Backstage Heat On Enzo & Big Cass?


There's a report going around via Dave Meltzer's WON stating that Enzo Amore has some major heat backstage.

Allegedly, there was a bus incident several weeks back, though exactly what the incident wasn't isn't mentioned. However, the report says that it did have something to do with the business and whatever it was upset a lot of people enough that Roman Reigns kicked Enzo off the bus. Also, Enzo was, though the report doesn't say whether he still is or isn't, getting the "Miz treatment" in which he wasn't allowed to dress in the locker room.

Enzo was reportedly not happy with WWE breaking him up from Big Cass, and his line about his real life being better than his fantasy life was said to be partly a shoot because he's having a great time living in Los Angeles.

The report further states that there's some heat on Big Cass backstage as well, though it says that it's nowhere close to what Enzo has. The reason for this, according to the report, is that Big Cass is a strong and vocal Donald Trump supporter in the locker room and that "many don't share his views." However, management is high on him and his push won't be affected because of different political viewpoints.

Regarding Enzo, I'm naturally curious as to what he said that riled up everyone else on the tour bus. Off and on over the years, I've read a few reports saying that Enzo legitimately does have a big mouth and sometimes doesn't know when to shut up. In regards to Cass, I'm sure some conspiracy theories will pop up from someone online in which Cass is only getting pushed because he, like Vince, is a Trump supporter or some other such nonsense. He's entitled to his opinions and as long as he's just stating his opinion and not being confrontational and trying to start some shit with those who don't have the same political views, then his push shouldn't be affected.
TV Enzo is just an extension of real life Enzo! Crazy. I guess that's why I believe in him more than so many other characters. I don't want to every meet the guy, I'm sure he's grating, but he's more interesting than Reigns. The wrong guy got kicked out of the locker room.

I didn't want a Cass push before I found out he was a Trump supporter.
I had a feeling Enzo's mouth would catch up with him at some point. It seemed all but inevitable. Wonder what he said that ticked everyone off?

Also, joke's on Cass because I didn't even know he was a Trump supporter. At least he seems respectful enough to other people's opinions and I can't assume it would hurt him that much.
"Kicked off the bus by Reigns"..."Not allowed to dress in the locker room" The childishness of stuff like this always blows my mind. These are grown men. Professionals. But with Middle School tactics to solve problems.
"Kicked off the bus by Reigns"..."Not allowed to dress in the locker room" The childishness of stuff like this always blows my mind. These are grown men. Professionals. But with Middle School tactics to solve problems.

Not like Chris Benoit or JBL were above it either. Especially not JBL.
Not like Chris Benoit or JBL were above it either. Especially not JBL.

Yeah, the stories about this type of stuff have always been crazy to me. Pro Wrestling is certainly a fascinating world.

Imagine a co-worker(not even a boss) telling me I can't put my lunch in the communal refrigerator because he didn't like the crack I made by the water cooler last week. LOL, what??
Yeah, the stories about this type of stuff have always been crazy to me. Pro Wrestling is certainly a fascinating world.

Imagine a co-worker(not even a boss) telling me I can't put my lunch in the communal refrigerator because he didn't like the crack I made by the water cooler last week. LOL, what??

Like Nia Jax's theme has told us, it's not like most girls.
Don't get me wrong, people piss me off, but I don't think I'd ever consider kicking a work colleague out of his working environment because of that. Either they'd be told to shut up or the earphones would go in. So what has happened to Enzo is definitely strange, especially when this is in a world of grown men partaking in physical and vocal confrontations almost every night of the week. Unless he said something about somebody else's mama, I don't know what he could have possibly said. Just seems a little bit stupid to me but then I wasn't there and I don't have to travel with him. Not that this is anything new either. The whole "wrestler court" thing and backstage antics that come out in interviews over the years just make me cringe sometimes. I guess that's life for them though.

As for Cass, well, it's just a matter of one of the biggest issues of the 21st century: having a different opinion. You can't have an opinion today, unless of course it's the opinion that everyone else holds. That's how it feels sometimes anyway. If he is a Trump supporter, power to him. But don't throw it in people's faces and expect them to follow suit either. Again, we can't have the same opinions. It's almost as bad here in England sometimes, although Theresa May isn't building us a wall. Anyway, I doubt it'll have any effect on his push either. It won't be an issue with McMahon, that's for sure, so I really doubt anything will come of it. Who knows, maybe McMahon will like the fact that Cass is willing to tell people what he thinks. Just a thought.
upset a lot of people enough that Roman Reigns kicked Enzo off the bus.
True locker room leader, does something everyone wants and kicks that loudmouth midget to the street where he belongs. :lol:

Wouldnt be too upset, its just some report. Both are doing fine, especially Cass.
If it's "to do with the business" then it's likely Enzo has said or done something in the ring or backstage that ruffled feathers... you don't get kicked off the bus for being annoying, but I could see Enzo being too vocal about being split/not getting the titles/slating The Revival and Sheamus/Cesaro for "getting their spot"... That I can definitely see.

As for Cass... Look, his bosses wife works for the guy he supports... He is golden with the boss. If he gets heat for it, Vince will likely ignore that or privately tell him it's cool... If it's Cena with the issue, well we'll soon find out how much stroke the guy actually still has. If Roman is throwing people off the bus now...the times they are a changing.
Remember when Lana supposedly had mega heat?

Like always, the accuracy of these types of "reports" are shaky at best, and Meltzer has been letting his personal opinion cloud his stories in recent years.
If it's "to do with the business" then it's likely Enzo has said or done something in the ring or backstage that ruffled feathers... you don't get kicked off the bus for being annoying, but I could see Enzo being too vocal about being split/not getting the titles/slating The Revival and Sheamus/Cesaro for "getting their spot"... That I can definitely see.

As for Cass... Look, his bosses wife works for the guy he supports... He is golden with the boss. If he gets heat for it, Vince will likely ignore that or privately tell him it's cool... If it's Cena with the issue, well we'll soon find out how much stroke the guy actually still has. If Roman is throwing people off the bus now...the times they are a changing.

I figured Reigns was rather popular with the locker room, if it turns out he's become a locker room leader; then maybe he truly is unstoppable.
Remember when Lana supposedly had mega heat?

Like always, the accuracy of these types of "reports" are shaky at best, and Meltzer has been letting his personal opinion cloud his stories in recent years.

This is why i'm usually skeptical about the dirt sheets, we don't know all the details involved and the details we have may not be true. It's like the news, they tend to over speculate things that seem in all likelyhood pretty minor.
If the story has some truth to it, then this might be the WWE's perfect chance to put Enzo on 205 Live. Throw Kalisto there as well, they are in desperate need of an overhaul.

I can see Enzo having a big mouth and there are probably times when it gets in him in trouble. Remember Cass told him that his mouth cashes cheques his ass can't handle, or something like that. Well it's most likely pretty close to the truth.

As an in ring wrestler Enzo isn't that great so I can see him become a manager for someone else, or like I said put him on 205 Live. As for Cass, he has great expectations, but he has to get over this tag team breakup before he can start anything else. Appreciate the fact that he wants the top title, it's just a little to early though to go for that.
If this is true, it's not going to change much.

Enzo was never going to be a star. He doesn't have a great look and isn't good in the ring.

Put him on 205 Live. Although I really like Enzo, he'll barely get past the lower mid-card on Raw. There's just too many wrestlers who are a lot more talented.

He could also be a manager for someone, although I'm not sure who.
As a fan with an opinion (as everyone), I've always seen money in Enzo. Granted, he not be polished in the ring, but his matches are passable. On the stick, he is dynamite. Shouts a bit at times, but I believe what he says because of the desire in his voice.

He's not world championship material. But I've always seen him on his own as a great mid card player. IC champion perhaps.

Whilst I will agree that you cannot take everything you read as gospel, there is obviously some amount of truth to what transpired and because we don't know the full facts, I suppose it means he may/may not be punished on screen (although its not like he was stacking up the W's beforehand). It's a shame more than anything.

Cass is decent but I just don't buy him right now. It's only the start for him though so time will tell, personal choices aside.
Probably because he has more charisma than the entire locker room combined, thus the entire locker room hates him.

Maybe he pointed out that there's a lack of charisma in WWE today, and the other guys, who have no charisma, got all offended at those mere words (which is what people with no charisma do), because they have no charisma.

A bit of a tangent here, and this may piss people off, but I no longer blame WWE or Vince for how entertaining the shows turn out to be. The vast majority of the locker room have no balls. Enzo is proof that nobody is responsible for how good or bad you are on the mic, except yourself.
Slightly off topic, but his name was mentioned, so I will go there. Why do people still listen to Dave Meltzer anymore anyway?

I hear all the time Meltzer report something, people here comment, and then it turns out Meltzer is wrong, yet the next time he says something, the same people believe him again.

It is like all media today. The public don;t hold them accountable enough for their mistakes. Maybe because the media are an echo chamber to the disenchanted, and say back to them what they already think, and people will never disagree with someone who has the same opinion of them.

I don't believe this story anymore than a hundred other Meltzer stories. He is just some hack journal who can write something like this, and unless a wrestler or something verifies the story, Meltzer can write any crap and get away with it.

I mean, people believe him about the Wrestlemania III attendance "lie", that there were only 70,000 instead of 93,173. But unless he counted each person, how can he know if it is true or not, so should give the benefit on the doubt. Instead, he disputes it, because he wants to make WWE look bad.
Slightly off topic, but his name was mentioned, so I will go there. Why do people still listen to Dave Meltzer anymore anyway?

I hear all the time Meltzer report something, people here comment, and then it turns out Meltzer is wrong, yet the next time he says something, the same people believe him again.

Meltzer only reports to the information that is given to him and with how Vince McMahon changes his mind on plans spontaneously it's not surprising that Meltzer gets things wrong when predicting angles.

But there were times he was right before. He was right about Roman Reigns in line of a big push even before it became obvious. He was right about the WM33 card and how most of the matches were shaped. So there were things he was right about.

As for Meltzer I listen to him mostly on his views on the business and historical events. For the most part he's pretty sharp on this. He does provide a lot of great insights in the industry that most people can't.

Also let's face it, love him or hate him knowing the backstage stuff had made up appreciate pro-wrestling a lot more than we could have otherwise.

And I always found Meltzer to be fair when it comes to his views on the WWE. He defended the decision for going Sid/Hogan and Savage/Flair at WM8.
Slightly off topic, but his name was mentioned, so I will go there. Why do people still listen to Dave Meltzer anymore anyway?

I hear all the time Meltzer report something, people here comment, and then it turns out Meltzer is wrong, yet the next time he says something, the same people believe him again.

It is like all media today. The public don;t hold them accountable enough for their mistakes. Maybe because the media are an echo chamber to the disenchanted, and say back to them what they already think, and people will never disagree with someone who has the same opinion of them.

I don't believe this story anymore than a hundred other Meltzer stories. He is just some hack journal who can write something like this, and unless a wrestler or something verifies the story, Meltzer can write any crap and get away with it.

I mean, people believe him about the Wrestlemania III attendance "lie", that there were only 70,000 instead of 93,173. But unless he counted each person, how can he know if it is true or not, so should give the benefit on the doubt. Instead, he disputes it, because he wants to make WWE look bad.

They listen to him because the guy has over 20 years covering MMA and wrestling news. Like someone else said, he can only write about the information he gets and with that long in the business, he has to have some well placed sources somewhere. Sure some of what he says doesn't happen, but a lot of what he reports on does.

Now I'm sure the WWE has a times given out false information and or changed their minds, but he is a reporter and his job is to write about what he hears. I'm sure the guy isn't making it up as he goes. For me I read what he writes and then make my own decisions on it.
Cass' political views should not matter on his working environment. What should matter is his attitude against fellow co-workers and his boss. If that is fine, then Cass should not have a problem and the rest of the locker room should just shut the hell up.

About Enzo.. well, it all depends whether he is a moron or not. If he really didn't like the fact that he and Cass broke out and he really did make a fuss out of it, then he's a moron and should be treated as one. Nobody likes big mouthers and "me" people. Imagine having to travel 24/7 endlessly, get no sleep, deal with all the pain wrestlers are dealing with, have to be in top notch shape for 10 years straight and also have someone like Enzo around you. You'd snap, too.
Meltzer only reports to the information that is given to him and with how Vince McMahon changes his mind on plans spontaneously it's not surprising that Meltzer gets things wrong when predicting angles.

But there were times he was right before. He was right about Roman Reigns in line of a big push even before it became obvious. He was right about the WM33 card and how most of the matches were shaped. So there were things he was right about.

As for Meltzer I listen to him mostly on his views on the business and historical events. For the most part he's pretty sharp on this. He does provide a lot of great insights in the industry that most people can't.

Also let's face it, love him or hate him knowing the backstage stuff had made up appreciate pro-wrestling a lot more than we could have otherwise.

And I always found Meltzer to be fair when it comes to his views on the WWE. He defended the decision for going Sid/Hogan and Savage/Flair at WM8.

Who says that information has been "given" to him?

I am amazed at how many "leaks" there are around. Either there are a lot of people who are terrible at keeping secrets, or it is coming from the source known as "I. Madeitup".

I think a lot of stories are from an active imagination, and maybe other substances to enhance their thoughts. Besides, they can say anything, and as long as it gets "clicks", then there is no consequence to what he says.

I could pick many of the matches months out, because some builds for WM happen around Survivor Series the previous year. Also, they plan WM a few months in advance, so it is easy to guess close to the pin what most of the matches will be.

Also, I disagree with him about Savage/Flair, and Hogan/Sid at WM8. Hogan v Flair was the most anticipated match at the time, and would have done massive money. WWE only didn't do it because of Hogan's politics, not because Vince didn't think of doing it (in fact, I remember reading in WWF magazine that Hogan v Flair had been booked for WM8, but, between then and the night of the show, Hogan played politics, and the match never happened until WCW did it for "Bash At The Beach 2004".

So I can't see how Melzter can defend not having a match between the two biggest wrestling icons of the 80's at Wrestlemania.

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