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Ascension 35

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Meltdown 60 said:
It’s Bowen’s turn to get ready to finish the match, he looks to set for End of Days but then rolls out of the ring and goes underneath the ring. He comes back up, wielding a barbed wire baseball bat! He raises it high and the crowd pops for it loudly. He slides into the ring and prepares to hit Ty straight in the face but as he steps forward, Ty kicks the baseball bat into Bowen’s face with Consecrated Banishment!!!

Bowen’s face splits as the barbed wire rips into the flesh of his forehead off the devastating impact. Ty falls on top of him, 1....2.... ....3!!!

"Holy CRAP"

“Your winner by pinfall, the World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!!”

“I’ll give Bowen all the credit in the world, he nearly had Ty down for a three count!”

“Most others wouldn’t have been able to put up that much of a fight. Ty had to near kill him!”

The blood continues to pour from Bowen’s forehead but Ty isn’t done despite the victory.

“That was some performance by both men...but what is Ty doing.”

He looks at the barbed wire object but he throws it over the top rope. Instead he leaves the ring and grabs another table. The ref tries to stop him but Ty threatens him and he scarpers. He rolls back into the ring and sets it up at the nearest corner. He grabs Bowen by the arms and drags him to the corner.

“This isn’t right!”

“Ha I love it! Ty is sending a message to Austin, to the rest of the roster that he will not be messed with!”

Bowen is dead weight as he seems to have the life all but beaten out of him. Ty begins to climb the ropes with Bowen above him, he crosses his arm across his chest and lifts him up. He looks to slam him through the table with the X-plex but before he can, Austin Reynolds appears on the apron and slams Ty in the back with a steel chair!

“Yes! Yes! Yes! The Ratings Winner is here!”

"No! Ty, destroy that scandalous rat!"

Ty drops Bowen who falls to the floor! Reynolds goes to climb the turnbuckle and forces Ty beneath him. Austin grabs him by the waist, lifts him up and slams him through the table to the ring with the Ratings Killer!!

“That was great timing by Reynolds! And now he is going to want answers!”

Austin gets in Ty’s semi-conscious face and shouts at him wildly, asking where Hayley is and what he has done with her! The crowd are whooping and hollering in support for Austin as the show ends.

The show opens with the camera panning the crowd as they cheer loudly. Suddenly the lights go off and the crowd begins to boo loudly as the Chaos Symbol flashes on the Tron. Static lights flicker throughout the arena and suddenly the lights come back up as Ty stands in the center of the ring, the WZCW World Heavyweight title dangling from his hand. Serafina stands behind him, restraining Hayley as the crowd boos louder. Ty lifts his mic up immediately.

Ty: Reynolds! The time has come for your decision. Come bow before me and suffer the consequences of your ego.

Ty lowers the mic and crosses his arms, tapping his foot impatiently as he awaits Reynolds.


Reynolds makes his way out to a deafening pop from the crowd. He immediately walks down the ramp, his eyes not taking their gaze from Ty as he slides into the ring and gets right in Ty's face. Ty doesn't budge but shoves Reynolds in the face and forces him back. Reynolds looks to strike Ty but Serafina wrenches Hayley's arm and forces her to yell out. Reynolds suddenly stops and lowers his head as Ty cackles loudly.

Ty: So you put me through a table on Meltdown. I figured you would save your lapdog Bowen from the utter destruction he deserved. Do you think that bothered me Reynolds? It just goes to show that you are nothing without taking a shortcut. A chair shot on Meltdown, threatening to run over a man who speaks the truths WZCW needs to hear in John Constantine. Face it Reynolds, you haven't won a match legitimately in a long time.

Reynolds: Let's just get this over with Ty. I'm sick of listening to you blather on about this.

Ty: Very well then.

Ty grabs Hayley and roughly pulls her forward. Ty raises the World Title into the air and holds Hayley. Reynolds slowly lifts his head and looks directly in Hayley's eyes. She begins pleading with him not to give up the title shot as Ty's wicked smile begins spreading across his face.

Ty: It's killing you isn't Reynolds? The two most important aspects of your life and you must make a choice. So what will be it Reynolds? The love of your life, or the very title you ignored Hayley in order to gain. What is worth more to you? You've listened to Showtime, shunned Hayley, and treated Dominic without an inch of regard.

Reynolds doesn't say a word, just staring into Hayley's eyes before turning and looking at the World Title. Ty grows impatient for Reynolds' answer as his smile disappears.

Ty: Answer me Reynolds!

Ty lets go of Hayley briefly and backhands Reynolds across the face. Reynolds grits his teeth and gets in Ty's face again before backing off once again realizing the situation. He shakes his head and grabs Hayley, untying her and checking on her. Ty shakes his head as he drapes the World Title over his shoulder.

Ty: It's a shame Reynolds, such a shame.

Reynolds looks at Ty with a furious yet curious look. Suddenly Hayley drops down and low blows Reynolds! The crowd goes quiet in stunned silence as Hayley stands up as Reynolds drops to the ground, his face in total shock as Hayley walks over to Ty and Serafina and embraces both. The crowd begins booing loudly as Hayley takes the mic from Ty and stands over Reynolds as Ty presses his foot against Reynolds' neck.

Hayley: What's the matter dear? Were you expecting a hero's reaction when you saved me from Ty's evil clutches? That's just what you wanted wasn't it Austin? You wanted that reaction, sacrificing your World Title shot to save the love of your life? I heard Austin, I heard how you were out here every week with your little talk show, chatting up the likes of Mr. Baller or spending time with Alex Bowen rather than looking for me! I know what's important in your life now Reynolds, and it's not me!

She leans down and slaps Reynolds hard across the face before she begins speaking again.

Hayley: Ty showed me what was real. He showed me that I'm better than being the princess waiting to be saved. I want someone that cares about me, not someone that only pretends! It's a shame Reynolds, you didn't listen to me when I was abducted, and you didn't listen to me when I said keep your title shot. Now you have nothing, and you're the only one to blame!

She stands back and Ty raises the World Title high as the lights go out. Ty's music hits as the Chaos Symbol flashes on the tron again and the lights come back up, leaving Reynolds alone in the ring as he slowly pulls himself up, his head lowered and looking beaten down.

Connor: Hayley just attacked her fiancee! This has to be a blow to Reynolds, he gave up his title shot to save her and she ends up staying with Ty. Something just didn't seem right though, what do you think Jack?

Cohen: I saw nothing wrong. Reynolds was ignoring her even as she was abducted. She decided to join the winning team. I like to see how Reynolds can even compete with that knowledge on his mind.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"Sabotage" hits the speakers and the crowd cheers as Saboteur explodes out of the curtain, embracing the reaction. He skips down the ring hi-fiving the fans.

Anderson: Introducing first, from a place that I've been told not to discuss, weighing in at 198 pounds... SABOTEUR!

He pulls out his katana's whilst perched on the top turnbuckle and forms an X over his chest. He jumps down and assumes his battle stance but the referee reminds him he can't use the katana's. Saboteur rolls his eyes and sighs as he hands over his weapons as "Leviate" begins. Ricky Runn emerges with a huge smile on his face and begins painting his face, followed by running down the ramp and sliding into the ring.

Anderson: And his tag team partner, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 200 pounds... "The 2nd City Daredevil," Ricky RUNN!

Cohen: Wow... I didn't know finger-painting was considered daring. If that's the case, I could have been a daredevil when I was in diapers!

Connor: You mean last year then, Jack?

"Anarchy in the UK" starts next and the crowd boo's as Scumm walks out very slowly, sticking both his fingers out to the crowd in either direction. He spits on the top of the entrance ramp before continuing down.

Anderson: And their opponent, from Manchester, England, weighing in at 223 pounds... Johnny SCUMM!

Scumm waits on the outside as "Firefly" hits and Chris walks to the top of the ramp and stares out to the crowd in disgust.

Anderson: And his tag team partner, from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, weighing in at 212 pounds... Sam MASTERS!

Chris immediately turns his attention to the announcer and puts a microphone to his mouth as members of the crowd begin laughing at Anderson's mistake.

K.O: Cut the music! Cut the music!

The crowd boos as Chris looks annoyed.

K.O: You think this is funny? You think changing my name is a joke to all of you?

The crowd cheers at the notion.

K.O: You people have a terrible sense of humour.

The crowd boos loudly.

K.O: But, luckily for you, I've been known to be a good comedian and it just so happens that I'm in the mood for jokes. Here's one.

Chris drops the microphone and walks backstage to a booing crowd as they've realised he isn't coming back. Scumm is livid as his partner has just walked out on him.

Connor: Well, looks like that's the last we'll see of Mr. K.O. tonight. Although I've got to ask, where did he get that microphone?

Scumm goes to walk off to the back too and the crowd boos at his actions. He sticks a finger up at the crowd to show his distaste for them. Ricky and Saboteur look at each other and nod. They exit the ring and run after Scumm to a cheering crowd. They grab Scumm and drag him back to the ring. They get into the ring and the referee rings the bell.

Scumm tries to plead with Ricky who stares him down with a smile. He asks the crowd if they want to hit Scumm and they cheer. Scumm, using the distraction, delivers a eye poke. Ricky tends to his eyes as Scumm positions himself to end the match early. Scumm goes to hit The Facebreaker but Ricky catches the legs of Scumm and catapults him into the turnbuckle. Ricky grabs Scumm from behind and hits the Ricky Runndown. The impact forces Scumm to his knees as Ricky tags in Saboteur. He hits the Death Blow on Scumm who is still on his knees but very groggy. He lines up Scumm and delivers the In Your Face! to Scumm. Saboteur goes to pin him but tags Ricky back in, telling him to go high. The crowd cheers as Saboteur urges him on. Ricky goes up top and hits the R&R on Scumm... 1.... 2.... 3!

The referee rings the bell and the two men exit the ring to celebrate their win with their fans as Scumm lays in the middle of the ring trying to get up.

Anderson: Here are your winners... Saboteur and Ricky RUNN!

Cohen: How was this match fair? Scumm was forced to compete by himself! He should be compensated for this.

Connor: He did hold in their quite well though... he took four finishers and is still able to move. But this Chris K.O. thing seems to be causing more problems than impact for the company. Let's hope this doesn't aggravate the situation.

Titus comes out dressed as Red Mask and makes his way straight to the ring to a rather large pop.

Red Mask: Thank you ladies and gentleman for another great ovation. I promised you that I would address the situation with Baez and now I shall tell you what I think about him.

The crowd begin to chant “Baez Sucks, Baez Sucks Baez Sucks”

Red Mask: Hey don't be harsh on the man, in fact there are quite some ways that he's better than me. There's his in ring ability, his charisma, his charm, his wit and he even has a better mask than me.

The crowd boo really loud.

Red Mask: Seriously he is, I heard that Becky once saw his face and told Stacey that reason Baez wears a mask is because there's no one as good looking as he. Another thing is how he's so much better than I am at...

Voice: That's enough there Baez.

The camera pans to the titantron to reveal none other than Titus on the screen

Baez takes the Red Mask off and laughs out loud as the audience boo some more. Baez holds the mask up.

Baez: For the past month, this stupid thing has caused more problems to me than anything else in this company. My job has been threatened because of this damn thing. Because my mask doesn't sell as well. Honestly, who the hell cares? How this stupid thing is supposed to be better than me I'll never know. I never had any issues with Titus. I liked the guy, but the show's over. I'm sick of his superhero crap and how it's somehow costing me my job. I don't care what you have to say about me!

Titus: Blah Blah Blah Blah I got screwed wah wah wah!

Baez: Shut up! Shut the hell up, you Ryan Reynolds wannabe! My career is in jeopardy because of you and you come out here mocking me? Should I get you some lip balm? So your lips don't dry? It's a big arena, there's a lot of asses you're gonna have to kiss you know?

Titus: Shut up! At Apocalypse Titus will NOT be facing Baez

The crowd boos once again.

Baez: I knew you'd wimp out of this, it's just a shame that you're hidden away in Keystone answering me via satellite or else I'd show you what for.

Titus: That is a shame, you see I said Baez wouldn't face Titus at Apocalypse. I didn't say anything about Red Mask!

The crowd pop loud for this

Titus: Oh and another thing.

Baez: What, oh great Oscar winner, is that?

Titus: I didn't say I was in Keystone City either.

Titus pulls up a Red Mask and puts it over his head.


The crowd pop once again at this. A man wearing a Red Mask appears on the stage as the height, the demeanour, the familiar pose is definitely the hero of Keystone. He rushes to the ring and climbs the turnbuckle to another applause. Baez looks on intently as Red Mask looks back. Before either man can make a move security rushes out to separate the two men. Off mic you can hear Red Mask shout.

Red Mask: I'll see you at Apocalypse!
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"Iron Army" hits the speakers and Skinner walks out cockily into the spotlight of a dimly lit arena. The crowd boos as he begins walking down the ramp with white strobes dancing to the beat of the song.

Anderson: Introducing first, from New York City, weighing in at 145 pounds... Jack SKINNER!

He slides into the ring and laughs at the audience, telling them off for wasting their money. At that moment, the dimly lit arena covered with white strobes transforms into darkness. A drum begins beating and flashes of brightness light up the arena, prompting "Soul of the Shadow" to begin playing. The crowd roars as a cigarette is cast aside with Black Dragon emerging from the darkness and heading towards the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, from the Halfway House, weighing in at 180 pounds... the Black DRAGON!

Cohen: It's such a shame to see tag team's break up so early. Dragon finally had something relevant to do in his career.

Connor: These two were never an official team, Jack. If they were, Skinner would actually stand a chance.

Dragon gets in the ring and stares at Skinner who is taunting him about last week's loss. Skinner grins at Dragon as the referee checks the two men out and rings for the bell. Dragon takes one step forward and Skinner exits the ring. The crowd boos as Skinner begins laughing and points to his head, looking at the crowd. Skinner looks forward to see Dragon standing right in front of him, appearing out of nowhere. Skinner goes to turn around and sees Dragon standing on the other side who delivers a hard kick to the thigh of Skinner followed by a roundhouse kick. Skinner is dazed as Dragon throws him back into the ring and goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Skinner. As Skinner tries getting up, Dragon delivers a snapmare followed by a stiff soccer kick to the back. He locks in a sleeper hold on Skinner who does all he can to escape the hold but the leverage of Dragon makes it impossible for Skinner, so he eventually makes it to the ropes to call for the break by the referee. Dragon decides to let go before 4 and stalks Skinner as he gets up. He goes for the Darkness Falls but Skinner rakes the eyes of Dragon and slips out. Skinner attempts to pull the mask off of Dragon who does all he can to keep it fixed on. The referee tries to pull Skinner off Dragon who eventually lets go after Skinner sneakily kicks Dragon for a low blow. The crowd boos as Dragon goes to the ground and the ref tells Skinner off.

Cohen: Smart move.

Connor: Illegal move.

Cohen: That's what I said, CC. Smart!

Skinner ignores the referee and runs off the ropes to kick Dragon in the face, following it up with a standing knee drop. He grabs the head of Dragon and tells him "I'm going to find you" before going for the pin but Dragon powers out before 1. Skinner climbs up high to the middle rope and waits for Dragon to get up. He jumps at Dragon but he counters it with a snap powerslam. Skinner winces in pain from the move as Dragon shakes his head at him as he tries getting up. Dragon helps him to his feet so he can execute an enzuigiri that sends Skinner to one knee. Dragon follows up with a dropkick to the face of Skinner, knocking him down. He goes for the pin... 1... 2... kick-out by Skinner. Dragon is unimpressed as he picks Skinner up and throws him into the corner. He goes for the handspring elbow but Skinner manages to move out of the way and counter with a clothesline to Dragon. Skinner catches his breath for a moment before climbing to the second rope and begins laying punches into Dragon. He gets up to the count of 7 before Dragon ducks underneath Skinner and hits a neckbreaker with Skinner still on the middle rope. Dragon signals for the end and picks up Skinner, delivering the Darkness Falls successfully and pins Skinner... 1... 2... 3!

The crowd roars as the ref counts the 3 and Dragon's music begins playing. Dragon gets up and looks down at Skinner, shaking his head before exiting the ring quickly.

Anderson: Here is your winner... Black DRAGON!

Connor: Quite a dominating win for the Dragon tonight. He should be pleased with his efforts in dealing with Skinner.

The referee checks on Skinner as Dragon can be seen lighting a cigarette as he leaves the arena.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We suddenly cut backstage where a loud commotion has started up by the locker rooms. Vance Bateman can be seen rushing to the scene where two police officers are attempting to subdue Big Dave.

Vance: What in the hell is going on here?

Officer 1: Sir we are arresting this man on charges of kidnapping and assault.

Vance: He's my King for a Day you can't just arrest him!

Officer 2: Hunter Kravinoff was never seen after this man left him in the woods. There might be other serious charges involved here.

Vance looks at Big Dave who has stayed silent this whole time. His face contorts with anger and gets right up in Dave's face.

Vance: This is an embarrassment to the company! I should strip you of the title shot immediately!

Big Dave: Then what's the hold up Vance?

Vance: I have a better idea. At Apocalypse you'll face off against Barbosa and Wasabi Toyota with your KFAD title shot on the line. It'll be a triple threat match provided you can get out of jail in time for the show. Officers, get him out of my site!

The two officers drag Big Dave from the locker room area to the parking lot as Vance watches on fuming as we go to commercial.
“Mr. Baller” starts playing as the strobes flash throughout the filled arena as Mr. Baller enters the ring with a 2-0 t-shirt on him, he keeps bragging out loud by shouting “2-0” and the fans continue to boo him as he heads down towards the ring.

Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Miami, Florida, weighing 220 pounds, Mr. Baller!

Baller climbs into the ring and continues to show off his shirt to the crowd. He asks for microphone.

Baller: Last week, you saw me continue the streak on Ricky to 2-0. Now I decided before I take out Everest to add him to the list of my legends beaten, I’m going to give Ricky a chance to redeem himself. Ricky, you want to stop the streak, then I’m right here. Let’s make it nice and welcoming, play his music!

“Over The Seas” starts playing and the fans start to cheer and chant Ricky’s name, but no response. Baller smirks but then shrugs as the music fades out to heavy boos.

Baller: Ref, you know what to you, ring that bell and start the count!

The ref looks annoyed and refuses to accept, Baller then gets up to bully him and then slaps him hard in the face. He ref gets up and gets shoved again and looks annoyed. He rings the bell and then starts a ten count.

Connor: Just despicable of Baller to do something like this. We have heard Ricky is going to get in touch in regards to this as soon as possible. How soon is unsure?

Cohen: Indefinite waiting? Sounds like Ricky!

The ref reaches ten and signals for the bell and Baller starts celebrating as Selena Anderson rolls her eyes before making the announcement.

Anderson: The winner of this match…Mister Baller!

Baller continues to celebrate until

The crowd start cheering to the arriving Everest who looks ready for action, making his way immediately down the ramp, pointing towards Baller and looking ready to tear him a new one.

Connor: I don’t think Everest is taking a liking to Baller’s attitude!

Cohen: Who cares, it’s in the history books now. Baller 3. Ricky 0.

Anderson: His opponent. From Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 205 pounds, Everest!

Everest slides straight into the ring and hits an immediate Rock Slide as the bell goes off once again as Everest goes for the cover, 1……2……kickout by Baller who looks surprised by being caught off guard. He is pulled up and Everest irish whips him but unintentionally knocks him into the ref who is knocked down. Everest pulls up Baller who gives a sudden low blow on Everest, allowing some time to get some recuperation from the earlier Rock Slide. Everest slowly drags up and suddenly Chris K.O. runs into the ring and hits the Ultimate Clothesline on Everest before leaving out of the arena through the crowd.

Connor: What the? What’s Chris K.O doing out here?

Cohen: Adding means to his words from last night of course!

Baller gets up and shakes it off. He knows he only has one chance, so he goes to the corner and hits the Buzzerbeater. He goes for a pin, but the ref isn’t moving, he shakes him which somewhat revives him. Baller checks to see if he’s looking and drops a quick knee on the throat of Everest’s before going for a second Buzzerbeater. He goes for a pin and uses his feet on the ropes, the referee can’t see this due to his dazed state, 1………2………..3.

The bell starts ringing and Baller can’t believe it, he starts to celebrate like crazy having pinned Everest. He jumps up onto the turnbuckle and starts taunting a three with one hand and a one on the other. He continues to celebrate until his music is cut out by the presence of a figure on the titantron.

Treacherous waters have washed up on the shores of the land. A storm has been brewing for some time and now it is time to unleash a Kraken of Mayhem on thee cursed soul.

Baller, you claim to have pinned ye three times in this here company and yet ye has never truly faced thee.

The figure turns to reveal himself as Steamboat Ricky, the crowd roars in reaction.

Now, I will ride with thee Four Horseman of Apocalypse to see your mouth sink with your body down to Davey Jones’ locker. You will see the true hell of awakening my anger at Apocalypse. And I’ve decided that ye will not face thee with your bullish ways, for the man to decide our fate will be that man right behind you!

Baller turns around as Everest unleashes a huge Rock Slide on Baller before getting up. Everest then looks at the titantron and nods to Ricky, who nods in return. Ricky disappears from the tron as Everest makes his way out of the arena.

Connor: Did you hear that Jack? Mr. Baller will actually face Steamboat Ricky at Apocalypse for real. And Everest will be the special guest referee to make sure the contest is fair.

Cohen: How can you call that fair when Everest just assault Baller right in front of us? It’s confirmed that we will witness unfair officiating. Someone stop this!

Connor: Too late now, it’s set in stone. Baller should have kept his mouth shut and not start this war with Ricky. He’s going to get what’s coming to him at Apocalypse. Speaking of Everest, why did Chris K.O strike him down?
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"I Am... All of Me" hits the speakers and the crowd boos as Dr Alhazard walks out with his Tag Title Belt. James King is not with him as Alhazard makes his way down to the ring.

Anderson: First his opponent, weighing in at 178 lbs, he is one half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Dr. Alhazard!

"Ancient Spirit" plays and Steven slowly emerges from the curtain, looking around the arena as the audience cheers for him. He stops on the stage, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before proceeding down the ramp.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Sydney Australia, weighing in at 235 lbs, Dr. Steven Kurtesy!

Cohen: Battle of the doctors. Live on Ascension.

Connor: Both wrestlers are experienced tag team wrestlers, but tonight they fight alone. Should be an exciting match.

The bell rings and both men walk around in the ring. Alhazard stops while Kurtesy continues to bounce around moving closer. Alhazard waits for Kurtesy to come closer and goes for Level 5. Kurtesy ducks and side steps the move. Alhazard chuckles and gives Kurtesy credit for moving and raises his arms looking ready to lock up. Kurtesy moves closer, Alhazred goes for Level 5 again. Kurtesy this time ducks and them pulls Alhazard to the mat with a Headlock Takedown. Kurtesy keeps Alhazard to the mat. Alhazard moves his legs and slowly lifts himself and Kurtesy up to a standing position. He elbows Kurtesy in the gut a couple times and breaks loose. Alhazard runs and bounce off the ropes. Kurtesy jumps up and Alhazard runs underneath. Alhazard bounce back off the ropes and Kurtesy takes him to the mat with an Arm Drag. He tries to lock in an Arm Bar but Alhazard pulls away. Alhazard bides his time deciding his next move. He tries to surprise approach and quickly rushes Kurtesy and locks up with him. Kurtesy uses the momentum and throws Alhazard to the mat with Judo Suplex. Alhazard squirms free of Kurtesy and backs into the corner. Kurtesy goes to follow up. Alhazrad tightly grabs the ropes and the ref tries to get inbetween the 2 and break it up. Alhazard with his glove arm delivers a Strong Right Punch over the ref, knocking Kurtesy in the jaw. Kurtesy stumbles back, visibly stunned by the blow. Alhazard pushes the ref out of the way and follows up on Kurtesy with a one armed Bulldog. Alhazard goes for the pin. Gets a short 2 count. Alhazard keeps on top of Kurtesy and starts driving repeated Elbow Strikes to the face of Kurtesy. The ref almost gets to 5 before Alhazard stops. He then stands over top of Kurtesy and plants a Fist Drop on him and goes for the cover. 1... 2... Kurtesy kicks out.

Connor: Alhazard has been very aggressive so far in this match.

Cohen: The man has quite a lot to prove. He feels the tag division is looked down upon. Little does he know Showtime’s probably looking down on this match right now.

Alhazard grabs Kurtesy by the arm and lifts him off the mat. Alhazard pulls Kurtesy toward him and hits a clothesline. He does the same thing again to him. Alhazard drop down to the mat and applies a Sleeperhold with his glove arm. Kurtesy looks dazed as Alhazard continues to apply pressure. Alhazard pulls Kurtesy up to a sitting position, Kurtesy hunched over. The ref raises Kurtesy hand and it drops down. Does it a second time and it falls down as well. Alhazard is yelling at the ref to hurry and end the match. The ref raises Kurtesy’s arm a third time and Kurtesy raises it at the last second. Kurtesy uses the crowd response and wills himself to his knees. Kurtesy makes it up to his feet, then he suddenly falls forward to the mat. It was Kurtesy’s intent all along as he pulls Alhazard head first into the middle turnbuckle. Alhazard falls backwards holding his face as both men are out.

Connor: Desperate move by Kurtesy saves the match for him.

Cohen: Only a moment... Kurtesy is going to get schooled this match.

Both men slowly rise to their feet groogy. They turn to face and Kurtesy reacts first, hitting a spinning wheel kick. Alhazard gets up holding his face and kicks at Kurtesy. Kurtesy grabs the foot and quickly excicutes a Dragon Screw. He holds onto the leg and falls to the mat twisting at the leg. Alhazard reaches and manages to grab the ropes, forcing Kurtesy to break the hold. Kurtesy stands gestures to the crowd that he’s prescriping Alhazard a quick defeat. The crowd cheers but then suddenly boos as Holmes comes running through the crowd and hops onto the apron. He goes to climb in, but Kurtesy gets there first and punches him, knocking him off the apron. Kurtesy turns back to Alhazard, who is up and goes for Triforce Combination. Connecys with body punch. Lands a solid uppercut. Goes for a swing right, Kurtesy stumbles around it. Alhazard turns a quickly goes for Level 5. Kurtesy falls to the mat underneath it. Alhazard instead strikes the ref who goes flying to the mat and almost falls out of the ring. Kurtesy rolls to the edge of the ring as Alhazard looks stunned. He goes to get Kurtesy. Kurtesy grabs Alhazards arm and pulls him into the ropes.. Using the ropes, Kurtesy has Alhazard trapped in the Kommon Kurtesy. The ref is unable to call rope break. Kurtesy continues to apply the hold. Suddenly Holmes reappears and levels Kurtesy with Alhazard’s tag team belt. Kurtesy releases the hold and lies half outside the ring. Holmes quickly grabs Kurtesy before he falls and rolls him into the ring. Alhazard crawls on top of Kurtesy as a second ref comes to down to count the pin. 1... 2... 3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Dr. Alhazard!

Connor: Holmes cost Kurtesy this match.

Cohen: Kurtesy was cheating. He should’ve been disqualified for using the ropes.

Connor: Regardless Jack, Dr. Alhazard picks up the win and has momentum heading into his clash with Showtime and Stan Rogers.

Cohen: And his Title belt really came in handy this match.

Dr. Alhazard rolls out of the ring and picks up his belt. He lifts it to the crowd as he makes his way to the back. Holmes stays by the ring and grabs a microphone. He gets into the ring to speak with Kurtesy who is still out.

Holmes: That was a fairly good match you had there. Almost got the victory there, which is what I’ll make sure it’ll be like when we meet at Apocalypse.

I liked how you used the ropes and no one was around to call it. It got me pondering. What if this war we are having takes us through the crowd. Right around these... pesants. What happens if we fight into the locker room or the some wretched parking lot. So I had a discussion with Bateman and he approved the stipulation I requested for our match. And that match is going to be... a Falls Count Anywhere... Submission Match!

The crowd cheers at the announcement as Holmes bends over to be face to face with Kurtesy.

So that means there will be no rules... and I promise you that I will make you tap face down in a river if that’s what it takes, my dear old associate.

Holmes drops the mic on Kurtesy and exits the ring. The crowd boos as Holmes makes his way to the back.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Constantine comes out onto the stage with the Elite X title around his waist and does his signature pose before walking down the ramp.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Washington D.C., Constantine!

He gets into the ring and throws his arms up again as he waits for his opponent.

Connor: This man is no stranger to controversy, but Constantine's actions and words lately have been going too far!

Cohen: It's wrestlers like him that keep the ratings up!

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Anderson: And his opponent, from Matsumoto, Japan, Wasabi Toyota!

Toyota comes out to a loud pop, smiling and shaking the hands of fans until he locks eyes on Constantine, at which point his expression sours. He gets into the ring and the referee takes the Elite X title and calls for the bell. The two men walk to the centre of the ring and lock up. Wasabi starts to back Constantine up until Constantine breaks out of the tie and just slaps Toyota in the face. Toyota looks shocked but suddenly his face turns red and hits a vicious Throat Thrust on Constantine. constantine goes down instantly but Toyota quickly picks him back up and Irish Whips him into the corner before following up with a Body Avalanche! Toyota, still fuming, grabs Constantine by the hair, but he gets caught with a thumb to the eye. Constantine quickly hits a Chop-Block to Wasabi's leg and the big man goes down. Constantine hits a series of stomps to Toyota's limps and follows up with a knee to his head. Constantine goes for a pin, 1... Toyota kicks out. Constantine tries to go for an STF, but Toyota kicks him away and gets to his feet. Constantine runs at Toyota, but he's caught with a Belly to Belly. Toyota goes for the pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Constantine. Toyota bounces off the ropes and goes for a splash but Constantine manages to roll out of the way. constantine quickly slaps a Sleeper Hold on, desperately trying to knock Toyota out. But Toyota manages to get to his feet and hits Constantine with a modified Samoa Drop. Toyota goes for another pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Constantine!

Connor: Constantine just can't seem to cope with Wasabi's brute strength!

Cohen: It's like watching Indiana Jones get chased by that giant boulder...

Toyota picks up Constantine and backs him into the corner and hits a big headbutt, leaving Constantine dazed. Toyota backs up and points at Constantine as the fans cheer him on. He charges forward. but Constantine pulls the ref in front of himself and Toyota crushes the ref in the corner. Toyota checks on the ref, looking distraught as Constantine rolls out of the ring. He grabs a chair and slides back into the ring. He runs forward and swings the chair wildly at Toyota, but he manages to avoid it before hitting Constantine with a Throat Thrust followed by a Belly to Back Suplex. Wasabi shouts angrily at Constantine, blaming him for what happened to the ref before picking up Constantine and locking in the Bear Hug. Constantine tries to get out of it, but soon taps out by slapping Toyota's shoulder. Toyota keeps the hold locked in, not hearing the bell. He realises the referee is still down and lets go of Constantine, who crumbles to the mat. Wasabi leans over the ref, gently slapping his face before trying to lift him to his feet. suddenly he gets nailed in the back with a chair by Constantine. He gets up and turns around, looking furious. constantine hits him in the skull but it doesn't have much affect. constantine hits Toyota in the head again, this time causing the big man to look shakey, but Toyota still doesn't go down. Finally, Constantine bounces off the ropes and runs at Toyota, hitting him full force in the head. The noise sends a sickening crack to echo around the arena. Toyota goes down, causing the ring to shake and Constantine raises the chair in the air, smirking to himself. He stands over Toyota and slaps him in the face before going for the pin, but the referee is still in no condition to count the pin. Constantine gets up and looks up at the stage, desperately motioning for another referee. No one comes out for several seconds and Constantine angrily slams the chair down. Finally someone appears on the ramp, but it's not a ref. Sam Smith walks out onto the stage to a huge pop from the crowd. Constantine anxiously picks the chair back up, expecting Smith to come at him. But Smith just stands on the ramp, staring his rival down.

Cohen: What the hell is he doing here!?

Connor: I think he's here for his title!

Constantine shakes his head, yelling at Smith to stay away. From nowhere, Toyota turns Constantine around and locks in the Bear Hug. Constantine is too worn out by this point to fight back and soon taps out. The referee weakly calls for the bell and Toyota drops Constantine and raises his arms in the air, still looking a little dazed. He gets out of the ring and walks around at ringside, interacting with the fans. Sam Smith remains expressionless at the top of the ramp for a few moments. He then slowly cracks his knuckles before charging down to the ring and sliding. Constantine frantically gets out of the ring and manages to grab his belt and escape through the crowd. He climbs the stairs up to the exit where he turns around to look at the ring while clutching the Elite X title to his chest.
Smith climbs onto the second rope and motions to his waist, where the title should be.

Connor: Well Sam Smith has made a dramatic return to WZCW here tonight, and he looks more than ready to go at Apocalypse!

Cohen: Do these idiots never learn their lesson? He can interfere in Constantine's match, but the Powertrip will have the last laugh!
We go backstage where Reynolds is sort of walking around in a daze. Vance Bateman walks into the picture.

Vance: Where are you going?

Reynolds: Kravinoff is gone, I don't have anyone to face, no title shot, why should I bother sticking around?

Vance: Oh I got you an opponent, a little, eclectic but someone that can test you.

Reynolds stares at Bateman and sighs.

Reynolds: Fine who is it, Barbosa?

Vance: I'll let you find out for yourself. Now get out there, your up next.

Reynolds stares at Bateman before slowly walking away as Bateman crosses his arms as a wooden box suddenly is carted into the picture. The worker pushing the cart pops off the front of the box and red glowing eyes can be seen before going to commercial.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Reynolds makes his way out as the crowd cheers loudly. Reynolds looks dejected as he makes his way down the ramp. His head is lowered and doesn't notice the crowd chanting his name as he enters the ring and stands in the corner waiting his opponent.

Anderson: Introducing first, weighing in at 190 lbs, Austin Reynolds!

Connor: I couldn't even imagine what Austin is going through right now. Earlier tonight he lost his world title shot, and his fiancee sided with Ty.

Cohen: Maybe Reynolds knows real pain now. This has been Ty's goal the whole time. His actions have broken Reynolds.

The Robots begin playing as S.H.I.T. makes his way out. The crowd isn't quite sure how to respond as he walks down the ramp and enters the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, S.H.I.T.!

Connor: This newcomer is certainly...interesting to say the least.

Cohen: Is that supposed to be a robot? What is this? The All Stars show already took place!

The ref signals for the bell and S.H.I.T. immediately goes after Austin, sending him into the corner and connecting with blows to the midsection. He whips Reynolds into the opposite corner and hits a running back elbow. Reynolds holds his mouth and a flash of anger crosses his face. He grabs a hold of S.H.I.T. and spins him into the corner, unloading with lefts and rights and forces him down into the corner. Reynolds continues unloading as the ref starts the 5 count before finally pulling Reynolds away from the corner. The crowd explodes as Reynolds throws his hands up and hits a big dropkick to the face. He pulls him up and spins around again and sends S.H.I.T. shoulder first into the ring post. He crumbles to the outside and Reynolds is on fire as the crowd reacts to him. He climbs to the top turnbuckle and comes flying off with a moonsault, crashing into S.H.I.T. on the outside. Reynolds gets to his feet and raises his arm up high before hitting a forearm shot.

Connor: I think Reynolds got the spark back!

Cohen: Great, now we'll have to listen to him go on about his revival for the next few months. I hope this S.H.I.T. knocks him down a few pegs once more.

Reynolds pulls S.H.I.T. up and rolls him into the ring. Reynolds hops up to the apron and comes flying off, going for a springboard splash. S.H.I.T. gets his knees up however and Reynolds crashes and burns. S.H.I.T. gets to his feet and hits a dropsault on the rising Reynolds, sending him to the ground again. He lifts Reynolds up and whips him into the ropes. S.H.I.T. rolls forward and connects with a wheel kick, Reynolds own Millions and millions move! Reynolds hits the mat hard and S.H.I.T. goes for the cover, 1....2....Reynolds kicks out! S.H.I.T. doesn't let up and climbs out to the apron. He springboards off and hits a diving headbutt. He drags Reynolds up with him and sends him into the ropes once more, connecting with a roaring elbow. Reynolds is getting battered around as he gets hit with a standing moonsault. S.H.I.T. hooks a leg, 1....2.....Reynolds kicks out!

Connor: The robot seems to be mimicking Reynolds' offense, almost in every way imaginable.

Cohen: This guy is growing on me. Or I should say this thing is growing on me. That doesn't sound right.

S.H.I.T. gets to his feet and tries to pull Reynolds up, but Reynolds goes for a kip up frankensteiner! He tries to flip him over but S.H.I.T. holds on and lifts him up, dropping him down with a variation of the Ratings Killer! S.H.I.T. flips Reynolds over and covers him, 1......2......Reynolds kicks out! S.H.I.T. gets up, showing no emotion at all and climbs to the top rope. He comes off going for a frog splash but Reynolds rolls under and S.H.I.T. crashes to the ground. Reynolds slowly gets to his feet and hits a roaring elbow of his own, sending him into the ropes. Reynolds hits his own Millions and Millions kick and grabs the ropes, yelling out to the crowd who returns with a loud pop. Suddenly a loud shriek can be heard from the tron.

Hayley: Austin, help me!

Reynolds suddenly turns towards the tron as the shrieking continues. Meanwhile, S.H.I.T. is back to his feet and Austin towards him and gets hit with an overhand chop! Reynolds collapses to the ground and S.H.I.T. covers him, 1.....2.......3!

Anderson: Here is your winner, S.H.I.T.!

Suddenly the tron turns on to reveal Hayley and Serafina standing in a darkened locker room laughing. S.H.I.T. gets to his feet, raises his arm and leaves the ring. The crowd boos loudly as the lights go out once more, the Chaos Symbol flashing before the lights returning, Ty and Hayley standing over Reynolds. Ty lifts Reynolds up and holds his arms back. Reynolds pleads with Hayley, who has pulled her arm back ready to slap him across the face. Reynolds stares her right in the eyes, before lowering his head and yelling out that he loves her. Something in Hayley changes and her gaze suddenly changes. She lowers her arm and drapes herself over Reynolds. Ty suddenly becomes enraged and shoves Reynolds forward, causing him and Hayley to topple over across the ring. Reynolds lands on top of Hayley and tries to get up quickly but is met with a shot to the face with the World Title belt, the crowd booing loudly as Ty stands over him once more.

Ty: How dare you Reynolds? My plans have been ruined!

Ty strikes Reynolds across the face and begins choking him while talking on the mic still.

Ty: Fine, you want this title, I'm putting you through hell first Reynolds! At Apocalypse, there will be no disqualification, I want free reign to decimate you in any way I want. I'm going to end you Reynolds, and I'm going to do it with your precious Hayley watching front row! The reckoning will come at Apocalypse, and I will reign supreme as the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion!

Ty walks over and picks up the unconscious Hayley, carrying her on his shoulder as the lights go out and Ascension goes off the air.
Who wrote what:

Falkon: Skinner/Dragon, Saboteur/Runn vs. Chris K.O./Scumm
Phoenix: Baller/Everest
Showtime: Kurtesy/Alhazerd
Blade: Constantine/Toyota
Ty: Reynolds/S.H.I.T., Opening, Backstage
Candle Jack/Lee: Baez/Titus segment

Rep these hard working people. Also write up a review if you have time and let us know how we're doing.
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