Should WWE go after Awesome Kong?


Dark Match Jobber
I don't know if a thread like this has already been started or not? I haven't seen one. so if there has been I apologize for starting a 2nd one.

As we all know the WWE Divas performance is lackluster at best. Yes they are very beautiful women who are talented, but most of those talents aren't in-ring skills. On the other hand I believe Awesome Kong is a very talented wrestler. For a woman of her size to do some of the things she does is extremely impressive. And I know alot of the IWC could care less about the divas as long as they are something good to look at. But I wanna see the WWE go after an Awesome Kong, get some fresh feuds going with a great heel female! Having the monster woman who isn't playboy model hot as worked in the past with people like Chyna(although she was in playboy, that never should of happened) and Nicole Bass. Even people like Jazz and Luna Vachon worked real well. And to go back even further I remember a monster heel woman by the name of Bull Nakano who did some good work in the US. So WWE lets sign Awesome Kong and have her debut by interfering and destroying about 3 face females. Its too bad a Maryse or Michelle McCool are heel because they'd be the perfect ones for Kong to destroy!

So does anyone else have an opinion on this?
they shouldn't bcause it will make the rest of he division look really bad compared to her superior in ring ability noone could match her except beth pheonix
Hell I say yes.

Awesome Kong should go in there and eat all these WWE Divas for breakfast. Im no fan of TNA, but bringing her I believe would spark some interest in the female-wrestler division in the E. And we know the E needs that. All we have right now are these glitzy girls skipping down the ring to do nothing, NOTHING. Hell they're not even showing us their nice naked bodies anymore.

Awesome Kong I believe would be a breath of fresh air. The E should sign her up, even if its for a short period of time just to see how it works out. They'll never know unless they try.
They'd never do it. This is the same company that's run an angle where Mickie James is considered fat. In what universe does a girl with a body like that made fun of for her appearance? The WWE universe. Kong is not an attractive woman, there's no nice way to say it. WWE hasn't hired an unattractive woman in well over a decade and any element of actual wrestling has been gone from their divas division for quite some time.

She'd walk in, dominate every single one of them, probably injure a few because they can barely bump to simple stuff and aren't equipped to deal with her power and striking, not fit their look and we'd quickly run out of things to do with her. The only person you could buy her facing is Beth Phoenix. As good as Mickie can be at times, there's no way she'd win that match. Gail Kim had some really good matches with her in TNA but she never actually came close to winning, and WWE don't push Gail like TNA did.

As far as Vince is concerned, Kong offers nothing more than freakshow value. The days of WWE as a circus are gone. They employ cookie-cutter wrestlers now. During the attitude era they'd have signed her up in a heartbeat and had her out-Chyna Chyna, facing off against men and dominating women. But Vince has changed the focus of his wrestling product and she doesn't fit it.
They'd never do it. This is the same company that's run an angle where Mickie James is considered fat. In what universe does a girl with a body like that made fun of for her appearance? The WWE universe. Kong is not an attractive woman, there's no nice way to say it. WWE hasn't hired an unattractive woman in well over a decade and any element of actual wrestling has been gone from their divas division for quite some time.

She'd walk in, dominate every single one of them, probably injure a few because they can barely bump to simple stuff and aren't equipped to deal with her power and striking, not fit their look and we'd quickly run out of things to do with her. The only person you could buy her facing is Beth Phoenix. As good as Mickie can be at times, there's no way she'd win that match. Gail Kim had some really good matches with her in TNA but she never actually came close to winning, and WWE don't push Gail like TNA did.

As far as Vince is concerned, Kong offers nothing more than freakshow value. The days of WWE as a circus are gone. They employ cookie-cutter wrestlers now. During the attitude era they'd have signed her up in a heartbeat and had her out-Chyna Chyna, facing off against men and dominating women. But Vince has changed the focus of his wrestling product and she doesn't fit it.

For the Record , WWE DID IN FACT TRY TO SIGN AWESOME KONG ! She was a free agent from her contract in Japan when both TNA and WWE actively asked her for a package. TNA sent an offer first then after she signed, the WWE offer arrived.

VINCE DOES have interest with her. There is alot she could do in WWE and would also bring in alot of Japanese Fans since she is a major star there. WWE thinks about demographics when it comes to wrestlers. For proof, Rey Misterio - Mexican Market, Carlito - Carribean Market, Yoshi Tatsu - Japan, Kofi Kingston - African Market, Shaemus - Irish, Drew - Scottish, Regal - English, Jericho / Edge / Hart Dynasty - Canadian Market.

WWE has a long history of signing wrestlers for the sheer impact of increasing viewership. That started under Vince Sr who had the most diverse promotion of his time during the territory system. And that was no accident.

And a star that can bring in a new group of fans is what they would focus on.

If you want proof, Youtube the Awesome Kong interview. She tells the entire story of going to WWE.
For the Record , WWE DID IN FACT TRY TO SIGN AWESOME KONG ! She was a free agent from her contract in Japan when both TNA and WWE actively asked her for a package. TNA sent an offer first then after she signed, the WWE offer arrived.

VINCE DOES have interest with her. There is alot she could do in WWE and would also bring in alot of Japanese Fans since she is a major star there. WWE thinks about demographics when it comes to wrestlers. For proof, Rey Misterio - Mexican Market, Carlito - Carribean Market, Yoshi Tatsu - Japan, Kofi Kingston - African Market, Shaemus - Irish, Drew - Scottish, Regal - English, Jericho / Edge / Hart Dynasty - Canadian Market.

WWE has a long history of signing wrestlers for the sheer impact of increasing viewership. That started under Vince Sr who had the most diverse promotion of his time during the territory system. And that was no accident.

And a star that can bring in a new group of fans is what they would focus on.

If you want proof, Youtube the Awesome Kong interview. She tells the entire story of going to WWE.

Is Kofi popular with the African market because he has wrestled in Africa??? NO!!! hes popular because of his ethnicity. Every wrestler you mentioned brings in fans due to similar ethnicity not for any other reason. Drew McIntyre has never once wrestled for any Scottish promotion but will attract Scots due to his ethnicity. If WWE wants to attract Japanese fans, then hire a Japanese woman's wrestler. It will follow the trend of fan base with all the wrestlers that you mentioned above.

WWE is not TNA...what they look for in a woman's wrestler is not what TNA looks for. Personally, I don't think that Kong is WWE-material or fits the WWE image. Not unless you plan on seeing diva pie eating contests on every Raw or Smackdown.

Kong is suited for the indies. Its where her marketability and style of wrestling will flourish. Plus her lack of professionalism earns her NO MERIT to be in the "big leagues" such as WWE!!! Is she going to punch out a WWE star/interviewer if they make a comment about something shes sensitive about too??? There's no room for such unprofessional immaturity in the top federation like WWE.

Before Kong gets back into wrestling, maybe she needs anger management counseling or read "Being A Professional for Dummies".
They could, but the two best women in the company need to be put on the same show. Of course I am speaking of Beth Pheonix and Awesome Kongs old rivial from TNA the fantastic Gail Kim. I'd also use The Beautiful Pep..... I mean LayCool to be the pretty faces Kong destroys.
I'd like to see Kong just turn up and crush jericho, not coz i don't like the guy or anything, in fact quite the opposite, but i can just see him running his mouth off about women in wrestling or something and her ripping him a new one. Would be funny to watch and an awesome debut for her, coz then what female wrestler is going to take her on?
I think it would be(pardon the pun) awesome.

It would breathe some life into a desperately stale diva scene!!

Eventually it would end up with her facing Beth,she's the only one that could solidly challenge her!

OR if they really wanted to put a smaller girl over big time by beating Kong.

Is there anything going on with the divas at WrestleMania this year?
Some sort of battle royal?

Have Kong come in and lay waste to whole lot!!
To be honest...the reason WWE released Eugene for the second time, is because he put on weight, and didn't look good. Awesome Kong is as big as Mark Henry, LOL. So no. They shouldn't go after her...
WWE should NOT try to get Awesome Kong. While many of you dream of Awesome Kong adding credibitility to the WWE Women's division, let's remember that it's not Awesome Kong who has a say in the matter. Look what WWE did to Beth Phoenix. Beth is one of the greatest women's wrestlers to ever step foot into a ring and after growing tired of pushing her as the Glamazon, they relegated her to doing comedy skits with Santino and then she all but faded into obscurity. WWE would do the exact same thing with Awesome Kong, which isn't good for anybody.
WWE should NOT try to get Awesome Kong. While many of you dream of Awesome Kong adding credibitility to the WWE Women's division, let's remember that it's not Awesome Kong who has a say in the matter. Look what WWE did to Beth Phoenix. Beth is one of the greatest women's wrestlers to ever step foot into a ring and after growing tired of pushing her as the Glamazon, they relegated her to doing comedy skits with Santino and then she all but faded into obscurity. WWE would do the exact same thing with Awesome Kong, which isn't good for anybody.
That's more than likely what would happen. The WWE hasn't had a woman wrestler that breaks the typical diva mold in over a decade now. They drop these girls like bad habits as soon they get a better looking replacement.

Hell they'd probably use Kong as a comedy act with Hornswaggle as her keeper or something.
Signing Kong would be a bad idea. There is a look the WWE wants in its Divas and she doesn't fit it at all. Athletic beauty queens is what the WWE is going for and Kong looks more like a male wrestler(long lost relative of Mark Henry?). We do need more female WRESTLERS though because the division seems a bit week to be honest. Anyway, Kong would not be a good fit, lacks mic skills also and even though a powerhouse to challenge Beth Phoenix would be great, Kong I don't believe is the answer.
IF they hire her, and they shouldn't unless it's short term, it should be the classic wrestling monster role i.e. feed babyfaces to the heel to get the heel an unbeatable image, then either find or make a baby the crowd wants to cheer and start the Davey v Goliath story and topple the monster to get the baby (even more) over...

Then fire the monster... as she is totally not what WWE is looking for.
I like Awesome/Amazing Kong but she just doesn't fit the WWE mold at all. They already have one power female in Beth Phoenix. Phoenix is the female power wrestler, and she also has a decent look. Unlike Chyna or Nicole Bass, Beth Phoenix is strong and big without looking like a man. I think Beth Phoenix is all they need.

I think I would like to see Kong go to Japan. She could do really well there even though I've only seen a handful of female Japanese wrestler. The female Japanese wrestling I saw was really stiff and about athleticism instead of having the right look.
No, she isnt hot at all and thus doesnt fit and thats that!

WWE Divas get trashed by most of you all, I just dont care and dont feel like arguing over it, but I'd rather watch hot talented women than Kong in WWE.

Give me Lita & Trish over her and those rough lookin chicks in Shimmer

The WWE's Divas are the hottest women on tv, sexy smart & powerful. Kong doesnt fit either slogan perfectly

She just doesnt belong, even she knows it

Dont be surprised she ends up in an Indy company. I hate too when ppl assume that just cause a person leaves either WWE or TNA they HAVE to end up in the opposite.

Why not an Indy company?

She's not even a big name like that. No one would really care except TNA fans.

Really, dude no on this one
Hot talented women and WWE Divas don't belong in the same sentence at all. I'll give you hot, but certainly not talented. Kong wouldn't fit in due to her abundance of talent alone. Who would be able to be a legit opponent for her besides Beth? I expect her to re up with TNA in a few months when this all blows over, Kong and TNA are a great fit.

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