

Getting Noticed By Management
Ok, so I'm doing a religion project and one part of it is how I would change the world. This is what I wrote. Considering I have 6 articles to write and this was just one of them it didn't have to be that amazing and I wrote more than I was supposed to anyway, but I really liked the subject I wrote about and I was just wondering if anyone had any ways I could make it better because this is probably the one he'll look at the most. My problem is that my teacher might hate the fact that I talk about intolerance considering he's the most intolerant person I know, but either way I like it so ya. I wrote it in like 20 minutes and I think I'll add more, so it's not perfect... and don't be too hard on me I'm in grade 9... and by the way, I'm Catholic so when I talk about my beliefs that's what I mean.


I’ve always been one to worry about things I can’t control, whether it be severe weather, the war, the economy, etc. I sit up at night thinking of what’s going to happen if we don’t change the way we act and help each other. And I truly believe that most of the worlds war and prejudice stems from religion. I’m not saying religion is bad, but I think people’s tolerance of religion is all wrong. We believe that our religion is right and that any other opinion is insane. All our lives we learn about Jesus and His ascension to Heaven. This almost seems normal to us, like the idea of someone rising from the dead is simply a part of our lives. Then we call a religion crazy for believing in multiple Gods whereas to them it seems normal as that is what they always hear. They grow up learning about it so it isn’t a big deal to them. It’s just a fact. Now, their religion might not be the truth, but to them it is. In their hearts they believe that it is a fact. In Ancient Egypt they truly believed that they would have an afterlife. Hindus truly believe that they will be reincarnated. We believe that we will all live in Heaven. When you look at those three beliefs they all seem pretty crazy, so why are we so intolerant to the ones that we don’t believe? A good example of intolerance to other religions is with Scientologists. Their beliefs seem pretty much insane. They think that an alien came thousands of years ago and put souls into a volcano in Hawaii. Famous Scientologists like Tom Cruise and John Travolta are ridiculed for their beliefs and Scientology is dismissed as a cult or joke. The thing is these people actually believe in it, so in their hearts it is the truth. As long as we believe something it is technically true.

I think that if we learned to stop looking down on a religion for being so different than ours we could make our world a lot better. War is mostly fought over religion, most of the time because we don’t understand why they believe in something. We don’t care that they were born into it and that they think it’s right. We just want them to be like us, whether we show it or not. Adolf Hitler looked down on the Jews because he didn’t get them, and the Holocaust was his way of trying to make the whole world the way he wanted it. He thought the Jews were crazy for their beliefs. Nowadays the first thing that comes to mind when we think of Hitler is pure evil. Really though we are being just like him when we call religions like Muslim, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Scientology or anything else crazy. Hitler hated Jews because he didn’t believe in what they did. So really we’re doing the same thing. Christians think they’re right about God and Heaven, whereas we’re just following what we grew up learning. If we just learned to understand other religions and let them go on, even if we think they’re wrong, then we could live a better world. After all, we believe that 2000 years ago a virgin had a child who rose from the dead to save us from the sin created by an apple and a talking snake, and that’s just as crazy us anything else in the world.
Actually, I think Scientology is crazy too. I just need something to write about.
Proving Godwin's law right in a simplistic and small minded fashion doesn't earn one marks where I come from.

Proving Godwin's law right in a simplistic and small minded fashion doesn't earn one marks where I come from.

I don't know what this means. Keep in mind that at least 90% of my class will put "I would end world hunger"... and nothing else.
That's great. But just because you believe that writing two paragraphs makes your work good, that doesn't make it true.
I'm not saying it does. I could write two paragraphs on anything. The point is I have an idea that goes beyond simply saying you would solve world hunger or make every president female(I saw that one too). I could have just wrote "make people more tolerant to other religions" and it would have worked, but I decided to make it longer and explain things more.
I'd be lying if I said I read that article. I just came in to say that that sounds much more interesting than anything I ever did in RE.
I'd be lying if I said I read that article. I just came in to say that that sounds much more interesting than anything I ever did in RE.

The project is a scrapbook. Believe me, we did nothing like this in religion... we learned about how joy brings us closer to God.
Honestly I think it's a good paper, but I have one underlying problem with it. If you truly believe your religion is right, and that believing and/or doing the right things is the true path to nirvana, being reincarnated into a better life, or the difference into being accepted into Heaven or damned for eternity to Hell, then it's cool to be tolerant off other religions, but to some small extent wouldn't you want to try and convert them, at least just once, try and save their souls? I know I would and have tried on occasion, to onvert others to my religion. Don't overdo it, but if you truly care, you would want to try. Not to criticize anyone or their beliefs.
Honestly I think it's a good paper, but I have one underlying problem with it. If you truly believe your religion is right, and that believing and/or doing the right things is the true path to nirvana, being reincarnated into a better life, or the difference into being accepted into Heaven or damned for eternity to Hell, then it's cool to be tolerant off other religions, but to some small extent wouldn't you want to try and convert them, at least just once, try and save their souls? I know I would and have tried on occasion, to onvert others to my religion. Don't overdo it, but if you truly care, you would want to try. Not to criticize anyone or their beliefs.

I don't think that's particularly necessary. I mean, if you're a Christian, and your views are right, do you believe that God would condemn a good person to hell simply for not beliving in him?
Honestly I think it's a good paper, but I have one underlying problem with it. If you truly believe your religion is right, and that believing and/or doing the right things is the true path to nirvana, being reincarnated into a better life, or the difference into being accepted into Heaven or damned for eternity to Hell, then it's cool to be tolerant off other religions, but to some small extent wouldn't you want to try and convert them, at least just once, try and save their souls? I know I would and have tried on occasion, to onvert others to my religion. Don't overdo it, but if you truly care, you would want to try. Not to criticize anyone or their beliefs.

Pretty much what Becca said. God wouldn't damn someone to hell just for believing something different, and I really think that's a big part of accepting other religions. We need to get beyond the fact that they're different, they're going to hell. If we are all God's children I'm sure he wants all of us to join him in Heaven. We need to realize God doesn't hate other religions. Well, he might. But it would help if we didn't think that way.
I don't think that's particularly necessary. I mean, if you're a Christian, and your views are right, do you believe that God would condemn a good person to hell simply for not beliving in him?

In the Bible it states that Jesus Christ is the only begotten so of God, that God gave Jesus to die on the cross for us, and that unless we can acknowledge that we are sinners, every last one of us, that Jesus died for our sins on the cross, and that we truly believe in Christ and accept his slavation, that we will go to Hell. Sorry to go on a religious rant but I just thought I would make it clear to everyone what is stated in The Bible. Well, I'm not sure if it is stated in the Bible in bold print or something, but it is what you must know and believe to be accepted as a TRUE Christain.
Pretty much what Becca said. God wouldn't damn someone to hell just for believing something different, and I really think that's a big part of accepting other religions. We need to get beyond the fact that they're different, they're going to hell. If we are all God's children I'm sure he wants all of us to join him in Heaven. We need to realize God doesn't hate other religions. Well, he might. But it would help if we didn't think that way.

I'm not saying God hates other religions, as he loves us all, but believing in those religions, unless you believe the foundation of Christianity, which I have just posted, you won't go to Heaven.
In the Bible it states that Jesus Christ is the only begotten so of God, that God gave Jesus to die on the cross for us, and that unless we can acknowledge that we are sinners, every last one of us, that Jesus died for our sins on the cross, and that we truly believe in Christ and accept his slavation, that we will go to Hell. Sorry to go on a religious rant but I just thought I would make it clear to everyone what is stated in The Bible. Well, I'm not sure if it is stated in the Bible in bold print or something, but it is what you must know and believe to be accepted as a TRUE Christain.

Think about everything you know about God. All loving, we say, don't we? If you truely believe that, can you believe this God we love, and who loves everyone, would do that to someone? My best friend is a Muslim, but also one of the nicest people I know. I have no doubt she'll end up in heaven, whether she believes it or not. Christianity may be the 'fastest' way to heaven, but I don't think God is going to care whether you believed in him or not when it comes down to it - it's about the sort of person you are.
First of all:

Godwin's Law--As a discussion continues, the chances of one of the members of said discussion mentioning Hitler approaches one. The first one to mention Hitler and/or Nazis automatically loses the argument.

Secondly, I like the article. I'm assuming it's not supposed to be a full-fledged essay, or at least that's what I gathered from your explanation of the writing. It's simple and to the point, and two full sized paragraphs to boot.

Just to touch on the semi-debate going on here, didn't Jesus say something along the lines of try to convert three times, then leave them be? Only in today's age that should be bumped down to around 2 times at the most. People are soooo touchy these days. Gets wars started, it does. Just ask North Korea.

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