Ascension 118 - GR 2 - Eve Taylor versus Matt Tastic

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The biggest tournament match of the round by far. Two huge names collide when Eve Taylor takes on the winner of last year’s tournament, Matt Tastic. It’s only the second round by the randomized nature of the tournament has decided that these two will face off in the final eight. Taylor has fallen short on multiple occasions as she seeks to become the first woman to ever hold the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. Can she break through and advance into the final four? Tastic has doubted himself since returning but a win here would surely put him in the right frame of mind. What role will Mark Keaton play? The man who attempted to screw Matt Tastic out of the tournament. It is sure to be a blockbuster match and must not be missed!

Deadline for RP submissions is Tuesday the 13th of June at 23:59PM.

Extensions are available on request.
*Ring Ring*


Ah! It's been a while.

Yeah, I've been doing well. A little pain but I'm getting there.

.......Really? Sounds like him, alright.

....Need me? To.... Do what?

Help? Sure.

Anything, for a friend.

Not a day goes by where a tear doesn't drop from my eye.

It's been a few days, but I had made a successful return. Headlined Meltdown and defeated Gabi Clark to advance in the Gold Rush. But while I was the main event of the show, even though I won and advanced in the tournament, I can't help but be unsatisfied. She may be a talented young lady, but as a Hall Of Famer on my end, how was this such a struggle? How was this so difficult? It was a neck and neck battle. It could've been an upset and it really wouldn't have felt like one. Was it the ring rust? Or was it the presence of the man responsible for Mikey being hurt? Whenever I see Mark Keaton, I simply think to myself. "If I had just moved a little faster, I could've saved him." The guilt rattles me.

The days had gone by since that return at Meltdown. I had a lot of contemplating to do. There's no way in hell I can bank on more luck if I wanna win this tournament. I got lucky against Gabi Clark. There may be doubt in my mind about many things. Not about this. And with an opponent as tough as Eve Taylor, sexist as it may sound, if an inexperienced girl could give me such a run for my money, imagine what one with the track record Eve Taylor has could do. I cannot let myself go. I can't lose. I have to prepare. As best I can. To do that, I returned home. Rather than go to the chaotic area that is the city, I just went to the mountain area of Puerto Rico. Where there's large gaps between housing. I could find peace and quiet to exercise as best as I could through the rough terrains. The day went by. And I had sat down to rest and ponder my situation. I wasn't alone as I thought I was. As I sat on top on the branch of tree......

???: Hello, my friend!

I was kinda surprised. Its a pretty remote area. I didn't expect anyone to show up around the wilderness. It got weirder when I looked at him.


It was a guy in a mask. As in, a luchador. Which is Spanish for wrestler. Not sure why they're referred to differently. I bit. I was curious. I got down to meet with the man. He was......Huh.

Matt: Umm.... Hi. Can I help you?

???: No. But perhaps I can help you.

Matt: huh?

???: The Nazarene told me to give my friends a hand.

Matt: .......are you quoting a Salsa song? What the fuck is going on here? Did I fall and bump my head? Who are you?

???: I am many things. I go by many names. To you, I shall be, El Amigo.

Matt: ..........I fell from the fucking tree again, didn't I? Listen, I have shit to do. If you want an autograph, come back later.

El Amigo: No, no. This is not a dream. This is your reality, my friend-

Matt: That's your name.

El Amigo: -, Matt Tastic. You carry a heavy burden. And I wish for you not to carry it anymore.

Matt: How the hell do you know any of that? And why do you care?

El Amigo: Because I am a friend. And you worry about a friend. Who's fallen on hard times. You feel pain for him. And me as your friend, share the pain for your friend. Who also is my friend.

The fuck did I just stumble into?

Matt: I'll ask again. How do you know any of that?

El Amigo: My friend............ You're on TV, dear friend. I hand out the $9.99 tithe and watch your evangelion.

Matt: That's a pretty overrated anime.

El Amigo: The one with the teen and the giant robots? Yes. The one with the fighter who came from nothing to become legend but has now lost a friend and wants retribution? That is not. It is a legacy that I, as a friend, cannot see untarnished.

I was suspect of this guy. A masked guy. In the middle of nowhere. Says he wants to help me. And calls himself...... "El Amigo". I was skeptical to say the least. But at the same time, curious. I won't lie. I've become so concerned with what's going on in WZCW, the Gold Rush, Mark Keaton the guilt I feel. I was skeptical of this man. But at the same time, I was desperate. I could've been standing in front of the devil himself and I could very well just sold my soul to him and I would've been so blinded, I would've done it without thinking. I think the silliness of it all made me think rather than just blindly leaping into the arms of a stranger like some hormone active teen girl. One did almost beat me but that doesn't mean I was as impulsive as one. So I went with him. I treaded carefully. He took me to a church. And that just made me more nervous.

Matt: Why are we here?

El Amigo: Because this is where you will learn.

Matt: OK? Learn what? About the Bible? 12 years taking classes. I think I got the gist of it.

El Amigo: No, my friend. The first step to strength of spirit is a calm mind. Without a calm mind, you cannot focus. You cannot reach your goals. Because your path to them becomes clouded.

Matt: That makes sense I guess. So what do you want me to do?

El Amigo: Well, I want you to sit and close your eyes. And clear your mind. Forget your concerns. And focus on your one goal. Only then can you take the first step towards enlightenment. And salvation of friendship.

Matt: Why do you slip that word in so much?

But the guy just shushed me down. I got my knees in the middle of the aisle. I closed my eyes. And I began to calm down. My breathing slowed down. It became steady. I began to focus. Many things came to mind. The anger I felt towards Mark Keaton. Another arrogant punk. Another damn faction running loose. The guilt towards Mikey. I was late. More came to mind. The Gold Rush. And my opponent. Eve Taylor. A beautiful, statuesque blonde. A former model who's held great success in WZCW. Winning gold. It struck me. Her. And Mikey. They were close. Closer than I could even be with him. .....Maybe too close for my taste. There was a connection. I wasn't clear on the details. But they broke off. She broke off. It bothered Mikey. I never knew why. But if I was so mad about Keaton hurting him....... Here was someone else who did harm.

As my thoughts narrowed down, I saw it clear. Eve Taylor. The proxy for Mark Keaton. I would not let her do what Gabi Clark did to me. I could not stand to be beaten by her. Any guilt I had toward Mikey, I blame on Mark Keaton. What happened happened. I was late but more to the point, he attacked Mikey. He's the instigator. And he's earned my hatred. And any hatred I felt towards Mark Keaton, had to be turned to her. Eve Taylor. Beautiful as she may be it was her leaving Mikey that led to him losing his confidence. His title. And eventually, he was attacked. I cleared my mind and realized I had the bitch that started this all right in front of me. And for all the talk El Amigo had about friends, I failed to extend my hand to my friend. So I turn now...... to reap fiery vengeance on those who hurt my friend. He inducted me into the Hall Of Fame. He saw me to my greatest success. And I was nowhere for his biggest moment. I was nowhere when he needed me. And I couldn't let that continue to burn my soul.

My thoughts became clearer. But I wasn't sure if it's what El Amigo wanted. My thoughts turned dark. I didn't feel like I was helping my friend. I felt like I wanted to hurt my enemies. And while I felt invigorated to defeat Eve Taylor, I was neglecting a large concern. How would I get to Mark Keaton? A man shielded by a group of wrestlers. I've faced stables before. But I never wanted one specific target. I ignore that now. But at some point, my mind would have to focus on that.

And so..... As thoughts cleared, I got up. I felt refreshed. I felt determined. The worries were gone. At least for now. I became a one track mind. But as I got up, I heard odd sounds. ..........moaning. As in girls moaning. It was rather uncomfortable. I'm in a church afterall. I walked around, actually starting to dread what I'd find as I search. But when I found a source, it was an abandoned laptop. And it in fact, had porn playing. And you could hear it over the PA.

Matt: My friend!

And he appeared out of nowhere.

El Amigo: Miracle!! My friend, how did it go?

I elected not to tell him what my resolution was.

Matt: I feel focused now. I have one objective and its to win my match. But what the fu-- I mean what the he-- Dammit. DAMMIT, I cursed! The fuck is porn doing plugged to the PA, man?!

El Amigo: It was playing very loudly. To see if you truly could focus. It seems like you did. What did you think about.

I put my head into that. I felt overprotective of my best friend. And I felt the need to be violent towards a woman and humiliated by another.......

Matt: Winning. I thought about winning.

El Amigo: Well, my friend. That is a step in the proper direction. To help your friend, you must show him success. That you will not waver and cry for him. That instead you will march on in his honor. And along the way, you will topple those who did harm.

Matt: OK. But who are you? Like, under the mask. You're a burly guy. You apparently know me very well. Tell me the truth.

El Amigo: I am your friend.

I truly don't get this. But I get one thing. I cannot let myself be distracted by Mark Keaton. I'm a veteran of this business. I should know that eventually, the big match comes. Sooner or later, things will fall to place. And for now, I have the Gold Rush. I can't let other things sidetrack me. But to do that, I had to supplant my hatred towards Eve Taylor. I can't even tell if it's right or wrong for me to do so. But I very selfishly wanted to beat her. Revenge or just to win the tournament. I had to. So I marched out to do so.

*Ring Ring*


Ah, hey.

Yup, I met up with him. The place was really hard to find.

Did that, yeah. I think it went great. He seemed motivated. Don't know what exactly he was thinking about.

Soon enough he can know. For now, I'm just a friend.


Eve Taylor pulls away from the camera after switching it on to record, and positions herself in a slouching position, resting her elbows on her knees as she rubs her hands together. She is sitting on what appears to be a desk chair, and behind her is the desk that accompanies it, along with the mirror. In the mirror's reflection, you can see some simple furniture, like a bed and an end table; it looks like a standard hotel room. Eve Taylor hasn't any make-up on, or wearing any fancy clothes. Actually, she is in her undergarments, and they are non-brand and bland as they come. Her hair hasn't been done, and she is not putting a smile on her face; her face is resting.

After a few seconds of remaining in the same position - pondering, and taking a deep breath - she sits upright, and leans on the back of the chair, looking directly into the camera.

"My name is Eve Taylor."

She pauses for a second.

"Well, that's actually my stage name. My real name is Eva Pellegrini, but a long time ago, I distanced myself from that name. The name I was given at birth was not the name that I wanted to have as an adult. Not because I hated the name; in fact, I love the name. Eva is the name of my grandmother, who I love most dearly and someone who I wish I could see everyday. However, due to my schedule, and personal family issues that legally prevent me from seeing my family, I am unable to see her... and Pellegrini? It rolls off the tongue, and it is a name descended from peregrine falcons. A fierce bird capable of cold, calculated manoeuvres to strike down on its prey. How cool would it be if I was able to have that last name, or change it up slightly for my stage name as "The Fabulous Falcon" Eva Peregrine? That question goes doubly for my wrestling career..."

Eve trails off, looking to get back on track.

"... the name Eva Pellegrini... I had to get rid of that name to succeed. That name has too many negative connotations for me to carry over in my career. The horrible memories I had of my childhood would continue to haunt me if I didn't let go of my real name. I couldn't allow myself to have the journalists, the agents, and the other supermodels burrowing down on me with a tainted name. I needed a new name. I needed to re-brand myself, and show everybody that I was wanting to start anew. By selecting a new name, and limiting my mentions of the previous life I used to live, it was like I was granted the ability to restart my own life, and recreate the life I wanted. I could show the world who I truly am without carrying that baggage behind me. I had people who were paid to carry my baggage; if I could palm off the physical baggage, then surely the mental and emotional baggage would be easily removable, too? So, that's what I did. I got rid of it by changing my name from Eva Pellegrini to Eve Taylor. I introduced myself to the world as such, and I played my cards correctly. The world was focused on watching the teenage sensation known as Eve Taylor rise up the fashion industry, and slowly become one of the greatest supermodels to ever exist. Every day I lived as Eve Taylor was a day closer to the world forgetting about Eva Pellegrini. Perhaps, every day that I lived as Eve Taylor was a day closer to myself forgetting about my memories, and forgetting about the past."

She threw her hands in the air and shrugged.

"I thought that if I could distance myself from the past, then I wouldn't have to deal with it, y'know? If I could throw away my name, I would be someone else. 'Fake it to you make it' was the motto I adopted from the fashion industry, and I thought it would work in my real life."

Eve exhaled out her nose, half chuckling and half sighing.

"But it didn't work, did it? The world might know me as Eve Taylor, but I still remember myself living the life of Eva Pellegrini. I still remember the name. I still have her memories. Everything that worried Eva is still inside me today, and no matter how hard I try to escape, she keeps following me. When I went into the modelling industry, I tried to escape by putting on a new face every day; a new dress; a fashion... nothing I could do to change the physical would allow me to quench my thirst to escape. And when the modelling world cast me out of it, I tried to escape again in the wrestling world. The name of Eve Taylor became a disgrace to the world because I had failed in the fashion industry, and I held onto my new persona with a death grip because I didn't want to go back to square one. I tried to repair my name in the wrestling world, and, for a while there... it worked. I thought that if I continued to pursue being a professional wrestler, I would create the personality that I always wanted. Any chance of failure resulted in my mental breakdowns, because I couldn't lose myself again."

She looked away from the camera.

"The worst part about it all is when the Lethal Lottery had finished. I lost two things at the Lethal Lottery; the two things I cared for the most in my life vanished from my grasp, and both of those were my fault."

Eve put up her thumb to indicate she was beginning to count with her fingers.

"Firstly, I lost the Lethal Lottery. I was well on my way to achieving the success that I wanted, and to finally cement the name Eve Taylor into the history books by being the first ever female to win the Lethal Lottery, and go on to main event Kingdom Come. Even if I lost that match, I would still find my place in history, just by being in the main event of the biggest PPV of the year. Everybody was expecting me to do it, too. I desperately wanted to win the Lethal Lottery, and I believed everyone else who believed in me. Why? Well, by winning that match, I would be very close to earning my place into the Hall of Fame, under the name of Eve Taylor. I hoped that by winning the Lottery as Eve Taylor, I would once again bring prestige back to my name, and I would accept myself as Eve Taylor, and distance myself from the tainted memories of Eva... but, the reality is, I lost, and now Eve Taylor is associated with being a choke artist. I lost the Lethal Lottery, and I lost a number one contender's match, even after I beat the toughest female in all of WZCW history at the biggest stage. Because of these failures - my failures - I have been branded a choke. Every step I take forward now, will result in many steps back, should I lose, especially now in this Gold Rush Tournament. I can't afford to lose in this tournament, because then, my name will truly be tainted. The name of Eve Taylor will become as worthless as the name Eva Pellegrini."

She holds up another finger, counting two with her hand.

"For the second loss I suffered at the Lethal Lottery... was... well..."

Eve looks away from the camera.

"Mikey Stormrage."

Taylor moves out of the mirror's reflection, showing the camera what the room is; it is a hotel room.

"Days after the Lethal Lottery, I came to this very room with Mikey Stormrage, who had just managed to walk out of the event as the World Heavyweight Champion. He was ecstatic to be the greatest wrestler on the planet, and represent WZCW as its champion. I could not have been more happy for him, and all I wanted to do was lay him down, on that bed, and show him how much he meant to me... but that never happened, because I attempted to do the same thing that I tried to do when I wanted to escape my childhood. I distanced myself from Mikey Stormrage. I told Mikey that he was the World champion, and I was a failure, and I couldn't weigh him down any more. If he focused on me, he would not be able to make it out of Kingdom Come alive. I am a failure. He was the success. No matter how hard I would try, all I could foresee was a future were Mikey would fail with my by his side."

Eve still can't look into the camera, and it appears she is holding back watery eyes.

"What I really meant to tell Mikey was that I couldn't be with someone who had pushed through the success, and made it to the other side. I could not bear to watch Mikey Stormrage, the World Heavyweight champion, every single second at my side, achieve his dreams and live his life story. I couldn't watch someone like Michael be the champion I wanted to be, and become the person I wanted to be... I couldn't... as much I wanted to say that I loved him, and hold him close to me, I did not want him to be anywhere near me to remind me of how much of a failure I am."

She is struggling to fight the tears.

"And look what happened as a result! I cost Mikey everything because I left him alone. He lost his championship. He lost his career. He lost his ability to fight. He lost his friends... and he lost himself... all because I'm too FUCKING selfish to be attached to anybody, and I'm afraid they will do better than me, and achieve everything that I want for me... all because I wanted to clear my GOD DAMN name of my past."

Eve lets out a gasp of air as she puts her hands over her eyes, doing her best to wipe away the tears. She allowed herself a short outburst of sadness so she could stablise herself, and attempt to continue her thoughts. She grabs a tissue, and she removes all trace of tears.




"... why am I admitting all this, you ask? What is the point of this video confessional? Why should I break down, and bear my soul, in front of the camera, during the time when I should be the strongest? I am in the Gold Rush tournament, and it is only going to get harder as the rounds persist. And once I am done, presuming I win, then a World title match awaits, and an even tougher opponent on the other end... and if, by some chance, I become the World champion, I do not have a chance to rest because instead of focusing on one opponent, the entire world will view me as its opponent; I will have to fight everyone to keep that title, and every person who comes at me will be tougher than the last. The road to being the champion I wish to be is only going to get progressively harder. There is no room for me to be weak any more."

Eve steadies herself in her chair, making sure all her tears are gone. She positions herself, and brushes her hair, to show that she isn't wearing much of anything.

"Well, as you can see, I am stripped of everything today. No make-up. No dress. No nothing. I come to you almost as a clean slate. It's what they call in the fashion business a 'clean-clean.' It is where the models show up as natural as the day they were born, allowing the directors to shape the models to whatever they wish them to be. A blank canvas for the fashion artists to paint their vision. I am discussing this with you with the intention of a clean slate; to start anew. A way to cleanse myself of my past sins and transgressions... but unfortunately, simply having a shower and not wearing clothes isn't going to the trick. This is merely a symbolic gesture for what I intend to do at Ascension."

She straightens herself.

"Matt Tastic. I intend to beat you, and move onto the third round of the Gold Rush tournament. This intention is not only due to you being the randomly-drawn opponent for this round, and the only way for me to progress is to beat you; honestly, I couldn't give a damn who was in my way, for I was going to go as hard on them as anyone else... but the reason I have a little more motivation, and a little more confidence in myself to beat you, is because you are a reminder of the past, and the physical embodiment that haunts my mind."

Eve leans in towards the camera.

"You see, Matthew... Mikey and yourself always had a special relationship with each other. Together, you were the beloved tandem known as Live Mas, and you inspired many people around the world. You showed everyone what a true friendship was, and in many ways, I admired you for having something that special with Michael. I wasn't able to do it, and the man was ecstatic to be around me, even when I was a complete bitch to him. And before you jump to conclusions, this isn't about jealousy at all; I would very much like to make it clear that jealousy is not my motivation. Whenever I think about the name of Matt Tastic, I think about the name of Mikey Stormrage. You two are almost inseparable in my mind. Just like Eva Pellegrini is synonymous with failure, Matt Tastic is synonymous with Mikey Stormrage... and it hurts me..."

Eve attempts to recollect her thoughts.

"I have only one shot at redeeming myself, Matthew, and that is through this Gold Rush tournament. I am here to create a life for myself that I feel comfortable enough living, and the only way I know how is to solidify myself as one of the best. I have to become just like you: a Hall of Fame superstar. For me to do that, I must beat you. I must show the world that I can hang with the greatest superstars this place has to offer, and that I am, in fact, ready to wrestle for the World championship... and become that champion. I must show the world that I am not a choke artist. I must show the world that I am not a failure. Not only must I advance to the next round of the tournament, I have to beat a Hall of Fame legend to do so; I have to beat the person I see as the physical manifestation of all my past failures, as a symbolic defeat that I am no longer held down by the fears of my past.

"Matt Tastic, you are a good person. A great person. The stories Michael has told of you about how you treat him, the fans, and your grandfather... they paint you in a positive light. There is no light bright enough to describe how great of a person you are, and admire you for that. But right now, you are in my way. You remind me of everything I don't want to remember. You have attained the success that I wish to achieve. I refuse you from advancing any further in this tournament, because you've already been there before. I have yet to reach the mountain top, and I will not stop fighting until I get to the peak. This match between us, Matthew, will only end in your defeat, and if you wish to continue, I will have no choice but to hurt you, just like your presence hurts me."

Her eyes are staring into the camera.

"Matt Tastic... you were once given the opportunity, a long time ago, to shed your skin, and become someone else. The Killjoy... Baez... these names you wished to distance yourself from, and you were granted that opportunity. Do I not deserve the same chance here? Do I not deserve a restart for myself, and make amends for every failure I've done wrong? I mean, that's why you're back, isn't it? To avenge the fall of your best friend, Mikey Stormrage. You are here to get revenge on the man who put down Michael, and destroy the group that led to his destruction. My leaving his side as his girlfriend may have been a trigger to the chain of events, but I was not the person who lead the charge against him, nor was I the one to deliver the final blow. So, fighting me, with all your heart, in this tournament, is a worthless endeavour. Save your energy for someone who deserves the true power you display as a Hall of Fame competitor. Focus your time on the people who deserve your wrath.

"I need to win this tournament more than anyone else to prove myself as one of the greatest in the world. You already own such a distinction. Beating me is a selfish act. Don't follow in my footsteps, Matthew, and be selfish like me. I am a lost cause, Matthew. I didn't even stick up for Michael during his time of need, and when the final blow was delivered, I cared more about some gold than a real human being. I am more focused on winning this tournament than gaining a measure of revenge. Even if I were to proclaim that winning this tournament would allow me the chance to take away the title from the person who orchestrated the attack on Michael, I would be lying. In reality, I just want the World title for myself, and whoever holds it doesn't matter... Matthew, do what I do not have the strength to do: go after Mark Keaton, and Vis Imperium, for what they have done to Michael. Do what you came back to WZCW to do, and let me do what I am here in WZCW to achieve."

Eve drops her head slightly.

"There is no need for bloodshed between us Matthew. Lord knows I have too much on my hands already. Even with this self-cleansing, I know I am a bad person... and if you decide you wish to fight, well, then I will have no choice but to show you, in that ring, just how bad a person I am... because I am willing to do anything to win this tournament. And if that means I have to break you Matthew, just like I broke Michael, then so be it."

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