Apocalypse: Eve Taylor versus Flex Mussel [Number One Contender]

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The winner of this match will face the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion next. No date has been locked in but the next title match will be given to the winner of this contest. Eve Taylor has been hunting the World Championship ever since Lethal Lottery. She defeated Celeste Crimson at Kingdom Come to earn this chance and now she is one step away from her dream. Flex Mussel has been on a rampage, defeating and ending the careers of legends including David Cougar, Matt Tastic and Theron Daggershield. With a pinfall win over the reigning World Champion already, Flex is determined to officially become the number one contender. Cerberus teammates collide in a match over a year in the making. Can Eve Taylor take that final step towards the World Championship or will Flex Mussel add another legend to his list?

One thing that was always drilled into my thick skull throughout my childhood, and even into my adult years, was the ability to create a plan. It was a requirement for me to conjure up a schedule, and stick to it, otherwise my life would turn into complete chaos. On the farms, my parents would demand a list of chores from me, and should I not complete any of those tasks - sometimes not sticking to an order - I would be punished. As I was learning the tricks of the modelling trade, my mentor would berate me for not visualising every photo shoot, interview, and fashion affair for the week. Then you have the whole going to school and church thing, and the constant planning around airline times... my life had to be planned, and I could never deviate from the plan. It frustrated me to no end. Why couldn't I just do whatever the hell I wanted to do? Why did I have to follow instruction? What was the point of creating a to-do list, knowing every little detail about your life in the future, and achieve exactly that? Why couldn't I be a little spontaneous? Having these kinds of thoughts earned me the reputation of having a thick skull for learning. I know I'm not exactly an intellectual, but I wasn't stupid. I just wanted to be free from these chains for once in my life, and just do whatever.

Over the past few weeks, I've experience what it was like to just go with the flow. Everything I wished to achieve up until this point was accomplished. Even when plans failed, just like the Lethal Lottery, I found an alternate method to achieve something greater, such as facing, and defeating, my dream opponent. But once Kingdom Come finished, I felt... a little lost. I really didn't know what was next for me. What happens when you challenge the person who you consider to be the final boss, and you slay them? What happens to the protagonist of the story when they finally take down the antagonist? The story ends, doesn't it? There isn't anything else afterwards. When a character in a video game destroys the final boss, the character has no more main story left to complete. They have completed the game. That's what it feels like for me. It felt like Celeste Crimson was the final boss, and there hasn't been a new main story quest for me to finish. She was the final mission. I did what I've always wanted to do, and I got my wish of not having any plans... but it was a bittersweet feeling. It felt as if there was nothing left for me to do.

So, like any other normal human being would do in this situation, I decided to take a long walk deep into Mother Nature under the midnight skies. A young attractive female model taking a stroll into the woods, all alone, in the middle of the night, by herself, miles away from any known civilisation, without any sense of direction. It's a stupid idea, I know, but whilst I'm still under this notion of not planning anything, I might as well do something completely random and idiotic as this. Luckily for me, it was a full moon, so the darkness that surrounded my every move wasn't nearly as threatening. Even luckier was that I could see without having to adjust to night vision, so I was able to avoid walking straight into the very still lake at the end of the track. If the moon hadn't been so bright on this wonderfully warm night, I probably would've caused myself a little bit of fright by stepping into water. In fact, if it weren't for the light, I probably would've kept walking into the lake, and not stopped walking until my head was below the surface... okay, maybe not that extreme, but it in the mood I've been in, it wouldn't surprise me to believe I could've attempted to walk underwater. Probably the luckiest thing of them all was that I decided to sit down near the water's edge, and stare into the silent surface of the water. It awarded me the time to reflect.

"Why are you wandering aimlessly, Eve?" I asked myself.

Pretty pointless question, if I can be critical. I had just explained the answer to that very question, and yet I still felt the need to ask it again, but in the form of my own voice, and not as a thought swimming around in my brain. Come to think of it, maybe that was the reason I wasn't opposed to diving underneath the water. To swim amongst my thoughts. To dive beneath, and collect it all in. I mean, I've been with my thoughts many times, and there are many times where my thoughts manifest into the real world, but I've never physically dived into my brain. I reached my hand out towards the water, wishing to caress the surface... but I hesitated, not wanting to disturb the peaceful stillness.

"This is stupid." I attempted convincing myself.

These words landed on deaf ears, for I refused to move from this position. I wasn't compelled to head back. I remained at the water's edge with my eyes skimming across the water, trying my best to see what lies underneath. What was really under the water? What was underneath the surface? What did I really want?

"I've got an important match against Flex Mussel upcoming."

This wasn't exactly what I wanted. A match against my former Cerberus brethren? That part of my life was over. Cerberus had our run under the comforting lights of the full moon, howling together as we teared through WZCW. We took over together, we dominated together, and we fought together... until the day Cerberus imploded from our own ego's. We had our final battle at Kingdom Come already, and I walked out the victor. All three heads of Cerberus went our own ways, and this was meant to be the final chapter of our story. Why is there an epilogue?

"It's for a World Championship opportunity."

This was exactly what I wanted. For the longest time, I aimed my sights at being the best. For a while there, I thought I was already the best. I proclaimed my greatness as a wrestler before I achieved it. Every time I shattered a record, and every time I broke ground as a female competitor, I shouted my achievements to the world every day to remind them that I was great. During my reigns as a champion, I held that title high and threw that fact in everyone's face. I did whatever I could to make myself the talk of the town. However, the reality of it all was that for one to be considered the best, one must acquire the World championship.

"This is my first one-on-one opportunity."

Indeed, the only other times I've ever had the chance at achieving the World title has been through the Lethal Lottery on three separate occasions. Granted, the first two times, I wasn't ready for the Lottery. My inaugural Lottery, I was too focused on my new bonds with Cerberus. The next Lottery I was exhausted from my match against James Howard when I captured the Elite Openweight championship, despite putting on a clinic in the Lottery, too. But the final one... I was ready to take it all. Yet, I failed to capitalise on my momentum. And now? I finally get the chance to fight for the World title at Apocalypse. My first ever number one contenders match.

"I've been working hard to earn this opportunity. Everything I've sacrificed was to be in this position."

So why do I feel directionless? Why do feelings of indifference and carelessness flow through my veins? Maybe I never thought this moment would finally happen. After all the hardships, I didn't think it was possible for me to get here. Possibly, the pressure is mounted on top of me so much that I wanted to find an escape... or, perhaps it was because I was facing Flex Mussel again after I thought that our paths would never crossed again. For my sanity, this was the reason I chose to believe.

"Flex Mussel wants this opportunity just as bad, if not more than I do. He's been rampaging through everybody only for his voice to be heard, and to proclaim he is the next challenger."

He sounded a lot like the Eve Taylor of 2015 when I was the Elite Openweight champion, and I didn't care about anyone else but me. All I wanted was for people to acknowledge me as the best. If this comparison is apt, then Flex is real hungry for opportunity.

"Ever since the days of the wolves had died, Flex has been targeting the very best in the industry. He's gone after singles championship gold. He's gone after the legends of the business. And now, he's going after the biggest prize one can accomplish."

Many people could easily compare our careers by this statement. Our time as singles competitors since Cerberus has been almost identical. Great championship matches. Facing off against legends in our industry, and defeating them. And now, a warpath for the championship.

"Flex had defeated the legend of Matt Tastic at Kingdom Come. Flex drove away a competitor I could never defeat in Theron Daggershield. Flex even permanently retired one of, if not, the best wrestler in WZCW history 'Showtime' Cougar... all for his voice to carry some weight when he spoke; when he asked for a World title shot, the people would listen."

It was an impressive record I, nor could anyone else, deny from Flex. He essentially took the careers of three great wrestlers so that one could succeed. What Flex failed to realise, was that for him to get to the position he wanted, he had an obstacle standing in his way that has achieved so much more.

"Flex's achievement didn't happen overnight. They took time to manifest. In fact, this is the story of Mussel's life as a wrestler. His achievements didn't happen on the first opportunity."

I lifted my head towards the sky, staring at the full moon. It was if the moon reminded me of the Cerberus days, making my memories clear.

"When Cerberus first came on the scene, there was only two heads. Flex Mussel & Ramparte. Everybody laughed at them. 'How could a team of two people call themselves Cerberus? Don't you need three people?' is what they said. Many people thought of them as a joke. Even though the two were raw talent, it took them a while to mesh together. Flex did not become the tag team success he claims to be on their first outing, even if the first time Cerberus wrestled as a team was a victory against myself in my debut. No, Flex wasn't great from the start. It took time. There were losses. There were times of under-performing. There was a lot of doubt this team could last for the long run. When Flex finally earned the opportunity to challenge for the Tag Team championships, I was there by his side watching at ringside. The Lethal Lottery of 2014 was the only time I was there by the side of Cerberus. The first major opportunity in Flex Mussel's career as a tag team wrestler, I was there... and if it wasn't for me, Flex would not have been champion."

I did not say this because I am vain. No, this is an actual fact. Anyone who wishes to fact check me could switch over to the Network, find the match between Young Justice and Cerberus for the Tag Team championships, and they'll see that I was the one who interfered in the match, and changed the result of the match at the last second. The referee was about to count three for a success Young Justice title defence, but it was by my hands that Flex was able to walk out Tag Team champion, and begin his reign atop the division.

"When Flex became champion, he did not hold the Tag Team titles for long. The very first major title defence at Kingdom Come against Hard Metal Penetration resulted in a loss. Even when Flex managed to achieve what he aspired to be, it didn't take him overnight to become the success he says he is today. He did become a success, and he became one of the two men to be involved in the best tag team to ever exist... but it didn't happen on his first time."

I stood up from my position and dipped my feet in, looking down into the reflection of the water. All I could see was the full moon. The disturbances from my feet caused the water to ripple, and the reflection of the moon appeared shattered, reminding me of the destruction of Cerberus.

"Flex then begin his tirade on establishing himself as a singles wrestler, taking down legend after legend and challenging for singles gold... but it didn't happen on his first time. The first ever opportunity Flex got to fight on his own, he had to face me. Again, I was there for the first time in the newest chapter of his career. We fought for a championship that I had already earned, and won. I was carrying around the title that made me successful, and established me as a legitimate singles competitor. This was the dream he wanted, but I wanted it more. Thus, I defeated him. He was determined, though, and his first loss did not deter him. He tried many times after that, focusing his attention towards the legend of Titus Avison and the Eurasian championship. Again, he failed. It wasn't until he faced Showtime Cougar that he began his rampage across the legends, and into the potential contender he is today... but it didn't happen on his first time."

Do you notice a pattern yet? I noticed it, and that pattern was looking to happen again at Apocalypse.

"And now, Flex is on the warpath to becoming the World champion. The beginning of his warpath to becoming the very best in the industry. As with the intention of Apocalypse, he is looking to leave behind an old chapter, and start a new beginning. He wants that World title. He is very hungry for that World title. It is all he wants. It is the only thing he needs. He does not care what he has to do to get there, because no matter what, Flex will be, at the very least, a World championship contender... but it will not happen at Apocalypse. Why? Because this is Flex's first attempt at the World championship, and for his first attempt, I am here."

Do you see it now?

"For the third time Flex wishes to start a new chapter in his life, I am here to greet him. I was there when he formed the Cerberus tag team. I was there for his first attempt at being a singles competitor. And now, I am here for his first major World championship opportunity. History dictates that Flex Mussel has never won on the first attempt. He is not the kind of person to achieve greatness on his first attempt. Flex will eventually achieve amazing success, as history also dictates. He has compiled an amazing resume over the years, and no doubt, he will one day become a World champion... but this is his first attempt, and I am standing in the way. I am not on his side like I was when I helped him win his first tag team title. I was against him when I defeated him in his first chance at singles title glory. He cannot do it alone, and he cannot best me."

With history on my side, and knowing full well Flex Mussel has yet to defeat me in an environment where it is proven he can't beat me, why do I still feel directionless? When I attempted to seek knowledge on the subject, I concluded the answer was because I was facing Flex Mussel again. Yet, the arguments I've presented seem to negate Flex being the real reason for my hesitancy. In fact, the reason why I felt directionless was because of me. For the first time ever, I'm getting my opportunity at the World title, something I've been aiming to achieve longer than Flex had been complaining about not receiving. My whole career has been about being the best, and about getting the top. Now, I finally have the opportunity to get there, and I feel frozen in time. No, I want to be frozen in time. I could see it in my eyes as I stared directly at my reflection in the water.

"Everything I have ever wanted comes to fruition, and the only thing I can do is procrastinate and run away from my problems, hoping that time will pass me by, and I can re-emerge on the other side without any problems. Somehow, I believe that I will be okay, and that history will be there for me. I can lean on my history against Flex, watch on like an out of body experience, and come back to me when the pressure is gone. I know it is not to be true, but I wish it to be, and this is what makes me weak. This is exactly the kind of thinking I employed when I went to win the Lethal Lottery. I had already made it a forgone conclusion because everyone thought I was the best, and everyone thought me the favourite... except me. I can't let that happen again. No, I can't that happen again."

I needed to cleanse my mind of that thought, for it had begun to settle in. I had just ranted and raved about me being better than Flex, and his insecurities, that I forgot about my own. For me to stand any chance to win this match, and for me to achieve what I want to accomplish, I need to cleanse my thoughts and start fresh.

I stared down at the water. I stared at my reflection. I did not like my reflection. It needed to change. So, slowly, I began to undress. I took off every item of clothing I could until I was standing as naked as the day as I was born. I stood in the lake as mother nature intended for me to be. I stripped away everything for my body so I could strip away everything from my mind. If I were to cleanse myself of my thoughts, everything that led me to this position needed to be removed. I needed to do this.

I took one step further into the lake, with the water inviting me into the lake. I kept walking, step-by-step, deeper into the lake, submerging myself. I kept walking until I was waist deep. This was when I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and I dove into the water. I went underneath the surface, with my eyes closed, feeling the water drenching me. Drowning me. Drowning all of my doubts. Drowning all of my anxiety. Drowning the arrogance and the cockiness I possessed. This was the apocalypse of the Eve Taylor who thought she was already the best. As I felt the last breath escape my lungs, I resurfaced, opening my eyes. I flicked my hair back, and let the water shower down upon me. It was a refreshing feeling, and already I felt better. More confident. More determined. This was the new beginning of the Eve Taylor who was going to fight for the chance to be considered the best.




As Eve left the lake, and got back on shore, she turned back to see the reflection once more. It was a different Eve Taylor, this much she could tell. She was one who was ready to fight, and break the World championship dry spell. Flex Mussel didn't seem to bother her, but for reasons not already said. She knew it was going to be hard fought battle; she was prepared for the fight ahead. What differed is her approach, and how she thought. Something was different this time. She was no longer swimming among her thoughts. She no longer sat in her mind, talking to herself in the first-person. She was no longer hiding in her head, and wishing for the world to keep going without her. She wanted the world to include her. She wanted the world to involve her again. It was someone else talking about her, and she was the one controlling their speech. She was in control. The fire she had when she wanted to be the best came back. Eve Taylor was back.

"As much as Flex may want the title." Eve told her own reflection. "I want it more. I've been wanting for this opportunity longer than Flex has. I've been fighting for this opportunity with my valour and honour than he has. I've been sacrificing more for this opportunity than he has This World championship opportunity is mine to take, and for Flex to learn from his mistakes. This Eve Taylor has got the world on her shoulders, and she is representing the women of this company. I am representing everybody in the world who has ever doubted themselves, and for everyone who has lost everything just to achieve their goals. I am here because I want to be the best wrestler in the world. I am here to claim my opportunity at the World Championship. I am here to show the world that I can't be stopped. I will not let Flex Mussel stop me. I will not fall to him like the others have fallen. I will not go away. I will not give up. For at Apocalypse, I will become the next challenger for the World championship. I will face the World champion. I will fight with every bone in my body to become the first-ever World champion, and solidify myself as the best... and, most importantly, at Apocalypse, I will know exactly who I am, and I will show the world what it means to be Eve Taylor."

The monsieur of muscle can be seen on camera as he walks in front of a children’s psychiatric ward. He looks the building up and down before turning around and looking directly in the camera.

Flex: Do you see the building behind me? While it now may be home to some very mentally distressed adolescents this building actually used to be the residence of Ramparte, and better yet served as Cerberus Headquarters. A lot of good times, bad times, triumph, and personal tragedy in that building. But more than anything they are memories that will stay with me forever. But you’re probably wondering why I’m going down memory lane right now, well of course it’s for none other than for you Eve Taylor. You see while we gear up to compete against each other for a future World title shot I don’t intend to send you thinly veiled threats, instead I want to take you back to your past, and in doing so showing you what will be your future.

The bodybuilder pauses as it seems he’s waiting for some kind of que.

Flex: So are we good?! I told you to say cut after that last line.

Maria: Um...the red button is supposed to be on for recording right?

Flex: Yes….

Maria: Cool, cool...well it wasn’t, so we’re going to have to do it again….

Flex: God damnit Maria!!!

It is revealed that Flex’s sister Maria is the one holding the camera as she struggles to find out what she did wrong as a grumpy Flex walks over towards her.

Flex: That was the second take Maria, what is so hard about pressing one button?

Maria: Look this is an expensive camera that I know nothing about. I don’t know why you just didn’t have Charles help you with this.

Flex: You know he’s been awol every since the Flex Fitness kitchen fiasco.

Maria: And whose fault is that? Have you seriously not reached out to apologize?

Flex: I don’t reach out to ungrateful individuals who do not relish in my wisdom. If Charles wants to walk away from his meal ticket then he’s welcome to fend for himself, see how far he goes.

Maria: Well he’s seemingly going pretty far.

Flex: Wha...what do you mean?

Maria: He’s opening up his own restaurant Flex, one of the people in his cooking class loved his food so much he’s investing in Charles to open his own place, and if it does well enough it’ll be the start of a chain of restaurants.

Flex: How do you know this?

Maria: I talked to him yesterday.

Flex: Talk?! How long have you two been in communication?!

Maria: Ever since you embarrassed him, he’s actually not that much of a creepy perv when he’s not trying to emulate you.

Flex: Has...has he said anything about me?

Maria: Just that he’s hurt that you would embarrass him like that Flex, you should talk to him.

Flex: Why should I? He’s working for the company that betrayed me!

Maria: You realize you need him right? He would have been able to do this camera thing perfectly, he’s incredibly talented, and I think you’re underutilizing him. He’s not some punching bag for you Flex, he’s a real person and I think you should acknowledge that.

The fitness freak stays silent momentarily carefully considering the words of his sister, but he quickly snaps out of his train of thought.

Flex: I’ve got bigger things to worry about than his feelings, this upcoming match against Eve may end up being the biggest match of my career, this could lead to me getting the World title shot I so greatly deserve, he knows that, and he should already be by my side. So to hell with him! Now we’re going to redo this shot and so help me god if you’re not recording you will be doing 2,000 push ups on the spot!


The self-proclaimed legend killer walks down a brightly lit runway as his sister records him. He stops at the end as a single spotlight shines on him.

Flex: Does any of this look familiar Eve? Probably not as I’ve heard you’ve given up this runway life, much like you give up on most things or people. Whether it be your friends, Aubrey Sloan, Cerberus. You’re quite the fickle individual Eve. If I had known that I would’ve never recruited you to join the hellhounds. You see Ramparte and I sat front row at this show of yours. Our first match together as a team was actually against you and that street fighter wannabe.

Aftershock 31

Ramparte takes this chance to kick Hyada in the stomach, and hit The Catalysm! He goes for the cover, as Flex holds Eve Taylor to keep her from breaking up the count.




Flex goes in to celebrate, as Ramparte slinks in the middle of the ring, almost depressed.

Anderson: Here are your winners, Cerberus!

Serra: The only way Ramparte pulled that out was because he cheated.

Klamor:All I saw was win, for a team with a lot of momentum.

Eve Taylor goes to the fallen Hyada, who's still holding his eyes in the ring. Cerberus is in the entrance way, with Flex over celebrating the win.

Flex: Despite us soundly beating you I saw your potential Eve, potential that you weren’t truly capitalizing on. Talented as you were your first couple of months within WZCW probably weren’t going as expected. You had wins here and there but you were going to stay exactly at the lower tier of WZCW if you stayed on this path. But that all changed once I reached out, and Cerberus gained another head.

Lethal Lottery VI

Back in the ring, Haven is in the ring and he nails Mussel with a springboard crossbody! The champions get to their feet together as their opponents stagger to their knees. Ramparte pulls himself to his feet and Haven goes to clothesline him, but the challenger ducks down and lifts Haven over the ropes and onto the floor outside! Mussel is up and he tosses Hyada high into the air, Ramparte readying a kick - but Haven slides back in, kicks Ramparte out of the way! Hyada, falling, instead catches Mussel with the FALLING STAR! But he is too dazed to go for the cover immediately - he has to catch his breath. Haven turns to make the cover himself, and Ramparte rolls him up! Hyada covers Mussel at the same time! Akiyama counts one, two - EVE TAYLOR KNOCKS HYADA OFF OF MUSSEL - THREE!!!

Copeland: What just happened?!

Akiyama confers with Harrys briefly, and the announcer steps back to make his announcement.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners...................AND THE NEW WZCW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, CERBERUS!

Mussel is still down but Eve Taylor is all smiles as she helps him to his feet as Ramparte stumbles to a knee, hand raised in the air. The title belts are located by ringside staff and placed into the hands of the new champions. All three members of Cerberus stand tall over their vanquished foes, Ramparte and Mussel as the new tag team champions.

Flex: A lot of people say you were the missing puzzle piece that truly set on us on the path of becoming one of the greatest stables of all time. And I agree, once you truly began to embrace that vicious, ruthless, and strategic side of yourself you brought out the best in us, and together we were unstoppable. But let’s make something very clear, you were never the leader of Cerberus. Sure you were on your own as a singles competitor but that was only because my goals at the time were never that selfish. The bond Ramparte and I had would always eclipse ours and becoming the greatest tag team in WZCW history was always on the top of my to-do list. But once our historic record breaking reign was over you knew it was only a matter of time before our solo aspirations conflicted.

Lethal Lottery VII

Harrys: Eve Taylor has been eliminated!

They quickly turn to Ramparte who is helping Flex up. They whip Flex to the ropes, but he manages to hold on. The grab Ramparte and also whip him. Aiming for Flex. Eve reaches her hand and pulls the top rope leading to both men going over upon collision.

Cohen: What is Eve doing?!

Connor: She was concerned for Flex after all those low blows he took.

Copeland: That concern just ended all of Cerberus in this match at once.

Harrys: Flex Mussel & Ramparte have been eliminated!

Flex: I don’t blame you Eve, three talented individuals with big egos it was only a matter of time before we went our separate ways. In fact you backstabbing us was a part of your true colors, those same true colors I brought out of you, it would be hypocritical of me to fault you when I in fact created that side of you. But see you’re not that same person anymore Eve. We’ve been on separate paths for quite some time but I’ve never forgotten about you, and I’ve always been watching.

Meltdown 133

Harrys: And here is your winner, Eve Taylor!

Mikey gets into the ring to celebrate with Eve as her hand is raised. Garth rolls out of the ring, grabbing his WZCW World Heavyweight Championship and begins making his way up the ramp. He looks back into the ring where Eve and Mikey are celebrating, doing victory poses and laughing.

Copeland: What a massive win tonight for Eve Taylor! Just think, this was the World Heavyweight Champion that she defeated. One day she might win that belt herself and become the first woman to win it.

Flex: When I saw you palling around with the next World champion I thought it was none other than a classic Eve Taylor calculated plan and before anyone of us knew it you’d stab Mikey in the back and become World champion. But when I found it you two were actually an item? Made me sick to my stomach to even think I used to be attracted to you. Then came Lethal Lottery, a match that almost everyone predicted you to win because it was yours for the taking, but in the end you choked. You lacked the raw intensity and calculated motivation to win and that’s how I knew you weren’t the old Eve Taylor. The way you began pandering to the fans, when you quit being a runway model who had every waking desire to be in the spotlight with all eyes on her, that’s when it became clear to me that somewhere along the line you turned into a shell of your former self. You’re pretending to be someone you’re not Eve, and to be honest, all those months ago so was I.

Kingdom Come VII

Ramparte: Wait...you're losing? No, no, no you can't lose yet you haven't confessed.

He picks up the Cerberus helmet he discarded earlier in the other hand. The Catalyst steps into the ring with the entire audience going silent. He stands over Eve; no longer smiling, but grimacing down at her. He glances over at Flex's lifeless body, at his mask, and then at her direction again. His voice grew impatient.

Ramparte: Say it! Say what you did. Tell the world how you USED US! Me, Flex Mussel, Aubrey Sloan...you used us. Have you no shame?!? YOU USED US!!! SAY IT. YOU USED CERBERUS!

The Fabulous One painfully crawls to Ramparte. He tries to stand his ground as the blood from his head causes him to sway. She uses him to pull herself up to eye level. She has a hard time breathing, and begins to talk but can't. Eve slides her arm around Ramparte. Ramparte shakes. She wipes the blood from his eyes and draws him in for a kiss. He doesn't move. Whatever power she has left came in with one fell swoop as she pulled him in for an Extreme Makeover! The mic and the helmet fall to the ground and away from his grasp. Ramparte uses his last bit of strength to get to a bottom rope. He drags her along but can't get anywhere. The mic is close to Eve, and what breathe she has left she answers Ramparte...

Eve: I used you. I used Aubrey. But you all used me, too. This was what made Cerberus powerful. And ... I am sorry. Goodnight sweet prince.

With no place to go he makes a bold attempt to snatch the Cerberus helmet. It is a few inches away! He is completely drained as he realizes he can't make it to the weapon. He taps out right beside the Cerberus mask.

Harrys: Here is your winner and STILL Elite Openweight Champion, "The Fabulous" Eve Taylor!!!

Ascension 103

From the top rope, she climbs on top of Flex with her thighs pressed against the back of his neck. Flex flails helplessly. She rotates herself in an Electric Chair position. Kagura takes one longing look at her book from the timekeeper's table before executing her High Speed Victory Roll- Third Dance of Amenouzume no Mikoto ! Katie gets her wits about her as the two crash down to the center of the ring. With Flex pinned and blind, Katie begins the three count.

1 !
2 !
3 !

Mussel doesn't have the presence to kick out. Kagura jerks away and slithers right back out of the ring before Katie Shepard could raise her arm in victory. She gathers her paper fan and then her book. She mockingly bows as Flex wipes away the ink. Realizing that it wasn't Kagura's normal trick but something someone once close to him does, he gets back on his feet and stares her down.

Harrys: Here is your winner, advancing to the next round, Kagura Daikonran !!!

Ascension 106

Flex gets hold of the rim of the cage...and he secures himself at the top! He is met with a chorus of cheers, his face gleaming against the arena's lights. Victorious, he balances himself on the top of the cage. He ponders, and then laughs to himself. He screams out what he is going to do.


Cohen: !!!

Connor: !!!

Flex Mussel leaps from the twenty foot cage...in midair he perfectly does The Red Comet!!! AND TITUS ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY! All hope feels lost as the fans go completely silent as Flex crashes harshly to the ground. Avison rolls over Flex and rests his back against Flex's torso. Titus spreads one arm out to faintly pin Flex's shoulder. Katie Shepard calls for the pinfall.




Harrys: Here is your winner and STILL EURASIAN Champion, Titus Avison!!!

Flex: All those important moments, all those important matches I choked because I wasn’t being true to myself. I was attempting to be some hero for the WZCW universe because both you and Ramparte were so unlikeable I had no other choice but to relish in the cheers of the fans. But no matter how satisfying they might be, they’re hypnotizing, and sometimes wanting their adulation can be detrimental to your own career. I realized that, I realized I’m not the hero I once wanted to be, I realize that in the end I want to be on the very top of the WZCW mountain, and to do so I need to do things that the fans won’t always approve of. When I was at my strongest, my most vicious, I was in Cerberus destroying my enemies, and now I’m even stronger than I was before and I’ve beaten the likes of Matt Tastic, Justin Cooper, Mikey Stormrage, and Garth Black all on my own. I know longer intend to let these opportunities pass me by, you had your chance and you squandered it because you stopped being true to yourself a long time ago. The strongest Eve Taylor was the one I told to embrace the bitch in her. But now you’re just the Eve Taylor content with just being another bitch.

Maria: And cut!

Flex: Did you get all of that?

Maria: Yeah, can’t believe you did that all in one take.

Flex: It’s easy to keep going when you’re just telling the truth. Come on, we’ve got one more place to go.

Maria: Oh, sorry I’ve got to meet someone for dinner in like half an hour, I’ve got to go.

Flex: Who are you meeting that’s more important than this?

Maria: Me and Charles have dinner plans.

Flex: Are you kidding me?!

Maria: Sorry Flex, I’ve already promised to go, and unlike you I like to stick to my word when I say I’m going to be there for someone.

Maria hands Flex to the camera and exits the old fashion runway room.


Later on that night Flex followed Maria to a small diner where she was meeting Charles. From inside his car he watched his sister and former apprentice through binoculars. As he watched the two who previously had no rapport engage each other in such a social manner he began to wonder if he was making the right decision. Alienating those around him, whether he was truly right in only focusing on his own feelings and not Charles. Eventually he stops watching Charles and Maria and leans back in his seat flowing right into existential thought Is this all worth it? What will happen if I lose? Am I really just destined to be someone who relies on others? All these thoughts and more began to swirl through Flex’s head until a tapping on the glass snaps him out of it. He looks up to see his sister and Charles standing outside. He quickly opens up his door, exits his car, and begins talking to them.

Flex (nervously): What are you guys doing here? I was just coming to grab a bi-

Maria: Save it Flex, I knew you were going to follow me, I led you here on purpose so you two could finally talk.

Flex: Talk?! I’m not going to-

Charles: Flex please, I know you’re mad that I worked for Flex Fitness, I know you have a lot going on right now but I need you, and to be honest I think you need me to. You’ve been an inspiration in my life. I know it doesn’t seem like it but little by little everyday I am trying to work off this fat. And I’m learning from you as the days go on. But this isn’t a one way partnership. You’ve benefitted quite a bit from my presence and I can’t think of anybody who could be a better assistant, student, and friend to you. I’ve watched your whole career Flex, and I know you want to be a lone wolf right now but just because your past friends have scarred you doesn’t mean you can’t have any at all. Eve Taylor is your biggest challenge yet, and it’s okay to admit that you might need a little help to beat her. Because me and Maria are always going to be your side, but you need to learn to respect us just as much as we respect you.

A single tear sheds down the face of Flex as he quickly hugs Charles and the two embrace much to the surprise of Maria.

Maria: Was not expecting that to go as smoothly as it did.

Flex: You’re right Charles, you’ve gone unappreciated for far too long. And that is something I’m going to rectify, because at Apocalypse I want you right by my side when I’m out there against Eve.

Charles: I’d be honored Flex, now I believe you’ve got one more thing you need to film?

Flex: Indeed but how did you know?

Maria: I made sure we were in close proximity of the designated location, it’s actually only about a block away.

Flex: You’re smarter than I give you credit for Maria.

The bodybuilder quickly swoops his sister in for a hug that once again surprises her and sorta makes her uncomfortable.

Maria: Friendly Flex is actually quite strange.


A few minutes later the three find themselves outside a very strange looking manor. With Charles now recording Flex he walks up to the window of the manor, looking inside. The camera does so as well and zooms in on the inhabit, which is revealed to be Flex’s former partner Ramparte in a wheel chair, reading a book. It is much too dark outside for the recluse to notice them, and loud classical music can be heard from the room meaning he won’t hear anything either.

Flex: I said earlier I was going to show you your future Eve, well you see our old friend there? Well that’s it. That’s what you have to look forward to if you if you stand in my way any longer. I loved Ramparte, I loved him like a brother, and despite all that I ended his career and left him in a wheelchair, all because I thought he might hinder my dreams of becoming World champion. So what exactly do you think I’m going to do to someone who I like even less and is clearly becoming a growing thorn in my side? You see Eve you have a superiority complex that is going to be your downfall. You believe because you're the first woman who can potentially become World champion that you becoming number one contender is some sort of right that should be handed to you. You believe because we used to be friends that you know everything about me, you think that because you won our triple threat match at Kingdom Come that you’re better than me. Well let’s make something clear, you were up against a different Flex back then, and you have no idea what I’m capable of now. Retiring Showtime, Slaughter, Theron, Tastic, crippling Ramparte. That was only just the beginning. I’m way too close to the top of the mountain to just let you climb over me, I’m not going to let the fairy tales of a spoiled princess eclipse what I’ve worked my entire life towards. I grew up an abused child with my only outlet of happiness coming from WZCW. You’re someone who was always told they were better because of your looks and now people just expect you to be World champion.

The monsieur of muscle takes out a photo of Eve, Ramparte, and Flex and lights it on fire and throws it to the ground.

Flex: I want the WZCW World title more than you have wanted anything in your entire life Eve. And even if you do somehow manage to beat me I’m not going to stop, I don’t care if it’s the next week, next month, or next year I will absolutely destroy you for taking this chance away from me. I came to WZCW a laughing stock and now I am someone that is feared in our locker room. I’ve earned my place at the top and I will take it by beating you with any means necessary. By the time I’m done showing the world how far I’ve surpassed you I will win the World title and finally put to bed who is the shining star of the long dead hell-hound that is Cerberus. Eve you were a flavor of the month that has long turned sour, you had your chance to rise up and you squandered it, I will not let you pass me by, I’m Flex Mussel and I will be the next World champion, and I’ll destroy us both before I let you accomplish that goal before me.

Charles: Got it, cut.

Flex: Good, get it rendered and send it to her, I want Eve to know exactly what's coming before I embarrass her in front of the world. Our confrontation will be her Apocalypse, one way or the other.
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