AS7 - Zander vs. USA (Elite X League)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Despite coming up short at the Lethal Lottery, USA and Zander will face off again as they go after Frankie Smith's newly won championship. Zander being the former champion will no doubt look to try and reclaim his gold back, but how far will USA go to get there first?

Deadline is Tuesday 1st December 23:59 EST
Zander and Neil are sitting in Steve’s office. Zander looks upset with his head full of stitches resting on his hand. Steve has an agenda sitting in front of him which he is currently scanning through.

Steve – So guys. We’ve lost the Elite X championship. Sales of merchandise have gone a little downhill since then. Ratings have dropped and we also seem to be loosing out on some guests for the next season of Zander TV. Angelina Jolie has turned us down, as did Jennifer Aniston. We need to get that title back if we’re going to get ourselves back in the public eye again.

Zander – I don’t care about the money. It was never about to be about the money. All I wanted was to become the greatest wrestler of all time, and have a little fun along the way.

Steve – I know but you need to make a living one way or another Zander. You’ve put all your money into this reality TV show and if you don’t start performing in the ring, ratings will continue to slide.

Neil – I’m your best friend Zander and I don’t mean to criticize you, but you really need to get out to the gym more, get more focused on your wrestling career, stop messing around and be serious about this. You only seem to get serious about things whenever you lose a match. You need to be focused 100% all of the time!

Zander looks down on the table.

Steve – I’m here to help you Zander remember.

Zander – I know… I know.

Steve – On another note I seem to be getting some strange phone calls from a guy named James? Don’t know if you guys know anything about this but I plan on changing my phone number soon. Just to let you know.

Zander – James? I’ve heard that name somewhere.

Neil – there’s a lot of people in the world called James, Zander.

Zander – No, someone said James to me.

Steve – Sorry?

Zander – I remember that name from somewhere. Damn it! I can’t remember right now. This is going to annoy me for the rest of the day now.

Steve – Well this ‘James’ says that he knows you and he’s a friend of yours.

Zander ponders to himself.

Steve looks to his watch.

Steve – Oh crap! I forgot Becky Serra’s waiting to do an interview with you Zander just now. Grab your coat, she’s waiting at the café down the street.

Zander – Steve, please warn me in advance before an interview so I can prepare myself! Every time…

They all dash and grab their coat from the coat rack. They get outside and jog a few hundred yards to ‘Sasa’s Café’ just down the street.

‘The three musketeers’ crash in through the door, nearly knocking an elderly couple out of their seats as they enter.

Zander looks around and spots Becky sitting by herself with her recording equipment.

Zander – She’s over here guys. He waves to Becky and sits down next to her.

Becky – Hello Zander. Nice to see you’ve made it on time this week. She laughs.

Zander – I’m sorry Becky. Steve forgot again. Probably best arranging these interviews with me, he’s useless. He chuckles.

Becky – Don’t worry, I’m only kidding.

Steve comes over and interrupts.

Steve – Can I get you guys a drink?

Becky – No thanks.

Zander – I’m fine cheers.

Steve – Ok, no problem. Me and Neil are just going to wait over at that table there. He points to a table with a group of blondes sitting at it. One of them’s got their eye on me I think.

He struts over to the table, none of the women acknowledge him what so ever.

Zander and Becky both laugh as Steve walks away.

Becky – So Zander, it must feel terrible losing your championship to Frankie Smith. How do you plan on getting revenge so to speak.

Zander – I think the best way to get revenge on Frankie Smith is by winning this league I’m involved in for the title opportunity at Kingdome Come. Frankie would hate to see me achieving in any capacity, so even before I beat him to reclaim what is mine, I will have already gotten my revenge.

Becky – That’s interesting Zander, you say you’re going to reclaim what is yours?

Zander – Frankie cheated me and USA out of a fair opportunity to leave the champion. He attacked us with chairs, attacked the referee and removed the padding from the turnbuckle, exposing the steel. That’s not fair! But fair play, he did what he thought he needed to do become champion. The better man may not have won, but it’s over and done with now and I’m going to have to prove myself to the rest of the locker room again by reclaiming the gold.

Becky – We know that you’ve had some problems with the rest of the locker room. Do you feel as though you are fitting in as well as you would have liked to?

Zander – It’s difficult to say Becky. I know some of the guys in this business are old fashioned and don’t understand where I’m coming from with Zander TV and all the rest of it. They think it’s for the publicity that goes around with it you know? Like I’m some media seeking ****e, which is not the case at all. I'm having a bit of fun along the side of wrestling. Everyone needs their own way of just letting loose and being themselves outside the ring. I just film mines and put it on the internet.

Becky – Do you think though it’s been too much of a distraction?

Zander – Maybe, but I also think it’s given me some confidence in myself to go out there and wrestle the way I want to wrestle. Some people may not like the style of wrestling I chose to fight. They don’t seem to like the fast paced action tied in with the submission style. I’ve heard a few of the guys saying it’s too stop-start. It doesn’t flow well together you know? I’ve had people tell me to concentrate on one style and that it will lead to greater success. But I’ve won a championship before with this style, so I seem to be doing fine.

Becky – Well we seem to be going off track a little here Zander. She laughs.

Zander – Sorry, I get a little over emotional sometimes.

Becky – Has this been an emotional few weeks for you? Do you feel as though you can win this tournament?

Zander – I feel as though I'm an outsider’s bet, an underdog, the black horse in this one. But that suits me fine if I'm being honest with you. I made a good showing of myself in the Eurasian tournament. And I’m a former champion too. But too be honest this will be a tough league, and I may need a bit of luck thrown in there too. Hopefully other matches can cause a few upsets and take point off others. But everyone in this league is capable of winning it and I see things going down to the final week.

Becky – Any superstar out there whom you feel poses the biggest threat?

Zander – I would say the biggest threat to losing any match would be myself.

Becky – Yourself?

Zander – No disrespect to the other guys in the tournament. But I'm not going to come out and say “yeah I can see myself losing to ‘him’ or ‘he’ will probably beat me” because if I go in with an attitude that I could loose, I’m going to loose. I plan on taking maximum points, I feel as though on my best day I am capable of winning any match WZCW throw at me. And I hate to be the guy who bigs himself up or the guy who thinks he’s the greatest. But if I don’t believe in myself that I can win, why should anyone else? Everyone will be thinking the exact same thing as me, whether they want to admit it or not. We’re all in this to win it. Simple as that. To win the league I need to prepare myself acordingly. No skipping gym sessions or any of that anymore, and hard work

Becky – Well I'm glad you’re being honest with me Zander. Let’s talk about USA though. You faced him in the triple threat at Lethal Lottery, what’s your game plan?

Zander – I got my first taste of USA at the Lethal Lottery and I was excited to face him. We put on a fantastic showing, which was only spoiled due to some cheating. I think that I need to try and get the better of him early on though. He has great stamina and strength. Hopefully if I can wear him down a bit from the start and then hit him on the counter attack, yes I said counter attack, I can lock him up in a submission and get the tap out. Things may go differently though, I may have a few tricks up my sleeve. He winks to Becky.

Becky – Well thanks for your time Zander I wish you the…

Just then there is a loud banging on the window. Zander turns around and it’s James wearing a Zander TV t-shirt, waving furiously.

Zander – Oh God! Not this kid again.

James enters the café and jumps on Zander’s knee and hugs him. Zander goes bright red as Becky turns away trying to hold in her laughter.

The scene fades out as James squeezes Zander.
A handwritten letter from USA to the WZCW fanbase is published on the website....


A Marine never makes excuses. In that tradition, I will state that my failure to win gold here time and again, is my fault. For that, to my fans and to my country, I apologize.

No one will work harder or train longer or struggle more mightily than I will, and I will do it for you. My corps of soldiers will join me in this effort. We are a unit, like the Marine Corps, and our mission will be completed. Never before has an athlete prepared in the manner than I am. The NFL uses scout teams, but I have created a roster of opponents. These men believe in the same cause I do. We fight for the same flag.

Maybe I haven't been clear enough in my mission. Let me enumerate the goals of what I came here to accomplish. When I was younger, I would watch professional wrestling on television. It was a struggle between good and evil. As the years went by, the line got blurry. The good guys got vain. The good guys began to turn evil. Zander, you are one of them. I am sure that at some point in your life, you were not the self centered prick you have become. But now, your TV show, your merchandise, it rules you. You and your associates have taken away the honor that used to come with being a pugilist. My first goal is to remind the fans that wrestling is, and has always been about men fighting for what is right. If they win championships, it is nothing more than an affirmation that their cause was just. Zander, is your cause just? When you first won, you wanted to be the best. Is that still your goal? Or is your goal to be a reality TV star?

My second goal was to inspire people. Have I not shown that I can perform this task? Do people not follow me? The last step I need to take is to inspire the youth of this nation to remember that fighting evil is what makes a man good. It is not simply a choice to be good or evil, but these words are the measure of a man's actions. The parallels between wrestling and the military should be apparent to anyone who follows me. Marines fight evil. Flat out, there is no other objective. To me, wrestling is the same. I am here to restore what is right to the business, and through the exposure I get, restore what is right to a country becoming corrupted daily by the search for the cheap buck and fifteen minutes in the spotlight. Zander, the clock is ticking. Will you submit to what is good, or will you continue to fight for greed and sin?

These are my goals. To do what is right, and to inspire. Fans, if I ever break from these goals, I will understand if you turn against me. This tournament is a chance for me to show, from week to week that good can overcome evil. If I win the belt, it will be affirmed that I fought for what is right and stayed true to my course. I hope that my fans will forgive that I wrote this letter, but I did not have time to deal with the cameras and the access required. I need to win, for my fans, for my country, for the Corps.

Sempi Fi,
Ulysses S. Adams
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