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AS5 - Big Dave vs. Zander Young (Non Title)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Whether he will credit the rWo for their involvement or not, Zander Young has shocked the World by winning the Elite X Championship, ending the long reign of Titus, thanks to the Roulette draw.

But immediately Zander is a target for the rWo as their powerhouse, Big Dave, is set to take on the new Elite X Champion in a non-title bout. Will Zander be grateful he's the champion or not? Expect no mercy in this encounter as the rWo continues to spread its influence in the WZCW

RP Deadline is Tuesday October 20th, 23:59 EST.
The scene fades in at the aftermath of the Elite X title match triple threat match at Ascension. Leon is standing in the backstage area with a microphone awaiting Zander to make his way from the ring. There is a huge blue ‘Ascension’ banner behind him and several flat screen TV’s on high stands.
Zander makes his way through the curtain jubilantly, clutching the championship gold tightly in his chest with a huge smile on his face. Leon jumps in front of him.

Leon: Zander! Congratulations! He says excitedly. You’ve just taken out two of the toughest guys in the locker room! How does it feel?

Zander: Words cannot describe how I feel right now cat wanker!
He says trying to catch his breath. He puffs and pants for a few moments. I’ve done it baby! Nothing compares to this. My whole career has been a roller coaster ride and it’s only just began! Do you remember my first ever contract opportunity match Leon?

Leon nods.

Remember how Zander only managed to last ten whole minutes!? I never even won a contract! Then I came back, I figured that it would be my last opportunity to win a contract and I pulled it out. We saw a more focused and determined Zander Young in that outing. WZCW has had a huge impact on my life you know? I quit drinking, I started up Zander TV which has been a huge success so far. I go undefeated against my arch rival, Frankie Smith and he pips me to the title shot. But lady luck smiled on me tonight and I got my chance. I got my chance and I took it! I’ve done it! I’ve done it! He says clutching the title ever so tightly.

Leon: Where do you go from here Zander? Can you be as good a champion as the men who have carried the title before you. Just look at the legacy the of that championship. 'The One' Big Will, Gus, Ben Legend, Carmen Bratchny and Titus. All huge stars in the legacy of WZCW.

Zander: It’s a privilege to be considered in the same category as the wrestlers who came before me but it’s a long, winding road ahead of me. Everyone wants to be a champion. I’m on every guy in the locker room's radar. But I am willing to take on all challengers and prove myself a worthy champion in WZCW! I did it baby! Woo
! He screams, throwing a fist in the air.

Leon: And the rWo showing up. Shocking to say the least but they very well may have given you the advantage with Titus being distracted. Your thoughts on the rWo?

Zander: I don’t know what the rWo’s motives were but I know they weren’t out there tonight to help me. The only reason they were out there was to ensure that Titus lost the title. They didn’t care who it was, but I felt I was on my A game tonight and I took full advantage. As for the rWo themselves, they look very dangerous. The full house Daves, Ace and Big Dave are a top tag team who I have a lot of respect for professionally. Ace is a conniving piece of work. A slime ball! You never know what’s going on in that head of his or what he’s gonna throw at you. Totally unpredictable. Big Dave, a fellow Brit like myself. He can talk the talk and can walk the walk. Anything he says he can back it up with his strength and speed. The Full House Daves are never, never to be taken lightly!
As for Ricky. I don’t know what to think now. He totally sold out turning on Titus like that. I know it’s one for all in this business but we still have our acquaintances, Titus trusted Ricky and he took him out for his own selfishness and will stop at nothing to be back at the top. It was disgusting to watch!

Leon: Well I’m sure you would like to know that you are infact taking on one of the rWo this week at Ascension in a non title match up in Big Dave. Thoughts?

Zander: Wow, that’s what you call a challenge! Big Dave knows what I’m all about. He does his homework, he’s not gonna review my matches, he knows exactly what to expect from me. Except that’s what he thinks! I use a little thing called tactics, cat wanker, and I’m gonna use them to my advantage. Expect the unexpected Davie old boy!

Leon: Well, I want to wish you the best of luck Zander, and I’m sure you will be a great champion.

Zander: Thanks cat wanker. I’ll be sure to give you a shout out on Zander TV this week. I’m gonna hit the showers. Zander walks off still clutching the belt, walking towards the locker room.

Leon: Does he have to call me cat wanker?
He says with his chin dropped onto his chest.

The scene cuts to Zander alone and nude in the shower as the steam rises up around Zander as he washes his air with shampoo trickling down his body. We only see Zander’s upper torso as he sings and plays air guitar.

Zander: “I am the champion, I am the Champion, no time Frankie, ‘cos I am the champion, of the world!”

A voice shouts from the other side of the locker room.

???: Zander? Zander? Are you in here?

Zander: Huh? Yeah I’m in the shower. Who’s there?

???: It’s us Zander, Steve and Neil
. It’s apparent that it’s Zander’s agent Steve McCoist and friend Neil McCulloch waiting for him.

Zander: Ok guys, just coming.

Zander walks out of the shower.

Neil: You wore that thing in the shower? He says in a confused tone.

The camera spins to Zander, who’s got the Elite X title, soaking wet, strapped around lower waist, covering his crotch.

Zander: I’m never gonna take this championship off! Don’t you think it suits me?

Neil: It makes your ass look big.

Zander tries to look at his ass: No it doesn’t!

Steve: Well I would like to congratulate you Zander. You put one hell of a gig out there tonight, we were watching from the front row cheering you on. Did you see my sign?

Zander: Did it say Dundee United on it by any chance?

Steve: Yeah that was it! Hey maybe we’ll get it on TV Neil!

Zander: Well thanks for the support anyway. He says sarcastically.

Neil: So what happens now Zander? Will Steve organise another of his ‘spectacular’ celebration party’s again? He laughs.

Steve: Hey, thats not a bad idea!

Zander: Nah guys, I think I’m just gonna go back to the apartment, have a good nights rest, do some Zander TV and work out. Things wont change now that I’m the Elite X champion.

Neil: You’re going back to admire yourself in the mirror with the title for the next few days aren’t you?

Zander: Yeah pretty much. he admits. Do you think I’ll get a discount for a professional photo shoot for being a celebrity, such as myself. He says smugly.

Neil: I think that title belt is cutting of the circulation to your brain Zander. He laughs.

Zander: Maybe I should take it off eh? He un-buttons the championship, the camera only shows his legs just above his knees. Neil and Steve turn away in disgust, covering their eyes.

Steve: Eww, put it away Zander!

Neil: Oh my God!

Steve still covering his eyes: Meet me in my office to talk about Zander TV tomorrow. And put your damn trousers on.

He and Neil don’t bother waiting and just run out the room.

Zander: What‘s the matter? He says with a confused look on his face, looking down his body. Zander turns to the camera. Who’s the briefcase wanker now!? He smirks, holding the title above his head.

Camera fades to black
We fade onto a television screen which is fuzzing with distortion until a clear picture emerges


Where were you when this happened? Where were you when this happened Zander? No doubt by then you were being fed your first pint through a bottle and lost your pride along with your toys to earn the money your father needed to shamelessly pay off his debts.

The television switches off as the camera moves to reveal Big Dave standing in a similar room to last week.

Now the grown up child is relishing the fact that he is the Elite X Champion. Of course much like Mr. Baller realised when he assisted Blade’s cause in the last month, your championship is a fluke. If anything, our plan was to have Frankie win because it was the right thing for the WZCW but the sad fact is that Guinness swilling joke is more pathetic than you! It was bad enough that Titus held that belt but now it’s no longer prestigious with you holding it, I really should have thrown that belt into the river had I known you would be holding it!

The sad fact is that when I log onto WZCW.com, all I see is nothing but this stupid Big Brother rip-off called “Zander TV” and if there’s one thing I hate seeing on television these days is nothing but reality shows. Zander you’re the perfect example of how un-united the United Kingdom really is, you think you can play to simple minded sheep by thinking it’s entertaining to watch you act like an idiot, no wait, a Scottish idiot? Man up Zander, this isn’t a comedy hour; you’re in the WZCW with the likes of me, The Survivalist, an animal who preys on the weak.

While you may thank me, Ricky and Ace for giving you that championship, I am not impressed by you. What kind of man thinks it’s so smart to bring a briefcase full of glass and expect to win with it? You think it’s funny to reference “The Inbetweeners?” A show that half the locker room doesn’t know and only appeals to short minded kids like you. I’m surprised you’re not watching your usual session of Power Rangers and My Little Pony for this show? But then I don’t have faith in your parents raising you to be intelligent given your background.

Unfortunately the WZCW has now got the guarantee that you will be actually seen on the show, no wonder Ascension is falling apart. Bateman allowed his show’s belt to be stolen and did nothing about it, you should apologise to him now because he’s going to have to clear up the mess that will be your fallen, beaten body out of his ring and find a new and deserving Elite X Champion that the rWo could provide. The order has spoken and much like David Seaman was the hero of removing the Scottish toilet bowl in 1996, Big Dave Bail will be the hero of removing the junior model off of Ascension and out of the WZCW. Your reign as champion, being in this company and even existing will end on Ascension as the rWo will continue to rise and reclaim the championships that we were never beaten for but most importantly, dominate the Lethal Lottery, and there is nothing you or any other undeserving member of the roster can do about it.

I would say good luck, but the only luck you need is that the EMTs who take you out of the arena tonight can finish off your sorry ass when I stand victorious in the ring!

Big Dave leaves as "God Save The Queen" plays in the background and the Scottish flag drops with something sprayed on it

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