Ascension 64

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW


The normal Ascension pyro hits as the crowd pops loudly while the camera pans around. After the final explosion we focus in on Selena Anderson standing in the middle of the ring.

Anderson: Ladies and Gentleman...

Please welcome.....



The crowd roars loudly as the music hits and the former two time WZCW Champion Titus makes his return appearing on the entrance ramp. The crowd breaks out into “Titus” chants and he raises his arms up and takes it all in before walking down the ramp.

Connor: Hello everybody and welcome to Ascension 64 here live at the Xcel Energy Center here in St. Paul, Minnesota. I’m Cat Connors alongside my partner Jack Cohen and folks if you just tuned in, the reason the volume is through the roof is because of the return of WZCW Legend... Titus!

Cohen: Well CC, these blue collared yahoo’s here in Minnesota would probably cheer for the return of Doug Crashin as loudly as they cheer Titus. This guy is a one legged has-been.

Connor: Jack how dare you call Titus that. The man took K.O. to his limits at All or Nothing, and lost in quite a controversial way. He can still hold his own against anyone on the roster and could certainly beat you in the ring.

Cohen: Yea, well let’s see him try to beat me on the mic. Oh wait, no don’t suggest that to him. He’d gladly take the easy way out of the ring and muscle his way in front of me. This guy does nothing but takes peoples spot.

Connor: Oh please.

The crowd is still buzzing as Titus is standing in the ring with a mic in hand. He smiles, quite thrilled and a little moved with the response that he is receiving. He tries to lower their cheers, which only draws out more, and then lowers his mic and waits a few moments for them to quite down.

Titus: Thank you all so much for the warm reception. It feels really great to be back here inside this ring in front of all of you, and it’s going to be even better when I’m out here competing again.

The crowd cheers and Titus nods his head.

Titus: For the last month I’ve been training, getting back into ring shape. Never before, not even during my forced retirement, have I ever wanted to get back into the ring so badly. The doctors finally gave me the green light to return to the ring and there is only one person this legend wants to be in a match with. No, I’m not talking about Titus vs Everest III.

The crowd cheers loudly and breaks out into “Everest” chants.

Titus: That would be a pretty epic bout, and I would love to step into the ring again with my old friend, but that is something fans will only get to see on the new WZCW game for X-Box One, PS4 and Wii U, due out later this year. Be sure to pre order a copy.

The audience pops loudly again. The rowdy crowd in St Paul breaks out into dueling “Everest” “Titus” chants before chanting “One more match”. Titus smiles and laughs before getting more serious.

Titus: I’m not out here though to crack jokes and plug merchandise. Since I was put on the shelve there’s been only one man I wanted to get my hands on. One man who I tried to befriend and help out in this company and he blamed me for all troubles and hardships. One man who put me on the shelf and away from each and everyone of you; there is only one man that I want to face. I think we all know who it is. I’ve heard legends about this man, but then again he is nothing to the legend that he is going to have to face. Chris K.O. I am challenging you to a rematch at Kingdom Come.

The crowd pops loudly and Titus stands poised and ready to continue speaking.

Titus: Let’s see if you got the guts to step into the ring one more time and see if you have what it takes to beat me before I make you tap again. I’m not out here to steal a place on the card, I’m not out here to take something that was being given to someone else. Chris, I’m doing you a favour. At Kingdom Come when you face me I will make you famous, because that’s what I do there. There will be legends heard about this match and your name will live alongside mine because, at Kingdom Come I will make you Chris, and then I will break you.

Titus drops the mic and his music hits. The crowd cheers as Titus rolls out of the ring and jumps into the crowd, celebrating his return with the fans in attendance.

Connor: Folks what a blockbuster announcement we just heard. WZCW’s own Titus returns and issues a challenge to Chris K.O. to compete one on one at Kingdom Come.

Cohen: CC, K.O. has no reason to even accept this offer. He’s beaten Titus. What is there to gain from doing it again?

Connor: Kingdom Come is a much bigger event than All or Nothing. If K.O. wants to be taken seriously as a World Title contender he’ll have to do it on the biggest stage in WZCW.

Cohen: You know what CC, K.O. should humour Titus. Maybe this time he’ll break both of Titus’ ankles.

Connor: Oh brother, well folks there are a lot of big matchup's still to come tonight. Chris K.O. will compete against Mikey Stormrage and perhaps we’ll find out what his decision. The new tag team champions, Saboteur and Action Saxton will be in action, going one on one with Natural Selection. The returning Alex Bowen takes on Blade in his first singles match in over a year, and our main event, the new WZCW Champion Steven Holmes goes one on one with the returning Matt Tastic in a non title match. All that and more to come tonight on Ascension!

The crowd lights up as for the first time in months they hear the entrance music for Strikeforce. Both men run onto the stage and quickly soak in the pop before walking to the ring. The two men each grab a microphone off the ring steps as they stand in the middle of the ring.

Howard: God damn it’s good to hear that music again.

Stormrage: Honey! We’re Home!

The crowd cheers loudly and begins chanting ‘Strikeforce.’

Howard: That’s right we are. Howard and Stormrage are back to shake things up. But this time we’re not here to break more records. We’re not here to become the first three time tag team champions. As of right now and for the foreseeable future Strikeforce have no interest in the tag team titles and are officially withdrawing from the tag division.

The crowd loudly lets its feelings known.

Stormrage: We’re not going anywhere though. We’re not splitting up, we’re not turning on each other, James and I are a team; it really is that simple.

The crowd begins cheering again, resuming the chants from when the duo first entered the ring.

Howard: We’ll still be Strikeforce but we’re pursuing solo projects as soon as we have Kingdom Come out of the way. Between now and Kingdom Come, however there is some business to attend to. Tell ‘em Mikey.

Stormrage: Grand Mystique, Mason Westhoff and Bazooka Joe I mean DC, you guys have made our lives hell since August last year and it’s time we settled this, once and for all. So here’s...

The crowd gives a hugely mixed reaction as Derek Jacobs, microphone in hand begins to make his way towards the ring.

Jacobs: Uh, Hello? Guys? I don’t know if you’ve forgotten how to count but there are three of them, at least, and only two of you. You guys need a third man, you need a mercenary.

Jacobs reaches the ring and quickly enters.

Jacobs: You need ME.

The crowd gets significantly louder at Derek’s proclamation, still a mix of boos and cheers with the occasional yell begging Strikeforce not to trust him.

Howard: Are, are you high? You must be high. I can’t think of any other reason why the guy who broke my neck six months ago is now offering to fight in my corner and expecting anything other than me laughing in his face.

Stormrage: We don’t want your help, we don’t need your help and that’s it. Game over.

Howard: Even if we did team with you we would lose because we’d be too busy looking over our damn shoulder all the time to watch you.

Jacobs: You can trust me. You have to trust me, they’ve done as much damage to me as they have to you.

Howard: WHAT? Are you serious, if you want us to trust you you’ll have to do a damn fine job of proving it and if you ever, E-e-e-e-e-VER compare you breaking my neck to being kicked out of the Heaven’s Gate clubhouse before they drank the kool aid again I assure you it will be the last time your feet are anywhere near a canvas.

Stormrage: And before you start talking about you trusting us, remember this, we have had you outnumbered since the instant your music hit and yet you’re still walking. Get out of here Derek before you embarrass yourself further.

Derek slides outside the ring and begins making his way towards the stage as Stormrage continues.

Stormrage: Where were we? Oh yeah. Kingdom Come, Strikeforce vs The Sacrificial Altar. Your stipulations, your rules. You guys are in control, and we’re going to beat the living hell out of you.

Howard: Who needs a therapist when you can just knock your enemies out, right?

Stormrage: GAME OVER!


Leon Kensworth: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome at this time Chris K.O.!

The crowd boos within the arena as Chris simply looks on with indifference in his face. Not reacting to the crowd.

Leon Kensworth:
Chris, with Titus returning moments ago and issuing a challenge to you for Kingdom Come. We gotta know. Are you going to accept it?

Chris: .............................................

Leon: We all know there's bad blood between you two. This is the chance to settle the score. Are you going to take it?

Chris: ...............................................

Leon: Or do you think Titus is simply beneath you? Give us something here, please.

Chris: Justice will be served. That's all anyone should get.

Chris walks off leaving Kensworth confused at his statement.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following the match is scheduled for one fall!


Alex Bowen comes out to a very mixed reaction from the crowd. However, the cheers outweigh the boos.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Toledo, Ohio, weighing 247 pounds, Alex Bowen!

Connor: It is a battle of the returning superstars, partner. We have not seen Alex Bowen in WZCW since his departure alongside Justin Cooper. However, several dirt sheets reported last week that Bowen had penned a new contract with WZCW. And now, as we watch him walk to the ring, the proof is in the pudding.

Cohen: That’s right CC. Bowen is back, and honestly I am excited to see where he goes as a single competitor from this point forward. I always thought of him as the weak link in The Empire, ya know?

Bowen is now in the ring as he slouches back into a corner turnbuckle. He looks out at the crowd as the next set of music begins to play.


The guitar riff in music kicks in, and we see Blade walk out from the gorilla position with a dark red flashing light surrounding the stage. He stops on the stage and looks around at the crowd for a few moments as he soaks in the cheers.

Anderson: And the challenger, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing 235 pounds, Blade!

Connor: The Prodigal Son has returned to us on Ascension! Not only has he returned, but he sat down with Johnny Klamor this past week to speak about his new goal in WZCW. He has returned to right the wrongs of the wicked and restore justice to the poor.

Cohen: Eh, I’ll be honest CC. I was excited when Blade returned at Lethal Lottery, but after hearing his new mindset, I must admit that I am disappointed. He has gone soft from the Blade we use to know. Hopefully Bowen knocks some sense into him here tonight.

We return to the ring just as Blade hops off the turnbuckle after working the crowd. He removes his entrance attire and prepares himself for his opponent. The referee checks on him and gets a nod. He then checks on Bowen and gets another nod. With that, the referee signals for the bell.

Connor: Here we go. The match is underway.

Blade and Bowen step up to the middle of the ring. The crowd is pretty vibrant for the bout tonight. Blade looks out at the audience, and then Bowen does the same. Blade smiles and then looks at Bowen. He holds out a hand and the crowd pops at the gesture. Bowen stares down at it and then looks out at the crowd. They cheer him on to accept the handshake. Finally, Bowen holds out a hand and greets the gesture. The two men shake hands, but then quickly step a couple feet back respectively.

Cohen: Oh god, they have both gone soft.

Suddenly, the two men step into the center of the ring with an attempt at an upper-grapple. They find themselves locked-up like two bucks. They tussle and tug back and forth until finally breaking apart. Each man takes a deep breath and then goes at it again! Once again, they find themselves locked up and struggling for the advantage, but neither man is giving an inch. That is until Bowen finally gets the advantage and begins backing Blade up and into a corner. He pushes Blade up against the turnbuckle, but the referee comes in to break up the hold. Bowen finally pulls away and breaks the hold. However, he quickly follows up the break with a stiff kick into the gut of Blade. Blade eats it and bends over, but this allows Bowen to send a stiff knuckle-punch into his forehead. Blade flails back into the turnbuckle, and Bowen sends a short-arm chop into the chest of Blade. The crowd gasps as Blade clinches his chest from the blow. However, Bowen is merciless as he grabs the arm of Blade and whips him out of the turnbuckle and into the opposite one.

Blade runs at the turnbuckle with full momentum, but he stops himself on a whim and grabs the top ropes to prevent himself from going chest-first into the corner. He then quickly swings back an elbow and is able to catch Bowen in the jaw as he runs up from behind. Bowen clenches his jaw as he staggers backwards, and Blade follows after him. Blade comes up from behind and grabs Bowen. He pulls back and bridges a German suplex out of nowhere! The referee slides in for the cover,


Cohen: Not even a two on the former Mayhem Champion!

Blade jumps back up to his feet and addresses Bowen. Much to his surprise, Bowen has rolled away and is now pulling himself up with some nearby ropes. Blade rushes him, but Bowen drops back down and pulls down the top rope with him. This causes Blade to trip over Bowen and crash onto the outside mat! The crowd gasps. Bowen crawls under the bottom ropes and pulls himself up on the outside apron. He looks down at Blade, who is down on his back. Bowen bends his knees and does a short leap off of the outside apron to nail a leg drop! The crowd pops for the spot. Meanwhile, the referee has started to count the two men out.

Referee: 1!

Bowen pulls himself up to his feet via the barricade on the outside. Just as he does, he spots a cheese-grater being held out in front of his face. Bowen looks confused as he looks at it and then looks at the man holding it out for him. It is a man with a “MAYHEM RULES!” t-shirt. He is urging Bowen to use the grater on Blade’s face. Bowen shakes his head "no" and gets a small amount of boos from the crowd at ringside.

Referee: 3!

Cohen: What’s this? Alex Bowen refusing to use a fan-given weapon?

Connor: It’s the evolution of a character partner. Bowen is growing up.

Cohen: Screw that! I want blood!

Referee: 4!

Bowen proceeds to pick up Blade, who is still grounded.

Referee: 5!

He grabs him and tosses him inside the ring, underneath the bottom rope. He follows behind him and the referee stops the count. Bowen climbs to his feet once inside of the ring and proceeds to approach Blade. He begins stomping on Blade’s back as Blade tries to crawl away on all fours. Finally, Bowen gets Blade up against some ropes and grabs the top one as he proceeds to curb stomp Blade until he finally beats him back down on his stomach and off all fours. He reaches down and picks up the former EurAsian champion’s by his hair and brings him to his feet. He pushes him up against the ropes and then whips him to the other side. Blade’s momentum carries him into the ropes and he fires back at Bowen, but Alex is ready and catches him with a hip toss! He drops down on Blade and makes the cover,


Connor: Honestly, I see no sign of ring-rust in either competitor. Whether it be Bowen, who has only been gone for a couple months, or Blade, who has been gone for a year.

Bowen hops off of Blade and quickly locks in a sleeper-hold on a sitting Blade! Blade begins flailing his arms, but Bowen doesn’t let up on the hold. Instead, Bowen tightens the grip and grits his teeth in the process.

Cohen: Good Bowen! Suck the life out of him and then hit him with a barbed-wire bat!

Connor: I think you have problems...

A clap slowly begins to emerge from the crowd as they try to amp up Blade. Bowen shoots out cautious looks at the crowd as Blade’s flailing arms slowly begin to form a purpose. The fists of the prodigal son begin aiming towards the arms of Bowen! Bowen shakes his head “no” as he tightens the grip, but Blade is resilient! He sends a barrage of slugs into the forearms of Bowen. Until, Blade finally reaches up and grabs a handful of the former mayhem champion’s hair! Bowen groans in pain as Blade grips his adversary's hair with one hand and slugs the forehead with his other. The combination is too much for Bowen and loosens the grip just enough to allow Blade to slide out of the hold. The crowd pops over the escape. Blade and Bowen both return to their feet on opposite sides of the ring and the crowd praises them both in cheers. The two men look out at the crowd, but only for a moment. They quickly approach each other in the center of the ring. Bowen goes for a double-handed club attack, but Blade ducks. He turns around and catches a returning Bowen with a stiff uppercut! The smacking sound is crisp and gets a gasp from the crowd. However, Blade wastes no time and delivers a kick into the gut of Bowen. He then pulls him in and hooks him into a tiger-suplex! Blade makes the cover with the referee sliding in,


Blade can’t believe it, but a portion of the crowd pops for the kick out.

Connor: This crowd truly is split. Both of these men have earned their dues.

Blade jumps up and targets the legs of Bowen. He reaches down and grabs onto Bowen’s legs and turns him over for a Texas Cloverleaf submission! The crowd pops once again as Bowen reaches out for some ropes. He shakes his head and claws at the mat, but Blade has the hold locked in tight.

Cohen: I’ve seen Bowen handle a lot of pain in the past, but Blade has his number here!

Connor: There is no ropes in sight!

Or is there? Bowen reaches out for the closest set, but they are a good five feet away! He tries to crawl towards them, but Blade pulls Bowen forward and further from the ropes! The referee is checking on Bowen for the tap, but Bowen refuses to give up!

Connor: It has to be over!

Bowen extends out his hand as the referee watches it closely. However, Bowen pulls it back in and grabs his torso in a self-hugging position. He then begins to rock back and forth as Blade tries to hold onto the hold!

Cohen: Don’t rock the boat baby!

Connor: Bowen is trying to rock his way out of the submission, but he has to be putting wear and tear on his own body in the process!

Bowen is now violently rocking back and forth as Blade begins to lose control. Finally, Bowen gets Blade to flip and the submission is released! Again, another pop from the crowd. Bowen grabs his legs as he slowly makes his way up to his feet. Meanwhile, Blade has quickly returned to his feet as well. He spots Bowen and makes a charge at him with an extended forearm. Bowen ducks a clothesline! It takes a couple seconds for the two men to turn back around to face each other, but Bowen is just a hair faster! Bowen steps in, hooks the arm and sweeps the leg for an STO! Bowen makes the cover,


Cohen: WOW!

Bowen can’t believe it as he sits up after the pin. He gingerly gets back up to his feet and gives the referee a little lip about the count. He eventually gives up on arguing and reaches down to pick up his grounded opponent, but a small package from Blade out of nowhere!


The crowd is now buzzing as Bowen kicks outs of the attempt. Both men get to their feet as quickly as they can. They are only a few feet apart, and Bowen lunges with a clothesline! Blade ducks! He now has Bowen turned around and he hooks Bowen’s arm for The Halo! BUT NO! Bowen lunges out of the maneuver and runs into some nearby ropes. He bounces off of them and returns to Blade, but he runs right into a Blade Runner! Bowen lands face first on the mat and Blade flips him over for the pin attempt,


Blade jumps up to celebrate as he stumbles over to a turnbuckle and climbs it.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner by pinfall, Blade!

Connor: Wow, not a bad match at all for these two returning veterans. It could have gone either way!

Cohen: It definitely kept me entertained, though I would've preferred more blood.

Connor: Is this some kind of a phase you are going through?

Blade is now standing tall on the turnbuckle as he points out to the crowd and suggests that the win was for them. He then proceeds to exit the ring and makes his way up the ramp.

Replay Footage said:
Connor: I know you wanted to see weapons partner, but this match was definitely brutal without them.

We get a clip of Bowen performing a leg drop off of the outside apron.

We then get a clip of Blade being thrown out of the Texas Cloverleaf.

Finally, we get a clip of Blade missing The Halo, but then capitalizing with a Blade Runner out of nowhere!

The final shot we get is of Blade posing on the entrance ramp and then exiting through the back while we see Bowen getting to his feet in the ring.


As Blade exits the ring, he is met by Stacey Madison for a post-match interview.

Stacey: First of all congratulations on winning your first match back, Blade. But is there anything you would like to say to the people watching?

Blade: No. But there is something I would like to say to the people who cannot watch. Who can't afford to watch. Who can't even afford where to sit. I am here for you.

Stacey: Wh-what does that mean?

Blade: What it means is that if you're cold and don't have a blanket, I'll find one. If it's raining and you have no umbrella, I'll find one. If society pushes you down, I'll be there to help push back. I'm here to be the voice of those that can't afford a voice. You may choose not to hear them, but I will force you to listen.

The crowd lets their disdain be heard as their self-proclaimed saviour slowly walks out from behind the curtain, soaking in the atmosphere as he stares out to those who boo him. He puts his black mouthpiece into his mouth, performs his signature crucifix pose and then begins heading down the ramp.

Anderson: The following contest is set for one fall! Introducing first, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, weighing 232 pounds, Chris K.O.!

Connor: K.O was one of the few competitors that survived near the end of the Lethal Lottery and came up short. Coupled with the re-appearance of Ty Burna, one has to wonder what Chris' psyche is like?

Cohen: You should be asking Callahan these questions since he was the one running around like a headless chicken about the issue. Chris seems fine, like normal.

Connor: Even after Titus' return tonight?

Chris stands on the turnbuckles and shouts to the heavens that he is the saviour before jumping down, standing next to referee Elizabeth Prince and tries to initiate a conversation but she doesn't say much in return.


The atmosphere changes as the music of Mikey Stormrage causes the audience to cheer for the fan favourite of the match, who walks out with a smile on his face to welcome the audience. He doesn't waste much time as he walks down the ramp, hi-fiving any fans that may be reaching out to Mikey.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Indianapolis, Indiana, weighing 315 pounds, Mikey Stormrage!

Cohen: Speak about being concerned about someone's psyche, how about Mikey? He had a heck of a night at the Lottery and I doubt things will be the same with him for a while... so why he is smiling?

Connor: James Howard, his best friend, has returned from injury? He just might be the motivation Mikey needs to click into 5th gear to take on the Altar.

As Stormrage slides into the ring and tries to ascend the turnbuckles to taunt for the crowd, Chris blocks his path and shakes his head to Mikey.

K.O: "You can't climb this turnbuckle; I've already claimed it for my own."

Stormrage: "I don't have time for your games."

K.O: "But I thought you liked games?"

Mikey shakes his head and pushes Chris out of the way to try and climb the ropes. Chris doesn't take too kindly to this and attacks Stormrage from behind with clubbing blows as Mikey was ascending. Stormrage drops back to the canvas as the crowd boos and Chris hits blow after blow.

Connor: What the hell is Chris' problem? It's just a bloody turnbuckle!

Cohen: Not just any turnbuckle; it's our saviour's turnbuckle.

Referee Elizabeth Prince gets in-between the two and manages to push Chris back, warning him that the match hasn't started and could get a match loss. Chris obliges for a second as Prince calls for the bell.

Suddenly, Stormrage charges straight for Chris who takes a hard clothesline unexpectedly from the big man. Chris is able to get up quickly but is stunned by the attack, looking for a friendly corner. He doesn't spend time with his newfound friend for long as Stormrage grabs the arm of Chris and yanks it, delivering another clothesline (short-arm to be exact). Before any more punishment can be dealt out to Chris, he slides out of the ring and regains himself at the surprising start for Mikey. He holds up his hand and the crowd gives a quick cheer to Stormrage as he exits the ring in pursuit of Chris. He grabs Chris from the back of the head and smacks it across the apron, causing Chris' head to bounce off it before throwing Chris into the corner barricade. Stormrage backs up as Chris shakes his head, holding it as Mikey calls for a big move. Stormrage runs at Chris and goes for a running jumping splash but Chris steps out of the way, managing to grab Stormrage's head in mid-air and slam it onto the barricades just like Mikey did only seconds ago. Stormrage stumbles off the head slam and turns into a perfectly-executed dropkick from Chris that causes Stormrage to fall back into the barricade. The referee's count is nearing a count-out, causing Chris to roll into the ring before exiting again to stop the count. He holds his arm in the air and elicits a negative reaction from the crowd.

Cohen: Excellent counter by K.O there; it buys him enough time to form a strategy and keep the big man down.

Stormrage attempts to get to his feet as Chris heads over, lifting Mikey's head before delivering a European uppercut, causing Stormrage to lay back onto the barricade whilst standing. Chris hits another for good measure before bringing Stormrage to the apron and managing to get him into the ring. Chris enters and goes for a pin attempt... 1... 2... kick-out by Stormrage. Chris gets to his feet and looks down at Stormrage who is nowhere near done; Chris smirks and gains some momentum by running the ropes. As Mikey gets to the one knee, Chris charges at Stormrage and hits a running knee strike to the head of Stormrage who gets knocked silly but does not fall down. Chris cinches the neck of Stormrage and hits a quick DDT before rolling over Stormrage with some difficulty for a pin... 1... 2... kick-out again by Stormrage. Chris goes to complain to the referee but she tells him to roll over his opponents faster. Chris waves off the comment as he decides to put a simple chinlock on Stormrage to keep the pressure on the head and neck that Chris has already targeted in the match. The referee asks if Mikey is ready to give up but he definitely screams no as the crowd gets behind Stormrage once more. He does his best to get out of the hold and eventually makes it to his feet, going as far as delivering a couple of elbow shots but Chris delivers a well-timed knee strike to Stormrage's gut, stopping his potential momentum build. Chris quickly runs the ropes again and hits a bulldog, planting Mikey's face into the canvas. Chris puts on another submission but this time decides to go for the arm with a reverse armbar. Chris puts all his weight on the back of Stormrage and wrenches back as Mikey screams out in pain.

Cohen: Do you know why Chris has switched up body parts?

Connor: Short-term memory loss?

Cohen: A good submission specialist will weaken the one body part until his opponent has to choose whether to get injured or to fight another day. A great submission specialist will keep their options open and attack multiple parts to keep the opponent guessing.

Connor: When did you become the greatest technician on the planet? Although, I guess great wisdom comes with great age.

Cohen: Don't be like that CC! I'm calling the damn match and work two shows and yet I still get treated like this. I need a pay raise!

Whilst the commentators went off on a tangent, we find ourselves with Stormrage slowly getting to his feet with the support of the crowd, cheering loudly for Mikey as Chris is unable to keep the big man grounded. As he gets to his feet, Chris yanks on the arm to stop Stormrage once more, causing him to drop to his knees. Chris then slowly twists the arm, looking to do further damage but Stormrage manages to reverse and slip behind Chris, delivering a quick Russian legsweep on Chris. The crowd cheers loudly as Stormrage is slow to recover whilst Chris holds the back of his head from the impact of the slam. They aren't down for long as Chris and Stormrage seek refuge with the ropes on opposite ends, using them to get to their feet. Chris is the first up and heads towards Stormrage looking to make the first blow. It is a bad idea however as Stormrage blocks the strike and delivers one of his own, followed by a few more before he decides to run the ropes himself and delivers a big kitchen sink to Chris who flips over Stormrage's knee. The crowd cheers as Stormrage continues running as Chris gets to his feet whilst clutching his stomach. Mikey bulldozes Chris with a running crossbody, taking him down and going for a pinfall attempt... 1... 2... kick-out. Chris uses the ropes again to get to his feet and shakes his head as Stormrage is up, trying to grab Chris' head. He counters with a thud to the eye and a scolding by the referee as the crowd boos. Chris preps himself and tries to end everything early with the sword but Stormrage isn't completely blinded by the thud, managing to duck the attack and counter into a T-bone suplex, sending Chris flying across the ring. As Chris slowly stirs, Stormrage signals to the crowd that he is looking to end the match and they are cheering in his favour.

Connor: And it looks like Stormrage might have this match in the bag should he successfully... hang on one minute.

The crowd goes from cheers to boos suddenly at the appearance of Grand Mystique at the top of the ramp. Stormrage sees this and takes his eyes of Chris, staring directly at GM and begging him to make his way down to the ring. However, GM just stares at Stormrage.

Connor: Can't we just end this match in peace?

Cohen: This is a wrestling contest; these never begin or end in peace, CC.

Connor: You know what I mean, Jack.

As Stormrage realises that GM is doing nothing, he turns around to his opponent. However, in the time Stormrage took to look at GM, he had already performed his unsheathing and charges at Stormrage, hitting him with the Sword as hard as he can to knock the big man down. The impact causes Chris to fall down as well but manages to crawl over to the fallen Stormrage and get the cover... 1... 2... 3!

Connor: Dammit!

Anderson: Here is your winner; Chris K.O!

Referee Elizabeth Prince calls for the bell and signals the match in favour of Chris K.O but there isn't any post-match celebrations from him as both D.C & Mason Westhoff hop the barricades and slide into the ring, starting to attack the already fallen Stormrage with stomps and punches. The crowd boo's heavily at this site as Chris rolls out of the ring, getting away from harm whilst GM begins slowly walking down the ramp. The referee tries her best to stop the attack but it is no use.

Connor: Is this something we have to get used to? Ambushes by the Altar?

Cohen: Mikey just won't get it in his head - until he gives up and becomes submissive, the Altar will just keep on coming with the punishment. You don't disobey the plan of the Almighty.

As GM gets halfway down the ramp, we can see Derek Jacobs running down the ramp and knocks down GM from behind. The crowd cheers at the bravery of Jacobs as he quickly slides into the ring and tries to take on D.C & Westhoff in a two on one situation. He does his best to fend for himself but the numbers game makes Jacobs become overwhelmed, being the new target for the attack of the Altar. GM has gotten to his feet and enters the ring, screaming at his brethren to lift up Jacobs to his feet. They oblige as GM begins spouting his teachings to Jacobs as DC & Westhoff hold him up. They do not finish their plans for Jacobs as James Howard takes his turn to run down the ramp and try to make the save whilst Mikey begins recovering as well. Howard enters the ring and manages to take on all three members as Stormrage gets to his feet, assisting in the fight. Mikey's strength has been drained from the match and is taken care of easily with a few swift shots from GM as DC/Westhoff use their teamwork again to take down another opponent in Howard. Like a pack of wolves, the Sacrificial Altar makes sure that all three threats that oppose them have been taken care of and are unable to fight back, incapacitating Jacobs; Howard; & Stormrage in the one attack. Satisfied with the ambush, GM holds his hand up and signals to stop as the three men stand tall in the ring, ignoring the loud boo's of the audience.

Cohen: Just sheer dominance by the Altar tonight.

Connor: And a scattered rescue team to try and save Stormrage from his beating. Derek Jacobs may have been a bit premature and didn't wait for Howard to even out the odds.

Cohen: How do you prematurely rescue someone? Anyway, no matter what they did, the Altar had the advantage from the start.

The Altar leave the ring slowly, proud to watch on as the three assaulted men lie in the ring with Jacobs being the first to sit up, staring back at the Altar before looking at his fallen comrades. He clearly is upset, hitting the canvas, as the Altar make their leave. He goes to check on Howard and puts a hand on his arm but Howard throws his arm away, not wanting to the support of Jacobs as he crawls over to Mikey.


Saxton and Saboteur are hanging out backstage accompanied by their lovely WZCW Tag Team Championship belts.

Saxton: Since winning these titles I’ve been fending the ladies off with a stick! And I think you know which stick I’m talking about.

Saxton grins slyly.

Saboteur: That big tree branch that Krypto dragged in when he was living with us?

Saxton: No dummy, I was talkin’ about my…

Before Saxton can finish his sentence, Sam Smith and Rush walk up to the tag team champions. The champs grow rigid, ready to strike if need be.

Saboteur: See something you like?

Smith: Those tag team titles don’t look too bad. They’d look better on us, though.

Saxton sticks his face right in Smith’s face.

Saxton: Then you best keep movin’ sucka, because these belts ain’t for sale, and we don’t appreciate window shoppers, isn’t that right, Saboteur?

Saboteur follows Saxton’s lead, sticking his face close to Smith’s as well.

Saboteur: … Yeah.

Rush tugs on Smith’s arm and cocks his head to the right, signaling that it’s time to go. Smith cockily smiles at Saxton and Saboteur before he leaves with Rush. Saxton and Saboteur start to relax now that the threat is gone.

Saboteur: Sweet tough guy line, Sax.

Saxton: Yeah, I’ve had that one in my pocket for a while.

Saboteur: I’ve had this Charleston Chew in my pocket for like, two weeks. I think it melted.

Saxton: Gross.
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 530 pounds, the Natural Selection!

As the music starts, all of the lights in the arena go out. When the lyrics of the song begin, a single spotlight shines down onto the ramp, revealing a stoic Constantine with his chin dipped to his chest flanked by a crouching, wild-eyed Kravinoff. Constantine slowly raises his head and as the chorus begins, he throws his arms out to the side. With that, fireworks light up the arena to the side of him as the lights resume. Kravinoff is in awe of this spectacle.

Constantine moves down the ramp, a look of smarmy hatred on his face. He does not dare make contact with the fans at ringside and, once at the ring, looks around the arena once again. Kravinoff has run ahead of the Power Trip, diving into the ring with ravenous excitement, pacing expectantly in the squared circle. Climbing the steps and into the ring, Constantine mounts the turnbuckle before throwing his arms out once more. Kravinoff resigns himself finally to crouching in the corner and staring at the entrance ramp or his opposition.

Connor: Hunter Kravinoff shocked the world by returning in the Lethal Lottery match. All of WZCW is on notice as the Ugandan Wildman has not only returned but aligned himself with another of WZCW's most dangerous men, the Elite X champion, Constantine.

Cohen: We learned of this alliance with some backstage footage, and now that it's clear that they intend to compete in the tag team division, our new champions have got to be feeling a great deal of stress knowing that this elite unite is going to be coming after them.


Anderson: Introducing their opponents, at a combined weight of Insanely Manly Kilometers, they are the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, Action Saxtion and Saboteur!

The music hits, and after the initial horns Saxton and Saboteur emerge from the entrance tunnel. Saboteur starts hopping up and down pumping his fists in the air while Saxton rubs his hands together ready for a fight. They make their way down the entrance ramp together, with Saboteur jumping in circles around Saxton and hi-5ing fans while Saxton is sparring with the air and making intense eye contact with the ring. Saboteur slides under the bottom ring rope as Saxton makes his way up the stairs and through the top and middle rope. They both climb up the turnbuckles and pose for the audience: Saboteur unsheathes his katanas and makes an X with them, and Saxton dramatically rips off his shirt.

Connor: Saboteur and Action Saxton became two time tag team champions at Lethal Lottery, defying the odds to win a three way contest and walk away with the titles.

Cohen: And good luck to them keeping them - with Natural Selection on the prowl, I don't think they're long for those titles.

The referee separates both teams into their respective corners and it appears that Constantine and Saboteur will start this contest. The referee signals for the bell and we are underway. Saboteur and Constantine circle, Constantine tentatively reaching, and Saboteur offers - a handshake? Constantine looks puzzled but cautiously accepts it, Saboteur shaking his hand vigorously and gesturing to the crowd for a loud ovation. Saboteur breaks off with a half bow and tags in Saxton. Constantine looks puzzled but the circling resumes and Constantine again tentatively offers a lock up, but Saxton responds with a devastating handshake offer of his own! Constantine looks annoyed but takes it cautiously, Saxton shaking his hand and the crowd once again raucously applauding. Saxton points to Kravinoff and Saboteur joins him, clearly indicating they wish to pay their respects to him as well. Constantine backs off and looks at Kravinoff, who shrugs and reaches out a hand.

Cohen: What are these goofballs doing? They should be disqualified for such disrespectful shenanigans!

Connor: Come on, now, Jack, they're only trying to show some respect. Good sportsmanship, that's all.

Constantine tags in Kravinoff and exits the ring. Saboteur reaches out a hand from the ring apron and offers a handshake. Kravinoff warily walks over and takes it, looking extremely uncomfortable as he does so. Saboteur holds on with both hands and shake Kravinoff's with gusto, Kravinoff looking more and more uncomfortable by the second. Saboteur eventually breaks off and Kravinoff turns, no doubt expecting a handshake from Saxton - BUT INSTEAD GETS A FACE FULL OF THE BLACKEST FOOT IN WRESTLING, SAXTON CONNECTING WITH BLACK LIGHTNING! Kravinoff is wiped out as Saxton goes for the cover, Constantine charges in to break it up, but Saboteur springboards in with a crossbody and stops Constantine, Saxton's cover gets one, two, and three!

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, here are your winners, the WZCW World Tag Team Champions, Action Saxton and Saboteur!

Cohen: Are you kidding me?!

Connor: A little bit of misdirection and preying upon the ring rust of Hunter Kravinoff leads to a quick win for the champions!

Saxton and Saboteur quickly collect their belts and roll out of the ring, celebrating as they back their way up the ramp. Constantine crawls over to Kravinoff and tries to rouse him, but the sheer force of manliness that had erupted in his face has left him groggy and unresponsive. The champions laugh as Constantine stares daggers at them as the match fades out.


???: I am the hero this company needs, but not the one it deserves. So I'll hunt them, because I can take it. Because I'm not a hero. I'm a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight. Except I'll hunt bears. Yeah, thats a much better slogan.

Stormrage: I'm telling you, he gets in people's heads. I'm not sure what he did at Lethal Lottery, but I still don't feel right.

Howard: You just have to stay focused on the bigger picture, make sure you...what the hell is that?

Just as Mikey Stormrage and James Howard are walking under a catwalk, James points to the sky as a man begins to fall toward them. A cape he is wearing gets caught in the railing though, and he ends up swinging upside down, an over sized mask falling from his face.

Howard: Is that Ricky? Ricky what the hell are you doing?

Runn: I thought since I was wrestling Grand Mystique tonight I would wear a mask to get in his mindset. Then I decided I looked like a badass superhero so I decided to go hunt for bears. You never know where Big Curly may show up next!

Stormrage: Come on James, lets go get a ladder.

Runn: No rush guys, I'm just gonna hang around. Get it? "Hang." Haha! Man I slay myself.

As the members of Strikeforce walk away, Sandy Deserts walks out of the nearby women's locker room, passing under Ricky.

Runn: Hey Sandy, I can see down your shirt!

Howard: Uh, Ricky. Isn't it time for your match? Like, right now?

Ricky looks at a watch on his wrist.

Runn Oh hamburgers...
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Anderson: Introducing first, from The Deepest, Darkest Corner of the Universe, weighing 364 pounds, The Grand Mystique!

After a few seconds the lights go off but the music continues to the arena. Spotlights come up and are focussed on all four corners of the ring. They change colours rapidly. Then the music stops. The lights returns and the music starts back up again. GM is in ring, sitting on a turnbuckle. He is facing in the ring with his arms outstretched and back towards the crowd.

Connor: The Grand Mystique makes his ominous entrance here for a contest with Ricky Runn, as the Sacrificial Altar is coming off a disappointing Lethal Lottery that saw them not only be betrayed by a former member but a former foe return as well, giving Mikey Stormrage plenty of allies in this fight.

Cohen: But don't be so quick to forget that Mystique picked up an ally himself, as the returning D.C., a founding father of WZCW, has aligned himself with the Altar. The war is far from over.


And his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 225 pounds, "The Second City Daredevil," Ricky Runn!

With his music blaring onto the PA system, the crowd pops in anticipation. However, there is a small delay as the crowd waits for the exciting superstar. Finally, Ricky quickly runs out as he swipes his fingers over his face, spreading the gold paint before jogging down to the ring, high-fiving any fan willing to get their hand covered in paint.

Connor: Ricky Runn has had some extremely unfortunate luck lately, including a very embarrassing episode at Lethal Lottery involving his...bodily cavities.

Cohen: Not only that, but this nutjob has gotten it into his head that the Grand Mystique is in fact a wrestling bear in disguise, out to ruin his life. He's gone off the deep end, I'm telling you.

Ricky Runn looks wild eyed as he backs up into one corner opposite the Grand Mystique, who stares at him calmly. The referee signals for the bell and we are underway. Runn tentatively steps forward but Mystique charges in with a kick to the gut that knocks Runn to his knees. Runn stumbles to his feet and Mystique hits a hard right hand that sends him sprawling. He follows with another kick to the gut, then grabs hold of Runn, elevates him, and crushes his spine with a side backbreaker over his knee. He lets Runn get to his feet, clutching his back, then Mystique shoves his opponent into the ropes, Runn rebounds and Mystique hits him with an atomic drop. Runn collapses and tries to sit himself up, but Mystique is relentless and drops a knee into Runn's back. Mystique drops down and locks in a chinlock, ripping it in for a good few moments before standing up and dropping another knee into Runn's back. Mystique returns to the chinlock and keeps it in this time. Runn desperately fights to a vertical base, but Mystique only knees him in the gut and then elbows him high in his back to drop him back to his knees. Mystique elevates Ricky high above his head, looking for something devastating, but Runn desperately counters and slides down with an arm drag! Mystique rolls to the other side of the ring and gets up quickly, but Runn has caught a breath and goes right after Mystique with kicks to the bigger man's legs.

Connor: An impressive start from Grand Mystique who could nearly have put Runn away, but Ricky Runn always seem to be able to pull out a counter when he needs one.

Cohen: The unluckiest man in professional wrestling isn't likely to get much luckier tonight, though. Mystique has over a hundred pounds on the kid! Counter or no counter, his luck will run out.

Mystique brutishly forces Runn off of him with a shove that sends Ricky into the ropes, but Runn rebounds, leaps, and hits a hurricanrana! Runn pulls Mystique back to his feet quickly and kicks him in the leg once more, then lightning fast hits a snapmare, then nails Mystique with a dropkick to the face! Runn retreats to a corner, waits for Mystique to get up, Runn charges, Mystique counters and elevates Runn, but Runn lands on his feet on the ring apron! Mystique turns and tries to kick him off, but Runn leaps and hits an enzuigiri from the outside! Mystique stumbles back and Runn springboards over the ropes, nailing a crossbody! Mystique has had enough and he rolls out of the ring to catch his breath. Runn looks for him and finds him quickly, backs up, charges, FLIES THROUGH THE ROPES AND WIPES OUT GRAND MYSTIQUE! The two men go down in a mess, Mystique colliding with the announcer's table and Runn looks like he might have caught his head on the table as well. Both men are down and not stirring.

Connor: Ultimate high risk for Ricky Runn, and if he can just get back into the ring he might have this one.

Cohen: High risk is right! I could have been hurt! He could have spilled my diet Mountain Dew! You know I love the taste of diet Dew!

Both men remains down as the referee starts the count. 1......2.....Runn lifts an arm weakly but is getting nowhere....3......4.....Runn rolls off of Mystique's body but that seems to be all he can muster, Mystique weakly moves his head.....5.......6.......

Runn tries to get his knees but just can't get up, collapses once more.....7.....he tries to clutch at the ring apron, catches hold of the WZCW banner........8...........Runn holds onto the banner, pulls himself to his knees.........9..............Runn has a hand on the ring! He tries to summon the strength -


Runn is still on the outside and he collapses as he hears the bell ring. Mystique is still down in front of the ring announcers table.

Anderson: The referee has ruled this match a double countout - therefore, a draw!

Connor: A huge high risk maneuver by Ricky Runn wound up costing both men this match. It looked like both men knocked their heads against the announce table on the wipeout from that suicide dive, and the referee might want to get medical staff out here to check them out.

Cohen: Leave it to Ricky Runn to not only hurt himself but potentially injure a superstar of much more talent than him.

Medical crews are out now and checking on both men. The match fades out as the medics try to rouse both men, the crowd cheering as Runn finds his feet.


In the parking lot we see a black limo roll up. The driver pops out of his door and runs around to open up the passenger door. A very angry looking Erik Holmes emerges first, pushing the driver back as Celeste Crimson and Steven Holmes, frantically putting on his ring attire, emerge from the limo.

Holmes: I can’t believe I still have to be in this scumbag of a city. We go to the Shish Mediterranean Grill & Cafe, the finest restaurant in town, and they made me, the WZCW Champion, wait for a table. The nerve of them.

Celeste: I couldn’t agree more. The food there was disgusting, not even worth feeding to your dogs.

A loud grunt emerges from Erik as he reaches back into the limo and grabs Holmes and Celeste’s bags.

Holmes: Let’s just get through this little scrimmage with Tastic and get the hell out of here.

Connor: Holmes has just arrived to the Xcel Energy Center right before his match. Will he be prepared for the main event. Sit tight because that match is next.

The crowd lights up with an entourage of boos as Steven Holmes makes his way out from the back. He has the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship draped on one shoulder, and on the other he has the steamy Celeste Crimson. Erik Holmes also comes out behind his devious brother.

Cohen: Two trophies on each shoulder; what more could a man ask for?!

Holmes and Celeste walk side-by-side down to the ring as the crowd escorts them with disgust. Finally, the power couple makes it to the ring and Holmes opens the ropes for Celeste. He then enters himself and requests a microphone from a ring official. Erik grabs it for him and hands it over.

Holmes: I cannot believe how I, your World Champion, am being treated tonight. Terrible room service, terrible room and finally a match with that lowlife bottom feeder Matt Tastic? I won the World Championship, not the Mayhem Championship. What kind of joke is this? Why am I facing a cripple with a bad sense of humor? Why am--


The crowd goes crazy as the music hits. Signalling the arrival of the returning Matt Tastic. After a minute of stalling, Matt Tastic emerges with a mic at hand. Wearing a shirt reading "Now %20 Cooler" and soaking up the welcoming reaction. Holmes looks on angrily at the interruption. over 2 minutes pass before the music finally stops.

"Welcome back! Welcome back! Welcome back!"
chants the crowd as Matt raises the mic to speak.

Wassssuuuup St. Pauuuuuuul!

The crowd pops loudly.

Matt: Guess who's back. Back again. Tastic's back. Tell a friend. Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back. Hey Holmesy. How ya doin'? Congrats on winning the World title, bro. You've really come far.

Holmes nods approvingly at Matt's seeming praises.

Matt: And sunk so G*ddamn low! You had to do more cheating than a Gameshark to win that damn thing. Your muscleheaded brother, paying people off and of course my favorite, seducing Celeste Crimson so she'd finish the job for you. So I kinda find it funny that Celeste wants a match for the EurAsian title given she won the World title. Hey, remember last time you tried this scam?

Holmes: What the devil are you talking about? First of all, I've never stolen a title and secondly.... Well, what "scam" are you talking about?

Matt: When you teamed up with Steven Kurtesy and Doug Crashin to steal my Mayhem Championship. You literally did the same thing here again. Except of course you won the title.

Holmes: I defeated Showtime to win this. And I'll dispatch you with ease to prove how superior I am. Though I fail to see why I should prove myself again.

Matt: Yeah, Showtime's my friend. I really don't like what you did to him.

Holmes: Oh please. Last time we saw you, you could barely walk. Why should we take you seriously?

Matt: I don't know...... Why don't we find out.

Matt drops the mic and removes his shirt and heads to the ring for their match.

Connor: Don't go away ladies and gentlemen, the returning Matt Tastic versus the World Heavyweight Champion when we return!

We cut to commercial.​


Connor: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, we are back and about to begin a thrilling match.

The camera shows Matt Tastic in the ring.

Cohen: Tastic needs to can the comedy act and focus on ending this one quick. The longer this one goes, the more it favors the champ.

Connor: Hate to agree with you Jack, but I have to. Tastic is going to be shaking off ring rust, and you can't mess around with Holmes. On top of the ring rust, Tastic will have to deal with the ever present threat of that damned Celeste Crimson and the diabolical Erik Holmes.

The two men stare each other down as referee Juro Akiyama calls for the bell. Holmes starts off fast, attempting to close the distance, but Tastic slips out of the way. Again Holmes tries to get his hands on his opponent, but Tastic slips out of the tie up and takes a moment to play to the crowd. While Tastic has his back turned, the champ runs and kicks the legs out from under his opponent, leaving Tastic on the mat as the champ mocks him, taunting the crowd. Tastic mockingly applauds his opponent for the clever move before the two begin to circle each other. Holmes again charges in, but Tastic ducks and hits a spinning kick to the back of Holmes, sending him to a knee. Again Tastic plays to the crowd, much to the ire of the ref who urges the two men to pick up the pace. Tastic goes on the offensive with stiff rights and lefts, causing the champ to cover up. The returning superstar grab hold of an arm and Irish whips Holmes into the ropes. Off the rebound Tastic takes his foe down with a shoulder block, before he bounces off the ropes himself. He leaps over the prone Holmes and hits the ropes, coming off with a clothesline. He quickly jumps into the cover...


And Holmes easily gets a shoulder up. Tastic keeps on the offensive by applying a chinlock, keeping Holmes grounded. He wrenches on the hold before dropping an elbow onto the champ's shoulder. He releases the hold and stands, taking a couple of steps back. He runs and grabs Holmes' head, flipping over and slamming the head of the champion into the mat. He again covers the champ...


And again Holmes kicks out.

Connor: The returning Matt Tastic in control early.

Cohen: He needs to step it up. It will take a lot more than this to put the champ away.

Tastic takes a moment to ponder his next move before he lifts the champ to his feet. He applies a hammerlock as Holmes grimaces in pain. The newly crowned champ tries to fight out, but Tastic hits the champ with a clothesline to the back of the head, dropping him to a knee. A dropkick from Tastic puts the champ down on his back. Tastic lets the crowd know it is time to put it away and lifts Holmes to his feet, before hoisting him onto his shoulder for the Headache Driver. Before he is able to hit, Holmes slips out the back and pushes Tastic away. As he turns to face his opponent, Holmes hits a belly to belly suplex. Tastic jumps to his feet, but again Holmes catches him with a belly to belly. Tastic is a second slower this time, but again hops to his feet. He charges again, but the champ is able to catch him in a sleeper hold. Tastic flails his arms, trying to fight out to no avail. Holmes leaps onto the back of Tastic, wrapping his legs around him and bringing him to the ground. Tastic's body begins to go limp and the ref steps in. He raises the arm of Tastic and lets it fall...


He raises his arm and again it falls to the mat...


The ref raises the arm of Tastic a third time, and just as it is about to hit the mat, Tastic makes a fist and raises his arm high! He begins to pound the mat with his fist as the crowd claps along in rhythm.

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Tastic slowly begins to rise to his feet, a displeased Steven Holmes shaking his head every inch of the way. As he gets to his feet he reaches back and grabs the head of Holmes. He jumps and falls to his butt, breaking the sleeper with a modified chin breaker. Holmes rushes to his feet, but Tastic hits a Samoan Drop. Just as Tastic is about to lift Holmes to hit feet, Erik jumps onto the apron. While referee Juro Akiyama deals with Erik, Celeste reaches into the ring and grabs the leg of Tastic. Holmes uses the distraction to roll his opponent up, while Erik urges the ref to notice the pin. Juro turns and begins to count...


And Tastic is able to kick out! Both Holmes brothers are now arguing with the ref, with Erik sliding into the ring. Juro is having none of it however and signals that Erik has been ejected from ringside!

Cohen: This is an injustice! Erik Holmes has been tossed after trying to correct the referee after an obviously slow count!

Connor: Are you watching the same match I am? Steven Holmes nearly stole a victory after blatant interference from Erik and Celeste.

As the referee finally restores order, Holmes turns around, right into a stiff kick from Tastic. The former Mayhem champ begins to stomp away as Holmes crawls to the ropes. Referee Akiyama begins to count as Tastic stomps away, 1...2...3...and Tastic relents. Holmes rolls out of the ring to catch his breath, as Celeste walks over to conference with her beau. Tastic doesn't allow Holmes to catch his breath, as he runs and prepares for a suicide dive. Celeste is alert however and shoves Holmes aside, taking the brunt of the blow herself. The ref begins the ten count as all three superstars hold various body parts in agony...

Cohen: Cat, would you ever sacrifice yourself for me like that? Or any man for that matter?

Connor: Lets keep it professional Jack. A heads up move by Celeste to keep her man out of harm's way.

Steven Holmes begins to stir and drag himself to his feet with assistance from the ring apron.
Holmes rolls into the ring as Tastic tries to untangle himself from Celeste. Just as he is about to get into the ring, Celeste grabs his leg and keeps him out.
Just before the ten count Tastic manages to kick Celeste in the face and dive back in! He is in trouble however as a swift kick to the gut doubles him over and Holmes readies for the Imperial Impaler. He tries to lift Tastic, but the Super Sayan is fighting it the whole way. He manages to back body drop Holmes. The two are on their feet at the same time and they begin to fire off punches. Tastic attempts a spinning back fist, but Holmes ducks and is able to snatch onto a full nelson, The Superiority Complex. Tastic yells out in pain as he fights his way to the ropes. Just inches away Tastic does his best to get his foot on the ropes, his hands locked above his head. Tastic is finally able to get a foot in the ropes. Holmes keeps the hold locked in as Akiyama counts, 1...2...3...4...just before the count of five Holmes lifts Tastic and slams him down, The Superiority Execution. He covers Tastic...

3! No! Tastic was able to get his foot on the rope. Holmes slams the mat in frustration. He stands and arrogantly kicks Tastic's leg off the rope. Holmes climbs to the top rope, stopping to slip off a knee pad as he does. He takes too long however, because Tastic gets to his feet crotches Holmes. He then lifts the champ and positions him for the Headache Driver. Holmes however reverses, shifting his weight and kicking his feet, causing Tastic's knees to give out. He keeps hold of Tastic's waist as they fall backwards, Holmes landing on his feet. He drops Tastic down with an reverse Imperial Impaler! He hooks the leg...


Anderson: Here is your winner, the WZCW Heavyweight Champion, "The Elite" Steven Holmes!

Celeste grabs Holmes' title and climbs into the ring and assists Steven in rolling Tastic out of the ring. The two share a passionate kiss before Holmes raises his title high in the air to a chorus of boos.

Connor: A hard fought battle by a returning Matt Tastic, but the combined efforts of Erik and Steven Holmes, and Celeste Crimson prove too much.

Cohen: Of course it was too much for Tastic. Steven Holmes alone is superior to him in every way. Celeste and Erik were the insurance to further humiliate Tastic. Holmes is going to be a dominated champion and kick started his reign on the right path here tonight.

Erik rolls out of the ring and Holmes opens up the ropes to allow Celeste to hop down to the floor


The crowd pops for the familiar music. Holmes steps back to the middle of the ring and holds his title ready to strike with it. Erik walks up the ramp to intercept the former WZCW Champion. Celeste begins to follow when "Showtime" David Cougar hops over the rail behind them and slides into the ring. Holmes turns around and Showtime spears him to the mat.

Connor: Showtime is back! And he's unloading punches on Holmes.

Showtime stands over Holmes and fires shot after shot on him as he holds the belt up in defense. Erik slides into the ring and pulls Showtime off Holmes. He goes to punch him, but Showtime blocks the right and fires back with one of his own. He nails three more punches on him then grabs him by the side and hits a standing Final Act on him. Showtime gets off the mat in time to see Celeste grab Holmes' arm. He lunges toward them, but Celeste is able to pull Holmes out of the ring in time. Showtime stands by the ropes and Celeste helps Holmes up the ramp. They turn back to see Showtime and Holmes raises the belt and forces a smile out, followed by a laugh. Showtime pulls his hair back and paces around the ring, shouting at Holmes up the ramp.

Connor: Showtime made an unexpected return at the end of Steven Holmes' match and managed to extract some revenge on him and Erik, but the new WZCW Champion managed to escape once again.

Cohen: Showtime had no business being out here. Erik isn't even a trained wrestler. I hope they fine and suspend Showtime for his actions against the champion.

Connor: Holmes has had it coming, and I doubt this will be the last bit of action we see between these two. Well folks an exciting night for WZCW action, full of returns. The night began with Titus, followed by the in ring returns of Alex Bowen, Blade, Hunter Kravinoff and Matt Tastic, and ended with Showtime returning at the end of Holmes' match.

Cohen: Might as well have called this show WZCW Old School or WZCW Homecoming.

Connor: Indeed it was a magical night. That's all the time we have left. I'm Cat Connors, he's Jack Cohen. Be sure to tune in to tomorrow for Aftershock 23. Have a good night!

Falkon - Stormrage vs. K.O.
Harthan - SaboSax vs. Natural Selection, Mystique vs. Runn
JGlass - Segment
Kermit - Bowen vs. Blade, Tidyness
Killjoy - Segments
Shotaro - Strikeforce In-ring Segment
Showtime - Opening, Segments, Tweaks
Yazlov - Holmes vs. Tastic

Cheers everyone. I apologize for the small delay, but it is better late than never! This show was crammed packed with a lot of exciting returns. Can't wait to put out Aftershock 23 tomorrow!
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