A Case for Big Cass to be Intercontinental Champion


Mastermind of ATV
I'm not quite sure whether or not Enzo and Cass's feud has come to an end, we'll likely see tonight; but if it really is over, then Cass would do himself wonders to move himself into the I.C title picture.

I think Cass has the right amount of talent to have a decent enough reign with the title; he's steadily improving on his wrestling ability, he can cut some pretty emotional promos, his kick to the head finisher looks incredibly dangerous; he seems to have the potential to go far in WWE.

If Dean vs Miz does continue somehow, or Miz finds another challenger and that challenger beats him; Cass should be his first challenger. It may sound like a bit of a risk, but if last night was any indication; i'd say he's ready for a run with gold.
I'm not quite sure whether or not Enzo and Cass's feud has come to an end, we'll likely see tonight; but if it really is over, then Cass would do himself wonders to move himself into the I.C title picture.

I think Cass has the right amount of talent to have a decent enough reign with the title; he's steadily improving on his wrestling ability, he can cut some pretty emotional promos, his kick to the head finisher looks incredibly dangerous; he seems to have the potential to go far in WWE.

If Dean vs Miz does continue somehow, or Miz finds another challenger and that challenger beats him; Cass should be his first challenger. It may sound like a bit of a risk, but if last night was any indication; i'd say he's ready for a run with gold.

I am really hoping that the Miz and Ambrose are over and done with. That feud has dragged on forever now and needs to come to a full stop.

As for Cass. He was on RAW Talk after the show last night and made it clear that he is only interested in the top title. He said because of how big he his, he's the only one who can take out Lesnar. I don't think he is interested in a lessar title at all. He has a lot of people to go through to get to Lesnar but stranger things have happened, just look at Jinder.

But they do need someone else for Miz to feud with. Another go with Ambrose and I might be changing the channel.
Big Cass could be decent jobber fodder for lesnar to make him look strong..

I mean look at the wonders last night the match do last night in terms of legitimizing Joe in the wwe
Big Cass could be decent jobber fodder for lesnar to make him look strong..

I mean look at the wonders last night the match do last night in terms of legitimizing Joe in the wwe

Lesnar doesn't need to be made to look strong. He's been booked to consistently come off as stronger, tougher, meaner, etc. than just about anyone to debut in WWE over the past 20 years. Joe might've lost to him at GBOF, but he didn't look like a jobber, he wasn't treated like a jobber and he didn't come off as a jobber. Of all the non-Attitude Era guys to face Lesnar the past few years, Joe is the first one to do so and not come out looking like a chump and that's what I've been hoping to see for a long time.

In my opinion, Cass needs to be tested first before he's put into any sort of title picture. As of right now, he's almost completely untested and I wanna see how he's able to do fully on his own. Most of what we've seen from Cass involves him coming in off a hot tag from Enzo and generally cleaning house for a couple of minutes. I don't think they should rush Cass into anything, just build him up at a decent pace over a period of time and see how it works out. Hot shotting him to the IC title, in my opinion, won't do him any favors; let him have a good big man feud with Big Show, let him come out on top to establish himself as someone that might be a significant player.
Cass has a lot of potential, but he is still pretty green. He said he wants a shot at Lesnar (and he should, everyone should), but he's nowhere near Lesnar's level.

Of course no one is but basically Cass needs some time to prove himself as a singles competitor before being rushed into a championship feud.

Several more wrestlers, such as Balor, Rollins, or Ambrose (with someone besides Miz) are more worthy challengers.

As others have suggested, let Cass feud with Big Show and go over him. Or maybe Mark Henry.

Meanwhile, he can continue to get better on the mic. His promo on Raw Talk was one of his best, although that's a really small sample size. Perhaps scripted promos are to blame, as he did seem a lot more comfortable.

So don't rush Cass (or any wrestler) into anything. That has never worked and never will. See Roman Reigns in early 2015. Hopefully he can develop his mic skills and ring work, and then the sky's the limit.
Keep Cass away from Lesnar and the IC Title. Let him build up steam, firstly knocking Big Show over a couple of times, then a returning Kane and Mark Henry. Have him eliminate a stack in the Rumble, have him win the Andre the Giant Battle Royal. Too many in front of him for the main event. Looks like Rollins being Miz next opponent moving forward.
Too early for Cass as IC Champ. And he's not even interested. He is claiming he's going to the top, be the best, the Universal Champ.

Even if he is going to be Universal Champ it is highly unlikely (and unwise) for it to happen this WWE year (Wrestlemania - Wrestlemania).

But, in that time, Cass can get some big wins under his belt and improve in-ring and promo quality. Perhaps change up his attire a bit, get out of the high waist trunks that make him look less physically impressive and maybe go full tights or Kevin Nash-like pants with low-cut straps (but will help hide his un-toned stomach).
I think Cass needs to raid Kevin Nash's closet for me to take his serious as a big time player. Something about him comes off as generic and boring.
I think Cass needs to raid Kevin Nash's closet for me to take his serious as a big time player. Something about him comes off as generic and boring.

You know what I kind of agree with you. The claim to be 7 feet tall and that's why the world should be handed to him, well to me is kind of lame. Cass puts me in mind of Edge, but without the promo or the in ring skills. Listen I admire that the dude has aspirations or delusions of grandeur, every WWE superstar should. One week ago he was part of the most over tag team in the WWE right now. At least earn your stripes before going after Lesnar and others.
Let's see what he does on his own first. I don't have much confidence that Big Cass can have a good one on one match with most of the roster. His special move is a big boot....ugh.

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