Why the TNA Knockout Division Will Soon Become Irrelevant
If TNA loses Awesome Kong then TNA loses the Knockout Division. It's as simple as that.
Kong was really the glue that held the division together. She is the real draw in the Knockout Division. ODB, Tara, the Beautiful People....they're all great, but they only add depth to a division that's built its strength through Awesome Kong. She helped to give legitamcy to women's wrestling in TNA. She actually puts on good matches and makes the Knockout division watchable. The Knockout Division was FAR superior to the WWE Divas and it gave TNA at least one sure-fire competitive advantage, something they desperately need.
Do you really have any interest in watching Tara vs anyone? Can Angelina Love or ODB carry an entire division by themselves? TNA is trying to prove that, but in my eyes they're only headed towards failure. I understand that the "David vs Goliath" angle was getting repetitive, but also understand that a majority of wrestling angles are essentially variations of the "david vs goliath" or "underdog vs topdog" plotline.
They could have (and would have, hopefully) done a lot of stuff to keep Kong fresh. For instance, an angle where Kong develops a romantic crush on someone (perhaps Borash would be comical), but doesnt know what do about it. Afterall, Kong is a killer, not a lover. So, the Beautful People take Kong under their wing and give her an Awesome Makeover. Essentially the Beautiful People soften up Kong (much like Abyss), and suddenly she's not interested in killing people in the ring anymore or winning matches, just trying to look pretty. Meanwhile, the Beautiful People put their plan into effect, distracting Kong and taking all the titles. This would give Kong heel/face heat at the same time, as people would dislike her change, but also root for her to become the "monster" again. And when she finally does revolt against the Beautiful People it would be a huge face turn, not to mention a fun, creative, and interesting angle for their KO division.
Alas, sadly this day will never come. TNA is making a huge mistake by not doing all they can to keep Kong. When I first began paying attention to TNA a couple years ago (I took a small break from wrestling, missing the first few years of TNA) one of my biggest surprises was how I actually enjoyed watching their KO division. Gail Kim vs Kong - those were great, entertaining, matches - and not just for women, they were fun matches to watch, better than a lot of the matches put on by their male counterparts. I ACTUALLY DIDNT FEEL COMPELLED TO TURN THE CHANNEL WHEN A WOMEN'S MATCH CAME ON. I ACTUALLY BEGAN TO LOOK FORWARD TO WATCHING THE WOMEN WRESTLE AND WATCH THEIR SEGMENTS. I COULD BARELY BELIEVE IT, BUT IT WAS TRUE. Now? It's back to channel surfing when the women are on. Too bad.
Here's what it boils down to I think. Are the current Knockouts good enough wrestlers that you actually want to watch their matches? Are the current Knockouts SO compelling in the ring that the WWE Divas cant compete with them by simply using their pretty faces and good looks? Without Kong there is no competive advantage. The Knockout Division will simply become a copy of the Diva division, but with slightly better wrestling, instead of actually being a viable, legit, and superior alternative. Again, too bad.
Oh, and one more thing. I understand that Kong shouldn't have sucker punched Bubba (should have hit him with a chair instead) and that it wasn't an appropriate response to what Bubba probably said to her. BUT come on, it's the pro wrestling industry. Shat happens, its a physical environment, they're not working at a daycare. I'm sure there have been many instances in the industry where two wrestler get into a physical altercation over some disagreement, but we probably don't hear about it and it just gets swept under the rug. We only hear about the big ones, like if somebody stabs another person with a pair of scissors or some crazy thing like that.
The main thing is that Bubba is a moron and he's only hurting TNA. By choosing Bubba over Kong, TNA is making a big mistake. But I'm sure it won't be the last mistake we see them make.