Awesome Kong as Miz's Body Guard?


Occasional Pre-Show
Think about this for a second. What better way to make Miz look like a cowardly heel than to have him hide behind a woman? Not only a woman, but a woman that can more than hold her own in the ring with the guys. With the absence of A-Ri as Miz's "Apprentice", Miz needs someone to bail him out of some sticky situations, and what better way to debut Kong than to pair her up with the current (or former, depending on how his WrestleMania match with John Cena goes) WWE Champion? Thoughts?
This would be horrible for Kong, she can do better than being Miz's bodyguard. I wouldn't mind her teaming up with a male heel but it wouldn't make sense to use Kong. Miz has Alex Riley and he will be back sooner than later so it would be un-necessary to give Miz another bodyguard type figure.

Plus, Kong won't debut before WM so she doesn't get buried and Alex Riley will definitely be back either before WM or directly after it.
The way the Miz been destroying Cena and mocking the Rock the last 2 weeks on Raw he has shown he is not a coward and that he can stand alone. If Kia Stevens do debut at Mania 27 it wont be as her Kong character, yes agree she will make a great body guard or enforcer but not for the miz. I would love her to debut at Mania 27 as " Faith", yes the Faith that CM Punk been preaching about for a month or 2 now. Lets not forget that all of Nexus is band from ring side at Mania 27 because they lost to Orton, so what better way to debut Kia Stevens as "Faith" the new member of Nexus.
Very true. I wasn't necessarily saying to throw her in there with Miz now, but maybe sometime down the line. Thing is that you also have to consider that with the level that she's at, it won't take her too long to exhaust all options within the Diva's division, and they'll eventually be forced to either pair her with, or have her feud with, some of the guys. I just think that Miz would be a good fit for the fact that he's playing the stereotypical cowardly heel, and it's always easy to hate someone that hides behind a woman. Plus, I think it would be one hell of a shot at TNA for WWE to just call her Kong, and to have her come out with someone who's entrance begins with "Awesome" lol!
The way the Miz been destroying Cena and mocking the Rock the last 2 weeks on Raw he has shown he is not a coward and that he can stand alone. If Kia Stevens do debut at Mania 27 it wont be as her Kong character, yes agree she will make a great body guard or enforcer but not for the miz. I would love her to debut at Mania 27 as " Faith", yes the Faith that CM Punk been preaching about for a month or 2 now. Lets not forget that all of Nexus is band from ring side at Mania 27 because they lost to Orton, so what better way to debut Kia Stevens as "Faith" the new member of Nexus.

As a Punk mark I gotta say, I love everything about that idea. Though I'm pretty sure Mason Ryan will stick around as Punk's body guard after Nexus dissolves. Unfortunately I'd hate to think that The Miz can now stand alone, but that Punk "needs" help.

Hopefully Kong will come in, destroy Eve, as soon as possible, then hold the Diva's title all the way up until next year's Mania. Just some long ass reign to really establish dominance.
Lucha, you make a very good point. I actually haven't thought of that one before, and it makes quite a bit of sense. I think that might actually be better than my idea haha! Now to find a Nexus shirt to fit her...
I was thinking kind of the same thing not to long ago. But in my case the only reason I saw for such a storyline was because of the word awsome. He is the Miz and he is awsome. And she is Awsome...Kong. Silly, I know. :)
I agree they should do this, but as soon as Miz drops the title (Mania hopefully!)?, they should make the tag titles mixed as well. It'd bring a whole new idea to the tag titles.
Hey i like the idea, I mean HHH and HBK didn't need a female and they used Chyna the same way. I would add for a twist and I would like for them to get the new nexus all the gold on Raw. Punk- Heavy weight, Otunga- US, Mason/Mcguilicutty- tag-team, then Kong Diva Championship. This would also allow them to control the whole show as a superior group and make them hated even more.
This would be horrible for Kong, she can do better than being Miz's bodyguard. I wouldn't mind her teaming up with a male heel but it wouldn't make sense to use Kong. Miz has Alex Riley and he will be back sooner than later so it would be un-necessary to give Miz another bodyguard type figure.

Plus, Kong won't debut before WM so she doesn't get buried and Alex Riley will definitely be back either before WM or directly after it.

This would be great for Kong. What's the most valuable aspect of WWE? TV TIME. If Kong pairs up with The Miz, she'll be in main event segments, opening promos, and she'll more than likely have matches with other divas. I don't see anything but good things coming from this.
Youve got to remember! She isnt Kong! Shes called AWESOME Kong! AWESOME = to the MIZ. It makes sense, it makes plenty of sense. Awesome Kong would some how debut being affiliated with the AWESOME one the MIZ. I dont know exactly how. But as for now it makes perfect sense.
I can also see her debuting sometype of love script with MArk Henry, lol. But wouldnt that some how make WWE some what racist in a wierd way. lol.

Also I was thinking what if, just what if! Awesome Kong debuting thin! Not fat how she is, but more built! I think this is why WWE is holding off on her debut. They probably told her, look we will give you $300,000 a year + paid meals and transportation , if you lose 100 pounds. It could be something dont ya think!
I'm not sure why everyone is so high on Kong. She's decent yes, but she's no monster. I don't want to sound like a jerk here, but her look is just a fat girl.

Just about every wrestler has face Khali or the Big Show, both much larger than her. She's also smaller in both height and weight than (taken from Wikipedia) than Randy Orton, Sheamus, Cena, HHH, Mark Henry, Alberto Del Rio, R-Truth, Wade Barrett, Kofi Kingston, The Undertaker, Ted DiBiase, Drew McIntyre, David Otunga, DH Smith, Ezekial Jackson, Chris Masters, Jack Swagger, and The Miz (Miz and Kofi is actually 1lb less).

She's also shorter than and only up to 10lbs more than CM Punk, Christian, Dolph Ziggler, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, and John Morrison.

In fact, just about the only people she's larger than are Daniel Bryan, Evan Bourne, and Chavo.

See my point here? She's smaller than all these guys, and they have all taken on bigger opponents on a regular basis. She's not someone like Chyna where you cay say "Man she looks like like a monster." Sure you can try to book her like a monster, but are you really doing to believe that people can take out even Mark Henry, but this way smaller woman could dominate guys? I don't think so.
I dont really think its WWE's aim to make Miz a "cowardly heel".

I mean,he has held his own throughout the duration of this Rock/Cena thing,especially the last few weeks.Come on,how many weeks running now has Miz left Cena flat on his ass!

I dont mind the miz,hated him at first but hes grown on me.Seems to get better every week.Since hes not the typical cowardly heel,I dont really think he needs a bodygaurd/manager type,especially not Kong.Dont know what the big deal is with her anyway tbh.
I'm not sure why everyone is so high on Kong. She's decent yes, but she's no monster. I don't want to sound like a jerk here, but her look is just a fat girl.

Just about every wrestler has face Khali or the Big Show, both much larger than her. She's also smaller in both height and weight than (taken from Wikipedia) than Randy Orton, Sheamus, Cena, HHH, Mark Henry, Alberto Del Rio, R-Truth, Wade Barrett, Kofi Kingston, The Undertaker, Ted DiBiase, Drew McIntyre, David Otunga, DH Smith, Ezekial Jackson, Chris Masters, Jack Swagger, and The Miz (Miz and Kofi is actually 1lb less).

She's also shorter than and only up to 10lbs more than CM Punk, Christian, Dolph Ziggler, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, and John Morrison.

In fact, just about the only people she's larger than are Daniel Bryan, Evan Bourne, and Chavo.

See my point here? She's smaller than all these guys, and they have all taken on bigger opponents on a regular basis. She's not someone like Chyna where you cay say "Man she looks like like a monster." Sure you can try to book her like a monster, but are you really doing to believe that people can take out even Mark Henry, but this way smaller woman could dominate guys? I don't think so.

I was trying to see your view point but after reviewing the facts and stats, what you wrote doesn't make much sense because WWE is script TV and they always have stated on their shows since the 1980's "Anything can happen in the WWF/WWE.''
1. Chyna - 5'10'' 180 LBS ( always looked like a man not a monster )
2. Kong - 5'9'' but was always billed at 5'11'' 272 LBS but looks like 300 LBS ( not a pretty face and she does looks more of a monster if you give her a lead pipe or sledge hammer )
When you look at a wrestlers height or weight on Wiki and you see the word billed next to it that means its not the real stat. If WWE was a real life sporting event and not script then your post would had made some sense, but like VKM been saying since the 80's " Anything can happen in the WWF/WWE.''
I'm not sure why everyone is so high on Kong. She's decent yes, but she's no monster. I don't want to sound like a jerk here, but her look is just a fat girl.

I'd check out her work if I were you. She works her ass off in the ring, as well as a male wrestler can. Awesome Kong ain't no T&A Katy Perry listening Diva.

As far as her size goes, there have been a lot of wrestlers that were not as tall as Khali, Sid or The Undertaker, and not as fat as Yokozuna and Earthquake. But they still got over because of their work. What about Rhino? What about Vader? What about Bam Bam Bigelow? What about Brodus Clay? What about One Man Gang? What about Matt Morgan? The only way a wrestler can not be a convincing monster is if they are like El Gigante or Nathan Jones, and are clueless in the ring.

Kong is not the biggest or strongest, but she can play a monster in the ring. And that's why the fans respect her. She works her ass off. If you were looking for a lame chick wrestling match, you're looking for Torrie Wilson. If you want the best female wrestler on the scene, it's Kong.
It would be horrible for both Kong & The Miz. As I said in a post about bringing mixed tag titles into the WWE, American fans don't take male wrestlers that get beaten up by women seriously. If Kong wound up "protecting" The Miz from someone, it'd only make Miz and the wrestler she protected him from look weak. When DX had Chyna, she was mostly there because of her unique look and she generally took cheap shots at DX's opponents rather than be some sort of bodyguard. I suppose they could do something like that with Kong but it'd be a waste of her talent.

Over the course of the past month or so, Miz has been booked as more of an opportunistic heel rather than a cowardly one. While most heels are depicted as having a yellow streak at one time or another, the WWE has gone in a different direction with Mizthan they were. He's left John Cena laying flat on his back for the past four weeks and has called out/mocked The Rock. Having Miz bring in a bodyguard at this point with only reinforce the negative views some already have of him, especially if it's a woman, even a woman like Kong.
I don't like this idea.....but if it happened I may turn out liking it. I just cannot see Kong working alongside The Miz. I guess it could be like Triple H and Chyna was. Throw in Alex Riley and you would have the Miz, Kong, and Riley. It would be like a new DX. She does not have to be the Miz's "bodyguard" but she could definitely do stuff with him. If Miz needs a bodyguard then he should go back to being a mid-card. He is world champion, not a snot nosed punk.
I'd check out her work if I were you. She works her ass off in the ring, as well as a male wrestler can. Awesome Kong ain't no T&A Katy Perry listening Diva.

As far as her size goes, there have been a lot of wrestlers that were not as tall as Khali, Sid or The Undertaker, and not as fat as Yokozuna and Earthquake. But they still got over because of their work. What about Rhino? What about Vader? What about Bam Bam Bigelow? What about Brodus Clay? What about One Man Gang? What about Matt Morgan? The only way a wrestler can not be a convincing monster is if they are like El Gigante or Nathan Jones, and are clueless in the ring.

Kong is not the biggest or strongest, but she can play a monster in the ring. And that's why the fans respect her. She works her ass off. If you were looking for a lame chick wrestling match, you're looking for Torrie Wilson. If you want the best female wrestler on the scene, it's Kong.

I've personally met Kong and I've watched her ringside. I am NOT arguing her ability. I'm arguing her believability as a body guard to the men. I just can't by that.

And thank you to Lucha-Libre is wrestling for pointing out a mistake I make. When I was looking up weights, I I thought I saw her billed at 232lbs, not 272lbs as is listed. Still, Chyna looked like a dude and someone that I could believe fighting, Kong does now.
Youve got to remember! She isnt Kong! Shes called AWESOME Kong! AWESOME = to the MIZ. It makes sense, it makes plenty of sense. Awesome Kong would some how debut being affiliated with the AWESOME one the MIZ. I dont know exactly how. But as for now it makes perfect sense.
I can also see her debuting sometype of love script with MArk Henry, lol. But wouldnt that some how make WWE some what racist in a wierd way. lol.

Also I was thinking what if, just what if! Awesome Kong debuting thin! Not fat how she is, but more built! I think this is why WWE is holding off on her debut. They probably told her, look we will give you $300,000 a year + paid meals and transportation , if you lose 100 pounds. It could be something dont ya think!

Man i gotta get me some of what your smoking!
She can be your dominant divas champion and MAYBE bring some dignity back to the divas division. AND SHE ISNT COMING TILL AFTER MANIA SO THEY CAN GIVE HER A PROPER PUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wasting her as a bodyguard for miz will just ruin the miz, and waste her awesome potential.

Because her name was awesome kong you think she should bodyguard miz cuz hes the awesome one? GET REAL 6 YEAR OLD!!!!!!!!

man some people i tell you.
This would be great for Kong. What's the most valuable aspect of WWE? TV TIME. If Kong pairs up with The Miz, she'll be in main event segments, opening promos, and she'll more than likely have matches with other divas. I don't see anything but good things coming from this.

I actually really like this idea. How many times have we seen Alex Riley helping out The Miz? So having a WOMAN interfere and help him win matches is going to get him over as an even bigger heel.

I do not agree with people saying Kong is better than Miz. What better way for her to become established on WWE TV (as alot of fans will not have seen her in TNA) than to be aligned with one of its biggest stars in main event matches? I think it would be "awesome" for Kong to be aligned with Miz.

I also like the idea of her being the "Faith" that Punk keeps talking about, and again I think having Kong aligned with Punk would be a good thing for her too. It isnt like she is the bodyguard of a lower card wrestler, these are 2 of the biggest stars in the business, and she could still wrestle in singles matches too, being a bodyguard in the main event would not stop her from winning the Diva's title herself.

I would be happy to see either of these scenarios to play out.
Kong would be better suited as a bodyguard for a non wrestler. It makes zero sense to put Kong as a bodyguard for an active male talent on your roster that you're trying to get over. It looks weak. Plus you want to get her over too so why have her fight off other male active talents on the roster. Miz needs all the help he can get and putting him with a female bodyguard regardless of her size is a terrible idea. I say she should be a bodyguard for Vicki or Michael Cole. Cole is basically feuding with other announcers, mainly 61 yr old Jerry Lawler and JR, so who cares if Kong hurts either one of them. They're announcers.
anyone who thinks its a good idea clearly has brain damage or is 4 years old.

What basis is there for having her be his body guard?
you want miz to look weak? she had awesome in her name?

this is so ridiculous Kong will debut after mania and destroy the divas divison.

Stop dreaming about some fantasy where kong bodyguard miz....just typing that made me feel stupid

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