
Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Avatars are graphics that people can use to represent their profiles and accounts, whether that be on the computer or with video games. They come in all shapes and sizes. Some like at our forum are pictures appearing next to our posts and on our profiles. Others like the Wii's "Mii" characters are little people you can play as in games and customize in the main menu.

1. What are your thoughts on avatars?

2. Do you like to play as your avatar in video games, why or why not?

3. Any cool or funny avatars that you have made that you'd like to tell the other posters about?

I enjoy avatars because they are a way to personalize your profiles. Whether you make a customizable avatar look like your real self or not, it's still "you" to the others who view your profile. The same goes for avatars such as our forum avatars. Do I look like Cloud Strife? Yes and no. I have spiky hair and own swords, but he has more muscle than me. If he was skinnier and had brown hair I would look just like him. We don't look identical. However, that picture pops up with all of my posts, therefore it represents me to the other posters.

I really like goofing around with the avatars. I've made lots of funny Mii's on my Wii. I have my friends make one for themselves so we can play as them in Wii Sports or Mario Kart Wii. Then I have some that are spawned from inside jokes, and always make them lose on purpose. One in particular is a professor I had in college who was very boring, I'll play as him and lose on purpose to get a quick laugh out of the guys sometimes if we are bored. The wifey prefers the 360's avatars to the Mii's, but that of course comes down to a matter of personal preference. She made both herself and me, hers looks like her complete with long blonde hair and pretty eyes, is wearing a Harry Potter scarf and robe, and is playing with an Ewok from Star Wars. Mine looks like me, complete with spiky brown hair, he's wearing sunglasses with jeans and a purple shirt.

So....? Let's discuss the avatars used in video games and on our computers.
1. What are your thoughts on avatars?

I think they serve a purpose in terms of actually allowing customisation in games but a lot of them are VERY cartoony and therefore kill the mood of the games. The wii is the perfect console for these, I don't feel they belong in Xbox games.

2. Do you like to play as your avatar in video games, why or why not?

All depends on the game - I mean if we're talking a silly throwaround game like Mario Kart, something you go in for once in a while, then sure, why not? But I prefer in most games to play as a generated player, someone that is already existing in the game - quite probably because I feel games DESERVE proper graphics. On Kinect on Xbox, I find the avatars quite cool to play as because you're encouraged to BE the controller, but when you're just controlling something with a controller in hand then no, I'd rather stick with the characters in place thank you.

3. Any cool or funny avatars that you have made that you'd like to tell the other posters about?

Ive not made many cool ones, though the Mii area is FULL of strange lil avatars ranging from the queen to hitler. Theres a whole lot of time people have on their hands I feel.
1. What are your thoughts on avatars?

2. Do you like to play as your avatar in video games, why or why not?

3. Any cool or funny avatars that you have made that you'd like to tell the other posters about?

1. I personally don't see the point in them to be honest. Specifically in the case of the Mii and the Xbox Live Avatar, they just seem too kiddy for some reason. I understand the necessity for them, but I just don't care for them. I've created them, and I'll admit that I've had some degree of fun with them, but that wore off after about 10 minutes. When they started making games specifically for avatars, my dislike for them grew quite a bit. Though, Wii Sports was some of the most fun I had when using the Wii, I won't deny that, baseball and bowling specifically.

2. Like I said, the only game I've found any fun with avatars was Wii Sports, other than that, I do not like playing as an avatar at all. I feel that the suspension of disbelief is ruined, and it takes away from my overall experience when I'm playing and I see an avatar.

3. I once tried to make the entire cast of Metalocalypse out of Miis...let's just say that it didn't end well at all, and they were quite atrocious.

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