At This Moment: Miz or JBL


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I was rewatching the first season of NXT and Striker said that doing something that Bryan did (lunging at a Pro) could get him thrown out of a locker room. This got me thinking about JBL hazing Miz when he was a rookie and throwing him out of the locker room (I think he did at least. Might be confusing some stories). This got me to thinking: right now at this stage in Miz's career, who has had a better career overall: JBL or The Miz?

Your thoughts?
Without a doubt it's JBL.

JBL has been around the WWE and pro-wrestling from 1996 until 2009. Throughout that tenure, he had been a WWE champion, a 17-time Hardcore champion, IC champion, US champion, European champion, 3-time tag champion (in one of the most popular tag teams of all time), a grand slam champion and a triple crown champion. This is the perfect example of a successful career.

As JBL's career was winding down, he held the WWE championship for the over 9 months... the longest title-holding period in years. His mic skills were masterful... he was a killer heel... he had a great gimmick that mimicked his real-life.

Compare that to what the Miz has accomplished and although on paper it seems like the Miz is comparable, there really is no contest here. JBL was an institution for years in the WWE while the Miz is still cutting his teeth. Over time, Miz might surpass JBL's accomplishments, but as of right now JBL is still the top dog.
I would lean slightly to the Miz.

Although JBL ended up with a really long title reign (which Miz is nowhere near at this present time) I know he held the worthless Hardcore title on numerous occasions, and was a US and European champion but he was never really involved in the title scene until very late in his career.

Miz has accomplished so much in such a short space of time, that I would possibly put him ahead of JBL's acheivements already, although its very close. He has had multiple tag-title reigns, a good US title reign and is now certainly one of Vince's picks to lead the WWE into the future as one of its premier superstars.

Not only that but Miz has had to overcome ridicule for being part of a reality TV show due to his hard work and commitment, which deserves alot of respect, and in a business such as wrestling is extremely hard to do. Could you imagine Johnny Fairplay ever gaining respect as a wrestler even if he went through all the training?!

By the time Miz has been in the business for as many years as JBL was, he will far outdo Bradshaws achievements. JBL was only on the main event scene for a couple of years, Miz has the potential to be there for a long time to come.
JBL, hands down. Not to say that Miz won't pull ahead at some point in the future, but JBL had a terrific run as a heel champion. He was never top notch in the ring, but he could work decent enough matches with the rights guys. But he was dynamite on the mic. Very classic heel work. He could lose a match and still look good, which is something the Miz hasn't quite mastered yet.

Granted, I'm not a fan of the Miz, I do not think he is main event material, but I do think he has a lot more passion and drive than I would have expected. Given time, maybe he will surpass JBL. But he hasn't reached that point just yet.
At this moment I will agree with D-Man that JBL is indeed bigger than The Miz.

JBL was a part of a tag team that was an integral part of the Attitude Era and he also held quite a few midcard titles in his career. As a heel while he was given a somewhat sudden push, there isn't anyone who could say that the push did not work. From the moment Bradshaw metamorphosed into the JBL character, he was always the top heel of his brand till he lost the championship to John Cena. Over the years JBL has had great feuds with the likes of Eddie Guerrero, John Cena and even HBK towards the end of his career.

In comparison Miz has had a good career if you take numbers into account but he does not measure upto Bradshaw if you take into account his feuds and his championship reign. He might be WWE champion but it is disputable if he is the top heel on Raw. His tag team with Morrison was popular but I think that the Acolytes were more popular than Miz/ Morrison. He has had one great feud so far against Daniel Bryan. As already mentioned JBL had a number of great feuds in his career.

So at this point JBL is better than the Miz but it is pretty obvious that Miz would be far ahead of JBL by the time he ends his career.
Absolutely, no questions asked JBL.

JBL's career was a lot longer than The Miz's up to this point, but you almost can't factor in his time with the APA or as Bradshaw. He became a new animal entirely as JBL, and the thing is his progression from midcarder to main-eventer was smooth and believable, he had the size, look, and mic skills that made him a believable champion and main-event player.

Where as Miz on the other hand, while I'll concede and say he's really stepped up his game this past year, is not a believable main-eventer. Honestly i couldn't see Miz winning a legit fight over some of the audience members who boo him. I still very much see him as a mid-carder who somehow got his hands on a big boy belt, and while some people praise his mic skills I really think they're far from top-notch.

I guess the summary of my comparison would be that I can buy JBL as a top contender, I can't suspend enough disbelief to do the same for The Miz.
JBL by far. He was apart of an over tag team, won just about every title he could, longest world title reign in Smackdown history, and major heat from crowds.
Right now, it's JBL. Multiple time tag champ, held the heavyweight championship, I.C./U.S. title, etc. Had some great feuds/programs with Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero, Cena, HBK, and many more. Miz just hasn't come close to what JBL did...yet.

WWE seems dead-set on making Miz the biggest heel in the business, so I'm not sure they will allow JBL to have a bigger legacy. Miz is the golden boy (next to Cena) right now, and I just don't see that stopping anytime soon. Vince seems to believe Miz is the next big thing, so I doubt Miz will stay beneath JBL's status for long.
i think when the years pass and the miz approaches the end of his career without a doubt he can and will be better than Jbl, but right now, there's not a discussion point, the turn of bradshaw becoming Jbl, has been one of the best gimmick changes in history and he acomplish a lot in a very short amount of time, so right now, Jbl al the way...
Well JBL has had more of a career. He was on the verge of retirement when Miz came into play (no pun intended). So looking at Miz's career so far, JBL still had it better. It's more fair to ask this question in 10 years.
I'm going to have to say Miz by a hair. Now Miz has been in the business for what, 6 or 7 years, 4 or 5 as a serious wrestler. By that time, JBL wasn't even JBL, he was Justin Hawk Bradshaw, a tough mountain man kinda gimmick. Now Miz had his tag team time with Morrison, another man who is on the upswing. While JBL, when he was part of the APA, he was probably in the middle to early end of his career and Simmons was on the end of his too. Now JBL has had more "success" as in title runs, but The Miz is still a young guy, only 30 yrs old, and has a gd 15 yrs left if he takes care of himself. I also have no doubt in my mind that if Miz stays healthy that he will easily eclipse JBL's title mark. JBL, great overall heel, great reusable character (See ADR), but better than Miz, I don't think so.
As been said I reckon it the long term it will be Miz but right now its JBL.

JBL kind of did it all in his time with the company. While he may never be seen as a guy that's one of the best of all time he was without a doubt a major player for quite a while.

Miz has the potential too overtake a guy like JBL in that sense but he hasn't been on top long enough to be looked at in the same ballpark yet.
As much as I like the Miz, it's hard to argue in his favor. JBL was in the WWE for over a decade. My earliest memories of him were from the Ministry of Darkness and then he went on to do the APA after that. But Miz has surpassed all of that. So we're really just looking at Brawshaw's cowboy gimmick from 2004-2009 (not positive about the years there) JBL was one of the biggest heels in the company for a good 4-5 year span there.

While I certainly think the Miz could potentially have a more successful career (and likely will), he hasn't yet. I think the biggest indicator of a person's success is how much time they spend in the main event scene, and JBL has him by several years.
You kind of asked the question wrong IMO. Of course, JBL has had the best career overall, look how long he wrestled for compared to the Miz. BUT, the Miz's career is far from over, and he is already a WWE World Champion - it took JBL how long to get a World Title? In a few years, the Miz will surpass him. The Miz has better mic skills, worth ethic, you name it. Only time will tell.
Hmmm.... JBL was in an over tag team in the APA

Miz has been in two over tag teams ShoMiz and of course Miz & Morrison

JBL held the hardcore title 17 times... Ok Who gives a shit?

JBL had the I.C, U.S, and European championships

Miz was U.S Champ while holding the Tag titles and then won money in the bank..

JBL had a 9 month title reign as a top heel in the twilight of his career...

The Miz is currently the WWE Champion as Top Heel at the young age of 30 (easily going to spend the next 10 years in the main event) and is going to more than likely be in a huge match against John Cena at WrestleMania (the WWE's Top Face)

During JBL's time with the strap, at the top he was put over by Undertaker and Eddie Gurrero..

The Miz has been put over by THE top Faces with Randy Orton and John Cena

note: nothing against Taker he is a top face and Eddie was a solid main eventer but neither were young company heads...

The Miz is also really good on the mic just as JBL was.

JBL's big match as champion was putting over a green Cena and after that was pushed back into the upper midcard

The Miz has been booked to ride in the main event for many years to come.

So I give my backing to the current Career of The Miz!
I was rewatching the first season of NXT and Striker said that doing something that Bryan did (lunging at a Pro) could get him thrown out of a locker room. This got me thinking about JBL hazing Miz when he was a rookie and throwing him out of the locker room (I think he did at least. Might be confusing some stories). This got me to thinking: right now at this stage in Miz's career, who has had a better career overall: JBL or The Miz?

Your thoughts?

At this point right now it's still JBL. Both men are 1 time world champions, but over all JBL has accomplished more. He's the 10th (and last) Grand Slam champion in WWE history, and has had 24 reigns as a champion of some sort in WWE, not to mention a much longer tenure. His defeat for the belt helped launch the biggest star in the company into superstardom.

The Miz has just moved to the top and is not too far into his first reign. Like JBL he first found his success in a popular tag team, winning the belts. Then he went on to win the US title and then the world title. I believe when all is said and done he will have by far had the better career, he's built as the future whereas JBL's reign might not of came if they weren't short on talent on the blue brand, not saying that JBL wasn't a worthy champion. But at this stage The Miz's career doesn't compare to a 10+ year veteran who has done it all.
JBL by a mile. Even if he had a crappy midcard career, his title run alone surpasses all of Miz accomplishments. Miz wasnt even a good US champ, he hardly defended it. In my mind, Miz has yet to prove he is championship material. Honestly, I hated JBL at first. I was pissed when he won the title back in 04. Much like I thought Miz winning last year was and is a sad joke. Only difference is JBL proved me wrong. Anybody who is impressed with Miz mic skills must have just started watch WWE 2 years ago. JBL was a real heel, who could cut great promos and generated way more heat than the miz can with lame catchphrases. Plus, although he wasnt the greatest wrestler either when time came more often than not the guy delivered, like in his matches with Eddie. When I look back there are no defining moments in Miz career. No great matches, only one good fued with cena back in 09. Now what has Miz done with his title reign, two mediocre title matches with orton, and a crappy ladder with Lawler.
With the length of JBL's career and his competition during his prime, right this second I would wanna lean to him.

But the more I consider this topic, and truly think about what the Miz has done, I am going to say him. Sure, his first few years were rough and a lot of it due to JBL's own doing. JBL's first few years were nothing special either. Justin Hawk Bradshaw never did shit. Also, he was a part of The New Blackjacks and that did nothing either. It wasn't until he took a darker role and joined with Undertaker's Ministry Of Darkness, and Farooq that he finally became a little bit relevant. Even then though, The Acolytes were sort of an after thought compared to The Hardy Boys, The Dudleys and E&C.

Over this last year, Miz has rose to a level of stardom that I am not sure JBL even reached when he was WWE Champion.

JBL won the Tag Titles numerous times, when the tag division was hot. So, he definitely deserves some credit there. But Miz won the tag titles with a couple different partners over the last year or 2 and won the US Title. Then he wins MITB and captures the WWE Title.

The Miz definitely has created a massive buzz by becoming a Reality Star turned WWE Champion. More buzz I think than JBL had ever been a part of.

People look back now and give JBL a little more credit then he deserves. When he WAS Champion, everyone called him a Tag Team wrestler or Mid Card guy that was WWE Champion.

He received some of the same criticism that Miz gets now.

So, taking everything in consideration, I will go with Miz, because between him and JBL, JBL was okay, but The Miz is AWESOME!!!
Most people here are rightly backing JBL's career over the miz, but what I think maybe we must compare the wrestlers by is their second, far more successful, gimmick. JBL's capitalist Texan business giant gimmick was clearly the way that he will be remembered most fondly, and the same can be said of the miz post attire change and skull crushing finale era.

It's unfair to Judge both wrestlers careers as of yet, but I do believe that the miz will go on to be significantly more successful than JBL.

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