Awesome Kong... Er, Kharma?


Dark Match Winner
Wow so Awesome Kongs name for WWE is Kharma? :/ umm welll this is kinda sucky but what do you guys think about it?
How is it any worse than being called Kong? To be honest, I'm surprised that someone didn't raise holy hell over that. Think about it: a large African American woman using the name of a well known fictional giant gorilla. I'm kind of amazed that some Al Sharpton wannabe didn't start screaming racism even though Kong was her own choice to use.

Anyhow, let's not get all bent out of shape about this before we actually see what Kharma is all about once she makes her debut. I know, I know, asking the IWC to give something a chance without immdiately hating it goes against its very nature but one can still hope I guess.
I like it, it fits with the storyline they are building right now. The Divas are all being bitches to each other and turning their backs on one another, so Kharma is gonna get them bitches!
The hell is wrong with Kharma? I think it works a hell of a lot better than Awesome or Amazing Kong which are both ridiculously stupid names. I'm OK with it and I actually quite like it. There's a lot of things that you can do with that name.
Names don't bother me if I'm honest. As long as she's as scary and badass as hyped up to be then I'll be happy.
As long as she is used well and does well it shouldn't really matter. WWE sometimes isn't the greatest at coming up with names but it looks like she is being brought in pretty strong so I could really care less about the new name.

Personally I think the name sucks and they could have done alot better in that department but its unfair to start getting upset before we have even seen Kong once, besides if she does good nobody will care about her name anyways.
Names don't really matter, but that sounds pretty shitty. There is no reason they couldn't name her Kong. Seriously, there are SO MANY variations they could use even if TNA owns "Awesome Kong". Amazing Kong, Incredible Kong, Queen Kong...come on man it's not hard to come up with these. Her name was so great because it perfectly described her---she was a wild beast, like King Kong.

Oh well, not a big deal in the long run, but I always liked Kong.
Wow so Awesome Kongs name for WWE is Kharma? :/ umm welll this is kinda sucky but what do you guys think about it?

Hasn't the IWC been complaining about generic/normal names as of recent? Now we get a non-generic name and the complaints follow. I don't understand internet fans.

Anyways, I like the name. I think it will fit her character quite nicely. I cannot wait for the debut of Kharma and what the WWE does with her.
I actually like it and it sets her up to come in as Kharma for what the other Diva's are doing. Plus, other times in years to come, good catch phrases and what not can be used with this name. Better then Kong by leaps and bounds!
Kharma Kong's new name in the WWE I like it hell it's better then Awesome Kong or Amazing Kong, I really hope she does well in WWE I think she's a good female wrestler.
How is it any worse than being called Kong? To be honest, I'm surprised that someone didn't raise holy hell over that. Think about it: a large African American woman using the name of a well known fictional giant gorilla. I'm kind of amazed that some Al Sharpton wannabe didn't start screaming racism even though Kong was her own choice to use.

Anyhow, let's not get all bent out of shape about this before we actually see what Kharma is all about once she makes her debut. I know, I know, asking the IWC to give something a chance without immdiately hating it goes against its very nature but one can still hope I guess.

Very true. In lil ol' TNA it may have flew under the radar. But in WWE it's trouble just waiting to happen.
It's for 3 simple reasons:
1. Vince loves to change people's names so they have no connection with previous employers

2. Given the current champs tag line is "I'm Awesome" having another wrestler (albeit a Diva) with Awesome in their name would detract from the Miz

3. Until any of us sign with WWE and get given a name who are we to complain

Besides Kharma is pretty cool, could have been a lot worse.......
Kharma sounds pretty bad ass. It's a whole lot better than being called a gorilla. If Kong is going to dominate the WWE Diva's division like we expect her to, Kharma is a very fitting name.
Kharma=promo awesomeness with awesome kong i mean you could get decent promos but i mean with kharma its like a revenge thing like the saying kharma's a bitch

Kharma vs Beth Phoenix will be an amazing rivalry right Hogan vs Andre?
Frankly, there are worse names that they could have come up with. Kharma, at least, has a few built in gimmick possibilities, so I'm more than happy to go with it. To be honest, there are many that started out with rather bad and ridiculous names, and they did alright for themselves. For example, I always thought the name "Edge" somewhat cheesy, but obviously he took it and ran with it and did extremely well.

The way I see it, it's not the name that makes the wrestler, it's the wrestler that makes the name. If they use her right, give her the right amount of dominance and actually build up a few solid story lines with her, then the name Kharma could become synonymous with the WWE itself.
I had been wondering about that. Miz pretty much owns the word "Awesome" right now and had she debuted with that name she would have been immediately associated with him. Also calling a fat black woman Kong juuuuuuust might be considered racist... :blush: Even if she picked that name herself, sooner or later someone would take it the wrong way and be highly offended. Just imagine Linda running for senate again and her rival points out that her family runs a company whee they give their black employees monkey nicknames...

So it's Kharma. Ok. Whatever. Don't bother me. Excpt didn't they already have a wrestler by that name? ;) The same guy (what was his name?) who also portrayed Papa Shango and the Goodfather?
So it's Kharma. Ok. Whatever. Don't bother me. Excpt didn't they already have a wrestler by that name? ;) The same guy (what was his name?) who also portrayed Papa Shango and the Goodfather?

Lol, that was Kama. Kama Mustafa. (Not sure if you were being facetious...)

Who cares what her name is? Names mean NOTHING! This is so ridiculous Remember when Michael McGillicutty got his name and everybody got all pissy over it? Are those people still pissed about it? NO! Because they're used to it! They could have a guy come in with the name Orlack E. Shmoishternisky and in 3 months it would seem completely normal.

Besides, Kharma's a good name to begin with. At least they didn't keep the name Kong or a variation of it.
I had been wondering about that. Miz pretty much owns the word "Awesome" right now and had she debuted with that name she would have been immediately associated with him. Also calling a fat black woman Kong juuuuuuust might be considered racist... :blush: Even if she picked that name herself, sooner or later someone would take it the wrong way and be highly offended. Just imagine Linda running for senate again and her rival points out that her family runs a company whee they give their black employees monkey nicknames...

So it's Kharma. Ok. Whatever. Don't bother me. Excpt didn't they already have a wrestler by that name? ;) The same guy (what was his name?) who also portrayed Papa Shango and the Goodfather?

No no no you're thinking KAMA, the Supreme Fighting Machine (who, in that gimmick, looked like a humanized version of Balrog from Street Fighter, but I digress)...but yes the same guy. Fully agreed on not using Kong. WWE likes to trademark the ring names of their Superstars and Divas (can't say wrestlers can I?), which gives them more control over the direction of a character. I can't really see "Kharma" not being with the New Nexus at some point. After all, didn't Mason Ryan show up as Punk was talking about "Faith"?
It writes itself: Kharma's a Bitch.

Actually it is a clever name and one that gets attention.
Karma sounds better than Amazing Kong...IMO.

But seriously who gives a flying fuck?Let me ask you a question....
When was the last time a DIVA was actually hyped to debute in the WWE?
Thats right, a DIVA is getting a hyped debute. Let me say it 1 more time to help it sink in....A DIVA IS BEING HYPED FOR A DEBUTE. Do you know what this could mean?
That maybe....just maybe....vince will rebuild the diva division as a little fuck you tna.(I mean come on, why else would they hype a female wrestler who just so happens to be one of the big names from their "rival" company)You'll see, you'll all see, in a decade from now, we'll look back and say Karma/Kong saved the Diva division....or I'm going crazy(as both are very possible). Besides if you heard a woman named Kong was coming to get you, you think she was a fat, slow, and hairy bitch who you could take care of. But Karma sounds like a crazy, revenge-driven beast about to whip your ass.
I had been wondering about that. Miz pretty much owns the word "Awesome" right now and had she debuted with that name she would have been immediately associated with him. Also calling a fat black woman Kong juuuuuuust might be considered racist... :blush: Even if she picked that name herself, sooner or later someone would take it the wrong way and be highly offended. Just imagine Linda running for senate again and her rival points out that her family runs a company whee they give their black employees monkey nicknames...

So it's Kharma. Ok. Whatever. Don't bother me. Excpt didn't they already have a wrestler by that name? ;) The same guy (what was his name?) who also portrayed Papa Shango and the Goodfather?

That was Charles Wright and no he didn't.
Baron Smedly
The Godfather
The Goodfather
Kama Mustafa
Papa Shango
Pimp Fatha
Rocky Las Vegas
Sir Charles
The Soultaker

But how do we know it's Kia Stevens' WWE ring name yet all dirt sheets are rumours w/ a lil truth. Basically 65% false w/ 35% truth. It could be someone else's name for all we know. Look at guys and gals like:
Amy 'Lita' Dumas
Mark 'The Undertaker' Callaway
'Gol'Dustin Rhodes
Steve 'Sting' Borden
Glen 'Kane' Jacobs
Adam 'Edge' Copeland
Jason 'Christian' Reso
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson
and etc.
all of them had gimmicked names but they made work for over a decade to two. I think with the name it would fit w/ the Diva's thing backstage. Didn't at one time The Diva's was a sisterhood but now it's all for urselves. If Kia can make it work then it'll be cool but now we wait to see if that is her actually ring name. But on a side note I saw her wrestle while she was w/ TNA and the woman is big and impressive.
Actually there is...Kong can work in TNA for one reason its little more than a glorified Indy. Despite the names it hires it does not have a tenth of the media attention. Kong in the WWE would get massive media calls for being racially insensitive...In Tna no one notices
Names don't really matter, but that sounds pretty shitty. There is no reason they couldn't name her Kong. Seriously, there are SO MANY variations they could use even if TNA owns "Awesome Kong". Amazing Kong, Incredible Kong, Queen Kong...come on man it's not hard to come up with these. Her name was so great because it perfectly described her---she was a wild beast, like King Kong.

Oh well, not a big deal in the long run, but I always liked Kong.
Kharma's not a bad name. It's that she's so established as Amazing/Awesome Kong that many people would rather see her with the name they know.
I would have preferred some sort of a "Kong" name, as she already had 2 variations with "Amazing" and "Awesome", but this new name is interesting. I hated it at first but the more I think of it, the more I like it. There are certainly many interesting ways it can be used in promos.

All I really care about is seeing Kharma debut and beat the shit out of some of the Divas. Alot of the fans will not have seen her before so she will blow their minds when she appears and kicks some ass

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