AS69: Amber Warren vs. David Whitman

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the Frog

Last week Amber Warren and her tag team partner, El Califa Dragon, made it known in an interview that they were not amused by Mason Westhoff and David Whitman beating down a defenseless Thrash. Califa said that TSA fights without honor. It seems that TSA took notice of Califa's words and Grand Mystique requested that his two subordinates take them on in one-on-one match-ups.

Deadline is Wednesday (September 18th, 2013) at 11:59 P.M. (Central Time). Extensions available upon request.
We open to a living room where the Warren siblings are chilling before they go back to work, seemingly over their last argument. We see Nate is rifling through some DVDs, possibly looking for footage on David Whitman, Amber’s next opponent. We then see Amber seated on the couch with the remote in hand, waiting for Nate to pop in that DVD.

Amber: You sure you got some footage on Whitman?

Nate: Yeah, yeah. I saw it in here earlier. There were two DVDs on this shelf. It has to be here somewhere.

Amber lets out a sigh, slouching back on the couch. She begins twirling her hair, waiting for Nate to find the footage on Whitman.

Amber: Do you think I can beat Whitman? I mean, he’s one tough guy. The last time, we beat TSA, he wasn’t in the match. So he’s definitely going to give me some problems.

Nate: Of course you can beat him! You can beat anyone if you just prepare well. Now I know you haven’t faced Whitman yet, but that’s why I’m looking for the footage I have of him so we can study how he works in the ring.

Amber: Yeah but, he’s been doing this longer than I have. That’s gotta be an advantage for him. Not only that, but he’s part of TSA. TS-freakin’-A. They’ll be watching our match closely for sure.

The worry in Amber’s tone worries Nate. However, Nate comes back with a very comforting statement.

Nate: Yeah, they may be TSA but you have El Califa. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’ve actually grown to like the guy. Now that I think of it, the stuff we argued about before was me just being petty. This guy knows what he’s doing which is why I trust that he’ll be there for you. Plus, didn’t you see what they did to Thrash?

Amber: Yeah, it makes me sick. Thrash was a good buddy of mine back when we tagged that one time. It just burns me inside knowing that I didn’t do anything to help. You know what Nate, I think I can do this. No, I KNOW I can do this. Anyone who stands in my path, anyone who gets in my way, I’m gonna go through them. I’ve faced many problems in the past and look where I am now. I’m in this company to strive to be the best female wrestler WZCW has. Plus, now I have someone like El Califa by my side. Put all those factors together and there’s no way I’ll lose.

Nate smiles at the rant Amber just went on. He even goes as far as laughing at Amber.

Amber: What’s so funny?

Stopping his laughter but still smiling, Nate responds.

Nate: Nothing. It’s just great to see that you’re pumped. Hell, I’m pumped! But hmm, wonder where El Califa is. It’s getting pretty late.


The scene opens to a crowd of people flopping around, waving their arms having a good time. You see the joy and happiness in their faces as the cameras zoom out to reveal that we’re in a nicely-decorated villa, clad with silver and gold everywhere. However, this is no regular villa, this is a Mexican villa. We hear the shouts and chants of everyone getting their groove on on the dance floor before the cameras spot a certain group of people and catch Amber Warren seemingly trying to locate her brother, Nate and her partner, El Califa while maneuvering through the crowd.

It’s a different Amber Warren we see tonight as she has on a nice, short turquoise dress that you can see from a mile away because of the way it glistens in the light while her usual long brown hair is in a nicely-shaped bun. Amber tries to maneuver her way through the crowd and as she does, she is whistled at by a few men signaling their interest in the young dragon. However, Amber pays no mind to this and instead ends her search of Nate and El Califa before going back to the bar.

Looking like a lost puppy, the bartender, who is mixing drinks for a couple of guys at the other end spots Amber. He sees how beautiful she is tonight and seeing that she’s alone, he fixes himself up, even combing his mustache before going over to Amber.

Bartender: Excuse me senora, but I just happen to see you from behind this bar and –

Before the bartender could finish his sentence, Amber takes the water bottle in her hand and places it on the bar.

Amber: Excuse me sir, but can I please get another bottle of water?

With his efforts to flirt with Amber looking futile, a frown comes upon the face of the bartender. Amber being oblivious to this, the bartender sadly takes Amber’s water bottle and goes to get her another one.

Amber: Oh boy, I’m all alone. I’m not used to this. I gotta go and find those two, where could they be? Typical. They bring me to a place like this and don’t even accompany me. Once they see their prey, they just go on and ditch me. Guys. So typical.

While Amber utters her annoyance at Nate and El Califa, the bartender is back with a new bottle of water for her. He then goes over and takes a piece of paper, looking to make a receipt but Amber stops him.

Amber: Oh no. Put this on El Califa’s tab.

Bartender: El Califa? You know Mr. El Califa?

Amber looks at the bartender with annoyance as well for not recognizing her.

Amber: Why yes, I’m El Califa’s tag team partner, Amber Warren.

Right there and then, the bartender’s jaw drops and his facial reaction stays that way.

Amber: Uhm, hello? Hello? Mr. Bartender?

Amber snaps her fingers not once, not twice, not even three times and the bartender still has the same facial expression. Amber has a thought in her mind before giggling to herself. Just then, she slaps the bartender who then comes back down to earth.

Bartender: OUCH! Oh right, I’m so sorry Ms. Amber. I apologize.

Amber simply giggles as we see the bartender turn a bright red from embarrassment.

Amber: No, it’s okay. That’s quite flattering actually. Silly old bartender.

Amber again giggles at the bartender who is seen wiping his face with a cloth that he got from underneath the bar. He’s still in front of Amber and musters up the courage to start a conversation with her.

Bartender: Amber, you’re drinking a bottle of water in this kind of place?

The bartender is clearly still a little flustered being in the presence of a WZCW superstar but Amber thinks it’s cute and goes along with the conversation.

Amber: Yeah, it’s my beverage of choice.

Bartender: Ah, but you must try this. Here, hold on a second.

The bartender goes to the other end of the bar, rifling through the alcohol collection before making his way back to Amber, who is looking quite curious at what exactly the bartender is doing. The bartender then shakes the bottle of alcohol labled, “Mezcal” before getting a two tiny glasses to pour it in. Once he’s done pouring, he slides one glass over to Amber and keeps one for himself.

Bartender: Ms. Amber, this here is Mezcal. You haven’t been to Mexico until you have tried this drink. Look around, almost everyone here is drinking this, this is what we serve. It’s a little strong but you’ll love it. Give it a try.

Amber looks at the glass, looking like she’s questioning whether or not she should drink it. She then looks around the party to see if people really are drinking this. While it isn’t quite clear if they are, she just accepts that what the bartender’s saying is true and grabs hold of the glass.

Amber: You know what, El Califa and Nate left me to have fun, so why can’t I have fun. Right?

Bartender: Right, cheers!

Amber: Cheers!

Amber’s face becomes disgruntled as she drinks the Mezcal, clearly not tasting the way she wanted it to. She drinks it in one gulp before her eyes close and open again, then rapidly close and open before she passes out, her head laying on her hand on the bar.


Amber awakes from her short slumber after drinking the glass of Mezcal. She instantly gets off the chair and heads straight for the dance floor. Not sure if the Mezcal has gotten her drunk or has given her an added boost, she begins dancing her way to the middle of the dance floor. A few people notice what she’s doing and go on to cheer for her. Amber begins busting out her white girl dance moves as she does the running man, the roger rabbit, the sprinkler, and let’s not forget, the robot. All eyes are on her now and the cameras even pick up Nate just who watches his sister have some fun, having a laugh at his sister.

Crowd: Go! Go! Go! Woo! Woo! Yeah! ARIIIIIIIBA!

The cheers from the crowd intensify and seem to have just given Amber more confidence to continue dancing. The scene focuses back on Amber who is seen just flailing her arms around, having absolutely no idea what she’s doing but that doesn’t matter because she’s having fun.

Just then, the most attractive man in the villa, clad in a white suit and a fedora with a gold feather on it, and his posse of women approach the ever exuberant Amber Warren. As the most attractive man in the villa and his posse get closer, it’s revealed that the most attractive man is the villa is...Ricky Runn!

Ricky: Damn Amber, you got some sick dancing skills. You have just enough swag to swag it up with me.

Amber: Swag, swag, on you, chillin’ by the fire while we eatin’ fondue.

Amber spits out some Bieber lyrics before the two start dancing next to each other much to the enjoyment of everyone in the villa. But what happens next is what shocks everyone. Amber begins to do the robot once again, but this time, she dances in a motion and passes it to Ricky who is clearly intoxicated, and he too dances like a robot. Right after that, the two begin jerking simultaneously. What the hell is going on?! Did they plan this dance routine?! The crowd is loving the dance routine from Amber Warren and Ricky Runn before…

Amber and Ricky then turn their backs to the crowd before a gyration of the hips happens from Ricky. Shortly after, it all goes down hill from there. Amber and Ricky start twerking, yes twerking! The absolutely digusting dance craze has made it’s way to a Mexican villa and the crowd does not like it one bit. Amber then notices the displeasure from the crowd which causes her to stop but Ricky continues on twerking getting boos from the crowd. In one swift movement, El Califa and Nate take this opportunity to grab Amber and get the hell out.

Ricky: So Amber, your legs must be tired huh?

Amber: Actually, no they’re pretty alright. Why do you ask?

Ricky: Because you’ve been running through my mind all night.

Amber is puzzled, not knowing exactly how to react to what Ricky just said. She turns away, thinking what to do. When she makes a decision, she goes on to giggle which makes Ricky think he’s the man as he simply winks at her.

Ricky: Oh girl, I’ma call you skittles from now on alright?

Not sure if Ricky is serious or not, Amber goes ahead and asks why, probably regretting she even asked.

Ricky: Cause girl, I’ma taste the rainbow tonight.

Going along with it, Amber giggles. It’s clear that Amber is pretty much acting at this point but it feeds the ego of Ricky who nods his head smiling like he’s got this in the bag.

Amber: Oh stop it you. By the way Ricky, would you mind getting me a bottle of water please? Pretty please with sugar on top?

Amber lets out a wink of her own which simply melts Ricky down inside and has no choice but to abide by Amber’s request. All the time Ricky was gone, Amber tries to locate Nate and El Califa but still to no avail. She makes it in time before Ricky gets back to his seat.

Ricky: Here you go beautiful. One bottle of the finest water there is in Mexico and a glass of tap water for me cause I’m too swag for bottles, I gotta drink from a glass.

Amber: Why thank you Ricky, you’re so sweet.

Ricky: And don't forget, the man with the most swag in the entire world combined.

Amber: Yes, yes. That too.

The two go on to cheers but not just any cheers. Ricky had the genius ideas of wrapping his wrist around Amber’s wrist so that the moment would be that much more romantic. Again, Amber looks uncomfortable as hell but she goes along with it simply because Ricky showed her a good time tonight. Ricky lets out a burp which makes Amber giggle once more.

Just then, Ricky doubles over covering his mouth. When he looks back at Amber, Ricky turns a bright green color which makes Amber jump from her chair! Ricky immediately runs off, embarrassed at what just happened. Amber is confused but concludes that Ricky probably won’t be coming back anytime soon so she scours the club, hoping to find El Califa and Nate.

After moments of searching, she spots El Califa, only seeing him through a narrow space between the crowd. As he walks up to him, she sees that El Califa is in a heated staredown with a woman on the couch. Accidentally popping in, she apologizes to El Califa and walks off. When she makes her way through the crowd to run away, we see Ricky again but this time…

Ricky: ¿Por qué hablo español tan bien? ¿Cómo sucedió esto? ¿Qué diablos está pasando?! (Why am I speaking Spanish so well? How did this happen? What the hell is going on?!)

Everyone who hears him is just as confused as Ricky is.

Ricky: Maldita agua mexicana! Me has superaste una vez más. Oh hamburguesas. Hey, puedo decir botín en español ahora, que va a llegar a las damas. (Damn Mexican water! You've bested me once again. Oh hamburgers. Hey, I can say swag in Spanish now, that'll get the ladies.)

While that’s going on, El Califa grabs onto the arm of Amber who is still embarrassed at what just happened earlier.

Amber: El Califa, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb.

El Califa: No apologies needed Amber. El Califa is the one who needs to apologize. El Califa brought you here but disappeared on you as soon as we got here. El Califa apologizes Amber.

Amber: No, no need to apologize El Califa. I was doing just fine out there as you can see.

El Califa: That was some dancing you did out there Amber. But why don’t we all call it a night and head back to El Califa’s villa. We have a long day tomorrow, another day to be.....magnificent!

The two dragons walk off to collect Nate, their future battles weighing heavily on their minds.

As a stabbing pain shot through my body, I felt something else with it.

... Hope.

It was buried deep inside a rough-edged, solid ball of uncertain fear, but it was there.

I remember. Vaguely, but it's there. I pushed off and something happened. I saw Amber Warren staring at me, and I knew I would face her again. And I knew we would lose that match. Just as I knew I would lose my match against her, when it came. And all I could feel was... Hope.

And pure, unmistakable fear.

"Is all this isolation really necessary?"


David's voice, slightly worn, now had the shadow of emotion at the frayed edges; it wasn't really there, but you could somehow feel its presence. The lingering ghosts o feeling.

"Am I the only one being cut off? Because of... Because of how I am?"

Mystique did not answer right away.

David Whitman was dressed in nothing, because his body did not exist.

Instead, he was seemingly a puff of smoke, and vast deserts across from him was the Grand Mystique, or at least, his voice, in the form a bright white light.

GM: "You are not. I need to assess your individual states. And as far as preparation goes, both you and..."

David: "The new guy?"

GM: "Yes. Both of you need a very specific kind of treatment."

Storms popped up simultaneously, smattering the grayish sand across a wide area.

David: "I'm not sure I-"

GM: "Focus. You have been following the path. But-"

The smoke of David began growing.

David: "You said I would have to follow the new guy. You said you couldn't guide me anymore. Y-"

A human David fell from the smoke onto the desert floor and in one fluid motion sunk into the sand as GM's voice boomed, this time with the added backup of a second, odd voice.

"Do not question."

The odd voice continued, alone.

"You doubt the man who saved you. You distrust the only person who has been there for you. Who has fought hard to bring you back."

David, still sinking in the sand, opened his mouth to protest, but the sand was unforgiving and made its way into his throat, into his being. Dryness filled his soul.

"Soon, I will have make myself known to WZCW. Soon, I will be there to guide you. But for now, you need to follow the direction you've been pointed towards. Amber Warren is your next opponent. The outcome of the match matters very little. At least, in terms of what the referee says. You simply need to do... What you've been trained to do.

It's very simple, David. You may not feel like a part of the weapon, but that is simply because you are the bullet. At this precise moment, you've begun your flight towards the target. You feel alone. But think of this. Right now, you are truly free. Right now, you simply... Are."

David awoke on the same tattered box he'd been continually waking on for days, with the Grand Mystique across the room from him and a strong vacuum of presence in the atmosphere.

His mouth felt dry, and his hole-filled WHQ shirt was drenched in sweat.

He knew better than to speak. He knew wins and losses meant nothing any more. He had crossed a line for The Sacrificial Altar, and he knew there was no going back. He knew words were futile.

He knew all that mattered now was actions.

All that mattered was the cause.
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