Ascension 5

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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
We come to air with a picture of Blade and Trevor Steel talking in the locker room. Both men are deep in conversation and are exchanging words over coffee. From nowhere, Karnage attacks Blade. Blade does not see it coming and does not manage to cover up. As he attempts to move out of the way, he bashes into Trevor Steel. Steel jerks away and spills his coffee on himself. He looks at both Steel and Karnage as they land clubbing shots to the other man. He shakes his head and holds out his now soaked t-shirt. He walks away and exits the room.

After a few moments, both event staff and security break attempt to break up the tussle. Karnage and Blade and still trying to get at each other and are still breaking away from staff to land one more shot. Vance Bateman burst in the door and looks at both of the men.

Vance: What the hell is going on here!? Now listen you two. I have had it with this. This needs to come to and end and I promise you that it will. I am on my way to the ring to make an announcement regarding you two and I recommend that you listen up.

Event staff pull Karnage out of the way and drag him towards the door that Vance is occupying.

Vance: You’re not even supposed to be here tonight, Karnage. Get out of my sight!

Karnage only smiles as he is dragged out of the room.



The camera spins and some pyro and fireworks go off as we are welcomed to Ascension by Connor and Cohen.

Connor: Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I am Catherine Connor and I am joined by my broadcast partner Jack Cohen here in the St Pete Times Forum arena in Tampa, Florida as we bring you another great edition of the most electric show in WZCW.

Cohen: Some great matches we have on the card tonight, CC. Too bad we have to do it here in Tampa.

Copeland: Quieten down, Jack. Tampa is a great stage for WZCW and we do have some great matches for you tonight. We start off though, with Vance Bateman in the ring.

Vance: Hello, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Ascension. We have some great matches for you tonight and I hope that you will enjoy what we have for you. For too long now, we have seemed like the second show in WZCW. I aim to remedy that tonight and the card that we have put together tonight has mirrored this.

Apart from that, I have a few announcements that will be made throughout the night. The first one that I want to tell you of and I am extremely excited by this, is the end of Karnage and Blade. A feud that has disrupted WZCW for the last few weeks and has been an inconvenience to most. Well at Lethal Lottery, this will come to an end once and for all. We are working hard to make sure that the Lethal Lottery match will entertain the masses. We are sorting out the entry orders and I have an announcement to make regarding that. At the Lethal Lottery, Blade and Karnage will finish what they have started in a match that will decide the number 20 entrant in the Lethal Lottery.

That is all for now but I promise that more is to come.

The crowd cheer loudly as Vance exits the ring.

Connor: Well you heard the man, Blade and Karnage will contest the final entry into the Lethal Lottery match.

Cohen: This just makes Karnage’s job of winning the Lottery that much easier, CC.
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!

“Fight the Power” hits throughout the arena as Marcus Chambers and Kyle Christensen walk onto the stage and pose together. They start walking down the ramp and talk between each other, no doubt about their upcoming match

Anderson: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 483 pounds, the team of Marcus Chambers and Kyle Christensen!

Connor: This is certainly going to be an interesting match up to open up Ascension as we’ll see experienced members of the roster team up with some of the up and comers here tonight. Who knows, maybe we’ll be seeing the birth of some new tag teams for the champions to be keeping an eye out for?

Cohen: Well last night, I saw a travesty that was William Teach pinning Phoenix of the Second Coming, and there’s even talk about a possible title match in the works. But maybe these two will be able to get a shot before Teach even thinks of drawing tactics on his white board.

Connor: Well Kyle Christensen faced William Teach last week in a No DQ match and wasn’t successful, much like the other three men in this match. They will no doubt be motivated to go for the win here tonight

Kyle and Marcus climb in the ring and pose before resuming their talks as “Woke Up This Morning” plays to a large ovation as Milenko and Obsidius come out together with a smile on their faces, they shake each others hands and head down the ramp.

Anderson: Their opponents, at a combined weight of 447 pounds, the team of Milenko and Obsidius!

Cohen: That thirty six pound difference will definitely guarantee a victory here for Chambers and Christensen

A match is never won on paper, only in the ring!

Milenko and Obisdius climb into the ring and pose on the TV side turnbuckles to a series of cheers, they climb down as their opponents start a beatdown on both them respectively as the bell signals. Chambers and Kyle then Irish whip Milenko and Obsidius at the same time but they both reverse it and on the return, both men hit a Samoan Drop with double impact as Milenko continues the offence on Kyle while Chambers and Obsidius exit to their respective corners.

Milenko gets Kyle up and starts hitting the rights, backing Kyle into the corner and continuing the rights. He hits a European Uppercut before Irish whipping Kyle into the other corner and following up with a clothesline on his opponent. He goes over to his corner and tags Obsidius in, who continues the offence. He takes Kyle out of the corner and hits a flapjack, he then walks to the ropes, facing Kyle, waiting for him to compose himself and get on a knee. He leans off the ropes for momentum but Chambers knocks him in the back of the head, which makes Obsidius turn around and whack Chambers with the right. He turns back around and is met with a dropkick from Kyle who then goes for the elbow on his opponent’s chest. He gets up and tags in Chambers who’s back up from the floor.

Chambers picks up Obsidius and pokes him in the eye and hits a reverse DDT, he goes for the cover 1…..2… kickout by Obsidius. Milenko tries to clap some motivation from the crowd to get behind his partner, which doesn’t impress Chambers who picks up his opponent and his a Gutwrench neckbreaker, followed by a few stomps to the back of the neck until the ref counts up to 4 to get Chambers to cease. Chambers tags Kyle back in who measures on Obisidius who gets on one knee and gets a fast knee bashed into his face as Kyle goes for the cover 1…..2… kickout.

Cohen: Come on Obsidius, take the fall like a man!

Connor: Don’t count the man out just yet. This one isn’t over.

Kyle gets up and hits a standing moonsault on Obsidius, he takes him up by the head and walks him to the turnbuckle, knocking his head against the top pad. He starts unloading some rights until Milenko shouts something which gets Kyle to stop and rant at the illegal man. He turns back around and is met with a full force clothesline, taking the wind out of Kyle and Obsidius, who starts to crawl towards his corner, as does Kyle. The race is on as Milenko and Chambers are reaching out for the tag, Kyle tags, Obsidius tags as Chambers and Milenko rush into the middle of the ring where Milenko hits a few rights and then Irish whips Chambers and catches him with a sidewalk slam on the return. Kyle gets up and runs at Milenko who catches him with a spinebuster and Milenko is feeling pumped.

He starts stalking Chambers who slowly gets up, Milenko then grabs him by the head and headbutts his opponent, followed by another. He runs at the ropes and goes for the spear but Chambers connects with the 187. He goes for the cover 1….2….. kickout, so close. Chambers gets frustrated, he then stares intently at Milenko who starts stirring again, the intensity is building, everyone knows what is coming. Milenko is up and Chambers tries to hit the AA but Milenko shoves him against the ropes, on the return he kicks Chambers in the guy, leaps onto his back and hits the Hell’s Pit, cover 1…..2…..3.

Anderson: Here are your winners, Obsidius and Milenko!

Connor: What an exciting match to opening Ascension. No doubt the tag division is watching closely on these four men after tonight

Cohen: Well, I expect Chambers and Kyle to get a title shot next week after a performance like that

Connor: Its wins that count, not how well you do. But Second Coming will be keeping their eyes peeled no doubt. Ladies and Gentleman, still to come, we have the Mayhem Champion being defended with Rush challenging Ty Burna, but we also have our new Elite X Champion Zander taking on the rWo’s powerhouse Big Dave which will certainly a match to watch tonight.

Cohen: And there’s plenty more still to come at…


The camera cuts backstage to Vance Bateman’s office who’s sitting there smiling.

Bateman: I feel proud of myself, not only have I got a great show this week, but also, I outsmarted Chuck Myles. I took his idea of the No. 20 Contenders Match and made it my own, it's now official and it can't be changed, not even by me!

The camera pans out to find Elite X Champion Zander sitting on the sofa next to the desk, sitting in quietness.

Now…Zander. Congratulations on your title win last week. Now when it comes to think about what to do with your first defence, you won’t defend it tonight but I think that it’s right to decide that you will defend your belt for the first time at the Lethal Lottery. As for your opponent, I want to be creative, I want to give a match that will give Ascension the better look than Meltdown at the Lottery. So I’m going to make it a triple threat match.

Zander looks speechless, and is about to talk but Bateman continues

And your opponents will be, the man you pinned for that championship, Frankie Smith…and I’m going to make the third man, a man who has tried to win that championship off of Titus but never came close, USA.

Zander: Well sir, I…

Bateman: I’m glad you agree. So it is official, you Zander, will defend the Elite X Championship at the Lethal Lottery against Frankie Smith and USA. Give me a match to be proud of.

Zander: Thank you sir, now if you could help with about my match later tonight so I can get there in one piece.

Bateman: I wouldn’t worry too much. I’ve had word that you won’t be facing the other two members of the rWo tonight, so you might make it out alive…which brings me to my next point. Chuck Myles thinks he can outsmart me? His No. 20 idea? I took care of that. But he thinks that by booking a Buried Alive Match at the Lethal Lottery, he can shock people? Well tonight, I'm going to make an even bigger shock that will outdo that action as well.

Tonight, a match is going to have a stipulation made that will give another meaning of the word, buried and gone. I’m going to make a Loser Leaves WZCW stipulation on a match tonight, and as the Elite X Champion, you’re going to help me.

Bateman looks amongst his papers to find the line-up sheet for tonight and passes it to Zander who gets nervous at the choice he has to make until Bateman snatches it from him.

Dammit, I thought you would be man enough to make a choice. I guess I have to do everything around here, I choose…Carmen Bratchny vs. Celeste Crimson. Whoever loses that match tonight will be gone from this company, fired, out of here. Now Zander, I suggest you leave before I make your match have the same consequences.

Zander rushes out of Bateman’s office as Vance goes back to his seat with the same big smile he had.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"Bliss" by Muse plays as Blade makes his way out to the entrance ramp and does his signature taunt. He makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring, performing his taunt once more as the crowed cheers.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Dublin, Ireland, he stands 6'2" and weighs 235 lbs, Blade!

Connor: Blade has been on a roll since he first entered WZCW Cohen, but he's had his hands full with Karnage since losing his trust.

Cohen: Double C, it comes down to this, Karnage realized he is far better off on his own then having to rely on that good for nothing Blade.


David Cougar makes his way to the entrance ramp to a ton of heat from the crowd. He closes his eyes and motions towards the crowd to continue booing him before making his way down the ramp. He hops up to the second turnbuckle and raises his arms up, posing for the crowd.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Winnipeg, Canada, he stands' 6'1" and weighs 213 lbs, "Showtime" David Cougar!

Cohen: And your future Eurasian Champion has arrived!

Connor: What makes you so sure Cohen? He has to defeat Drake Callahan for that first.

Cohen: Didn't you see what he did to Drake on Meltdown? It's clear he's on the fast track to that championship.

The referee signals for the bell as Blade looks to lock up but Showtime backs away into the corner as the crowd boos. He moves towards Blade and looks to lock up finally but moves behind him and applies a waistlock. He grabs Blade's arm and applies an arm wrench, forcing him down to one knee. Blade rises back up and reverses the arm wrench and forces Cougar down to one knee. Blade kicks Cougar in the chest and then whips him into the ropes, connecting with a clothesline on the rebound. He goes for the quick cover, getting a one count only. He applies a rear chin lock on Cougar and wrenches back on Cougar's neck. Cougar is able to make it to his feet and counters the chin lock with a back body drop which causes Blade to let the hold go. Both men are to their feet and Cougar goes for a clothesline, but Blade ducks and picks him up and drops him with a backbreaker. He pulls Cougar to his feet and lifts him up in a vertical suplex, and continues to hold him up in the air.

Connor: Blade has been able to counter Cougar's offense so far Cohen, and now he's got him up in a vertical suplex.

Cohen: Cougar is overlooking this match and it's showing. He needs to get his head in the game and take Blade out like he properly should.

Blade finally drops Cougar onto his back and goes for the cover, getting a two count. Blade stomps away at Cougar's legs, trying to soften them up for a submission maneuver. He lifts Cougar's leg up and wrenches at his ankle but Cougar counters with a kick to the face. Blade backs up as Cougar gets to his feet and rushes Blade, hitting a flying elbow. He stands over Blade and jumps up, hitting a standing leg drop over the throat. He picks Blade up and whips him into the ropes. Blade goes for a clothesline but Cougar ducks and hits a reverse neckbreaker and goes for the pin, getting a two count. Cougar stands up and poses once more, as the crowd unrelentingly boos him.

Cohen: What did I tell you Double C? As soon as Cougar realized he needed to focus, he has taken firm control of this match.

Connor: If he is so focused why is trying to play up the crowd's emotions?

Cohen: It's a mind game, simple as that. He's trying to get Blade to think that Cougar has taken his focus off of him.

Cougar goes back to Blade and picks him up and whips him into the corner. He hits a few knife edge chops across the chest of Blade before lifting him up onto the top turnbuckle. Cougar motions for The Final Act and climbs up to the second turnbuckle. He wraps his arm around Blade but Blade counters with a couple elbows to the side of Cougar's head. He pushes Cougar off sending him crashing to the mat. Blade steadies himself and connects with a missile dropkick, knocking Cougar across the ring. Both men struggle to their feet, and Blade kicks Cougar in the gut and hooks both arms. Cougar counters by grabbing Blade's legs and dropping him on his back and floats over with a sunset flip and places his feet on the ropes. The ref counts to two before noticing Cougar's feet and stops the count. Cougar gets up and argues with the ref as Blade sneaks behind Cougar and rolls him up, almost getting a three count before Cougar kicks out! Blade gets up and starts arguing with the ref now, as Cougar this time gets up and rolls Blade up. He gets a handful of tights and gets the three count!

Anderson: Here is your winner, "Showtime" David Cougar!

Connor: What a deceitful way to win. There is no honor in a victory like that

Cohen: Who cares about honor Double C? As long as you get the victory that's all that matters.

Blade gets to his feet and looks infuriated. He gets in the ref's face and continues arguing with him as Cougar slides out of the ring and makes his way up the ramp with his arms raised up in victory.

Connor: Cougar may have picked up the cheap victory tonight, but he certainly won't have that luxury when he faces off with Drake Callahan for the Eurasian Championship.

Cohen: Drake doesn't stand a chance. And for Blade he needs to keep focused on his primary goal, taking care of the behemoth Karnage.

Connor: Stay tuned to WZCW Ascension, we have the Mayhem Championship on the line later tonight as Rush takes on Ty Burna!
The Crowd goes wild Five Finger Death Punch by Meet the Monster plays as the arena goes dark.

Anderson: The following contest is a tag team match, scheduled for one fall! Introducing First, weighing in at 270 pounds, from Philadelphia, PA, Trevor Steel!

Connor: Trevor Steel has been looking very well in recent weeks and will be looking to pick up the victory here tonight.

Cohen: Shame he couldn’t do anything about his appearance. I swear that outfit hasn’t been washed since last week!

The lights begin to flash and Trevor Steel walks to the ring, head banging along to the music as he enters the ring, waving to the fans.

Violet Hill by Coldplay sounds as Excellency walks through the curtain to a surrounding of people on their knees for Excellency, bowing down to him.

Cohen: Who does this man think he is? Having people bow down to him at the entrance. That makes me sick! Sure he’s strong and well built but he doesn’t scare me!

Connor: Why don’t you mention it to him Jack?

Cohen: Ehm.. I will… In due time…

Anderson: And his tag team partner, weighing in at 260 pounds, from the Vatican City, ‘The Holy One’, Excellency!

Excellency enters the ring and shakes Steels hand, both men roll out of the ring to discuss tactics.

“We Fly High” by Jim Jones roars throughout the arena as Mr. Baller begins his descent towards the ring and keeps his basketball clutched in hand.

Cohen: Here’s a man who’s due a win. And I expect him to give us an upset of sorts here tonight!

Connor: He very well may Jack. Mr. Baller told me earlier he’s feels good about tonight!

Anderson: Introducing the opponents, first, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Miami, Florida, Mr. Baller!

Mr. Baller uses the steps to get into the ring and launches the basketball far out into the crowd. He smiles and then mounts the turn-buckle. He takes off his track-suit and waits for his partner.

At that moment Whispers by UnSun blasts through the speakers.

Anderson: And his tag team partner, weighing in at 260 pounds, from Kings Cross, Australia, Ashleigh FalKon!

Cohen: Baller’s tag team partner is also due a win. Both these guys will surely give it their all.

Connor: I wouldn’t expect anything less from our WZCW stars. And here are four young superstars in the same ring tonight who all have a bright future ahead of them!

FalKon walks down to the ring confidently, smiling smugly at the fans booing him. He enters the ring and talks with Baller.

Steel and Baller stare each other down in the middle of the ring. FalKon is on the apron trying to get some positive reaction from the crowd, raising his arms in the air, but his attempts are in vain and he receives a round of loud boos.
Steel and Baller lock up and Baller gets applies a head lock. He wrenches on the neck of his opponent as his grip tightens round Steels head and neck.
Steel get a bit of slack and manages to throw Baller onto the ropes, hitting him with a hard clothesline, taking him down. Steel picks him up and hits him with a hard reverse DDT. Steel goes for the cover early. The referee begins the count, 1, and a kick out easily from Baller.
Steel continues the attack again on Baller. Picking him off the mat and hitting a hard head butt to him, followed up by a German suplex. Steel goes for the cover again. 1, 2 no, kick out from Baller.

Cohen: Steel is building up some steam here Cat. But here’s hoping Baller can turn things around.

Connor: Easier said than done Jack. Steel’s one hell of an opponent to have.

Cohen: Especially if you get your nose anywhere near those disgusting armpits.

Steel goes to his corner and tags in Excellency. Excellency comes in and immediately gets to work on Baller, throwing him into the corner and hitting a series of body blows. Baller stumbles forward and Excellency hits him with a belly to belly suplex. Excellency continues the attack and locks in an STF onto Baller in the middle of the ring. Baller screams out in pain as he tries to reach the ropes. FalKon enters the ring and breaks up the hold, diving on top of Excellency. The ref pushes FalKon back to his corner and warns him not to enter the ring until he has been tagged in. With the ref’s back turned Baller takes full advantage and knees Excellency and delivers a low blow, causing Excellency to fall to the floor in pain. The crowd boos loudly as Steel is going mad on the apron. He tried to enter the ring but the ref stops him and holds him back in his corner. FalKon and Baller take advantage as Baller hits him with a standing moonsault, whilst FalKon dives from the top rope with a devastating elbow drop. FalKon retreats to the apron as Steel goes back to his corner. The ref turns around and Baller tags in FalKon.

Connor: Come on ref! Keep your eyes on the match!

Cohen: How can he when Steel is trying to cheat!

Connor: Steel isn’t cheating! Baller and FalKon are the ones who should be reprimanded.

He goes to work on Excellency, locking in an ankle lock. Excellency is trying to reach the outstretched hand of Steel, who’s smacking his other hand off the turnbuckle, encouraging on Excellency and the fans. Excellency nearly gets to him but FalKon pulls him back to the middle of the ring, taunting Steel at the same time. Steel’s had enough and dives into the ring, hitting punch after punch onto the once smug face of FalKon. Baller tries to attack Steel with a clothesline but he ducks out of the way, hitting Baller with a side effect, causing him to roll out the ring. Steel goes back to the apron and receives the tag from Excellency. The crowd cheer wildly as steel immediately strikes FalKon with repeated punches to the face. The crowd chant along as each punch lands. “Steel, Steel, Steel, Steel, Steel, Steel, Steel, Steeeeeeeeeel”. Down goes FalKon. Steel picks him up and hits him with and inverted atomic drop, followed up by another hard clothesline. Steel goes for the win, 1, 2, FalKon kicks out.

Connor: Steel is just superb tonight! He’s really taking the fight to these young opponents.

Cohen: If these damn fans would stop chanting along with him, the rest of these younger stars would get a shot at the World Championship too.

Connor: It was a random draw Jack! Don’t be so bitter!

Excellency shouts to Steel he wants back in and Steel gives him the tag. Excellency goes to work on the beaten down FalKon and locks in the sharpshooter. FalKon is stuck in the middle of the ring and fading out fast. The referee lifts FalKon’s limp arm and it hits the mat. 1. He does it again. 2. He raises his arm for the third time but Baller re-enters the ring and dives on top of the situation, taking down both Excellency and the ref at the same time. The ref seems to be out of it! Baller looks around at the body’s lying on the mat. He then looks to Steel who’s standing on the apron, smiling at Baller. Baller then drops to the mat and runs out the ring as Steel chases after him. Baller ducks for cover under the ring as Steel stands with his hands on hips, shaking his head. He goes under the ring after him as both men disappear underneath. Suddenly Baller re-emerges from the other side and grabs a steel chair from under the timekeeper. Steel also comes out from the other side as Baller looks at him, chair in hand. He runs at Steel wildly and swings for him, only for steel to duck out of the way, Steel then hits a hard DDT to Baller on the outside. Steel gets back up to the apron as all three men in the ring pick themselves up. FalKon hits Excellency with a couple of hard chops which cause Excellency’s chest to go bright red. FalKon tries to finish off Excellency with a clothesline but Excellency ducks, Excellency then tries a clothesline of his own but FalKon ducks, followed by a snap suplex onto Excellency. FalKon looks to his corner to tag in Baller, but he’s still out on the outside. Instead FalKon turns his attention to Steel on the apron and tries to knock him down, only for Steel to duck out of the way, hitting FalKon with a massive head butt, knocking him silly. Excellency then tags in Steel who comes in and hits FalKon with the Michinoku Driver!
Steel goes for the cover, at that moment Baller tries to get back in the ring but Excellency takes him out, with both men crashing through the middle rope to the floor.
The referee begins the count, 1, 2, 3!

Connor: He’s done it! A superb victory!

Cohen: Damn it! Baller and FalKon need to get more training in if their ever going to win a match! I could beat Steel up in my sleep!

Steel, who hasn’t herd Cohen walks up to the announcers table, stands atop of it and celebrates to the crowd.

Connor: What was that Jack? She says with a grin on her face.

Cohen: Eh, nothing... Shut Up Cat!
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the loser leaves WZCW match. It is scheduled for one fall and the loser will leave WZCW.

The fans let out an apprehensive roar as “10’s” by Pantera hits. Celeste comes out onto the stage as deafening boos fill the arena. Celeste is indifferent and takes no notice of the hostile crowd. She begins her descent down to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 165 pounds, from Petersburg, Russia, the Submission Queen, Celeste Crimson!

Cohen: Carmen Bratchny is going to get a shock tonight. A few weeks ago he told us that he was turning over a new leaf. Tonight he may have to turn it over elsewhere. Celeste will take no mercy on him.

Connor: That may well be true, Jack. Celeste is looking very focused tonight and I wouldn’t bet against her. Carmen definitely has his work cut out against one of the few who was with us at Meltdown 1.

Celeste continues her walk towards the ring and as she arrives, she leaps up on to the side of the apron. Grabbing the tope rope, she slingshots herself over the top rope and into the ring. As heavy booing surrounds Celeste, she finally acknowledges them and taunts them.

“Wanna be loved” by Papa Roach hits the PA system as the fans eagerly await the arrival of Carmen Bratchny. Loud cheering fills the arena and after a second, Bratchny appears on top of the stage. He begins his sprint down to the ring.

Anderson: And her opponent. Weighing in at 230 pounds, from Moscow, Russia. Carmen Bratchny!

Carmen is already at the ring and does a lap around it. He lunges under the bottom rope and then mounts the turnbuckle. He raises one arm in the air and the crowd cheer loudly. He dismounts and then does the same in the opposite corner, garnering the same response.

The referee brings both of the competitors together and briefs them on the rules of the match. Both of the competitors look at each other and burn a glare into the other. The referee signals for the bell and the match begins quickly. Celeste lands a clothesline that takes Carmen down, he immediately springs back up and as Celeste goes to land another clothesline, Carmen launches her across the ring with an arm-drag. Both of the competitors get to their feet and the crowd clap in appreciation. Both of the competitors quickly tie up in the middle of the ring and Celeste gains the advantage by applying an elbow-bar against her opponent. Carmen struggles to get out of the hold and powers his way to the nearest of the ropes. Grabbing them, the hold is broken and Carmen immediately attacks Celeste with a clubbing punch that rattles her. Celeste recoils across the ring and Carmen follows her. As she finally arrives in the corner, Carmen mounts the turnbuckle and begins to lay into Celeste. The crowd cheer with every punch that lands. Carmen dismounts after a few more punches and Celeste falls to the mat.

Connor: Carmen Bratchny is looking impressive in the early goings of this match.

Cohen: We’ll see how impressive he looks off of the roster, CC.

Carmen covers Celeste and gets a 1 count as Celeste powers out. Getting to his feet, Carmen picks up Celeste. He whips her across the ring and attempts a lariat. Celeste ducks out of the way and as he she rebounds off of the opposite ropes, she lands a running Enzuigiri that staggers Carmen. Celeste gets to her feet and is quick to maintain her momentum. Celeste grabs Carmen and puts him in the German Suplex. With a huge effort from Celeste, she launches Carmen over her shoulders in the German Suplex and releases. Celeste gets to her feet and then begins to climb the ropes. She looks at Carmen as she gets to the top. Carmen gets to his feet and Celeste immediately launches herself off of her elevated position with a flying thrust kick that sends Carmen back to the mat. Celeste covers him. The referee begins his count. 1…2… Kick out by Bratchny.

Connor: An up and down match here, Jack. It could go either way.

Cohen: Either way!? Are you serious? As far as I can see, Celeste has this under control.

Celeste slams the mat with her hand as the frustration builds. She gets to her feet and stands by the side of Carmen. She attempts a standing moonsault. Carmen is wise to the move though and raises his knees so that it is Celeste who deals with the impact. Celeste holds her gut and shouts in agony. Carmen gets to his feet and quickly attempts to continue his newly-found momentum. Carmen locks in the Boston Crab and Celeste screams in agony as more pressure is applied to her injured gut. She tries to turn out of the move but she is too weak at this point. She tries a different tact and struggles slowly to the ropes. With one final stretch of her hand, Celeste reaches the ropes. Celeste sighs in relief as the move is broken. With Celeste still on the ground, Carmen begins to mount the turnbuckle. He is taking his time and is pandering to the crowd at the same time. Meanwhile, Celeste is beginning to recover and as he eventually reaches the top rope, Celeste rushes him and lands a belly to belly slam from the top rope. Both competitors are strewn out and slowly Celeste begins to cover Carmen. 1…2… Kick out.

Connor: This match is getting more and more physical, Jack. One of these competitors will be leaving WZCW at the end of this match. Who has the advantage at this point?

Cohen: It’s obvious that Bratchny can’t hack this level, CC. Carmen has this under control.

Both competitors get to their feet and land punches to the faces of their opponents. Celeste attempts a puch but Carmen ducks out of the way and Carmen lands a full nelson slam that takes down Celeste. Carmen gets to his feet and signals for the end of the match. He picks up Celeste and attempts the Chokeslam onto his knee. However, Celeste manages to reverse it and turns it into a DDT. Carmen falls to the mat and Celeste attempts to end the match. She attempts to lock in the Meltdown but Carmen rolls through and locks in the Ankle lock of his own. Celeste struggles and the crowd scream for her to tap out. She struggles and screams in agony and with a great effort, manages to roll through. Both competitors get to their feet and quickly Carmen locks in the Crucifix Choke. With little left in the tank, Celeste has to tap out.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Carmen Bratchny!

Connor: I don’t believe it! One of the only competitors who was on the first Meltdown is leaving WZCW.

Carmen rolls out of the ring and begins his walk up the ramp. As Celeste finally comes to consciousness, she rests on both of her knees. Carmen turns to face her and claps his hands slowly. The fans join in and this is coupled with a chant of “Thank You” from the WZCW fans.

Connor: Great show of respect from the fans as we see Celeste on WZCW programming for the last time.
Connor: I can't believe that we just said farewell to WZCW Veteran, Celeste Crimson

Cohen: I know what you mean, I've been here from the beginning and she was loyal through and through. We will wish Celeste all the best on her future endeavours

Connor: And unfortunately, despite this sad cloud to tonight, the show must go on...

Anderson: Ladies and Gentleman, the following contest is scheduled for one fall!

The lights go out for 5 seconds and the strobe lights start flashing as Zander comes out onto the stage with his Elite X Championship around his waist, pointing to it with excitement. He heads down the run and gives out high fives to the kids and slides into the ring. He goes to the middle rope camera side nearest the entrance and does his signature pose while holding the Elite X belt in the air.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Glasgow, Scotland, weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the WZCW Elite X Champion, Zander!

Connor: Zander reached Cloud Nine last week after winning the Elite X Championship last week, but he might be heading through a storm as he faces Big Dave in a Battle of Britain showdown between the two. What do you make of this Jack?

Cohen: Well CC, if we look at last week’s Ascension

Ascension 4 said:
Frankie Smith gets in the ring and begins punches straight away and starts to exchange punches with Zander

Titus gets in the ring and Irish whips both of them

Smith comes over and grabs Titus as he goes to give him a belly to belly suplex

Titus gives Zander a hurricarana

Smith then picks Zander up and gives him a neckbreaker

Both Smith and Zander swing for Titus who ducks down and they miss hitting each other. Titus then hits both in the mid section as Titus goes for the double Tit Drop.

Titus signals for the Red Comet

The rWo come running down the ramp as the cheers turn to boos. Ace and Ricky grabs Titus and throws him out the ring. Outside all three men are beating on Titus using weapons.

Zander sets Smith for the Aha Shake Heartbreak and it connects....1....2....3. Zander wins.

The rWo leave through he crowd as Titus is out cold bleeding as Smith is sat in the ring clearly annoyed at how the match went. Zander lifts his belt above his head almost amazed at the fact he is the new Elite X champion.

Cohen: So you can see that Zander would have not done this had it not been for the rWo and I would have expected to see Frankie Smith hold that belt

Connor: Well Frankie’s got another shot at the Lethal Lottery as announced earlier, he will be challenging for the belt alongside USA in a Triple Threat match. It should be a match to watch, provided by Ascension

[youtube] /v/ogodVnOv048&hl=en&fs=1&[/youtube]​

The crowd starts to boo heavily as Big Dave comes out in his hoodie and sunglasses, walking down with authority. He heads straight down the ramp and stops in front of the ring and jumps on onto the apron.

Anderson: His opponent, representing the rWo, from London, England, weighing in at 268 pounds, Big Dave!

Connor: Big Dave is certainly looking menacing tonight as he had some strong words to say about his opponent

Cohen: What do you expect CC? Zander’s from Scotland, that’s like being a Canadian to me!

Connor: Excuse my colleagues commented, no doubt you’ll be seeing a new broadcast partner next week.

Big Dave climbs into the ring, keeping watch of Zander as he climbs onto the turnbuckle and raises both arms in the air to series of boos. He climbs down and walks to the opposing turnbuckle and does the same pose to the same reaction from the ground. He gets down and takes off his hoodie and sunglasses as he just stares at Zander who just looks back and then around to see if the area is secure.

The referee signals for the bell as Zander walks from side to side as Dave just stands there staring at his moving opponent, only his eyes follow Zander’s movements carefully. The camera quickly cuts to inside the rWo locker room as Ricky and Ace sit there watching the match and it cuts back with Zander deciding to stop pacing as a “Zander” chants up from the crowd. Zander looks from side to side with a smirk from his face at the reaction as Dave remains dormant. Zander decides to take a few small paces towards his opponent and then decides to run at the ropes and go for a which move is met with a big boot from Dave who finally moves and paces slowly around Zander who gets back up.

Connor: Hopefully Dave will show some mercy and make it quick

Cohen: It will be quick, but it won’t be painless!

Zander gets back up as Dave stalks him from behind and catches Zander with a snap suplex, taking down his opponent. Dave gets up and gives Zander a few stomps on his chest until he rolls to the ropes. Zander uses the ropes to get back up as Dave heads over again but Zander elbows him in the stomach and then hits an enziguri to take down Dave to one knee. He gets back up as Zander bounces him off the ropes and hits a Samoan drop on Dave and goes for the cover 1…..2. power out by Dave. Both men get back up as Zander looks for another quick move but Dave catches him with a powerslam, but doesn’t go for the pin as gets up and hits a leg drop onto Zander’s head and then goes for the cover 1…..2… kickout by Zander.

Dave then holds Zander’s head and hits a few rights, each hit getting hard as Zander tries to block it. Dave starts to increase until the ref starts a 5 count, to which Dave stops at 4 and questions the ref’s actions. He gets up and paces towards the turnbuckle and then paces back as Zander is on one knee. Dave takes Zander by the head and taunts him but Zander breaks out of the hold and hits a forearm smash, followed by another, and another. Dave then goes for a right but Zander ducks and gets Dave on his shoulders in a fireman’s carry, with enough momentum he rolls forward and slams Dave to the mat.

Connor: Zander not affected too much by the near forty pound difference there

Cohen: It will soon, Trust me!

Zander staggers a bit from taking the extra weight of Dave but he recomposes as goes to the turnbuckle to hit a high move, but Dave gets up and shoves Zander, leaving him crotched on top. Dave climbs up and sits behind Zander, he locks his feet on the second rope and hits the spider suplex, taking the Elite X Champion to the mat. Dave unhooks his feet and turns around and signals for the money shot, he takes flight and connects with the move and goes for the cover 1…..2…..kickout by Zander. Dave storms up to his feet and starts to argue with the ref. The camera cuts back to Ricky and Ace still watching, and they protest the decision as well. Suddenly Zander rolls Dave in a school boy 1….2….kickout. Zander holds his head thinking he had his opponent beat.

Zander gets up first and stands behind Dave who is getting back up as well, he knocks him on the back of the head and looks to go for the pump handle slam, but Dave uses his height and weight to evade out of it, he bounces off the ropes and hits a mighty spear, he goes for the cover again 1…..2….kickout. Dave is getting livid from Zander not staying down for the third second. Dave gets onto his feet and picks up Zander, he goes the for Irish whip but Zander reverses and on the return he goes for the Aha Shake Heartbeak, but during the lift, Dave powers out and hits a sudden Checking Out, another cover 1…..2……3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Big Dave!

Connor: What a match from these two, they took each other to the limit but it is Big Dave who stands tall over Zander

Cohen: You got to give Zander his dues, he might make a believer out of me yet but my boy, Big Dave is rightfully victorious here tonight

The camera cuts to Ricky and Ace applauding Dave for his actions, Dave celebrates around the ring with his arms raised in the air. He then suddenly goes outside the ring to the apron and grabs something under the ring. It’s the Scottish flag with the rWo sprayed on it, he climbs back in and throws it on the floor as he picks up the knocked out Zander and sits him on top of the nearby turnbuckle. He grabs the flag and ties it around Zander’s neck, he looks around at the ground for a few moments and then grabs Zander by the throat and chokeslams him from the turnbuckle to the floor which gets a series of big boos from the crowd. He leaves the ring and proceeds up the entrance way as the EMTs go and check on Zander.

Connor: That was too far from Dave, but he’s sending that rWo message around and while he might be a great in-ring competitor, I will not be able to cope with what he does outside it

Cohen: Does that mean you’re resigning? I hope not, I don't want to be stuck with Seabass all the time!

Connor: Well Ladies and Gentleman, despite what’s just happened, nothings going to get more serious than the Mayhem Championship, Rush will try and get hold of his first title reign off the impressive Ty Burna. Mayhem Rules will contest this match and it’s our main event, coming up next!


Backstage Stacey composes her self and then turns towards the camera.

Stacey: Ladies and Gentleman, for the first time in WZCW, I have been granted an interview with one of our more mysterious competitors, Ty Burna!

Ty and Serafina make their way into the camera shot, Ty holding his Mayhem Championship on his shoulder. Serafina gives an angry look at Stacey.

Stacey: Ty, tonight you defend your Mayhem Championship against Rush, what are your thoughts going into your first title defense?

Serafina grabs the mic away from Stacey suddenly.

Serafina: First of all Stacey, I suggest you get the hell out of here before we have our own Mayhem Rules match right here.

Stacey stares down Serafina before turning around and exiting the area in a fit. Serafina holds the mic up for Ty.

Ty: Rush, within moments we will have our clash in that ring. And with this Mayhem Championship on the line, I will punish you into submission. You may be the bigger man, but what do you do against a mastermind like myself?

Ty holds up the Mayhem Championship to the camera.

I will break you Rush, and you will never have this glorious belt around your waist. I promise you that.

Ty pushes the camera away with the belt as Serafina drops the mic and both walk towards the entrance area.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Mayhem Championship!

"10,000 Fists" by Disturbed begins playing as Rush makes his out to a large pop from the crowd. He raises his arms up in his signature pose before beating his chest and letting out a loud scream. He makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring, raising his arms up once more.

Anderson: Introducing the challenger, from Windsor, Ontario, Canada, he stands 6'7" and weighs 361 lbs, Rush!

Connor: Rush and his partner Obsidius were unsuccessful in their tag match last week against Ace David and Ty Burna. Could that be an omen for this match tonight?

Cohen: I'm not sure why don't you go ask that freak Ty if it is or not. He's the one with the Ouija board, not me.

Mr. Ouija 2 hits the sound system as the lights go dim. Static light begins flickering as Ty and Serafina make their way out to the entrance. The crowd responds with a deafening boo as they make their way down the ramp. Ty and Serafina enter the ring, and Ty holds his Mayhem Championship up in one hand, and the Ouija Scroll in the other. Serafina takes the Ouija scroll and exits the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, from parts unknown, he stands 6'3" and weighs 235 lbs, the Mayhem Champion, Ty Burna!

The ref goes to take the Mayhem Title from Ty, but Ty refuses. Rush gets a flustered look on his face and turns towards the crowd. As soon as he does Ty rushes towards him and smashes the Mayhem Belt into the back of Rush's head. Rush collapses to the ground and Ty stands over him, screaming at him.

Ty: Is this what you want Rush? You don't have any idea what you're getting into.

Connor: That was a cheap shot, Rush wasn't even looking when he got hit.

Cohen: Hello, Double C this is a Mayhem Rules match, anything goes here, and you don't turn your back on someone like Ty.

The ref signals for the bell as Ty stomps away at Rush. He drags him to his feet and punches away at him. Rush pushes him away, sending Ty tumbling backwards. Ty gets up and rushes at Rush, but Rush counters with a Big Boot. Rush grabs Ty with both hands around his throat and lifts him up into the air and holds him there before tossing him across the ring once more. The crowd pops as Rush takes control. As Ty lays on the ground in the corner, Serafina slides a singapore cane into the ring to Ty. Rush begins making his way over to Ty as he gets to his feet. He turns around and blasts Rush across the head with the cane. The cane breaks but Rush doesn't appear to be affected at all by the attack. He grabs Ty by the throat again and lifts him up in a Military Press, and tosses him over the ropes to the outside. Ty lands had and squirms around in pain.

Connor: My God, I have never seen anyone manhandle Ty like this. Rush is in full control of this match now.

Cohen: Don't start praising Rush as the Mayhem Champion already Double C, Ty is resourceful. He will get back in this.

Rush makes his way to the outside and picks Ty up, whipping him into the steel steps. Ty crumples against the steps and looks to be almost out. Serafina rushes in front of him and holds her arms out, trying to impede the advancing Rush.

Connor: What is she thinking? Rush is almost four or five times her size? She doesn't stand a chance of stopping him.

Cohen: Let's see how much of a man Rush is and attacks a defenseless woman or not.

Rush stops right in front of Serafina and puts his hands on his hips. He reaches out and picks Serafina up and sets her to the side. As he turns his head back towards Ty, he gets hit with a wicked chair shot from Ty, busting him wide open. Rush falls to the ground and Ty stands over him with the chair. He begins slamming the top of the chair onto the chest and neck of Rush. He holds the chair down across Rush's throat but Rush pushes up on the chair and knocks it out of Ty's hands. He kicks Ty off and gets up to his feet slowly as Ty begins picking up the steel ring steps. Rush charges him but Ty is able to smash the steps right into Rush's head. He drops the steps and grabs Rush by his head, slamming him down face first on the cold steel.

Cohen: See what I mean Double C? Resourceful. He took advantage of Rush's kind heart and is making him pay for it.

Connor: Isn't that...kind of cold to do though?

Cohen: Yes Double C,these Mayhem Rules matches are nothing but butterflies and rainbows. Get serious this is a brutal match that requires everything you can do to get the victory. Ty is obviously aware of that.

Ty let's Rush's head drop against the steps as he goes under the ring and grabs a chair. He holds the chair up and a wicked grin crosses his face as he lifts it up and slams it down. Rush is able to move his head in time and the chair hits steel. Rush quickly hits a clothesline, knocking the chair out of Ty's hands. He pulls Ty to his feet and hits a spinning side walk slam, right onto the steel steps. Ty arches his back in pain as Rush goes under the ropes and pulls out a table. He slides the table into the ring and grabs Ty and rolls him into the ring. He follows in and whips Ty into the corner, follows him and hits a big splash in the corner, knocking Ty down. Rush walks over to the table and sets it up before walking over to Ty and picking him up. He sends him into the ropes and hits a huge powerslam on Ty and goes for the cover, getting a 2 count.

Connor: Rush dodged a bullet with that chair shot missing Cohen, and now has taken the advantage back in this match.

Cohen: That brute is just throwing his weight around Double C. If I weighed almost four hundred pounds, I would have been World Champion at least five times.

Rush drags Ty to his feet and begins raining punches down on Ty, knocking him to one knee. Rush goes to bounce off the ropes but gets hit in the back by Serafina with a chair. Rush doesn't seem phased by it and turns around and starts pointing and jawing at Serafina, allowing Ty to get up and surprise Rush with a Russian Legsweep. Ty reaches over the ropes and grabs the chair and sets it up in the middle of the ring. He drags Rush to his feet and tries whipping him to the other ropes. Rush reverses the whip and lifts up Ty in a Military Press once more, but Ty elbows him in the head before reversing the Military Press into a DDT, dropping Rush's already bloody head right onto the chair, bending the steel. Ty goes for the cover, but Rush is able to kick out at two! Ty makes it to his feet and kicks away at Rush in frustration. He signals for The Final Seance and locks in the submission maneuver on Rush. Rush begins draining fast. Suddenly Rush wakes up and wraps his arms around Ty and is able to lift him up, slamming him down onto the mat and is able to break the hold.

Connor: What a battle! These two are going all out for that Mayhem Championship.

Cohen: These two are idiots, they're shaving years off of their career for this one match. Why not just take the loss and live to fight another day?

Connor: It's a matter of pride Cohen, something you obviously don't h

Rush picks Ty up and sends him into the ropes, lifting him up and connecting with a Samoan Drop. He drags Ty over to the table and signals to the crowd to a loud pop. He throws Ty's nearly lifeless body onto the table and begins climbing the top rope. As he gets to the top turnbuckle, Ty slides off the table and low blows Rush. He goes under Rush and with one last bit of strength, is able to barely lift Rush and push him from the turnbuckle, sending him crashing through the table in a Rydeen Bomb variation. He covers Rush, and gets the three count!

Anderson: Here is your winner, and still Mayhem Champion, Ty Burna!

Connor: Ty is able to retain his Mayhem Championship, but for how long? Rush seemed to have his number tonight.

Cohen: Rush made fatal mistakes in this match Connor, he was too worried about the crowd's approval and it ultimately gave Ty enough time to recover and pick up the win.

Ty struggles to his feet as the ref raises his hand. Serafina grabs the Mayhem Championship and pushes the ref away, handing Ty the belt and raising his hand.

Connor: We're all out of time here, thank you for joining us on WZCW Ascension!

Ty stands over Rush and holds the belt in his face as Ascension goes off the air.
Ty vs. Rush (Ty)
Zander Young vs. Big Dave(Phoenix)
Bratchny vs. Celeste (Dave)
Cougar vs. Blade (Ty)
Steel/Excellency vs. Baller/Falkon (Fratelli)
Milenko/Obsidius vs. Kyle/Chambers (Phoenix)
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