Ascension 87: The Beard & Victor Makarov vs. El Califa Dragon & elegANT

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
Two pairings in WZCW that have never come to fruition team up for the first time as the menacing Beard and newcomer Victor Makarov take on the elegant elegANT and the returning El Califa in tag team action. Many different styles and morals will clash in this exhibition match and certainly one to look out for in regards to potential new tag teams.

Makarov looks to build upon his debut victory with a win alongside the dangerous Beard who almost took Theron Daggershield out of the picture. El Califa gets a chance at redemption with a semi-rematch from the Supershow prior to Kingdom Come against The Beard and looks to get some momentum going, much like elegANT who was unable to capture the Eurasian championship.

Deadline is Wednesday, December 17th, at 11:59PM, CST. Deadlines available upon request.
He did it! He actually did it! And what's more, he did it without really breaking a sweat.

I remember watching from the back behind a curtain, peering into the world of professional wrestling for the first time. It shocked me, of course it did. To see how loyal and passionate some of these fans were to those who were brave enough to walk down that ramp and put their bodies on the line fr their enjoyment. And when Victor stood in the middle of the ring with one arm raised high above his head, he didn't look the least bit out of place.

I can't even tell you the relief that passed through me as I watched him settle into his new surroundings. He was a natural. Everything that the Russians told me two weeks previously as we all set around my tiny apartment was true. Victor Makarov was the real deal, there was no doubting that.

As he strutted around the ring, shouting obscenities at the crowd, I felt an excitement that I hadn't felt in a long time. There, in the WZCW ring, was something more than a giant mute Russian. For the first time in years, I could see hope on the horizon, I could be excited about something, and perhaps everything was going to take a turn for the better. I couldn't contain my smile, I remember that much.

All of a sudden, I feel a hand on my shoulder. Truth be told, I was so lost in my own little world that it frightened the shit out of me. I turned round to see Vance Bateman himself, the man who had given Victor the opportunity to shine, smiling like the cat who got the cream. “Your boy is a winner, Freddie”. Those were the first five words that Vance Bateman ever said to me and I knew then and there that the excitement I had felt was tangible; it wasn't all in my head. And like a gushing school girl talking to her crush, I could barely let the words formulate in my head. I wanted to say how much I wanted to thank him for giving Victor; and by extension myself, a chance to prove to him how much of an asset we could be. I wanted to tell him how the future was bright for everyone involved; really turning on that Freddie Fortune swagger and style.

But words escaped me. Sure, I had talked to him on the phone to arrange all of this but that was a voice on the other end of a call; hundreds of miles away. As he stood in front of me, I couldn't help but be impressed. He had an air of professionalism about him but behind his eyes I could see why he was in charge. I could see that he was the man calling the shots and making things happen. Now, I'm no expert in the wrestling business but I know that when the boss is coming down from his ivory tower to congratulate you on something, then you've did that something right.

“Uh, thanks” was the only thing that I could spit out. But I guess it didn't really matter what I said in all honesty. I wasn't the talent in the agreement with WZCW; I was just the facilitator and he knew that his real asset was standing in the ring celebrating a victory. So anyway, after what seemed like the most awkward thirty seconds of silent smiling I have ever and will ever experience, he looks over my shoulder at the Russian marching up the ramp, studying everything that he did. “I want to put him in a match in two weeks, Freddie. A big one. I'll be in touch.”

And that was it. Just as quickly as he was there, he was gone again. Victor was in WZCW and he wasn't going anywhere soon.

* * *

The ride from Corpus Christi to Batonrouge was a long one. 7 hours drive anywhere is going to be a hassle but when you're sharing a rusted and banged up Mini with a massive Russian wrestler, wrestling bags, and supplies, it really reinforces that point. And he refused to shower after a match; I forgot to mention that. Don't ask why because I literally have no idea, maybe things were just “different” in Russia. But the asshole smelled like a sweaty jockstrap for the entire journey. And is if things couldn't get any worse, my hand would caress his gigantic thigh every time I had to change gear. To his credit, he never made a big deal out of it. Truth be told, I thought he was going to take my arm out of it's socket the first time it happened but I guess he felt how awkward it was too.

I wrestled with it for a few days but I knew I had to phone Marcy and the kids. We'd been through a lot in the last couple of years but I finally had something good to tell them. Maybe everything that had gone before that could start to be fixed. Maybe it wasn't much but it was all that I had. And,at this point in time, I had to get out of that car. The lethal combination of sweat, my mind running overtime and the thread of having my arm removed every time I changed gear meant we were stopping at the nearest gas station.

I remember pulling over at a run-down gas station in the middle of nowhere. It was 10 at night and there was barely a car on the roads. If it weren't for the massive Russian accompanying me, I might have been terrified. But he stepped out of the car and gave the nearby shop a determined look. He stretched his legs and headed off as I filled up the car for the final leg of the journey.

I headed into the shop a couple of minutes after him, the car fuelled again. But as soon as I headed through the door, my ears were immediately bombarded with abuse. “Get the fuck out of here!” I thought he was talking to me for a second before I turned round the corner and saw The Russian chomping his way through Slim Jim after Slim Jim, not giving a shit what the onrushing shopkeeper thought of his choice in snacks; or paying for them. But as the shopkeeper got closer, I seen the rage in The Russian's eyes. It could have gotten messy in s short period of time.

“I've got it! I'll pay for those!” I didn't have a lot of money and handing it over for two massive handfuls of Slim Jims wasn't the easiest thing to do. But I guess it was the better option; rather than having to watch the Russian jam them so far up the shopkeeper's ass that he'd be shitting them for a month. I produced the money from my wallet and paid up along with the gas. “Don't worry about my friend. He's got issues”. The shopkeeper finished the transaction as the Russian headed back out into the courtyard, giving the cashier a venomous look on the way out. I thanked the guy for his help and headed it out, The Russian already in the tiny car and staring through the windows back at the horrified shop keeper; ramming Slim Jim after Slim Jim into his gigantic mouth.

I remember heading around the back of the shop to make the call. I remember thinking about what I was going to say to Marcy if she picked up. How the Russian had just appeared on my door one day and forced me out of my own bed. How I had managed to get myself involved in this crazy wrestling business without a moments hesitation or any experience. Or how I was driving for hours in places of the country I had never been before, whilst simultaneously feeling up an explosive Russian. But most of all, I wanted to tell her how much I loved her and the kids; how much I missed them. I wanted to tell her how much I wanted things to go back to how they were before; before any of this ever happened.

And as I finished typing in the final number, I felt my blood pressure rise dramatically. The phone only rang twice before she answered; that beautiful inflection and tone in her voice caught me by surprise. She sounded happy; happier than I remember her being anyway. As much as I wanted to tell her everything, that first word knocked me on my ass. How could I tell her? She was happy and I guess I just had to accept that. I hung up.

I remember just staring at my phone as I hung up on her; my mind racing about what she was thinking. For the longest time, I just stared at it. Until that it, the news about the next match up broke my daze. A text from Vance Bateman of all people .


My heart stopped for another reason as I read that text. Vance Bateman had kept his word. I don't recall how many times I had questioned whether he really meant what he said backstage at Meltdown. But here it was, tangible proof that the world was the Russian's oyster; and by extension my own.

I finally found the courage to walk back to the car, my heart still pounding. I looked at the Russian, hoping beyond hope that he would understand me for the first time in his life. He might not be able to speak English but he surely knew about people. I wished beyond words that he would just get what was going on, that I was hurt but excited all the the same time. I wished that I could show him what was waiting for him at Ascension. But, in truth, it mattered very little to the Russian. He would show up at Ascension and probably destroy anything that was put before him. Or at least die trying. This much I could be sure of.

He gave me a short, tempered look, hesitated for only a second when he looked at my pathetic face and slammed another Slim Jim into his mouth. Well, I guess that answered that question.
In this space, you should be reading an entertaining tale about El Califa Dragon and elegANT preparing for their tag match this week inside elegANT's luxurious home. Jokes would be made about the language barrier between them, El Califa's confusion about elegANT's worker ants, and elegANT's complete lack of game when it comes to the ladies. Some chuckling and general enjoyment would have been had by all. However, due to the author's inability to not procrastinate and his suddenly busy work schedule, the aforementioned scene will never make it to paper, digital or otherwise. In a pathetic attempt to still provide a fraction of the entertainment that would have come from this RP, please enjoy the following gif displaying the power and teamwork of ants:

El Califa: Yes, yes he shall be there. He'll take care of it and organize it. Todo va a ser organizado. Ight, Adios.

The scene opens to El Califa and elegANT driving in El Califa's SUV. Califa hangs up his cell phone as the music is blaring per El Califa's usual style, though it seems to be bothering the gentlemanly ant.

elegANT: Pardon Califa, could you possibly turn down that ruckus. I can hardly hear myself think!

El Califa looks over to elegANT, the two couldn't possibly be more dressed differently. El Califa has a long sleeve white shirt, the first three buttons undone and a large chain hanging around his neck. elegANT meanwhile is in his formal coat and top cat. Califa tilts his head slightly and chuckles, turning the music down.

El Califa: El Califa apologizes elegANT. He is merely in a great mood for tonight.

elegANT: Quite. Though I must ask sir, is there a dress code for this evening? I do hope I meet the requirements of the establishment.

El Califa: He believes you match it and over qualify. If he may be blunt, you'll look out of place.

elegANT: Oh dear. Perhaps it's the cuff links that take it over the top?

As elegANT tries to quickly remove the cuff links, Califa can merely shake his head and chuckle as the SUV roars through the streets. This may be more of an experience than El Califa could have hoped for. Had he been one for social experiments, he would be taking notes right now. Regardless, there was drinks overflowing, beautiful women, and pulsating music awaiting them. After the loss to Constantine at Kingdom Come, Califa had realized that he had taken things far too seriously. Accomplishments, championships, they would all come in due time. For now however, it was time to cut loose and enjoy life. No more crazed European fitness instructors. No more Elite wannabe politicians, and certainly no more cults. Every day was a new day, and it was time Califa treated life as such.

El Califa: We're here.

elegANT: Oh dear, I think Antfred forgot to hand me my checkbook. Could I possibly be a bother and borrow a few dollars tonight, and pay you back next week?

El Califa tilts his head, checkbook? Who uses a checkbook these days? Califa reaches in his pocket and pulls out his Black Card, holding it between two fingers.

El Califa: El Califa believes his line of credit should hold up just fine. Order whatever you want tonight elegANT, tonight is on El Califa's bill.

elegANT nods his head, and the two masked men exit the vehicle. Califa tosses his keys to the valet as they make their way to the entrance. Califa nods his head to the bouncer, who nods back before a ten step handshake ensues. Califa motions to elegANT and the bouncer nods his head to him. elegANT holds his hand out for a handshake, and the bouncer slowly reaches out, shaking his hand firmly, though with an odd look on his face. The two walk briskly past the rope and into the club, already in full swing. elegANT covers his ears as they walk towards the VIP section. Califa looks back towards him and reaches into his pocket, withdrawing a set of ear plugs and hands them to elegANT. Somehow elegANT puts them in without removing his mask, causing many scientific questions on how, but again, these are not men of science. They sit down at the couch, a waitress stopping by with a drink menu. Califa orders his usual tequila on the rocks, while elegANT takes his time picking out a drink. As the waitress leaves Califa leans back, scanning the area for women.

El Califa: So is there an elegANT Queen in your life?

elegANT: Oh heaven's no. I have not courted a lady since joining WZCW.

El Califa: A vow of celibacy?

elegANT: I wish it were a vow of virtue my good friend. I have not the time, nor the energy to put into such matters of the heart.

El Califa catches the glances of a few women, and he nods his head towards them, as the waitress returns with their drinks. Califa takes a sip, wearing his modified mask this evening. elegANT meanwhile retrieves a straw for his drink.

El Califa: It seems to Califa, you have been stuck in your villa for a bit too long elegANT, tonight is your night!

elegANT: What do you propose we do Califa?

El Califa: Enjoy the music, the alcohol, and the ladies of course.

elegANT: I mean in our bout with Victor Makarov and that dastardly Beard? He was victorious over you at the SuperShow after all.....

El Califa: We do what we do best elegANT. We are men of the air. We will fly higher and outpace our opponents.

elegANT: I sure hope so sir. I fear becoming a stepped on ant.

El Califa: El Califa will ensure our victory elegANT. Do not worry so much about what will come. At Ascension we go out there and have a good time.

elegANT: Understood! I admire your confidence Mr. Dragon.

El Califa: Califa will be just fine elegANT. Now! Let me go get some company for us, perhaps your queen is out there tonight!

El Califa hops off the couch, drink in hand as he goes mingling, chatting up every lady in sight. elegANT looks around while leaning on his cane, unsure of what to do. Suddenly a beautiful woman walks up to him and smiles.

Woman: Hi! Would you like to dance?

elegANT: I'm terribly afraid miss, that I am out of practice. You see I have not waltzed in some months.

Woman: Oh come on! Let's go!

Before elegANT can retort, she grabs hand and pulls him off the couch and onto the dance floor. The woman dances all around elegANT as he looks completely lost. He looks around desperately for El Califa, but he is no where to be seen. However, on the opposite side of the club, El Califa is standing with a woman in the corner, his head close to her ear as he whispers something to her. The dark haired beauty smiles seductively as she wraps her arms around Califa's neck, and begins pressing up into him. The thudding bass continues to deafen as Califa pulls the woman to the dance floor. The music changes from hip hop to a Latin number, and soon Califa and the dark haired woman begin to salsa together.

El Califa: What's your name?

Dark Haired Woman: Toni.

El Califa: He likes that name Toni, where you from?

Toni: Dallas.

As the conversation continues, elegANT suddenly runs over to Califa, pulling on his shirt sleeve.

elegANT: My...dearest apologies good sir, but I'm afraid I have been robbed!

Toni and El Califa turn to elegANT, Califa tilting his head as Toni puts her hands on the arms of the frantic ant.

El Califa: But you said you left your checkbook at home.

Toni: What did they take? I can go get security.

elegANT: My top hat, cane and monocle have been stolen!

Califa looks around when suddenly elegANT's own cane suddenly comes across his chest as three women appear behind him, one wearing his top hat, another with the monocle. The woman holding the cane smirks as she leans into elegANT.

Woman: Come here little ant!

They pull elegANT away who holds his arms out swinging wildly for Califa.

elegANT: Help sir! I am being kidnapped!

Toni and El Califa beging laughing loudly at the scene, as elegANT and the women disappear into the crowd. The two resume dancing as the scene fades away for a moment before returning into later in the night. Califa and Toni are sitting at the bar chatting away as the drinks continue to go down.

Toni: Shut up! You knew DJ Screw?

El Califa: El Califa did, he was a young buck when I was just about to leave Houston. In fact, He has many of the mixtapes he was making that never made it to the mainstream public.

Toni: You'll have to copy them for me. Hey, whatever happened to your ant friend?

El Califa: elegANT?

El Califa sits up and looks around, the party still going strong, when suddenly the music comes to a screeching halt, a classical piece playing as the crowd turns to the DJ booth. Toni and El Califa get up and walk towards the dance floor. There at the booth is elegANT, his top coat falling off his shoulders holding two very very VERY expensive bottles of alcohol while the three ladies from before are standing around him. The classical piece begins to mix into a trap song, and the mix is somehow perfect. elegANT dances as the DJ and him work on the mix at the same time, the ladies following suit. Alcohol spilling everywhere.

El Califa: Where did he get those bottl......

Just then the waitress comes up to him, bill in hand.

Waitress: Sir, your bill.

Califa takes the bill and reads it, his jaw dropping.

El Califa: He spent HOW MUCH?

Toni peaks past Califa and sees the total, her eyes widening and her jaw dropping.

Toni: are you gonna pay for that?

Califa reaches into his pocket and produces his Black Card, handing it to the waitress as he places his hands on the back of his head.

El Califa: Guess he'll need an advance on his paycheck this week.

Toni wraps her arms around his waist and smirks up to him.

Toni: Hey don't worry, look at him up there, he's having a blast.

elegANT grabs a microphone, clearly drunk as he looks out to the crowd.

elegANT: Good sirs and madams! I indubitably hope you are having a joyous occasion this evening! Maestro elegANT will be here with you all night!

The crowd roars as El Califa looks down to Toni and shrugs his shoulders. She smiles up to him and leans up, kissing him as the party rages on. The battle looms on Ascension, but the good times will roll on forever.

Toni: So, Dragon, when are we taking a ride?

El Califa: Trust me Toni, you will take flight with this Dragon tonight!

The scene slowly fades away, focusing last on elegANT as the ladies place his top hat on his head crooked, elegANT dancing with cane in hand.
The flickering from a candelabrum leaves a dim glow upon the small room as the back of a large, long haired figure reflects in the mirror. Heavy panting can be heard in the room as the man rocks back and forth as he slowly yanks at his locks of hair.

I am not a monster.

You are a monster.

The first voice was slow and methodical. The second voice very similar, but in a faint whisper. The man continues to yank at his hair in frustration.

I am not a monster.

You are a monster.

Same as before as the man in the mirror becomes more frustrated as he slams his fist into the side wall. His paces quicken as he roams the small room.

I am not a monster.

You are a monster.

This time the first voice grows louder as anger cracks his final words. The second voice is still the calming whisper from before.

They think I am a monster. They think I am a destroyer. I’m not. I am a good person.

The voice is rasp and the illusion of a sad man comes across as you can hear the tears building up in his voice.

You were a good person, but you aren’t who you once were.

The whisper echoes through the small room as a calm has set in. The body remains still as his breaths have slowed down.

I will always be that person.

Deep inside yes, but you are now a feared man.

What do you want from me?

A concern comes over the man as he strokes his hand through his hair. His voice sounds as if he is giving up.


You want rage? That’s what you want from me? RAGE!?!?! THAT’S WHAT YOU WANT?!?!? YOU WANT RAGE!?!?!

The man turns around to reveal The Beard as he smashes is fist through the mirror. Glass shatters and small trickles of blood drip from the broken glass as Beard looks at his fist. His eyes widened, his breaths deep, his mind gone.

I want the destroyer. End the faceless cowards, destroy their heroes. Destroy Califa and elegANT.

And Markov?

A pause. As the room is silent as Beard gazes into the broken mirror pieces, his soul clearly gone.

Destroy him too, if you must.

For I am the Lost Follower, just waiting to be found.
For you are the Lost Follower, just waiting to be found.

The two voices speak in sync as Beard exhales as a relief comes across his body, a calm monster building within.
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