen before or not.

1 - I have no testicles.

2 - Why would I? I'm not an idiot.

"Oh, I'm not that stupid to go out there and risk my body, blah, blah blah". Yup, I see a vagina!! Too much inter-sexes in this world.

So I'm a vagina because I don't want to take the risk of breaking my neck? Well I say you're a cunt-weasel for contemplating it.

Anyway, 2KW is great entertainment.

If we're being honest, it's shit, isn't it?

Edge of your seat entertainment.

The only seats I saw in that video were swing seats. And you're right, the spectators were on the edge of them. But that's down to the fact that they are childrens swings, and they're too big to be on them.

I can get an "OMG" from 2KW and not an "Zzzzz" from WWE.

I OMG'd the first time I saw those moves.

You really have to get accustomed to these guys to watch them cause they bring it to you.

WWE brings it to more people. They put smiles on faces.

They may not be the best, but they are good.

So what you're saying is that it's a pile of shit and they should get a job that doesn't involve a red & yellow uniform?

10X better than any WWE action, guarandamnteed!!

Which wrestler used to say guarandamnteed? A WWE one me thinks.

Death-defying, sure, but they've been doing this since 1999, they know what they're doing.

In 1999 I was still in school. I've grown up a lot since then. Shame others can't follow my mighty example.

And yeah, they may be in a park and well, I love park action, what can I say.

Kids play in parks, that could well be a fact.

Sure maybe a ring would be better, but the action is so much more exciting at the park and who doesn't go to the park.


All people do.

You don't get many cripples in a park, it's the grass you see.

Well, that's what the place is for.

the parents that bring their kids,

It's the only reason I have for going.

Why would teens be in a park? Honestly, answer me that. You might have done that as a teen, but it's been established that you're not that bright. Myself, I stopped playing in parks when I was a teenager.

whatever. Nitpick at that all you want.

I will. Thank you.

You know, PFC MVP, you should tell that to the stuntmen that ride bicycles on thin wires with no safety arrangements all for only a damn record. In that one stunt, they could lose their life faster than any BYW'er that has a chance to live if they slip up.

You mean those PROFESSIONALS?

All in all, hate on BYW all you want because like the damn WWE, it won't die!

But the wrestlers will, fingers crossed anyway.

With that, I'm out of here now, have your selves a nice day. Go watch the World Heavyroid Chumpion Blahtista now!

I would, but it's Wednesday. I might watch so backyward wrestling, that transcends days.


I retract what I said about you not being that bright, you've proved me wrong.

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