Armondo Estrada, You're New ECW GM

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Cody Rhodes is an excellant
So Armondo Estrda is the new ECM GM, it's nice to see him being used again and it's nice to see ECW get a GM, though imo I don't know if Estrada was the best choice for ECW GM, I would rather see him as Umaga manager still, and put someone like Dreamer or Dusty Rhodes as the ECW GM

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I think it's a good choice. I was hoping ECW would get a GM soon it just makes things seem more entertaining. He's pretty funny sorta like Regal and wasn't being used much these days. Good to see him back on TV. He made a good manager for Umaga and I wouldn't have mind if he would have stayed there but imo ECW needed a GM just to spice things up and Estrada is a ok choice should lead to some funny segments. I'm sure his role will be similar to Coach and have him screw the faces. I doubt he will be as good as Regal since Regal is f'n hilarious but it should work out well.
I don't have Sci Fi anymore but if this is true, damnit I need a way to get Sci Fi back! ECW is a brand, don't be fooled with the promotion from the 90's. This brand is shaping up day by day. It's great to see other names such as Armando getting pushes in the ECW. I missed Armando alot and been hyped for whenever he would return. It's good to see he is getting a proper push. I can't wait to see this on "Extreme Hangover" on
I like it. Armando is good on the mic, and I'm sure he can really add a little extra something to the storylines he's involved in.
i think this is a good idea, he is great on the mic.he does his job people hated him when he was with umaga.but i believe this could be fun and used to spice things up
I would love to see him play off of Castro and rule ECW as a brutal dictator. It's the WWE so it very well could happen.

I expect good things from ECW with AAE as the GM.
It makes sense that Estrada is the new ecw gm. For 1, Estrada is a good heel personality(don't think he makes much sense as a face) so with Umaga becoming a face this meant that Estrada would not be returning as Umaga's handler, so they needed something else for one. Estrada is someone good on the mic, and so I think will fit admirably in the role as gm. Ecw needed someone as gm just to show that it was on the same par as both raw/smackdown. Since Heyman was taken off ecw, it didn't really have that feel as a true show, more like a televised development territory(especially now with the likes of Morrison and Punk headlining ecw, there good, just not main event yet). This now opens the door for the future, as in consequtive weeks both raw and ecw have been given a gm. Do you smell another gm feud that will culminate with a 3 team elimination match at survivor series? because I sure do...
I love this move as Estrada can work the mic and he can really be a tweener as a GM. He can work it as he will give what the fans want at times then what they dont. He can work those angles great so the writers came up with a good choice. Plus tis just gives ECW a real feel of a show with a GM. I se nothing but funny segments from AAE and should be interesting.
I like Estrada as the GM, but I only get an hour of ECW to watch. So now with a GM and the Raw recaps and all the promos for everything WWE related, I only get to see three wrestling matches. There's just too much jibba jabba.... I do like Estrada and making him the GM of ECW seems rather suitable, but a sacrifice needs to be made. Maybe they can get rid of the Raw replays that I already watched the night before and add in an extra wrestling match. Or Sci-fi can give ECW an extra hour because who really watches a show named after a vacuum cleaner anyway? (the show Eureka, which comes on before ECW) I do think Estrada is a good addition and I'd like to see how badly the creative staff is going to ruin this one.... I'm gonna try to enjoy it before they do....
Well you know they needed to do something with Estrada. Umaga has pretty much been able to establish himself on his own without Estrada being beside him. And the point was made that with Umaga as a face now, then Estrada doesn't really fit with him, so they needed to do something with him. But I will admit it. He's good on the mic so this is the perfect kind of role for him. Should be interesting to see how it fans out.
I like Estrada as the GM, but I only get an hour of ECW to watch. So now with a GM and the Raw recaps and all the promos for everything WWE related, I only get to see three wrestling matches.

I do agree that with Estrada as gm, this will lead to more talking and there is the possibility that the matches on ecw may get cut in the process. I do think that cutting the raw replays is a viable way to cope with this, but I don't think that having become a 2 hour show will work. For one the roster is way too thin, there are not enough wrestlers to fill 2 hours, you'll see wrestlers/matches that quite frankly suck/should not be on tv, and it will probably lead to much repitition... err more repitition than they already have. Another problem is that an average of a 1.4(I think anyway) rating for ecw does not really garner gaining a second hour. What ecw could do maybe is add a half hour to the show, and in the process bring up a few more developmental talents to the show. I think that ecw at an hour and a half would work if they did this.
I think it makes sense now give us what we want Asrada and bring back the television title, we need a mid card title on ecw, screw tag titles, just give us a mid card title, oh yeah and give stevie richards a big push...

It works well and i think ecw will be able to compete with a new gm ( and title cough title)

So if booker wants to quit if he gets moved to ecw then quit its a great brand and if anyone else thinks that it aint well i got two word for ya,

John Morrison
I think this is a great move, and they should make him a Gm like teddy Long, minus the wedding crap. Have him only show up when a contract needs signing, or a superstar needs to complain backstage, etc... Thats what Regal should be doing too, not this Game Show Crap. Thats what the Miz is for, thats why he already sucks.
I think its a great idea, he is excellent on the mic in my opinion and he will make a great GM. I think ECW is starting to spice up again, as how it was back when Paul was there with his security.
Estrada as GM of ECW is just another one of the many building reasons to watch the show on a weekly basis. ECw has alot of young talent with burke,cm punk, and john morrison and now with a GM that can make every show interesting as a tweener character is just what ecw needs to be a legit show
I was there live at Smackdown/ECW In Connecticut, and I was pretty dissapointed, Armando Is pretty good on the mic, but an ECW original would've been a lot better, even though i don't like most of them.
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