Armageddon: Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship


Is hanging up the boots

WWE Champion Edge vs Triple H vs Jeff Hardy

Well I just checked on to discover that this match has quietly been announced. With Triple H and Jeff Hardy both winning their Beat the Clock Matches in the exact same time, it wasn't fair to give the title shot to only one of them.

To me, this match sounds almost too good for Armageddon. I thought this could be a possible Wrestlemania match, in all honesty. It should be a very good match with a good storyline behind it. But I just can't see Edge losing the title just yet seeing as just like Cena, he only won the title at the recent Survivor Series.

Edge will cheat to win again somehow. I won't be surprised if Kozlov intervenes and costs Triple H and Jeff Hardy the title.

What are your thoughts on this controversial triple threat match?
I think the match outcome will be obvious, Edge will pin Jeff Hardy to retain. I kind of agree with you Rusty that this match is kind of too good for Armageddon, but I dont think WWE had many other options. Yeh they could of went with Triple H V Edge, but i think there saving that for the Rumble. There trying to build Jeff getting closer and closer with no cigar and this match will be no different. Edge will sneak in the victory as Jeff is about to win. This will then futher Jeff's storyline of getting closer without winning.

Then afterwards, Vickie will deny Jeff another title shot and Vickie will either screw him out of a chance in the Rumble match or give him a entry number early on and he will finally defy the odds and win the thing, earning a shot at Wrestlemania against Edge.

Thats the way i see it going, and Triple H will earn his rematch one on one at the Royal Rumble, but will fall short. With this scenario though, its unkown where Triple H will fit in for Wrestlemania, so that is still the confusing part.

But anyway, the match should be entertaining, and im looking forward to it. Edge to retain by pinning Jeff as he is about to win.
Remember last year at Armageddon when the Edge heads helped Edge win the triple threat? Im thinking this year we may see Tomco and Christian help Edge win the triple threat at this years Armageddon. A lot of potential saying he got bigger and better guys this year. On a side note I am sad that The end is no longer the theme to this PPV as that was the best song for any PPV I can think of.
First off, I wanna say that I love the ''weird86'' idea. Last year at Survivor Series, Edge interfered in the championship ''Hell in a Cell'' match between Undertaker and Batista and this year he gets added to the championship match between Triple H and Vladimir Kozlov and wins the WWE Championship. Last year at Armageddon, Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder disguised as Edge helps Edge win the championship so why not have two guys named Christian and Tyson Tomko help (or even screw) out of the championship? It's the perfect plan!

I am still not sure if Christian will choose to return to WWE and I don't know if Tomko's contract and everything would be finalized by Armageddon, but that would be just awesome! Although I think Christian should return as a face, I would not mind if he were a heel and began helping Edge in his matches just to backstab him.

This has potential to be one of the best Triple Threat matches ever and for all of you who thinks this match is too good for Armageddon, look at last year with the Batista vs. Edge vs. Undertaker match. I do expect Edge to retain, however I can't wait to see how he goes about doing it. If he just lets Hardy & HHH battle the whole match and stay on the outside and then pick up the scraps, much like last year... I will feel that I've been robbed.
Well first of all, this match is fucking stupid, becuase Trips should have an automatic rematch clause as the man who lost the title. I digress.

Edge will retain, by some bullshit means, with Hardy ever so close, blah blah. I would have an epic mark out is Tomko and Christian made their return to aid Edge, which could segway into feuds for Trips/ Hardy with those two guys. Odds easily on Edge to come out of this by some type of clever shenanigans. should be a high quality match though.
First off, I wanna say that I love the ''weird86'' idea. Last year at Survivor Series, Edge interfered in the championship ''Hell in a Cell'' match between Undertaker and Batista and this year he gets added to the championship match between Triple H and Vladimir Kozlov and wins the WWE Championship. Last year at Armageddon, Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder disguised as Edge helps Edge win the championship so why not have two guys named Christian and Tyson Tomko help (or even screw) out of the championship? It's the perfect plan!

I am still not sure if Christian will choose to return to WWE and I don't know if Tomko's contract and everything would be finalized by Armageddon, but that would be just awesome! Although I think Christian should return as a face, I would not mind if he were a heel and began helping Edge in his matches just to backstab him.

This has potential to be one of the best Triple Threat matches ever and for all of you who thinks this match is too good for Armageddon, look at last year with the Batista vs. Edge vs. Undertaker match. I do expect Edge to retain, however I can't wait to see how he goes about doing it. If he just lets Hardy & HHH battle the whole match and stay on the outside and then pick up the scraps, much like last year... I will feel that I've been robbed.

That's right Survivor Series was kind of a flashback this year with Edge returning this year and last year. You are right by saying that they have to go through contracts by then, but its been just about a month, and another 2 weeks (so 1.5 months total) since Christian got beat up by MEM, and could go to WWE and sign a contract, and Tomco I believe has been away from TNA for about 6 months or so, and I believe he has already signed. I just hope Christian doesn't have a 90 day compete clause. I also agree this match should be awesome, and this will be the fourth Armageddon in a row being a good PPV (prob best B PPV the last 3 years and I'm sure this one too). I am still mad about the theme "The End" not being apart of it anymore :-(. Thanks for the name comment too. I would be shocked if Tomco and Christian dont return this way if both are in contracts and everything is good.
Well first of all, this match is fucking stupid, becuase Trips should have an automatic rematch clause as the man who lost the title. I digress.

Edge will retain, by some bullshit means, with Hardy ever so close, blah blah. I would have an epic mark out is Tomko and Christian made their return to aid Edge, which could segway into feuds for Trips/ Hardy with those two guys. Odds easily on Edge to come out of this by some type of clever shenanigans. should be a high quality match though.

Well the same could be said about Batista. He lost the title but has yet to get a rematch and had to fight to earn it which he lost. Same with Jericho.

But anyway i do agree with you, thats how the match is going to play out. And as I said, this will keep building up Hardy, have Edge v Triple H at the rumble with Hardy winning the rumble and taking on Edge at Wrestlemania for the strap.
It annoys me when WWE quietly announce matches like this over the internet, why could Vickie Guerrero just do her usualy "Excuse Me!" speech and tell us on Smackdown? On to the match its self....

I agree with Rusty, this match does sound to good for Aramgeddon, this is the perfect WrestleMania match. Three huge wrestlers in the WWE and three wrestlers that allways draw. I think this will be an excellent match, the storyline is , is that Edge attacked Hardy (which isn't confirmed yet, but its obvious) and Triple H losing the title wants it back. So there is one decent storyline coming out of the match. Once again i was shocked at the possibilty of Edge having to have a match in a few weeks after he has just one the title. The same goes for Cena as well, i was disapointed that these two matches had been booked so soon, they won't even be able to have credible reigns in that time or even establish some sort of control over the belt.

I think it is obvious Edge will win and/or Kozlov may be added to the match just to spice things up. I think it would really be the perfect match if Kozlov was added to the card. We have'nt seen a Fatal Four Way ina while and itwould be an intresting concept. I reckon Edge will win and cheat in the match, possibly using the WWE title belt when the referee isn't looking to strike down his opponent and get the pin.
Thank god this match is happening. I could't be more thrilled to see this match, because it means this match won't be sucking up air time at Wrestlemania 25. Personally, I'm sick and tired of watching all of these damn triple threat matches and multi man matches for the titles in the WWE. I thought TNA was in Orlando?

Anyways, yeah, another Jeff Hardy title match, whoopy di fucking doo. Seriously, it's obnoxious at this point. This match is an Edge victory, and either a feud with Triple H or Hardy at Rumble and No Way Out and then the person he's not feuding with will be the main event match of wrestlemania. It's predictable, but oh well. Actually, it's almost the same damn formula they ran last year. As Norcal said, Tomko or Cage return would be epic markdom.
Like last year I hate the idea behind this match. If WWE are going with Edge vs. Jeff Hardy for Mania then they shouldn't wrestle until that time. Like last year I lost a lot of intrest in Undertaker vs. Edge once they'd faced each other at Survivor Series.

I don't see why Vickie can't screw Jeff out of the match & just have Edge vs. Triple H. That match doesn't have much value since WWE just chucked it onto PPV at The Bash. But it's an intresting enough match that it could sell this PPV. It's not like Jericho vs. Cena will be intresting. I watched the Cena match on the net and he looks like shit, that's not going to change in a few weeks, and he destroyed Jericho on Monday so that match will lack drama.

WWE should find another way to keep Jeff Hardy off the card. Another pre show beating. Then at the end of the show they can have a similar outcome to the Survivor Series match, only for Jeff & Triple H to be taken out by Edge, Christian & Tomko. Or even just Tomko. Idon't know if Cage has come to the end of his contract yet. But having Tonko show up would be the ultimate tease.

Christian vs. Edge & Matt vs. Jeff are better Mania options anyway.
Christian vs. Edge & Matt vs. Jeff are better Mania options anyway.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you on that.

I was also thinking for my theory that Tomco and Christian can help Edge this year (like the Edge heads did last year at Armageddon) was that the original plan was to have The WHC as a triple threat (Cena vs Jericho vs Batista) and for the WWE Championship be HHH vs Kozlav, but now they switched that around and don't even have Batista or Kozlav in a title match, which makes me think that there's more of a chance of Tomco and Christian coming back, and this change was probably decided as early as this past Raw. I'm not saying that's why as it could just be this triple threat would be better then cena vs batista vs jericho and hhh vs kozlav 2 would be boring to most people, but I think theres more to it than that. Along with everyone else that posted I would mark out HUGE if this happened.
That's right Survivor Series was kind of a flashback this year with Edge returning this year and last year. You are right by saying that they have to go through contracts by then, but its been just about a month, and another 2 weeks (so 1.5 months total) since Christian got beat up by MEM, and could go to WWE and sign a contract, and Tomco I believe has been away from TNA for about 6 months or so, and I believe he has already signed. I just hope Christian doesn't have a 90 day compete clause. I also agree this match should be awesome, and this will be the fourth Armageddon in a row being a good PPV (prob best B PPV the last 3 years and I'm sure this one too). I am still mad about the theme "The End" not being apart of it anymore :-(. Thanks for the name comment too. I would be shocked if Tomco and Christian dont return this way if both are in contracts and everything is good.

I know that WWE has a 90-day no complete clause, but I am not sure if TNA doesn. So if the no-complete clause is on TNA, then Christian would only be allowed to return sometime between No Way Out and WM25, while Tomko could return as early as Armageddon.
I know that WWE has a 90-day no complete clause, but I am not sure if TNA doesn. So if the no-complete clause is on TNA, then Christian would only be allowed to return sometime between No Way Out and WM25, while Tomko could return as early as Armageddon.

A no compete clause isn't in effect if a contract has expired. It's only eligable if a wrestler quits or is fired. If Christian's contract has expired then he can go to WWE straight away. It's the same way he managed to go to TNA just a few weeks after leaving WWE.
I believe that Edge will win this match simply because he is the heel champ a few weeks after winning it. Edge does have the skills to carry the title until Wrestlemania. I believe he will end up pinnign Triple-H possibly after hitting him with a chair leading to a matchup between the two at Rumble. But I do believe that Edge will not only come up on top but pin the Game and start a feud with him while Jeff Hardy enters the Rumble and wins. Where it goes from there is anyone's guess. But I do believe that is how the story will go because the WWE has realized that they can trust Edge with the belt.
Edge will retain with a pin on Triple H.

Hardy will hit the swanton, be on the 2 count, Edge breaks it up, dumps Hardy on the outside, gets the cover.

This legitimises Hardy (he's done the damage to put HHH away), Edge gets a clean win, but keeps his heel heat for not dealing the damage himself.

This leads nicely to Hardy being refused another title shot, thus he can enter and win the Rumble. Triple H can use the 'I never got a 1 on 1 rematch' to challenge at the Rumble
Edge will retain with a pin on Triple H.

Hardy will hit the swanton, be on the 2 count, Edge breaks it up, dumps Hardy on the outside, gets the cover.

This legitimises Hardy (he's done the damage to put HHH away), Edge gets a clean win, but keeps his heel heat for not dealing the damage himself.

This leads nicely to Hardy being refused another title shot, thus he can enter and win the Rumble. Triple H can use the 'I never got a 1 on 1 rematch' to challenge at the Rumble

Now that would be a great way of doing it. HHH essentially lays down for Hardy, the guy the push is concerning, but Edge remains champion and is able to look good in the process. Edge vs. HHH would be a great match at the Rumble since it doesn't do the traditional "let's give the champion someone with no shot at winning" like Edge/Mysterio last year. We get Hardy winning the RR, which also helps legitimize him, a decent championship match before the rumble itself, and it follows a logical pattern. Nice outline, Tom. Rep coming your way.
Edge wins, but like others I kind of wish Hardy wasn't in this match. First, I am a huge Hardy fan and he's pretty much the only wrestler I actually really like lately, but I think Edge Vs. Hardy could be a WM type match. If the match happens at Armageddon then it kind of takes away the excitment from a Edge Vs. Hardy match, even if HHH is in it.

I think Jeff should get attacked again before the show and unable to show up and then they could have another HHH Vs. Edge match since it has already been done and it shouldn't be a mania match anyways. I think in the end it should be revealed that it's Christian who is beating Hardy up and it could lead to a Edge Vs. Christian Vs. Jeff WM match. Anyways I see Edge winning(probably due to interference from Vickie and her goons)and since HHH & Hardy have faced off so much, I'm not even really looking forward to this match even with Edge because it's almost to obvious he will retain.
This does sound too good to be true and Edge will steal the win from Jeff. I just hope with all these close calls, Jeff just either wins the Rumble or somehow gets the shot at Wrestle Mania and just does it already. Take the chance Vince. You did it with RVD! Now do it with Jeff!
if jeff hardy does not get taken out again during the night. then i see him winning the money in the bank and cashing it in on wrestlemania. against edge and who ever he is vsing. if he does get taken out during the night he will win the rumble. edge with the win. triple h will be the one that doesn't get pinned no matter what. which is good because if edge pins jeff then this could set up a major feud.
I have to agree and say that Edge retains here. Yes he's the king of transitional title reigns, but I can't picture him losing until WM to Hardy. HHH is simply there as a filler. He had his big reign and now it has ended, meaning he drops down for a bit, although he'll likely get the one on one shot at the Rumble, which will lead into his Mania feud. I'd think Edge pins HHH by some form of chicanary, but I'm not positive. No way Edge pins Hardy here. That would kill the bit of momentum he gained from his "suprise" run in at SS. Edge takes this, in a match that shoudl happen at the Rumble.
Just an observation here. Why did HHH not invoke his re-match clause? Are we supposed to believe he didn't have one after holding the title since Backlash? After all, Batista claimed to have one after holding the World title for like a week, yet HHH does not? The main event at Armageddon by all rights and story-telling logic should be HHH vs. Edge in a one on one match; a rematch from The Great American Bash. I understand Jeff was "attacked" and therefore unable to compete at Survivor Series for the title but you'd think the former champion's re-match clause would weigh in, but no. HHH had to complete in a Beat The Clock as if he hadn't even sniffed the belt in the last month like everyone else without even getting his one on one rematch. I understand it that it's probably Vickie's doing to ignore his rematch clause to stack the odds and I could excuse it if they at least made mention that she was in fact ignoring HHH's rematch clause. Plotholes, man.
I think that adds up to just WWE being itself. It would make too much sense to have him use it, as almost everyone gets one at one point or another. It's also possible that he'll use it at the Rumble, which is where this match should happen anyway. The rematch clause is usually jsut a way to get feuds to be extended an extra month or so, aka the Batista clause. Putting the three way on makes a bit of sense though as it gets HHH out of the picture and clears the way for Edge/Jeff like the ultimate plan should be.
After watching Raw last night and i heard jeff hardys speech about how there is no way he will not walk out with the title, I have a said feeling that they are going to give him the belt sunday and then have edge win it back at the rumble and then have trips win the rumble and there is your mania main event. i hope this doesnt happen but last night gave me that feeling
Because he cut a promo? They just did that to increase buyrates (or try to) because they probably know everyone that can predict how the business functions is aware there is no way in hell either Edge or Cena can lose their titles after winning it only a few weeks ago. I would be VERY shocked if either Jericho or Hardy won but I don't believe it. WWE will pull a fast one on you (IE: Jericho and Punk) but not when Wrestlemania is around the corner.
Edge is going to win this one for sure. I think the likely scenario is that Hardy will knockout HHH with a Twist of Fate or Swanton, then Edge being the opportunist that he is will spear Hardy and pin him. This will lead to Hardy hopefully winning the rumble match to set the stage for an Edge/Hardy fued that goes to Wrestlemania while HHH and Edge could have a rematch, perhaps a gimmick match at the Rumble. No matter what though, Edge will leave Armageddon with the title.

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