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Yikes, I almost forgot about that TV movie remake. I heard so many God awful stories about it, and I never had the urge to watch it. Funny thing is, it's on this Carrie three pack I bought (couldn't find the original as a solo in stores, and I don't hate The Rage) at Best Buy years ago. Never watched it, ever. I might give it a try before the 2013 remake, though. Curious, I guess.

Dark Skies is an early 2013 favorite of mine, and I plan on watching Stoker next week. Trying to catch up on stuff I missed with Warm Bodies, and I have to see Oz this Friday.
That Polanski does love a good rape scene. The sequel (book) actually ends on a much happier note. Not sure if its a film though.
Not a horror question (with the exception of Near Dark, I guess), but thoughts on Kathryn Bigelow as a director?
Not a horror question (with the exception of Near Dark, I guess), but thoughts on Kathryn Bigelow as a director?

Right now I lean towards vastly overrated but that could change as my opinion of her has changed a lot over the years. Before she made Strange Days (a movie that Bigelow supporters would say showed her true talents as a director but that I thought was just a great concept with shitty execution) I would have thought of her as a talented, underrated director with a lot of potential. Near Dark is a great horror film, Blue Steel is a very good, female-lead action film, and Point Break is a fucking action classic (easily the pinnacle of Swayze-as-action-star along with Roadhouse).

After this, though, Bigelow's movies weren't that good. I've already voiced my opinion about Strange Days, The Weight of Water was a failed attempt at some family crime-drama-mystery I don't even fucking know what that hot mess was, and, well, we all know about the infamy that is K-19: The Widowmaker, the death knell of Harrison Ford's time as one of the world's biggest movie stars.

Fast forward a few years to The Hurt Locker, an excellent film that I thought deserved all of its accolades and showcased Bigelow's true talents. However, four years later, she comes out with another Middle-East-themed military/government drama-thriller penned by Mark Boal. Is it Bigelow's talent we're witnessing or is it the making of an idiot-proof, impeccable screenplay?

If Bigelow can pull off a film just as good as The Hurt Locker that isn't written by Boal and that doesn't have to do with US-Middle East relations, then my opinion of her is going to change for the better. Right now, though, I just see her as a competent, above-average filmmaker who lucked her way into greatness.
That Polanski does love a good rape scene. The sequel (book) actually ends on a much happier note. Not sure if its a film though.

Alex, I've put spoiler-tags around this just in case you still haven't seen Rosemary's Baby:

It wasn't the lack of a happy ending that I didn't like, it was the fact that it actually was Satan's baby that pissed me off and that they spent 10 minuted belaboring this point. What if the film ended on a more ambiguous note where we didn't know if Rosemary was crazy or if her child truly was the spawn of Satan? Now THAT would have made for a classic.
Oh yeah. Mitch, did you hear about The Evil Dead blowing the roof off at SXSW? Now I cannot wait to see it. I never thought I'd be this stoked to see a remake/reboot ever since the Nightmare on Elm Street fiasco.
If that's the one about the guy who imprisons women (actually I'm not sure if what he does is against their will or not) and makes them fat, then I wasn't a fan.

He doesn't really imprison them so much as he makes them fall in love with him because he plays into their "need to feel loved" being that they're bigger girls. He eventually begins forcing one woman to eat the fat and substance of his previous victims in a concoction he makes, at one point funneling it down one of his fattie's gullets.

I found it disturbing, and if nothing else slightly amusing. I found it one night surfing around on Netflix.
He doesn't really imprison them so much as he makes them fall in love with him because he plays into their "need to feel loved" being that they're bigger girls. He eventually begins forcing one woman to eat the fat and substance of his previous victims in a concoction he makes, at one point funneling it down one of his fattie's gullets.

I found it disturbing, and if nothing else slightly amusing. I found it one night surfing around on Netflix.

If you can find it you might want to check out Taxidermia. It's the only other disturbing film I can think of at the moment where obesity is a signifcant theme.
Oh yeah. Mitch, did you hear about The Evil Dead blowing the roof off at SXSW? Now I cannot wait to see it. I never thought I'd be this stoked to see a remake/reboot ever since the Nightmare on Elm Street fiasco.

Yes I did, and truth be told, I WAS somewhat nervous before SXSW. I dunno. When you hear shitty feedback for a horror remake, 90% (give or take) of the time the criticisms are spot on. But yeah man, I can't wait. I almost stood up in the theater and shouted out of pure joy, when I saw the green brand trailer before Side Effects. Fuck, only three more weeks. Ugh, this wait is going to kill me.

And did you know they're already working on a sequel to the remake? Of course, I'll watch it, but I'm not too sure about Raimi's plans/ideas for doing Evil Dead 4. Kind of odd to reboot the series, AND plan a sequel to Army Of Darkness simultaneously.
Alex, I've put spoiler-tags around this just in case you still haven't seen Rosemary's Baby:

It wasn't the lack of a happy ending that I didn't like, it was the fact that it actually was Satan's baby that pissed me off and that they spent 10 minuted belaboring this point. What if the film ended on a more ambiguous note where we didn't know if Rosemary was crazy or if her child truly was the spawn of Satan? Now THAT would have made for a classic.

Agreed. I thought the whole film hinged on the uncertainty of what was going on and once all was revealed the tension was gone. After that I think you could see it all coming, the birth and everything ending badly etc.

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