Are you prepared for Punk-less Raws?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Well I don't usually read the main site, but I try to skim/browse through the thread topics once in a while and I have a feeling that it hasn't sunk in or some people just don't seem to realize that CM Punk may no longer appear on RAW or Smackdown, for that matter.

How do you feel about watching RAW and knowing that much like last week, Punk will not be on the show?

His in-ring ability will also be missed on RAW as well as the PPVs were he always put on a good performance.

If you've paid attention to the advertisements, they keep repeating that this is CM Punk's FINAL RAW. If that is in fact true, it will leave a nice sized hole on RAW. Then again, with the lack of star power on Smackdown, I suppose Punk could show up there, as they are making it a point to say "CM Punk's LAST RAW" though that's only because he'll still appear at MITB.

I think their is little chance we'll see Punk on near future Raw's, but I also think WWE wants him to stick around, I'm just not sure how they plan on handling it, as things are.

Anyway, how do you feel about this most likely being CM Punk's last week with WWE (at least for a while?)
As someone who watches Raw and is a Punk fan, I'm not sure what reason I'd have to still watch RAW. But to be honest, aside from his promo two weeks ago, Punk wasn't really doing anything that had me interested in the show. That's why I'd like to see him leave WWE and sign with TNA.

If Punk stays with WWE, what will we have to look forward too? If he's not facing Cena, he will be mid carding and trying to get over green guys like Ryan, with no depth to the feuds whatsoever. Is he going to stick around Raw to be in feuds like Kofi vs Ziggler?

If WWE is not willing to change, I do not want Punk sticking around their. I'm a fan of the Golden years or pre-attitude era of WWE and this era looks nothing like it. They aren't fully committing to having colorful characters and they just come off looking plain boring. Bobby Heenan wasn't PG-14 and I'm sure Ric Flair and most of the old school wrestling wasn't pushing the rating boundaries, but they had character.

Instead of getting the Bushwackers vs Legion of Doom, we get Santino and Kozlov vs Otunga and McGillicutty and their is no build to the match or promos made by either team.

The writers have nothing. All the show is, is just booking. This guy vs this guy, these two vs these two. Their is nothing more two it. The show has no personality.

Anyway, I'm beating a dead horse. I just don't see what good would come from Punk staying with WWE unless they have some sort of revolution. If Punk won't sign with TNA, then I guess I'd want him to stay just because I rather see him on something, but if he signed with ROH, I'd probably start watching ROH as he'd have a lot more freedom there.
I'm a Punk fan too, but in all honesty, I will not miss him.

He hasn't been doing much for the last, what 2 years? Nexus is like beating a dead horse, none of them are any good.
I'm a Punk fan too, but in all honesty, I will not miss him.

He hasn't been doing much for the last, what 2 years? Nexus is like beating a dead horse, none of them are any good.

Do you know that the WWE has a show on Friday Nights called Smackdown where Punk was doing great things prior to jumping over to Raw? His promo work was amazing in the Straight Edge Society, his feud with Mysterio was also top notch, his feud with Jeff Hardy was as good as a feud involving Jeff Hardy can get with CM Punk doing all the leg work on the mic and in the ring to keep it moving.

Check your facts if you consider yourself a fan kiddo
There is this kid that used to run around Ring of Honor, who Colt Cabana nicknamed "Punky." This kid had long black hair, and a beard, and he was the hottest thing on the indepedant scene at the time, and then one day he was signed by the WWE, and now he sits in Florida, like an atomic bomb I assume waiting for activation.

His name... Is Tyler Black! So if Punk leaves, we just get someone quite similar to him, just in need of a little enhancement in certain departments.
It might be time for me to go to bed because my eyes must be playing tricks on me. There is no way someone said Tyler Black could fill CM Punk's shoes.
There is this kid that used to run around Ring of Honor, who Colt Cabana nicknamed "Punky." This kid had long black hair, and a beard, and he was the hottest thing on the indepedant scene at the time, and then one day he was signed by the WWE, and now he sits in Florida, like an atomic bomb I assume waiting for activation.

His name... Is Tyler Black! So if Punk leaves, we just get someone quite similar to him, just in need of a little enhancement in certain departments.

Seth Rollins (I would like to use his proper name) is nowhere near the level of Punk. Punk is one of the best promo guys in the world. Seth Rollins is so-so. Same goes when it comes to personality. Don't get me wrong, I like him, but he couldn't replace Punk if he wanted to.
Do you know that the WWE has a show on Friday Nights called Smackdown where Punk was doing great things prior to jumping over to Raw? His promo work was amazing in the Straight Edge Society, his feud with Mysterio was also top notch, his feud with Jeff Hardy was as good as a feud involving Jeff Hardy can get with CM Punk doing all the leg work on the mic and in the ring to keep it moving.

Check your facts if you consider yourself a fan kiddo

I'm well aware of his work on Smackdown. Him jobbing to Big Show and Rey Mysterio for nearly a year. His SES never winning a big match and then being disbanded without explanation.

CM Punk is a good talent, fact is, he's not as good as people think he is. Because if he was, he wouldn't be in the position he's in.
After last nights show, I don't think Punk is leaving RAW.

Hopefully this ushers in some sort of new era, but I think this is it from here on out. We'll get brief instances of quality entertainment and just have to live with the rest of the show.

Btw, did anyone notice Cena playing up the boston accent last night?

It reminded me of something people would say about Hillary Clinton. If she was giving a speech in a certain area, she'd adopt the accent of that area.

Anyway, it's no big deal since it's where he's from, just thought he sounded more like a character from The Departed more then usual. Anyone else notice this?
Btw, the show needs Vince.

Vince is one of the best mic men ever, who you never hear about it because he's not a wrestler and since it is alot easier from him as he's the boss.
He brings so much to the show just by being there. I think he isn't on regularly, because Vince isn't PG lol. He can't restrain himself. Even when he said "they can go to hell"... he can say anything and make it come off as explicit.

Also, I mark out for CM Punk's inside jokes/references.

Last night when he said "What a maneuver" that was a "vintage" VKM line back from when he was a commentator, for those unaware.

Another thing I found funny was at bragging rights, someone called Miz a chicken and Punk shot back "He's not a chicken, your a turkey!"


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