Awesomeness Wearing Off


Dark Match Winner
What in the blue hell is the WWE doing with The Miz? How can you go from being a guy with three titles to a guy who has not won a match in atleast a month? I mean the guy is jobbing to everyone and is now prob bout to start a feud with Bryan a guy who they wont even let win NXT. The answer to this question is you got me. Going back to his feud with Cena, The Miz won me over as who could ever forget when he said " Congratulations Cena you're in the same category as Hannah Montana." His promos seemed like they weren't written they were just letting him go free mic. Now you got him losing to Bret Hart, who is well and i mean well past his prime, thus losing the US Title in the process. Now the tag title I understand he needs to be pushed as a singles competitor but he is not in the main event why strip him of the mid card title and put it on R Truth? This guy is improving every day in the ring and is untouchable on the mic when given the opportunity to go out there and cut a decent promo. So is it just me or is the E wasting a great opportunity at a star?
Nothing is wrong with what is happening. He had to lose the tag titles, its not like Bret Hart destroyed Miz (Miz got attacked by the Dynasty during the match) and R Truth is pretty much the #3 face on the brand right now. Yes he is improving but just because he lost a couple of title matches recently doesn't meant the E gave up on him, everyone must lose there titles one day.

They will probably move Miz into a feud with Danielson which should be great if they let both men continue to do their shoot interviews. Losing a couple of title matches doesn't make one a jobber.
1st off I have to adress the bret thing. You realize he was attacked by the hart dynasty and was laid out and all bret had to do was apply the sharpshooter something he doesnt need to be in his prime to do. So him losing to bret isnt a shame. Now on to the main point miz just lost the title its way to early to say they're wasting him. He may start a feud with daniel bryan who is way to talented to be on nxt. He may feud with truth for all we. But at this point its to early to say they're wasting him when they havent even had a chance to start a program with him yet
The Miz will be back to his winning ways. He's still incredibly over with the crowd and his mic skills are too damn good to pass up. Everybody has their ups and downs. The Miz will soon be on the up and up. I predict it will happen after NXT is over, then he can just focus himself on RAW business.
I'm with everybody else on this, Miz is not being misused,He just had to drop the title eventually. I'm tired of people thinking that anybody who doesn't have a championship Belt is a Jobber, It's absolutley ridiculous. Not every superstar can win every match and win every title all the time. Miz will get his time again, I'm sure it might even be something big like winning MITB at the MITB PPV, I know some might dissagree, But I think he has the potential to be a pretty big star in the WWE.
Whilst i can appreciate the replies of the others, i would have to say that this isn't a great thing for the Miz. However I don't think it's an automatic sign he should fear being wished luck in his future endeavors.

It definitely doesn't look good for a wrestler to lose his tag belts (so easily) to the heart dynasty who were riding the jobbing pine for many years, then to lose his primary singles belt after a beat down and sharp shooted by Bret Hart. This would be similar to having sergeant slaughter come out of retirement and win himself a belt. The losing wrestler would not look good.

Whilst there's no disgrace in loosing your belt, it doesn't mean you're done, i think the aftermath speaks louder then the losses. Where's Miz's revenge? where the payback at last on the heart dynasty for costing him both his belts?

Most of the 'top players' if they lose their belt they can be assured a month of payback following, or at least not being made to look so weak in the eyes of the more casual fans.

For me, i think Raw has become too saturated with 'upper level talent' and the sunny shores of Smackdown could be where Miz could rise to the top.
Whilst i can appreciate the replies of the others, i would have to say that this isn't a great thing for the Miz. However I don't think it's an automatic sign he should fear being wished luck in his future endeavors.

It definitely doesn't look good for a wrestler to lose his tag belts (so easily) to the heart dynasty who were riding the jobbing pine for many years, then to lose his primary singles belt after a beat down and sharp shooted by Bret Hart. This would be similar to having sergeant slaughter come out of retirement and win himself a belt. The losing wrestler would not look good.

Hart Dynasty were only a team for a year. They weren't jobbing they just didn't get much screen time. Finally there time came and they were pushed as faces and won the tag titles off a make-shift team of Miz and Big Show. How does taking a beat down then put into a deadly submission make The Miz look weak in losing the US Title?

Whilst there's no disgrace in loosing your belt, it doesn't mean you're done, i think the aftermath speaks louder then the losses. Where's Miz's revenge? where the payback at last on the heart dynasty for costing him both his belts?

The Miz's revenge? He failed at capturing the Tag Titles from the Hart Dynasty with Jericho at Over The Limit. If this feud is over that means The Miz failed at getting revenge and the feud has came to an end.
Most of the 'top players' if they lose their belt they can be assured a month of payback following, or at least not being made to look so weak in the eyes of the more casual fans.
How has he been made to look weak? He lost the tag titles the same way he won them (by getting pinned or submitted i can't remember), then lost his midcard title to a guy after getting beaten down by the same team. Now repeating myself, he failed at getting revenge by failing to capture the tag titles at over the limit. He then failed to best a new contender R Truth at winning the mid card title back.
For me, i think Raw has become too saturated with 'upper level talent' and the sunny shores of Smackdown could be where Miz could rise to the top.
Miz still gets plenty of TV Time on Raw. Its not like he only gets a two minute match each week and does nothing with it. Just because The Miz lost both his titles in a matter of weeks does not make him a jobber.
so lemme get this straight....because miz lost his titles and is about to enter a fued with bryan danielson, that means he's losing his "awesomeness"? So i guess when chris jericho lost his world title and tag titles, he fell off too huh? Everyone cant hold a title forever. and lets be order to make the tag division better, they needed a legit tagteam to hold those titles. now with the uso's coming up, im actually more excited about the tag division then i was when miz was one half of the tag champs. miz losing the us title to bret hart doesnt kill his credibility or anything. the fact that miz had to be jumped to lose the title says something. miz has been catapulted to stardom pretty quickly, and his mic skills speak for themselves. i think we should all just sit back, and enjoy the ride. miz will have his time.
I think it's as simple as that the E likes to put titles on guys to accelerate their push/get them over faster, and then once they're legitimately way over, they don't need the titles to stay over anymore, and then they put them on somebody else that could benefit from having them.
i agree with the majority of the posters here... it's too soon to say that Miz is losing his awesomeness and doomed to be a jobber to the stars.

this guy is currently in a team with Jericho, arguably the biggest heel in the company now that Batista is gone. and Miz is a close second, maybe in a tie with CM Punk. that said, he is not being wasted and it is obvious by his amount of screen time and mic time and match time.

as far as losing the titles go, it looks very likely that Miz and Jericho will fight for the tag titles at Fatal Fourway against the Hart Dynasty, this new tag team (The Uso Brothers) and another tag team in a fourway match. so there's a match there.

and losing the US Title match to Truth says nothing about Miz being weak. Truth is super over with the crowd, an experienced veteran that has never won a title in the WWE prior to now, and shows more the WWE's need for a top black star than it does for the WWE's lost faith in the Miz. i know that's not politically correct to say, but seriously, Truth and Kofi both won singles titles within a day of each other. clearly the E is wanting to throw some stuff on the wall and see what sticks.

The Miz is still awesome. just give it some time. he'll impress us all, as he has been.
The Miz isn't being wasted or buried. He and Bryan will probably feud as watching them both on the mic was pretty fun, a program would be just as good if not better! Miz had to lose the gold at some point. R Truth is the #3 face at least until Triple H returns, so he needed a boost and Hart Dynasty getting the tag titles lets the tag division go without him having to be in it. Don't jump the gun my friend. The Miz is still pretty awesome!
WWE isn't wasting a great opportunity with a star, Miz can't be on the winning side always, great stars has gone through loosing matches regularly, great stars have gone through holding numerous championships and then loosing it.

There's no wasting of The Miz just because he's not holding championship gold anymore etc. because Miz has a great future going for him, and WWE knows he's one of the future stars, he's paired with Chris Jericho right now, has been cutting promos on Bret Hart, a damn Hall of Famer, that's not exactly doing badly for anybody, no matter the talent or level of the supertar on the card.
Other than his mic skills which are decent, he hasn't really impressed me or make me think he is awesome in the ring. He didn't do anything with the U.S. Title except maybe have two or three matches where he defended it. He could be close to falling in the same hole Morrison is in. Morrison was in a tag team, then went solo, back to a tag team, went solo, back to a tag team, and now he is basically irrelevant now. I haven't seen anything from Miz in singles competition that makes me think he is the next big thing as most people claim he will be. If he can go a year with some great feuds and matches, then maybe I'll change my mind. Right now, the awesomeness hasn't worn off because there wasn't much to begin with.
You guys can't have it every way, he had to lose the titles at some point. The inevitably means a loss or two, between the title match and the rematch. The Miz had 2 titles, so he would have to have a couple of losses over a short period of time. You guys shouldn't be busting a nut over a few losses. Punk has lost a lot to Rey, but I'm willing to bet he'll be in the Fatal 4 Way world title match. Heels are supposed to lose most of the time, it's just how it works.

Can any of you tell the future? No, I don't think you can. The Miz is still being given decent mic time and he's featured on every Raw. Unless you're part of WWE creative and know the plans for the Miz, don't bitch about it. Every single time an upper midcarder has a few losses, people immediately assume he's going to never make it to the main event. It happened with Kofi, it happened with JoMo. Hell, it happened with Swagger leading up to Wrestlemania and you were all proven wrong about that. So just wait and see, there's no way Vince will let a guy with the mic skills of the Miz become a career midcarder.
i had figured it wasn't more of miz losing, but more him putting over and trying to push lesser talent like r-truth. miz is one of those guys who is slowly starting to show that he can be big and not have to have a title.

if he ends up in a fued with danielson, which looks like a possibility, i don't think it means he's being buried.

i'm just worried that they will have him job too much and he ends up falling out of favor with the crowd completely.
No, Miz hasn't lost his awesomeness. Sometimes losing a title will propell a wrestler into something else, something better.
Look what happened when SCSA tossed the IC belt into that river. Did you think he was weak for not facing the Rock? No, he was bad ass for saying 'Screw you! I got bigger fish to fry than your sorry ass' and went on.
I think the Miz could have an anazing fued with Danielson. There's history to feed off of. Danielson has shown great stuff with his Cole fued. This would elevate both guys.
Losing a title isn't exactly a good indicator of favor with management. Miz is still being heavily used through out their programing.
Did....did you say Daniel Bryan doesn't deserve to win NXT? Daniel Bryan deserves a push like Drew and Sheamus got. In fact, that's pretty much what's happening now. He's starting a feud with Miz, who is a multitime US and Tag champion. Maybe not the push like Sheamus got in terms of title, but he's getting the push he deserves.

As for Miz, He's teamed with Jericho now and it's gonna end up with them taking on Big Show. I see Show holding the tag titles alone for a while
Absolutely not. This post is ridiculous. Miz is still cutting promos atop the WWE with Jericho, and Punk.(and some include Batista's recent work.) The guy is getting better in the ring every week. And generally "the revenge" usually only comes with a WORLD title. Usually when a guy loses his midcard belt, he has a rematch, maybe two at a PPV, and then he begins his climb to the top of the world title picture. His lack of rematches is a positive sign. Miz is going to be THE top heel in the near future. His time is definitely going to come.
it is way too early to say the miz is losing his awesomeness every wrestler is gona lose a couple of matches from time to time. this run is just a transitional period to end his old fueds and probably give him a chance to move up to the next level maybe even the next MITB winner at the up coming ppv.
It's simple. The Miz Doesn't NEED any belts to get his heat. Behind Jericho, Miz cuts the best promos on RAW. He makes people legitimately hate his character, and anyone associated with him. Also, taking the U.S. title off him is the first step tp his main event push.
Oh dear lord. How does one even think that way?

Miz is paired with Chris Jericho.
Miz had a match with Bret Hart.
Miz & Bryan Danielsonhave issues that need resolving.

Chris Jericho. I know you may not like him or you may love him, but Jericho is the total package of a wrestling superstar. If you can't see it, then you need to turn in your wrestling fan card because you aren't qualified to carry it anymore.

Bret Hart. If you are too young to remember who he is and how good he was, think of it this 10 years when you are older and you see a retired HHH, or Michaels, or Undertaker come out, you'll understand. For some of us who have seen him wrestle, he is our Rock or our Stone Cold, if that analogy helps you understand. He is arguably the best technical wrestler of his generation or ours. To have him go against the Miz shows that the WWE knew that they could trust Miz in the ring to make Hart look good, make the match look believable, and make the match entertaining.

That job doesn't go to a shit wrestler or one who is getting "buried".

Third, there is Danielson. He just brushed the Miz's teeth with his elbow on Tuesday. For weeks it's been down-talk and shit-talk and now both guys are doing it. It's called building heat and interest. With, arguably, the best indy wrestler on the entire fucking planet.

How do you not see these things? Take a deep breath and take a step back and look at the entire package. The WWE are developing characters and stories.

Instead of being irate that your one of your favorite stars lost, ask yourself why they lost and what actual purpose does it serve and what can come from it. Fucking duh.

The Miz. 3 fucking storylines and still the IWC bitches about it.

What is lacking here is a serious understanding of what mid-carders are, what they are used for, and how they are featured, and how they are built into future main-eventers.
The Miz is one of the most over superstars on the roster. Every time he cuts promo or loses against a face on the brand is to extend his relevancy and his storyline for as far as they can. Has he been jobbing lately? Probably so, but that does not mean that he is been lost in the eyes of the WWE. They have him feuding a HOF, tag teaming with one of the best in the company in Jericho IMO, and pushing the buttons of the best indy wrestler in the world Danielson. He may not be winning, but I believe this is the start of a possible huge push in the foreseeable future.
It never ceases to amaze me how quickly someone says a wrestler's push is being stopped or he's being buried just because he happens to lose a couple of matches. Up until a few weeks ago, The Miz had been walking around since October carrying championship gold. The WWE has placed him in high profile matches, given him valuable mic time and have been using him for the past several months to help rebuild the tag team scene. It seems to me that the WWE is pretty high on The Miz at this point. If their intention was to bury him, then they would have just had him drop the United States Championship to Bret Hart cleanly. Now, having The Miz drop his championship cleanly to another wrestler that's in his 50s, a multiple stroke victim and can't really take a solid bump anymore due to lingering health issues would be a very clear cut sign that the WWE is burying him. However, as has been pointed out, it didn't go down that way.

The Miz and Chris Jericho will probably be involved in a fatal fourway match for the tag team titles at the ppv and expect the both of them to be used on Raw to put over and hype that match. Also, as has been pointed out, it's just a matter of time before The Miz enters into a feud with Bryan Danielson and it's a feud that the IWC and even a good deal of average fans have been wanting to see for a long time now.
The Miz isn't going anywhere but up. I actually wouldn't be surprised if they let him when in Money in the Bank coming up next month.
The Miz is to damn good to get wasted by the E. Like some of the posters said, he can't hold on to the US Title forever, he has to move on. It does suck seeing him lose for like the last month but he will climb back up cus he's very talented. The feud starting with him and DB is gonna help boost DB's WWE career, so once that is over, I think The Miz is gonna start climbing his way to the top. I would love to see him as a heavyweight champion. Cus he's The Miz, and he's AWESOME!!!!!!

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