I can't believe I'm jumping on the bandwagon....climbing rather. Us overweight people can't jump very high.

Ask me anything you like whether it be music, sports, wrestling, etc. I'm still a little new to politics so be easy.

On a side note they really should just make a separate section just for these kinds of threads. Just a thought.
Dr. said:

Originally Posted by AndThat'sTheBottomLine

I think boredom plays a huge part in their creation. Then again you should're the Doctor around here. I'm just another symptom of the disease.

Yes, but I'm terribly underqualified.

So who wins Punk vs. Undertaker?
The logical and safe answer would be Taker by a mile. But I hope Punk wins and I'm a huge Taker fan.

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And that's the bottom line or to be the man, you gotta beat the man?

Tombstone or Wyatt Earp?

Top 5 favourite wrestlers?
Well kb is just popular around here, especially with all his wrestling knowledge, and kkg is a young, cute, bi girl who also happens to be a wrestling fan. Her popularity was inevitable. So don't get upset if your thread doesn't hold up as well as theirs...

So when Undertaker wins, how much consoling are you and Dr. going to need? :)
Well kb is just popular around here, especially with all his wrestling knowledge, and kkg is a young, cute, bi girl who also happens to be a wrestling fan. Her popularity was inevitable. So don't get upset if your thread doesn't hold up as well as theirs...

So when Undertaker wins, how much consoling are you and Dr. going to need? :)

Neither bother me in the least bit. I'm just bored. :)

I will need a grand total of zero consoling because I fully expect Taker to win but I would like to see Punk win. :)
Ugh... not another one of these threads...

I think boredom plays a huge part in their creation. Then again you should're the Doctor around here. I'm just another symptom of the disease. :shrug:

You're bored here? You have an entire fucking forum to read and post in and you're bored?

I just don't get it.
All-time, but you can do both if you want.

Also, favourite match?

All-Time: 1.Undertaker, 2.Ric Flair, 3.Stone Cold, 4.Rock, 5.Piper

Current: 1.Punk, 2.Lesnar, 3.Kane, 4.Undertaker, 5.Triple H

Undertaker is on both because he's still awesome at 48 even if he is a little out of shape. I didn't include the Rock because he's the champ and has missed most of the road to WM.

Favorite match is a tough one. I've got so many but if I had to pick one I'd have to go with Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat. Any one of their matches from 1989 would count.

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