WZCW SuperShow: Ty Burna vs. ???

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
The Main Event of WZCW's 4th SuperShow will feature "the leader of the Elite" Ty Burna taking on a mysterious opponent. WZCW Owner Mr. Banks received a special request from this unknown source and signed his name on the dotted line to make this match come to light. Rumours have been spreading throughout the locker room but Mr. Banks and his General Managers refuses to give up the identity of this competitor for his recent actions against Mikey Stormrage and others members of the roster.

Whoever this mysterious man may be, Ty will no doubt have his hands full as he looks to prepare for his match against Mikey Stormrage at the Kingdom Come PPV.

Deadline is Friday, October 17th, 11:59pm CST. Extensions available upon reques
Ty: Matters of the heart is such a fickle mistress. The woman you fall for can lead you astray, to an alleyway you wish you hadn't traveled down. Tragedy befalls those that walk blindly upon the earth. And yet, the puppet strings remain as mere harp strings, plucked and pulled to create the harmonious elements of your desires. And yet, with the slice of a blade, the music is dead, and the sorrow of your demise becomes ever apparent. Wouldn't you agree?

The scene opens to Ty and Serafina laying in bed together, Serafina snuggled up under Ty's arm as the wisps of smoke from Ty's cigarette circles around them, a silent death enveloping its more apparent agent. Serafina's hair falls down around her shoulders, almost mixing in with Ty's own. She sighs as she reaches up and take's Ty's cigarette, taking a drag of it herself.

Serafina: And yet every time you play this card, you always succeed. Your genius knows no bounds. Letting the cameras see our "fight" was the icing on the cake. Or perhaps it was my own puppy dog eye look that gets them every time.

Ty: A sound strategy will never stop being effective. This time was easier than other times however. Even with that dolt fake world champion Matt Tastic couldn't stop it. When you have a socially inept fool like Michael taking the bait at every step, the plan comes together even faster.

Serafina sits up, covering herself with a blanket as she looks at Ty right in the eyes, her desire evident as her eyes light up like a predator.

Serafina: To think I would leave all these, for what? Video games and Taco Bell? I am a woman of fine taste after all. I have no time for ponies or catchphrases. I desire power. I desire the world.

Ty smirks at her words, though he can certainly agree with everything she says. He puts the cigarette out and gets out of bed, walking to the bathroom and starting the shower. Serafina follows behind, leaning against the door frame.

Ty: I do apologize for making you watch that accursed show, but we needed to make it look authentic.

Serafina: I've watched worse. At least it was something other than you watching matches hour after hour. Now, as far as the schedule for today goes. You have a meeting with the rest of Elite today to go over plans for the SuperShow, and then a meeting with advertising to go over shirt designs....and then..

Ty yawns as he listens, mostly disinterested in his schedule. He checks the temperature before entering the shower, closing the curtain behind him.

Ty: Would you be a dear and handle the business side of things? I trust your judgement far more than those WZCW advertising idiots. I'll handle the Elite, and my usual interview has been scheduled I assume?

Serafina rolls her eyes as she begins walking away.

Serafina: Yes your usual time with Stacey has been set up as well per your request.

Ty smirks as he closes his eyes, tilting his head up towards the water as it pours over him as the scene slowly fades away. It returns, the blackened interview room, Ty sitting across from Stacey with two members of security with her. Ty stretches a bit before crossing his legs, folding his hands in his lap.

Stacey: Welcome again Ty.

Ty: The pleasure is all mine Ms. Madison.

Stacey: You seem to be in a rather good mood for someone that has a mystery opponent at the SuperShow.

Ty holds his arms out, a smile forming on his face as he stifles a laugh.

Ty: A mystery opponent, for the former Master of the Ouija. Who would they bring in that I don't already know? And what world breaker would even be available to bring that could hold a candle to myself? No the facts are very clear to me Stacey. I may not know the exact person they are bringing to the fight, but I have a very clear indication on the group of people that would request a match with me. All enemies from times past. Every single one I have extensively studied and researched. I know their every move before they even think it.

Stacey: So do you have a guess on who it could be then if that's the case?

Ty: Ah but you see, while I do know the group to select from, I do also have a very clear idea on who it is. But why spoil the surprise? Because in the end, there will be no surprise, it will be the same as it always has been, Ty Burna and the Elite standing tall and victorious as we walk into Kingdom Come.

Stacey: Speaking of Kingdom Come, your opponent for our biggest event, Mikey Stormrage, you, well it was revealed Serafina was always on your side. What did you hope to gain from sending Serafina in behind enemy lines so to speak?

Ty: Mikey wants to play like he has been a victim all his life. Poor him, his last relationship didn't work out. He's obese. He's not good looking, and he knows he's a joke. So I decided to prey on his psyche, and give him something to live for, only to rip it away in the most painful way possible. I mean, it couldn't have been more transparent what was going to happen.

Stacey: But playing with someone's heart like this, isn't it a bit psychotic?

Ty smirks as he leans forward, resting his arms on his knees as he looks straight forward at Stacey, his eyes hinting a glowing red.

Ty: And since when have I ever been accused of being of stable mind Stacey? I know full well the machinations of my plans and the consequences they can lead to. I break my opponents without lifting a finger. When their minds become clay for me to mold, I can desire whatever match I want. How many times have I proven that before? Austin Reynolds wanted to win the title so bad, I used his own greed against him. But what did I truly want out of him? I wanted a test, I wanted to prove that Austin Reynolds, even fully motivated, was nowhere near my level.

Stacey: So if that's the case, what do you want out of Mikey?

Ty: I desire suffering. I want him to bow to me and to know that he is weak. He now knows that this is not a laughing matter between us. He will act out in desperation, his attacks fueled by rage and emotion. And I will be there to counter everything he tries. At Kingdom Come, you will see a dissection take place, and the patient will not survive unfortunately.

Stacey: Aren't you going a little far with this though Ty? I mean to mess with someone's head and heart like that is a bit extreme.

Ty suddenly stands up, as do the two security members. They reach for Ty but he quickly shoulder tosses one and then sweeps the leg of the other, leaving Ty standing over Stacey, as his smile widens. Suddenly the clicking of heels can be heard as Serafina walks in, wearing a business outfit with her hair tied up and holding a tablet. She walks up and gently pushes Ty away.

Serafina: Allow me to answer that. The simple fact is that the Elite does not care how it is handled, but they will eliminate WZCW of those they determine to be inadequate.

Stacey stands up, yelling right at Serafina as she tosses her notes away.

Stacey: And what about you ****e? Do you enjoy just being the bait for Ty's plans?

Serafina: I do what is necessary to further the goals of the Elite. There are no personal feelings involved with business, and I feel no remorse for my actions. And neither does Ty, Steven, or Constantine. We will all do what is necessary for WZCW, and we will cut the cancer plaguing this company.

Ty places a hand on Serafina's shoulder and nods his head, his sick smile still on his face.

Ty: The crescendo will reach it's height at Kingdom Come, but at the SuperShow, the Elite will hold a preview of it's glorious victory. And that my dear Stacey ends this little interview. The time to show your cards is over, and I have every Ace up my sleeve.

Ty and Serafina begin walking away but they stop at the door, Ty looking back.

Ty: Vengeance is a goal that will lead to Mikey's demise. His climb to reach the top of Everest shall fail, and at Kingdom Come, David will fall to Goliath.

The scene cuts to static.
We'll start at the end...


I'm afraid of dying. I wasn't afraid of dying until the day I saw her. Sitting in her mother's belly, I was able to see her for the first time at the ultrasound. On screen she looked no different than that for your common hollywood alien. The whole process to view the unborn fetus seemed out of this world. The doctor rubbing a clear gel over her swollen stomach, holding a phaser looking like machine to view the baby on a slightly distorted screen. I didn't want to be anywhere else right then, but unfortunately I had to go. They needed me at work and I had to hurry if I was going to catch my plane on time. I stood up and walked over to her side, giving her a kiss on the head and then a kiss on her belly. Be safe was all that I could whisper. My son brushed his head against my arm and I took him by the hand and led him out into the hallway. I bent down to hug him tightly and told him "take care of his mom." "I will" is what he said back before I told him "I would be home soon." He nodded and smiled as he headed back into the room. I watched him leave before making my way towards the elevator. The limo was waiting for me outside the building and I hurried through the cool misty rain to get to it. A terrible cough stopped me short of entering before I slowly climbed in. The driver closed the door beside me and I looked down at my hand and saw a small amount of blood on it.

The coughing didn't get any better at the airport and only got worse while on the plane. The whooping and coughing was enough to wake up the dead. Twice they brought by a doctor who happened to be on the plane. The first time they brought a dentist. I apologized between sips of water and said that I was alright. I knew that wasn't the case and quickly decided to seek some medical attention once I got off the plane. I kept the cough down to a soft but constant wheeze as I rushed through the airport. I took a cab to the nearest medical clinic, but the place was packed. Work called my cell and I didn't want them to think I was unwell. I told them I needed to unwind from my stressful plane ride and that I'd be there soon. I didn't have time to wait so I turned my attention to the pharmacy and bought a few items to help combat my cough. Relieved, I waited for the limo that was supposed to pick me up at the airport and quickly made my way to the meeting. Big changes were expected on the agenda.


I stumbled up the ramp after, my back aching, my head throbbing. I had a limb in my step, but I keep moving forward. Nobody was going to stop me from getting to my office. Nobody was going to stop me for getting an explanation for what had happened out there. I saw the door and stared at it. The sign still read what I created. I could almost hear them snickering behind it. I reached down for the handle, but got hit with a coughing fit instead. The cough was persistent and I moved away from my door and stumbled down the hallway away from sight. I rounded the corner and fell down. A group of people came by to help me and that's about the last of what I remember that day.


A few days later I'm back in the same hospital I left. Different room, different floor, and definitely different mood. I'm lying on a bench slowly going into a larger tube. The doctors run some test in hopes to find out what is wrong with me. My family is there with me and I can see my wife in tears as they watch me through the glass. 48 hours changed so much for me right then and there. I lay still as the machines blinked and flashed lights in my eyes. My life and what has happened played out before me; triumphs, downfalls, and home.


A few weeks had passed before I walked into the bosses office. He stood there looking genuinely concerned and in believe that he was. "Showtime," he said, "it's good to have you back. We're all family here and you know that we all have your back on this one." Kind of ironic isn't it. And we talked about my future and of course the show in my hometown of Winnipeg came up. "We were thinking maybe you could team up with Tastic and Stormrage." He said. "Get some revenge against The Elite and a nice easy match to cover up your health." I didn't take long to give him my response. "Banks, I don't have any want or desire in me right now to fight John or Steven." I fired back at him. "I knew what I was getting into when I aligned myself with them. We've all stabbed each other in the back before and I had mine coming to me. I wasn't holding up my weight in The a Elite. Looking back I felt like I held John and Steven and even Michael back. I don't blame them right now for what they've done." Banks was ready to blow his lid, but I wasn't going to let him come down on me for not accepting him match. "I want a match against Ty Burna." I said. "Absolutely not. On a normal day you'd be able to go up against him, but with your health, he will kill you." He said. I don't care. I told him. "He can't beat cancer, only I can beat it. This disease, it plans to take away everything I have, but I won't let it be the end of me. Ty Burna he took something from me inside that ring and I'm not going to let him get away with it. If I don't ever get another chance to wrestle again I won't let my last memory be myself being stabbed in the back by that piece of scum. Get him in the ring with me and maybe that will still be the last match of my career, but it's me going out on my terms and delivering every last blow that I have left in me to that bastard." After much debate he said could book me as a mystery opponent for Ty. "I pray to God you come to your senses and choose someone else to wrestler for you at the Supershow. The legal trouble we'll face if something happens to you." "I'll sign the waiver," was the last words I've said to Banks.

Have you told your wife about it yet?

Not yet. I'm kind of hoping she'll just let my fly to Winnipeg and not notice what I'm doing.

The psychiatrist scribbles down some notes on paper. Showtime adjusts himself on the couch and looks sound at the many books in shelves and degrees in walls. The receptionist wasn't bad either.

Mr. Cougar I can't make you tell your wife but it is my recommendation that you should.

I don't want her to worry to much about me.

But yet here you are, professing to a total stranger how worried you are. Mr. Cougar couples are supposed to share in all of life's great ups and downs. Right now is a down period and your wife deserves to be informed and to told everything's going to be alright. She's not the only one who stands to lose someone here.

You may be right doc. With these degrees up here I would assume so.

Very good. Now, what is the reason why you are here.

Well I have cancer. The brochure at the hospital said I should seek psychiatric help to cope with dying.

Yes, but looking at what your doctor has told your cancer is non life threatening. One of the easiest to treat, but as you told me you became afraid of dying when you saw your daughter, and that was before you were diagnosed with cancer. What triggered that?

You do a lot of travelling in your profession?

A few conferences in the year, but no not really.

Being a pro wrestler is giving up a normal life. It's on the road 250 maybe 300 days a year. It's not dying I'm most afraid of, but never being born I guess in her eyes. I missed so much of my sons first years. I don't want to miss any of hers. However, there is unfinished business that needs to be dealt with and I'm a man who likes to match sure all the loose ends are tied up. My health may not be the greatest, but my heart beats and my will will get me through anything.

That about wraps up our time. You can continue seeing me if you'd like but I don't think you need any help from me. You got this thing beat.

The cancer?

Would it be offensive if I said Ty Burna.

Not at all doc. Thanks for the support.


Showtime gets out of his car and unlocks the door or his house. He steps in quietly but sitting there waiting for him is Brenna.

So when were you going to tell me?

Showtime gives here the deer caught in headlights look.

Don't make me ask again. I see your bag is packed. Plane tickets in your jacket pocket.

That... I can explain that.

I know it's not life threatening what you have, but you're weakened right now. You're not in the best of shape and I know you're looking to get your hands on Ty Burna. We just got a little bit of good news after something so potentially horrific happened. Why do you want to come home to us with your faced smashed in?

Showtime pauses, he waits a long term before finally speaking.

I can't end it like that. In a twisted messed up way these guys are my family. This has been my life for the last 5 years. Everything I had I left in that right night after night. No matter the health, no matter the price, I fought because that's what I believed in. Now I have lost everything I ever had in WZCW. I've done some terrible things and made plenty of mistakes and this last one may have ended it all for me, but now I have to fight to get it back again, and I can. Now I have something else worth fighting for. Something that will never leave me and never disappear from my life, you, Clayton, and Chase, I won't ever leave you guys either. I won't die, not from cancer or wrestling or anything. You have my word. Ty Burna, he especially can't kill me. My goal since we first clashed was to always be better than Ty Burna. Maybe I haven't lived up to that goal, maybe I'll never be quite as good in WZCW as Ty Burna is, but I won't let him stand over me like he did on Ascension and let that be the last thing that occurs between him and me. If I'm wrestling my last match in WZCW then it is a fight between me and Ty Burna and one where I am either standing tall or fighting till my last ounce of strength has left me. Then, and only then, can this be over, with my head up high knowing I fought for the things I believed in.

Brenna looked on still angry. He was as stubborn as she was.

Go... Fix things. Be safe.

I love you.

The two embrace before Showtime heads out the door and on towards the end.

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