Ascension 87: Hard Metal Pentration vs. Ty Burna & Dorian Slaughter(Non Title)

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
This non-title match looks to top off Ascension this week with the newly-formed alliance of Ty Burna & Dorian Slaughter set to take one of the weirdest and unintentionally-scariest pairings in history, S.H.I.T & Alhazred. Ty is no stranger to this situation, being their leader of his opponents in a former life as well as taking one of WZCW's hottest rookies under his wing, in what was the most surprising and shocking revelation during the previous shows when Slaughter destroyed the World champion Matt Tastic. But, if there is any pairing in WZCW who aren't shaken to their boots by this new-found partnership - if they are ever shaken by conventional methods - it would be Hard Metal Penetration.

Can the WZCW World Tag Team champions prove that they deserve the titles they carry or has Ty Burna's decision in bringing Slaughter to the fold an excellent and well-timed decision?

Deadline is Wednesday, December 17th, at 11:59PM, CST. Deadlines available upon request.

2 Slaughter 1: 1-8

The Gates

Enter in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many shall there be which go in.

And fear not, them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul. Rather, fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell. That through death, He might follow him that had the power of death.

Marvel not at this; for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the graves shall hear His voice. And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever, that they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and His image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of Slaughter upon their brows.

2 Slaughter 4: 1-5

The Queen of the Damned

The raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. And appoint Him His portion; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

And there appeared a great wonder over the sea; a woman clothed with fire, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.

A deep red glow illuminates the cloudless sky as He approaches. Overhead, a collection of vultures circle.

Slaughter: As they feed on my dying past, thus I progress into what lies ahead.

Beneath His feet, a river of red flows, intermittently overlapping His heavy boots as He staggers forth.

Slaughter: The rivers of blood wash away hope of a better life, the stains of humanity.

He raises His eyes, gazing up at the daunting steeple in the distance, faintly illuminated by sporadic flashes of lightning. Amidst the piercing cries, He remains focused, always progressing.

Slaughter: I am legion. The taker, the maker of war.

The vultures swoop down, transforming into beasts before Him, clearing paths through the thick darkness with their monstrous talons, lighting His path with trails of flames. On his throne, positioned behind Slaughter, the goat-headed Baphomet sends forth darkness to surround Him as He ventures onward.

Slaughter: I am a soldier in the war against the light.

Just above him in the cloudless sky, flashes of Matt Tastic’s limp body, lying motionless amidst a littered pile of splintered wood, flicker in and out of focus. The distorted image of the World Heavyweight Champion bursts into flames, showering His surroundings with balls of fire. Onward, He marches.

Slaughter: I have seen heroes burn as a sign of things to come. Two more idols shall crumble at the hands of The Destroyer.

He approaches the dilapidated building, lightning strikes illuminate a broken three-sided cross atop the daunting steeple. A thick crimson liquid runs down the concrete steps preceding two large doors at the buildings’ entrance. The Angel of Death stands motionless, his face aglow as the stairs are illuminated with a scene of triumph.

S.H.I.T. and Alhazred, donning the Tag Team Championships, stoically gazing and erratically thrusting, respectively, in victory over the fallen heads of Cerberus. The scene skips, depicting the newly crowned Champions receiving forced adulation from the WZCW crowds.

Slaughter: This one is not impressed.

A winged beast appears out of the darkened night, plunging its talons into the concrete stairs, shattering the scene before Him. He stands motionless as the red waters rise up and take the form of Alhazred, standing in the midst of the crushed concrete.

The figure thrusts his pelvic region as droplets of red water spray toward His face but stop before making contact with His deadened eyes. Floating in the air before Him, He takes a deep breath and exhales forcefully, sending the airborne droplets rushing toward the figure of his opponent, splattering the figure upon the ground as they collide.

Slaughter: I am the unforgiven Destroyer of your soul. I am the reins of suffering around your neck. Blow your trumpets, Gabriel. The Destroyer has come.

From within the doors on the front of the building, two large braided ropes are launched forth, plummeting toward Him on the terrace below. The ropes stop, flailing slightly, suspended near His midsection. He takes the ropes in hand, grasping them tightly between His calloused palms. The ropes slowly retract, pulling His body along with them, rising up over what’s left of the stairs.

As He rises, the figures of S.H.I.T. and Alhazred reappear in a dense fog at the top of the stairs. He extends His arms to either side of His body as two great red serpents emerge over His shoulders. The figures of the opposition dissipate quickly as the serpents pass through them. Agonizing screams fill the scene as a crimson smog settles around Him. The serpents merge with the ropes pulling Him in, He now clutches the great serpents’ tails.

He arrives at the door and releases the serpents from his grasp. The large doors slowly crack apart as a ferocious beam of white light protrudes through the crack. He squints His eyes as the light passes Him by, forming a tunnel of openness through the crimson smog. The entranceway falls dark.

Through the crack between the doors, two violet circles emerge deep within the darkness. As they draw nearer, their color and form becomes distinct.

Serafina emerges through the doorway, wearing the white robe which shields all aspects of her face, save for her eyes. Upon her head rests a crown of twelve glistening stars.

He drops to one knee and lowers His head. Serafina approaches Him and places her hand on the back of His neck.

Serafina: Come, Dorian, he awaits you.

Slaughter rises and follows Serafina through the entranceway, into the dilapidated congregation area of the church. Near the altar stands Ty Burna. The Angel of Death approaches him slowly, surveying the scene around Him. Through the low-lying fog which has crept into the church, their two figures meet next to the altar.

Ty Burna: Dorian, we finally meet.

The Angel of Death extends his hand to the Harbringer of Chaos as they each acknowledge their newly formed union.
Chaos and order

They're just sides of a coin, meaningless really, temporary. Nothing lasts. People crave one, or they crave the other, or at least that's what they tell you they do, but it all passes in the end.

War is born from chaos.

War is born through the creation of order.

Chaos trumps order.

Order trumps chaos.

In truth, none can survive without the other. So there will always be war, war doesn't pick sides, it merely thrives on the fact that there are sides to pick. There will always be a place for the soldier. For the war machine never truly stops. That empty, unfeeling terror that destroys all who stand before it, all who try to enable it.

Chaos? Order? The three headed dog that guards the entrance to Hades? They all think they have control, they think they have supremacy. The war machine makes equals of them all.

--------- ------------------ ---------

"Its part of the system man," said Rex, the now bald former owner of Burglary, Inc. "you lost to El Swago because someone in charge favours him, because someone in charge has seen his ding-a-ling and wants a piece. Its not fair, nothing ever is, I should know, I used to be one of the most unfair men in the world before you shaved my head."

And now you are here. Said S.H.I.T, slopping another plate onto the counter for the next in line.

"Yes, now I am here, trying to make myself a better person, just like you guys."

S.H.I.T nodded, what surprise it felt at seeing a new, bald Rex Burglary volunteering in the same homeless shelter as it and Alhazred dissapated quickly, surprise didn't tend to last long with S.H.I.T, it had more important things to deal with.

"You tried to do the right thing and expose that loser Ricky Runn and look where it got you..."

S.H.I.T slopped another plate down, harder than the last.

"... Alhazred didn't exactly help..."

Another plate, harder than the one before.

".... but the important thing is not to dwell on it," S.H.I.T looked at him. "Don't look at me with that fixed expression, did I dwell on it when you guys busted my company and shaved my head?"

S.H.I.T shrugged.

"No, I made myself a better man. That's what you've got to do, what Alhazred is trying to do."

S.H.I.T looked at its tag team partner, Alhazred had always been a difficult one to get along with, his very nature was almost as implacable as S.H.I.T's own, but he was all rage or lust, S.H.I.T was cold and calculation, the Machine wondered if it was possible for Alhazred to be a good guy.

You send in the freaks, the criminals and the insane. It muttered to itself.


Nothing. S.H.I.T said, this one has been the victim of injustices before, when it lost the Elite X Title it was to a challenger it had already defeated, that sent it into a spiral where it was unable to overcome a Mikey Stormrage who was at his lowest point. Your advice not to dwell is correct, dwelling would only hold Hard Metal Penetration back from the humbling we shall give the Elite.

It slopped down another plate.

It holds us back from the justice we shall deliver unto Cerberus for their attack on James King. S.H.I.T never cared much for its stablemates in the Apostles of Chaos, but James King is dear to Alhazred. If you attack someone dear to Alhazred, you attack Alhazred. If you attack Alhazred, you attack me.

Cerberus presume to teach S.H.I.T about injustice? They presume to teach Alhazred about injustice? They presume to use James King as a tool to get that lesson across? Was it not enough when they put Amber Warren out of commission and denied her her rightful title shot? They learned their lesson for that at Kingdom Come... anything that happens from now on is purely extra-curricular. Their time will come, again.

It slopped down another plate.

The War Machine crushes all those who stand before it, all those who try to enable it, and none tried to enable this Machine more than Ty Burna. He turned S.H.I.T loose on WZCW and used it for a reign of terror, he turned on Alhazred when he had served his needs.

It slopped down another plate.

Perhaps this one will never have the all the tools required to overcome the "Baez's" or the Mikey Stormrages, the Ricky Runn's or the El Swago's, but with Alhazred it will crush all who stand before it, whether they are evil or they are angels.

Dorian Slaughter may consider himself evil, Ty Burna as the master of chaos, but the War Machine rolls over any and all causes.

It slopped another plate on the counter.

Alhazred said he is the 'howling in the jungle', and that is true, he is the primeval danger that sends mankind running, but the further they run from their primeval threat, the closer to they come to their own extinction, the cold embrace of the end of days, of the final war, for I am what awaits them at the very end. Alhazred one way, S.H.I.T the other, the Elite, Cerberus, anybody else who stands in our way will get effiel towered into submission, with a heaping dose of oral abuse added on top.

It slopped another plate onto the counter.

Perhaps we don't have goals, perhaps we are not good, perhaps we are not evil. We are instinct, we are something that stretches from the dawn of time until the end of time, we will never go days.

S.H.I.T stopped its tirade to see that everyone in close vicinity was staring at it, quietly, it slopped its last plate on the counter and went to see its tag team partner.
Constantine: Burna! Would you mind maybe giving me a heads up when you're bringing someone new in?

The scene opens to inside Ty's Victorian style mansion, Ty sitting in his study as he idly stares up at his two World Heavyweight Championship replicas. Though his peaceful musings are quickly interrupted as the Powertrip John Constantine comes storming into his office. Serafina walks in behind him, her head bowed.

Serafina: I am sorry Ty, I tried to let you know...

Ty: It is of no concern. John is an ally and he is welcomed here.

Ty pushes against a bookshelf and spins his chair around, throwing his feet up on the desk. He folds his hands in his lap as he looks to Constantine, the two Elite members narrowing their eyes at one another.

Ty: My apologies John. We lost Steven to the thralls of marriage. Strategy dictates we increase our numbers against Tastic and Stormrage. Is there a problem?

Constantine: Yes there is a problem. Why was I not conferred with before making this decision?

Ty: Because simply put John, it wasn't necessary.

Constantine walks up quickly to Ty's desk, slamming his fist down onto the wood. He grits his teeth as Ty merely smirks up at his Elite brethren.

Constantine: And who the hell do you think you are to overrule me?

Ty: The number one contender. The longest reigning World Heavyweight Champion in history. Do I dare go on? John, your Elite X Title Gauntlet was indeed impressive. But how did your last run as leader go? How did the Empire fair in the end?

Constantine: At least my underlings didn't throw me in a casket.

Ty's smirk disappears as he slides his feet off the desk and pushes himself to a standing position. He leans down on the desk, his face mere inches from Constantine's.

Ty: And how were the results so far John? The Dark Alliance laid claim to the world title, disposed of Titus, and the Apostles ran WZCW. And now Dorian Slaughter put down Tastic. Didn't you see it? The brutality was beautiful John. The destruction of the World Champion exactly what you and I both want. Isn't that fair? Now we own an advantage, because even if those fools Michael and Matthew pair up against us, we will always have the numbers advantage. It is simple strategy John, wouldn't you agree?

Constantine sneers at Ty for a moment before easing up as he stands up, the tension lifting as Ty stands up straight as well.

Constantine: My apologies Ty, I was blinded by the decision that I forgot about what he did to Tastic.

Ty turns around and reaches into a cabinet, withdrawing a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. He pours the glasses full and hands one to Constantine as Ty looks out the window, sipping idly as Constantine does the same.

Constantine: Though I must ask, why him?

Ty doesn't respond at first, looking down at his drink before turning to Constantine, his eyes glowing red.

Ty: He reminds me of myself when I first entered WZCW. Unbridled fury, an unclear message to the unwashed masses. His beliefs mirror mine. For so long those that consider themselves equal in the dark arts have stood up against me, trying to best me. This time, he shall be my apprentice. He must be taught correctly John. Don't you see it? He is the second coming of the Harbinger. He is the one that will take up mantle some day.

John quirks an eyebrow, finishing his drink and setting the glass down. He takes a seat and crosses his arms, as Serafina walks in, curious for Ty's words as well.

Constantine: That didn't go so well last time now did it? I recall Chris KO turning and stabbing a knife in your back the moment he could.

Ty chuckles softly before he begins laughing, the laughter echoing through the study as the clock strikes midnight.

Ty: I made a mistake last time John. Do you not see it? Chris KO was not the right one to prepare to be my equal. His mind was frail, his spirit broken at a moment's notice. He had too much to lose with his humanity, and instead of embracing the darkness, he ran for the comfort of his weaknesses. He modeled himself as the antithesis to me, and in the end, he was not the balancing force he believed himself to be. John, do you know hte story of the yin and the yang?

Constantine: The Oriental symbol? Not particularly.

Ty: The yin and yang, opposing forces, yet they cannot exist without the other. Though they can be off balanced, they must always coexist. Christopher thought he was the one to create the perfect balance, and in the end he fell to the darkness anyway. A darkness that was of his own doing, and not the one that would be of any benefit to him. Dorian meanwhile, he has lost everything already. There is nothing in this world but the darkness that envelopes him, the comfort of pain and suffering molding him into the beast that you see before you. Dorian has already accepted the fate that I tried to instill in Chris. He is open to me as the one to guide him to his fullest potential.

Constantine: I see, so he's already further along then Chris ever was.

Ty turns towards Constantine and an unnerving smile forms on his face.

Ty: They haven't seen anything yet John. Chaos is ready to take hold.

Ty holds his glass up as the scene fades away before returning to the Harbinger of Chaos and the Angel of Death shaking hands. The red sky rotates around as black clouds mix around as well. Ty's eyes glow red as a smirk forms on his face.

Ty: Fine work Dorian. I am impressed, and that is not a very often occurrence.

Ty walks back around his altar, holding his hands up, the large wood Chaos Symbol hanging above him. Two candles are lit on the ends of the altar, the Ouija Scroll spread out on top of it.

Dorian: Harbinger, it is an honor to fight by your side at Ascension.

Ty laughs quietly to himself as he looks down at the Ouija, pouring a red liquid on top of it. It spreads over the scroll, surrounding certain letters and numbers, and Ty smiles wide.

Ty: There is no honor in what we are about to do Dorian. I've brought you in for several reasons, but the main one is we are going to put down those that oppose us, and you, are my ace Dorian.

Dorian: I shall be the Destroyer the Elite needs.

Ty: The Elite? No Dorian, you are the Destroyer I need.

A quizzical look forms on Dorian's face as he looks towards Ty. He walks up towards the altar and kneels down in front of it.

Dorian: I am the Angel of Death, an enemy of the Harbinger, is an enemy of mine.

Ty: Good. You are more than just a member of Elite Dorian, you are my chosen heir. I have seen the potential in you from the first day you stepped into my company. The rage, the destructive force, everything in you is what empowers me. Chaos shall reign with you as my champion Dorian!

Ty walks around the altar with the goblet of red liquid. He dips his thumb in it, and draws the Chaos symbol on Dorian's forehead. Dorian raises his head, his eyes rolled back before he stands up.

Ty: I warn you now Dorian. I will not be disappointed. I can and will break you if you fail me. And it starts this week with my former underlings Alhazred and S.H.I.T. I know their every weakness. I molded them into what they have become, and we shall be the ones that put them down!

Ty turns and throws the goblet right at the Chaos Symbol, the liquid spilling all over the wood and staining it.

Dorian: The pathway to Hell shall be paved with their skulls and broken bodies.

Ty: The Ouija has spoken Dorian Slaughter! The Tag Team Champions shall fall into our cataclysm of suffering! The former Apostles will remember the wrath of Chaos that we shall impart upon them!

Ty holds his hand up to the Chaos symbol, motioning before it and it soon erupts in flames. Ty and Dorian stand in front of one another, looking up towards the symbol as it burns brightly, the scene fading to a black screen.

Serafina: Death was a living creature. Death was a man tormented by his past. Death was once a human. The past has lead these two men to joining forces. The scars of old sins cut deep through the souls of men. The Harbinger faces the ghosts of an old life, a new protege under his wing. The fate of the old Apostles have been woven into the fabric of time.

Thus it is written.

Ty: So it shall come to pass.
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