Aries/Kash: Heel/Heel Dynamic is Working?

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Admittedly I was one of the loudest proponents against the idea of having a heel/heel angle in the X Divison and voiced my displeasure with how little TNA has done to give Aries legitimate face competition, but I strongly suggest to all of you to watch the Aries/Kash match from Final Resolution, because surprisingly or not, it's actually working. It's probably not a true heel/heel dynamic but more of a heel/tweener or even tweener/tweener route, but Aries is slowly but surely going that route the same as Anderson did a year ago where despite being a heel he was actually cheered by the crowd.

The work ethic of both these guys and the chemistry they have in the ring IMO has turned what might otherwise be a really awkward situation in a depleted division into a really impressive little feud that's really helping to continue to put Aries over big-time. It's little things like the finish to the match (that was probably one of the better finishes on the card and very reminiscent for me of Eddie Guerrero with Aries handing the title to Kash only to fake injury as a means to use to ref to pick up a quick and cheap victory) that are making this work so well IMO.

I know at some point the divisional depth will have to rise (or rot), but for now I'd say this is an adequate patch to give some of them the time they might need to do so, or potentially give TNA the time it needs to sign a free agent or two to help bolster the ranks.

I couldn't agree with you more. I thought that last nights match between Kash and Aries was a Fantastic match and I felt that the heel/heel dynamic worked very well and it made for a very good story(with both guys trying to cheat to win) and match, and I especially liked the ending with Aries pulling an Eddie Guerrero bringing in the title faking an injury and using the distraction to hit Kash with the brainbuster and pick up the win. I would definielty to like to see this feud continue.
100% agree. Was such an entertaining match that invested the crowd even though it was heel/heel. Both guys can go and put on a hell of an entertaining match with an awesome finish and yes I agree it showed glimpses of Eddie for sure. I wouldn't mind seeing this feud keep going and then I don't know what they will do after that but Aries has been awesome since returning to TNA and they have pushed him well. I just hope it continues and they realise the true star they have in Aries.
I love how the two of them interact together. Their personas play off each other really well. I think there is a problem with the heel heel thing and it was seen last night in that the crowd just don't know who to cheer for which takes some of the wind out of their sales. Then again the crowd last night was flat for most of the show so it might have just been that. So yea I have no problem with it at the moment, not a long term solution though.

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