Awesome Kong: ruining the women's division

Is Awesome Kong ruining the Knockouts divsion?

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MCMG: 1-696-696-6969
Awesome Kong is destroying the Women's title for TNA she always has because she is booked as unstoppable and invicible. TNA is making it seem like she is the Andre the Giant of women. This not about her wrestling it's about her being booked as unstoppable and holding teh Women's title for long reigns and losing it by a fluke when ever she does lose. In storylines she never contributes on the mic, but she does have a manager so it balances out. Her matches are starting to get old she usually just squashes a "random" audience member. If it's an actual match though she get's hit with one or two good shots get's the advantage, Awesome Bomb 1..2..3 pin over. She is however getting rid of the women wrestlers are sex symbols. She can wrestle a good match and is what WWE wishes Chyna was.
Your thoughts.
Awesome Kong is the best female wrestler out there. Not only can she put on a great match, and has the right manager to help her carry a feud, but she is what women's wrestling used to be. It wasn't about sex symbols or promos. It was about wrestling, and settling it in the ring.

The Knockouts have a good roster of female wrestlers, and Kong is probably the only one they use right.
I don't think she's ruining it, but on the other hand I'm not a big fan of hers. I also don't think she is the best women's wrestler out there, but she certainly has skills, I'll give her that much. One thing though, can she please rename her finisher? The Awesome Bomb was and will always be Mike Awesome's finisher.
Awesome Kong is the best female wrestler out there. Not only can she put on a great match, and has the right manager to help her carry a feud, but she is what women's wrestling used to be. It wasn't about sex symbols or promos. It was about wrestling, and settling it in the ring.

The Knockouts have a good roster of female wrestlers, and Kong is probably the only one they use right.

I am just going to go off of what NSL said, as I am in agreement with him. While I agree that wrestling can seem boring without suspense and with wrestlers that are booked as invincible, I definitely do not think this is the case with Awesome Kong. Outside of Japan and (maybe) SHIMMER, Awesome Kong is currently the best female wrestler in the world. Despite her gargantuan size, she is extremely agile and, overall, a really, really talented wrestler.

If Kong's booking bothers you, I would say that this is more on TNA not keeping their women's division up to snuff. The only wrestlers that could have a good match with Kong (i.e., have a match with Kong in which they are not completely upstaged) right now in TNA are Roxxi and, possibly, Cheerleader Melissa (here's to hoping she dumps the Raisha Saeed gimmick and turns on Kong). And, if TNA successfully woos Victoria, then I could definitely see her also holding her own with Kong. But, as far as anyone else currently in TNA? No way.
I agree, it's probably more that the other Knockouts have slipped a step behind.

Gail Kim was her greatest foe, the one you thought could actually do it, but then she left.

ODB was an interesting concept but I think their feud ran its course, though she is probably the most likely to take the belt, she's very over.

The Beautiful People have no actual interest in the title it would seem and while Angelina is good, I don't think she could work well with a much larger opponent.

Christy Hemme has improved, yes, but she still isn't believeable in terms of actually pinning Kong's shoulders to the mat for 3.

Roxxi is similar to ODB really, you know she won't get squashed but at the same time she's tried over and over again and it is in danger of getting old.

Taylor Wilde is good but not great. Her beating Kong got a minor pop but it couldn't be sustained because she was bland. She has been destroyed in subsequent challenges.

The rest of the Knockouts all work for/with Kong, so that's them out of the fold.

In short Kong isn't really ruining it, but she's so much better than them that she makes them look bad. I suppose in some ways they'd be better off without her because the Knockouts look comparitively better next to each other.

However she is a draw, she is an attraction, and they can't risk WWE getting their mits on her. I guess the challenge is for creative to keep things fresh whilst maintaining her character.
I'm not wild about her. Putting the belt back on her has killed the Women's division dead. Putting Wylde and Roxxi against the Beautiful People and "the Governor" just makes my head hurt. THAT'S what's killing the women's division. Kong is still palying the dominant heel role but it's just not working as well this time. She was beaten one time, and that pretty much ends the mystique of her. She's like a female Goldberg. Once the first loss gets there, she's just not that special anymore. Still a great lok and a great character, but at the end of the day it's just not the same this time around.
While I don't think Kong is killing the division it does seem she is beginning sort of stale. The problem with Kong is the same problem the Big Show has in the WWE. It just doesn't look real or plossible for them to lose to smaller guys, without a roll up or something, but it seemingly makes the other girls(the whole division)look weak if they can't even pin Kong.

Kong is a draw and is an amazing wrestler but you can't just have one unstoppeable force and have the rest look weak in comparison. Also with Kong if she starts losing cleanly her character is almost destroyed, but she can't countinue dominating and making the other knockouts like wimps. I just think her character should get a rehaul and maybe have her take a month off or something. She is a great talent and helps the division and is an aset but TNA needs to make sure they take the time to rebuild and focus on the other girls who are talented in their own right(ODB, Roxxi, Love, Bolt)
How many times has Awesome Kong held onto the title because of outside help? She needs to lose it to someone the same way and be "injured" also, so she can take a break and let others have a shot.

I would like to see TNA sign Pryme Tyme Amy Lee, she's a badass and could hold her own againest kong. ALso Tai Killer Weed, the Full Breasted Italian-Angel Orsini, Amber O'Neil, annie social, Jazz, and any other of the non pornstars in WEW.
Well the same thing happens everytime there is one dominate wrestler in a promotions division, the product becomes stale. All TNA really has to do, is take one of their knockouts, and put her on a tear. Take Christy Hemme for example. Have her run through the Knockouts getting great victories on the way. Have her develop a finisher that is realistic and a real threat to knock anyone out. Then in a few months, build up a huge feud, have some tag team matchs, and make it seem like Kong is scared of her. Then at a big name pay per view, set up a match, and have Hemme go over. There, now you have a beat who can be beat, as well as a hugely over face.
I despise Awesome Kong... She is just fat.

No racism here, but how come when a black man is really fat he is tough, but when a white man is really fat... he is just really fat.

Fat means you are slow... she is slow and fat with big eyes. wow
She ain't exactly slow man. She's big, but she's also not all-fat, she could probably lose a few pounds but there's also a lot of muscle in there. The point is none of them can take her down and she has the strength to toss them about the ring.

But a good point about fat white dudes.
I say she is ruining the knockouts division to a point. Her size always makes her have the advantage & I don't think any of the knockouts besides possibly ODB can pick her fat ass up. Since she is just so damn big I would take her ass out of the knockouts division & let her compete against the men.
I'm not wild about her. Putting the belt back on her has killed the Women's division dead. Putting Wylde and Roxxi against the Beautiful People and "the Governor" just makes my head hurt. THAT'S what's killing the women's division. Kong is still palying the dominant heel role but it's just not working as well this time. She was beaten one time, and that pretty much ends the mystique of her. She's like a female Goldberg. Once the first loss gets there, she's just not that special anymore. Still a great lok and a great character, but at the end of the day it's just not the same this time around.

I strongly disagree with both of these points.

1) What's killing the women's division in TNA, in my opinion, is the fact that they have not found a suitable replacement for Gail Kim. While Taylor Wilde is a decent wrestler, she was in no manner whatsoever the right person to take the TNA Women's Knockout Championship from Kong. Sure, the way she beat Kong was surprising, but, if anything, her time in TNA has shown why WWE terminated her development deal. Wilde is a diamond in the rough, but there is still much polishing and refining to be done before one can rightly call her an asset to TNA's women's division. So, in my opinion, putting the title back on Kong was a step forward after taking two steps back.

2) Kong has much, much more going for her than Goldberg did. While her being undefeated in TNA may have added suspense to her character's development, there is much more to Kong's being special. She is pretty much a female Bam Bam Bigelow or Big Van Vader. For someone her size, you would not expect her to be able to do the things that she does. And, her unique look only adds to her singularity.

While I don't think Kong is killing the division it does seem she is beginning sort of stale. The problem with Kong is the same problem the Big Show has in the WWE. It just doesn't look real or plossible for them to lose to smaller guys, without a roll up or something, but it seemingly makes the other girls(the whole division)look weak if they can't even pin Kong.

Kong is a draw and is an amazing wrestler but you can't just have one unstoppeable force and have the rest look weak in comparison. Also with Kong if she starts losing cleanly her character is almost destroyed, but she can't countinue dominating and making the other knockouts like wimps. I just think her character should get a rehaul and maybe have her take a month off or something. She is a great talent and helps the division and is an aset but TNA needs to make sure they take the time to rebuild and focus on the other girls who are talented in their own right(ODB, Roxxi, Love, Bolt)

I both agree and disagree with you. I agree with you that Kong does seem to be getting sort of stale because of the way she is booked against her competition. However, I disagree with you over where culpability for this staleness lies.

I think it is safe to say that Kong is the center of the women's division; that is to say, TNA's women's division is being built around her. If this is so, then TNA must be able to adapt the Knockout roster to make her feuds/angles fresh. Currently, as I said in my previous post, there are only two women on the Knockouts roster that could hold their own with Kong: Roxxi and Raisha Saeed/Cheerleader Melissa (there's also Sojourner Bolt, but I think her confidence makes her seem like a better wrestler than she really is). Excepting these female wrestlers, everyone else pales in comparison to Kong, no matter how good they may seem when they are not wrestling her. Thus, I think it is the responsibility of TNA to hire female wrestlers with Kong in mind. Right now, TNA could pick up both MsChif and Sara Del Rey, two female wrestlers that could have great matches with Kong.

As for big wrestlers losing all credibility when they lose to smaller guys, I will partially agree with this. However, this is not to say that you can't have a situation in which a monster heel can remain fresh for years rather than months. Take the example of Big Van Vader in WCW during the early to mid 1990s. Vader was WCW's premier heel for many years. Furthermore, he lost and didn't lose his credibility whatsoever, primarily because those he lost to were wrestlers like Sting, Ron Simmons, and Hulk Hogan. Ultimately, I cite the example of Vader to raise the following point: it is almost always the case that wrestlers are only as good as the opponents they lose to.
I voted she is ruining the division, she grew stale awfully quick IMO, and although being a great female wrestler, just doesn't thrill me anymore. However with that being said, she's the perfect female wrestler in TNA right now to build the still rather young knockouts division.

In the beginning of the knockouts division in 07 I believe, they were gonna build the division around Gail Kim, she left, leaving Kong the only real legit knockout on the roster at this point to build the division around. She's dominating and big (I don't mean that in a fat way), and gets it done in the ring. I could say ODB has the fan support to be able to use her to build the division around but the whole white trash gimmick is as stale as Kong IMO.
This can truly be looked at in one of two ways. Positive, or Negative.

On the positive side, Awesome Kong is helping the division by being a force to be dealt with. She's always been viewed as the "Queen of the Mountain", (so to speak) and as a result anyone that can defeat her becomes an instant name in the division. Such is why we even have female's like Taylor Wilde, and Sonjournor Bolt. (Bolt, whom was a random fan that took it to Kong, yet lost)

Kong is also the main reason for a dominate female faction, which is something of a major rarity in female divisions. She's giving Cheerleader Melissa (Saeed) and Khan (pure shit) a reason to be on television, as heels. While I'm sure Melissa can do better on her own, it's not exactly hurting her by being aligned with Kong.

Finally, Kong as Champion works the same way the likes of Kurt Angle or John Cena can work as Champion. They're a rememberable person, and can put on a show. Kong isn't boring in her matches, she's dominate. She doesn't have to hit high flying moves to be impressive. She doesn't have to be a T&A sideshow to gain fan reaction. She works, and the only reason people are even slightly upset by this.. is because they merely don't want to give her the chance to work.

Now.. on the Negative side of things.

The only major glaring hole I see is that Kong could be slightly compared to that of Chyna. She's obviously much larger and more dominate than anyone (outside of possibly O.D.B.) from the Knockout's division, and as result they've built her as such.

It seems the only way anyone can defeat her, is by surprise roll-ups, or illegal objects. That kinda defeats the purpose of her being a heel, and her opponent's being face.

My only objective part to this is that Kong is NOT Chyna. Chyna openly admitted she didn't want any part in the Women's division and as such, treated it like she was inferior. Kong doesn't do that, she willingly wants to help promote the Knockout's division, and all the other Females within it.

In the end, Kong isn't killing anything. Anyone who believes that is merely not wanting to give her the benefit of the doubt, in my opinion. They see her as "fat" or "unattractive" possibly, and instantly believe she has no right being in a Women's division because of those lack of qualities.
I gotta say yes,though its not her fault,..In no other title division is anyone SO expected to win but Kong.Especially against skinny peroxide midgets (Im not just getting at Taylor here)although over the many Diva searches over the years, not one "fatty" enters or gets picked,in AmericA ,?!
I thought TNA had a soloution when they put her in that MenS tag tournament last year with kip,matt & such.She,s done it before,on Utube youll see her tag with Steve Corino against Brian Kendrick & some jap lass.wearing a more flatering leotard & more sightly hair.
Ive also seen her do internet promos for Shimmer,staring at the camera & roaring ArethA style.This lady dont need a mouthpiece let alone a FactioN watching her back.
Its weird how every wrestling orginisations over the years have just had A token big girl.Aja Kong,Reggie Bennett,Rhonda Singh,& Klondyke Kate. to name but a few. I guess the dye was cast when a mainly jap based champ called Alundra Blaze went to WCW & binned the WWF Womens Title on air.If not for the likes of Sable,we might not be talking about televised womens wrestling right now at all.
It is all about SeX,n,image abit.The only other sport that treats the women this way is bodybuilding.Trust me.The bodybuilding mags would rather have Kelly Kelly on their cover than whoever the current Ms Olympia (world champ) is.I rest my case.
No! Awesome Kong is not ruining the Knockouts division.

Taylor Wilde in combination with the TNA scriptwriters did!!!!

Beautiful body, average skillset, but mic skills worse than Shelton Benjamin and a more boring and monotoned personality than Lance Storm. She couldn't carry the torch. She is just boring to listen to in a promo and more boring in the ring.

It was natural that the one who should have won the belt from Kong the first time was ODB and I really think that since Kong is more injured than we were led to believe. She will drop the belt to ODB at Against All Odds and we are about to see the female Steve Austin manifest to a point where Roxxi will be the next challenger because she is the most 'technical' wrestler on the roster
This problem is caused by the way she is booked she should be part time mens divsion like with the tag tournament. Kong is a great wrestler, if women's wrestling was more serious this disscusion wouldn't even be takig place, but since every women wrestler has to be "pretty" there is a slight problem with Awesome Kong being insanely hard to beleivably beat, with everyone but female Stone Cold, ODB Roxxi or Rhaka Kahn. That's three out of about ten wretlers that good but Kong is like Matt Morgan and about 50% can beleivably beat him in a staight up fight unlike Kongs 30%, My solutioins are send Kong to the men's division or hire bigger women like body builders. ALso change the Awesome Bomb to either the Kong Bomb, Kong Krusher or a completly diferent finisher.
Excepting these female wrestlers, everyone else pales in comparison to Kong, no matter how good they may seem when they are not wrestling her. Thus, I think it is the responsibility of TNA to hire female wrestlers with Kong in mind. Right now, TNA could pick up both MsChif and Sara Del Rey, two female wrestlers that could have great matches with Kong.

All of the women on the roster can be made to look good against Kong, doesn’t matter if its Christy Hemme, Velvet Sky, ODB, or Roxxi. Kong has the uncanny ability to make any opponent look better. But unlike Trish Stratus, who was able to hide any of her opponent’s flaws, Kong does it just by being a dominating monster. She beats her opponents into a pulp, showing her dominance. Her opponents fight back and then pin her by surprise showing that they can survive against an unstoppable force like Kong.

The WWE does the exact same thing with Beth Phoenix.

I voted she is ruining the division, she grew stale awfully quick IMO, and although being a great female wrestler, just doesn't thrill me anymore.

Kong doesn’t entertain you maybe, but you don’t speak for the collective of TNA fans. It still seems that Kong is liked by the fans because they still acknowledge her. Kong wouldn’t get much of a reaction if the fans didn’t want to see her anymore.

I gotta say yes,though its not her fault,..In no other title division is anyone SO expected to win but Kong.

Weird, people say the same thing about Beth Phoenix

Especially against skinny peroxide midgets (Im not just getting at Taylor here)although over the many Diva searches over the years, not one "fatty" enters or gets picked,in AmericA ,?!

And why would there be? The idea behind the divas search was to find women that would look good on camera, not in the ring performing. A good portion of the girls that won the contest went on to do absolutely nothing, while it was the girls that got kicked out early, came back to learn how to wrestle properly, and then were rehired by the WWE.

I thought TNA had a soloution when they put her in that MenS tag tournament last year with kip,matt & such.She,s done it before,on Utube youll see her tag with Steve Corino against Brian Kendrick & some jap lass.wearing a more flatering leotard & more sightly hair.

Actually it was a bit of a mistake doing that. The last thing that TNA wants to do is to make Kong look bigger than the women’s division by having her take on and beat the guys, because of that, I’m glad that her character was not successful at the PPV.

Ive also seen her do internet promos for Shimmer,staring at the camera & roaring ArethA style.This lady dont need a mouthpiece let alone a FactioN watching her back.

Who cares what she did in another promotion, Kong wrestles for TNA now, not for SHIMMER. Having a manager speak for her makes her more mysterious and complex, and having a faction makes her seem even more untouchable.

It is all about SeX,n,image abit.The only other sport that treats the women this way is bodybuilding.Trust me.The bodybuilding mags would rather have Kelly Kelly on their cover than whoever the current Ms Olympia (world champ) is.I rest my case.

It’s true that image does play a huge roll, but a woman wrestler doesn’t have to be a perfect 10 in order to achieve fame. Most of the more successful women in the business weren’t even considered that attractive on a large scale. Most fans would say that Maria is more attractive than Lita, Sunny was more attractive than Trish, and that Kelly is more attractive than Stephanie or Sherri.

This problem is caused by the way she is booked she should be part time mens divsion like with the tag tournament.

No, the last thing TNA needs is to make Kong seem bigger than the women’s division by beating the men. Then it really will seem unrealistic for any of the other women to beat kong. Kong is booked to be a monster of the women’s division, a Vader or Andre of the women’s division. Kong is not billed to look like an equal for the male wrestlers.

Kong is a great wrestler, if women's wrestling was more serious this disscusion wouldn't even be takig place, but since every women wrestler has to be "pretty" there is a slight problem with Awesome Kong being insanely hard to beleivably beat, with everyone but female Stone Cold, ODB Roxxi or Rhaka Kahn.

Anyone could be booked to go over Kong realistically because that’s how good of a worker Kong really is. By beating the crap out of her opponents, then being pinned, it shows that her opponents can survive against a monster like kong.

ALso change the Awesome Bomb to either the Kong Bomb, Kong Krusher or a completly diferent finisher.

Why? The powerbomb is a good finisher for her, simple and impactful.

On the question of the thread, no, Kong is not ruining the women's division
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