MD 114: Victor Makarov vs Kagura Ozhora (Elite X Championship)

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FlexAmerican Dynamite


Just narrowly winning the championship in an hellacious Relay match Victor Makarov does not get any break as he will defend his newly won title against Kagura Ozhora who herself was just seconds away from winning the title. Will the Russian continue his dominance or will Kagura make Japan proud in what is sure to be an international incident for the ages.

Deadline is Wednesday, February 25th at 11:59PM CST. Extensions available upon request.
Victor was acting strange after Revolution and at the time I didn't know why.

Sure, I had seem him be distant before but I honestly felt that I was starting to get through to him by then. He was a monster inside the ring, there was no doubt about it. But he wasn't that much of a monster outside of it. There were time, flashes even, of a man who had compassion and empathy. Having driven the man from show to show, given him everything he could even want; including a glistening career in the world of American professional wrestling, I honestly felt that he had some measure of respect for me. The way he looked at me sometimes made me feel quite special; I guess that's quite pathetic.

Still, after doing the impossible and wining the Elite X Championship at Revolution, the usual fire had disappeared from his eyes. I said it before and I am quite happy to say it again, Victor was never in WZCW for Championships. I suppose that the person who really wanted the Championships was none other than yours truly. You see, I realised that with Championships came the big matches; the gains in reputation; and the big money. And what reason were we there for other than making money.

Thinking back to Revolution, I recall Victor stumbling up the aisle with the Elite X Championship in his hand. I stood behind the curtain, as per usual. Truth be told, I was still in a state of awe that he managed to win the belt. And as he came through the curtain, I expected him to be explosive with happiness and excitement. I mean, this was the biggest thing that ever happened to him. It meant big things... But he wasn't. He tossed the Championship towards me, gave me a slight nod of his massive Russian head and kept walking through the back. Honestly, I had no idea what was going on and, for a while at least, I was worried that he had lost the passion for the business. Everything I had put into his career, I guess he had paid back. With the Championship around his waist, a nice little bonus was heading our way. And since I was handling all of the income and outgoings, I was taking my share. Victor seemed okay with that.

I never thought to ask but I just assumed that since my legs weren't broken yet... You know.

And right then, if he had to walk away from WZCW, he would have repaid everything I had ever put into his career. But why walk away now? Why walk away from everything he had achieved in such a short period of time? I was told not long after his title win that it was one of the quickest Championship wins since a debut in the history of the company. There could be no doubt about it, big things were going to happen for Victor and I. He had the talent and I had the business acumen to take him right to the very top; to wrestle the very best that the company has to offer.

But he didn't seem interested in any of that, to be truthful. Something was eating away at the Elite X Champion and I had to find out what it was.

* * *

Fast forward a few days and we were going through the motions. With WZCW hosting it's All-Stars competition, it meant that we were allowed to go home for a few weeks; a seemingly welcome break for the Russian and I. But the atmosphere was different. The Russian was never a warm personality to be around but it there was something more and until I found out what it was, he wasn't going to be the same. Sure, he was finally doing what he needed to in order to maintain his Championship and rocket through the company. Christ, he was even training twice daily. But his fire was gone, I could see it in his lifeless eyes.

I had to find out what was going on.

I remember the Russian heading to sleep one day, it was a Tuesday afternoon. You're probably asking yourself how I remember what day it was? Well, that's a funny story. That was the first day that the Russian kicked my ass.

For days, I could see Victor sneaking off to my bedroom ; the same bedroom he had commandeered the very moment he had stepped into my apartment. But it wasn't to sleep some of those times. I happened to walk past the bedroom door one morning and the door was slightly ajar. I peered inside and he was just sitting on the edge of the bed looking down towards something in his hands. It was small; in fact it kind of looked like a postcard. I had to get a better look, right? I inched my nose closer to the door, just trying to see what was eating up the best chance I had at a prosperous life. And then the God-damn floorboard squeaked underneath me, didn't it? The Russian fired the postcard under his – my – pillow and shot to his feet, a fearful look in his eyes. That's right, I said fearful.

“Hey, I just heard from Vance Bateman. He's giving Kagura Ozhora a rematch at Ascension this week. I know that you wont care much, right? Just another person to go through...” I was thinking fast on my feet. But it was better than getting an ass-whooping; something that I was fully expecting at this point. But the Russian just nodded his head and walked towards me slowly. I could feel my heart race as he passed me but he simply made for the bathroom behind me and that was that; beating averted.

And as I stood there, a thought crossed my mind. This was Victor's ticket to the big time; the Elite X Championship that is. Kagura had already beaten Victor once and I knew that she had the talent to beat him again. She was a great competitor and, more than that, she had a point to prove. Having beating Victor on the show before Revolution, she had headed into the PPV as a clear favourite. But Victor had something to prove to everyone and he brought it. But as Kagura passed me after the match at Revolution, I could tell that she was disappointed in her performance. She would never make the mistake of underestimating Victor again, and whatever was eating up the Russian had to be fixed before Ascension, there could be no doubt.

Kagura had a point to prove, she had narrowly missed out becoming the first woman to ever hold a singles Championship in WZCW; it had to hurt her. She was a dangerous animal to be in a ring with. I had a decision to make there and then. I could let the Russian get through this on his own, working through whatever emotional crap was weighing him down. He could lose the Elite X Championship because of it and we would be right back at square one. Or, I could move inside the room, retrieve what was under the pillow, read it, and start working on a resolution. In that moment, I wasn't thinking about myself. I was thinking completely of the Russian, believe it or not.

I walked inside the room, avoiding the known squeaky floorboards and put my hand under the pillow. I searched for the piece of card and slowly pulled it out...


It was in Russian. I should have thought about that, huh?

Well, just as I lifted the pillow to put it back, the Russian appeared from the bathroom and caught me in the act. I knew what was coming.

“It's not what it looks like, Victor. I'm just trying to look out for-”

The Russian ran across the floor, a look of sheer hatred and destruction on his face. SMACK! THUD! The smacking sound was his monstrous balled up fist connecting with my face and the thud was me falling onto the bed unconscious. And that's all I remember.

What had I done? I had to make this right.
As I heard the bell ring as a new champion was crowned I could not mask my disappointment. We were not told the finish of the match until right before so I had high hopes that I would be going over. I had worked so hard to get to this point. As I slowly made my way back to the back I began to doubt myself.

Later on I had a talk with Gozaburo-san. Pro wrestling was one of those businesses where you had to work your whole life to get a piece of the spotlight. When he became champion he had many detractors that did not want a foreign wrestler holding their top prize, so he did his best to prove that he deserved the position.

Many other, talented wrestlers that deserved a spot in the center or a title run of some sort never got the chance because they were passed over. It was politics. He was doing his best to make sure that I wasn’t going to end up getting passed over. But his pull in the wrestling world was finite. Gozaburo-san was still a well respected legend in the industry but there was almost so much he could do.

I found myself at another creative meeting with him as he discussed matters with several WZCW creative members. I felt ashamed that I didn’t know enough English to fight for myself. I knew about politics from wrestling in Japan. Even in the smaller promotions, scrambling to get a piece of success was difficult. I saw friendships end, fights break out, and relationships sour.

At that moment listening to Gozaburo-san going off on a angry tangent that I did not understand I began to zone out. I began to ponder the career that I had made for myself in WZCW. Two short months marked my one year anniversary. It was hard to believe that a small time country girl like me had been given this opportunity. I slowly began to recollect the career that I had made for myself.


Blade-san had been my first one on one opponent. I knew next to nothing about the western wrestling world and needless to say I had been intimidated. We worked shows throughout South America and these were the first places that I had gotten to visit outside of Japan. I considered myself very lucky to have experienced this and I kept a diary of all my travels.

Backstage, in the hallway leading towards the locker room, Aubrey Sloan sits with an unconfident look in her eye. Aubrey sits with her knees crunched up to her stomach, on top of a very large box. From across the hallway, Kagura and Gozaburo approach the Tibetan trained wrestler. As they approach, Aubrey slightly recoils, her eyes darting away from her partner for the night. Kagura and Gozaburo approach Aubrey, but notice the obvious discomfort, as she shields herself away from her partner. Kagura and Gozaburo exchange a glance, and Gozaburo returns a look at Aubrey.

Gozabruo: Aubrey Sloan... Our match is next. Are you ready to compete?

Aubrey rubs her arm, and looks down on the ground.

Aubrey: Well... I have to be honest, Kagura. I did learn a strategy in WZCW; it's that partners will befriend each other, before they turn on them. So I know what has to happen now... You're going to turn on me, too. And I'd rather not have that... I'd like a friend, and I like you. So I don't want you to turn on me, and... Well...

Aubrey's eyes begin to water a little bit, as Kagura softens, as well. Even Gozaburo, as no nonsense as he is, can't help but soften his eyes, feeling pity for Aubrey. The two exchange words in Japanese, and Kagura raises her hand, as if to indicate for Gozaburo to allow her to speak.

Kagura: Aubrey-san, I like. I promise on my honor... Aubrey-san, we stick together.

Kagura gives a smile, and nods, and Aubrey's legs lower. Her defenses came down, as she hops off the box she was sitting on. She looked Kagura in the eye, and offered a thankful smile. Both Kagura and Aubrey turn towards arena, and begin to walk towards the ring, for their match.

This had been my first interaction with someone else in the company other than officials and management. I was glad that this person had been another woman. It’s not that I didn’t like the company of men, but I had spent all of my time previously working with women. It was a great icebreaker for me getting to work with Sloan-san. She had been kind and perceptive of the fact that I could only provide rudimentary communication. She found it to be cute. After that match I felt many of the butterflies that had been in my system starting to fly away.

I remember a conversation that Gozaburo-san and I had before as to why I had been signed to a contract. I felt that there were plenty of talented performers more suited for the position.

“The reason why you were signed to a contract is because you’re unique,” he explained. “It’s not just because of your nationality or your gender, your gimmick is not for show.”

He gestured towards my shrine maiden getup.

“Fans in America think your story is great. You stand out. You will be a fantastic attraction.”


I didn’t put much thought into his words at that time. I was honored to be a special attraction wrestler. In Japan being a shrine maiden was commonplace so my clothes and my mannerisms did not turn any heads. But in America I had the chance to be special and represent my country at the same time.

But as time went on, I began to view my place in the company a little bit differently. I wasn’t just treated like any other rookie, in fact some of them were shuffled into feuds and others challenged for titles that they won.


Anderson: And her opponent, from Oklahoma City, Chris K.O.!


Chris again tries to reach for the ropes, clawing his way towards them as Kagura pulls back on the submission some more. Chris yells in pain once more as his foot is mere inches away. With a last ditch effort he gets his foot on the ropes, and Kagura is forced to break the hold. Chris remains down after all the punishment he's received, and Kagura doesn't let up, lifting him up and whipping him across. She goes for the Fifth Dance of Amaterasu Omikami but Chris grabs one of her arms and trips her down, locking in the Burning Crusade! Now Kagura is locked in a deep submission as the crowd cheers for the back and forth submissions. Chris pulls back hard with his hold, as Kagura desperately reaches for the ropes. She changes strategies and grabs hold of Chris's arms, pulling up on them as she is able to slide her head away from the hold. She rolls over on top of Chris,! Chris kicks out at the last second! Both roll over, Chris to one knee and Kagura to her feet. She suddenly goes for the First Dance of Awarawa no Mikoto but Chris ducks under the kick! As Kagura gets to her feet Chris runs forward and connects with The Coconut Strike! He quickly goes for the cover, 1......................2..................3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, Chris K.O.!

Connor: A hard fought victory here tonight in Chris's return to singles action! Kagura gave him everything he could handle and then some!

Cohen: I hate to sing his praises, but Chris was resilient here tonight.

Chris slowly gets to his feet and his hand is raised in the air. He walks over to the ropes and asks for Steve, which the ringside assistant hands him. He speaks to the ball for a few moments before noticing Kagura is up on her feet. She bows deeply to Chris and Chris returns the favor before Kagura exits the ring quietly as Chris climbs up to the second turnbuckle and celebrates with the fans.

Connor: Don't go away everyone, we have Mikey Stormrage and Ty Burna squaring off with The Elite, coming up!

My match with Chris KO-san had been my biggest test to that date. He was a veteran with a long list of accomplishments. I felt that I really took him to the limit in that match, and I was proud of my accomplishment. But through my teachings I had been taught to shun the competitive spirit because it could bring bad luck.

When I finally made it to America and began to familiarize myself with the many strange customs and lifestyles of the people I made it a habit to study my competitors not for their skills but the way they lived their lives and carried themselves. I knew Chris KO-san was thoughtful man who carried allot of pride. In a way I envied him.

Being true to myself I began to shun my competitive spirit, having treated the Lethal Lottery merely as a way to test my skills rather than to give it my all and cut lose for a chance to win a future title opportunity. That was a culture shock to me. Even in Japan I had been criticized for being too soft. The wrestling style in the States was a little bit of an easier pace, and I felt that I could put in more effort giving the fans a better show rather than giving my opponent the fight of their lives. That just wasn’t my nature.


I suppose it was that match with Chris that started to awake my competitive spirit. When I learned Kingdom Come was going to be hosted by Tokyo I was ecstatic. I did not know that I would be returning to my country so soon. At that point I felt like my career had been a success. I fantasized about returning as some big hero the way Gozaburo-san had done years ago. And my national pride took over.

I won an impromptu battle royal in front of my countrymen that allowed me to compete in a ladder match for the Eurasian title. The championship was won by a man almost as old as Gozaburo-san, whom claimed that Daddy-san had been over the hill and trying to relive his glory days. But through his eyes I could see the jealousy.

After getting to see my grandfather again I swore that I would continue to adhere to my upbringing. The last thing I wanted to do was shame myself as a proper shrine maiden. I still had my dignity, but I could not continue to ignore my competitive nature. I hated losing. I found that I could no longer control those instincts.


Anderson: And his opponent, from Ise, Mie, Japan weighing 160 pounds, Kagura Ohzora!


Makarov laughs at her defiance and just paces the ring but quickly scowls and turns his attention back at her and the intensity. He dashes toward her and raises her by the head. He kicks her in the sternum and tries to raise her, but the Shinto priestess falls behind him and lands on her feet. She tries the Second Dance of Yamatohime no Mikoto. An Exploder Suplex with a wrist clutch. But she can't budge the big man. He smashes his hands behind her back making her drop to her knees in pain. He runs the ropes but as he comes back, Kagura mists him in the face!

Cohen: What the hell! That can't be legal!

Makarov is blinded and stands helpless in the ring trying to clean his eyes out as Kagura recomposes herself. Makarov swings blindly to try and hit her, but Kagura slips under his line of attack. She runs the ropes and locks the Third Dance of Amenouzume no Mikoto! A running Victory Roll!




Anderson: Here is your winner, Kagura Ohzora!!

Kagura gets her hand raised by Shepard as technicians come to wipe Makarov's face. He can finally see and bursts on the people as soon as he can.

Connor: Makarov better hope he was impressive enough. He didn't get the win. He took his adversary for granted.

Cohen: Kagura cheated is what she did. What kind of priest is she? They can't be dishonest. That's a commandment or something.

Makarov looks around for Kagura but she's already up the ramp as he looks on angrily with his face painted.

Gozaburo-san had later explained to me what the word “cheating” had meant. I did not cheat. I simply outmaneuvered Makarov-san. There was no way for me to overpower the big Russian so I simply had to take him by surprise. Despite his intense and fearsome appearance I could tell that Makarov-san was quite gentle. As we fought I could tell that he simply wanted to test his limits and skills, like me. And that’s when something inside me broke. I did not want to test my limitations or my skills because I had already known them. I simply wanted to win, so I did.

Later I had asked Gozaburo-san if I had been a bad person for wanting to use my competition like a stepping stone. He had explained that the feeling was normal for compassionate folks.


In the days leading up to the Revolution PPV I had expressed a desire to improve my appearance. As Kagura Watarai I was a simple country girl. I would go to the temple everyday dressed in ceremonial garb. And when the fans saw me that’s the person that they saw. But in WZCW I was supposed to be Kagura Ohzora. Kagura Ohzora was supposed to be a fierce competitor, or so management believed. And that’s when I began to interpret his words a little differently.

“You will be a fantastic attraction…” is what he had said.

I realized that as Kagura Ohzora I wanted to become something more than just a novelty. I wanted to become a champion like Gozaburo-san that my people could be proud of. As an attraction I felt Kagura Ohzora wasn’t good enough. And that’s where the distinction between Watarai and Ohzora ended. And so I traded in my ceremonial robes for a suit and tie. I began to carry myself differently and I began to treat others differently. I began learning English. And I have to admit that the change felt good.

But then I realized something about myself that disturbed me greatly, and I realized why I had lost grip on the title that everyone had pegged me to win at Revolution…


Kagura immediately lets go of the hold and hits a baseball slide knocking El Swago into the barricade. She looks to this time go back to the Vikram and instead go for the easy pin but before she can Makarov pulls the unconscious squash player to the outside for safe keeping! Kagura and Makarov lock eyes with the Russian hesitant to enter. El Swago sneaks in the other side to try to capitalize on the distraction but is cut off by Irwin who delivers a big boot to the face! Kagura turns around and delivers a two fisted heart punch knocking Irwin to the outside. Makarov quickly swoops in and delivers a twisting uppercut to Kagura sending her between the ropes! A dazed El Swago then makes it to his feet and is met with a devastating Mother Russia right to his face! Makarov goes for the cover!



Copeland: That was the third fall! We have a new champion!

Harrys: And here is your winner, and NEEEWWW Elite X Champion, Victor Makarov!

Makarov his handed the championship by the referee and he celebrates as the rest of the opponents are down in and around the ring.

Connor: This was chaos the entire way through but in the end the match went in the favor of Makarov as he was at the right place at the right time.

Cohen: I told you he would win. Makarov had three dominating pinfalls in one match.

Copeland: One has to however wonder just how close Kagura was to winning it all.

Makarov continues celebrating up the ramp as a dejected Kagura begins to stir on the outside along with Irwin and Vikram, while Swago begins to cry in the ring.

… I realized that I had underestimated Makarov-san.


I felt ashamed.

Or maybe Watarai felt ashamed, because all Ohzora felt was jealousy and burning anger. Even though he celebrated in ring that night I could backstage that Makaorv-san did not carry himself like a champion. I could see it in his eyes. And that stirred something inside of me that I could not describe.


I was jolted back to the present when Gozaburo-san nudged me on the shoulder. I raised my brow to a sea of eyes glaring at me.

“You’re getting a rematch with Victor Makarov this week. The title will be on the line.”

I smiled.

“Good.” I said. “Now I can finish what I started.”

“What is she saying?” asked one of the men.

Sasuke did not translate. Instead he glared at me and smirked. Perhaps he knew all too well the way I felt.

“I saw it in his eyes that night after the show. Makarov-san doesn’t want to be champion. All he wants to do is test himself. He’s exactly like Watarai. But that isn’t the person I am anymore. I am Kagura Ohzora. She does not deal in sportsmanship. All she wants to do is compete to win. And I’ve made my decision to fight. At Meltdown I will break Makarov down. I will show him his limitations once again. I am done playing. This time I am serious. He only experienced a light shower at Ascension compared to the typhoon that I will unleash upon him on Meltdown.”

I heard Gozaburo-san laugh.

“It appears that Kagura will be taking this match seriously after all. She wants to be champion.”

Makarov wasn’t a proud champion. I would be. I would carry that honor for all the fans that supported me. It was destiny! But then again perhaps not, but I wanted no regrets. And I wanted to know want I could do when I did the best I could. This time I would give it my all. And if Makarov wanted to leave champion he better do the best he could to try and stop me.

"Watarai is novelty! Ohzora not novelty. Ohzora is champion!"

I have channeled the power of the storm god, and I will weather the mountain in front of me.

The Elite X championship was mine.
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