Are we to blame for Christian not being a main event player?


I have a PHD in Horribleness
Let's go back to late January 2009 - Early February 2009. Jeff Hardy was riding a tremendous wave of momentum after winning his first world champion. Then, week after week these strange events begin to occur. He is is ran off the road. his house is burnt down with his dog still inside, and his pyrotechnics are shot into his face.

There were rumors running rampant all over the internet as to who could possibly be behind these attacks. There was one rumor that particularly stood out amongst the names being mentioned. I am talking about Christian. People took this rumor and ran with it.

My guess is that the WWE figured out that most people had already known and decided to throw us a curveball by changing the story up. Thus putting Matt Hardy in the attacker role and Christian returned on ECW within a two week period.

Do you think the WWE decided to change the attacker on the fly?

Where do you think Christian would be today if he was the attacker?

Where would Matt Hardy be if he wasn't revealed as the attacker?

Is the IWC to blame for Christian not being a main event player by now?
I don't think the WWE changed the plan just because of the IWC. I think they just wanted to give us something we wouldn't expect so they started a brother against brother feud. I loved the match at Wrestlemania between Matt and Jeff and I thought that that feud was definitely worth watching. Had Christian been the attacker he would have been a World Champ by now. I don't think Matt would really be anywhere different just because he is really going nowhere right now, although I am enjoying his new angle.
Do you think the WWE decided to change the attacker on the fly?

Yes, I absolutely do!

The thing was, this is the first time I can actually remember the WWE pulling a fast one on me since I became a member of the IWC. Not only was it the first, it was probably one of the most anticipated reveals in all of pro-wrestling and the WWE certainly fooled us all into thinking that it would have been Christian. I mean, all of the pieces to the puzzle were in place and it would have made so much more sense to have Christian be revealed to be the mystery attacker. However, it was not to be and Christian, to this day, suffers because of that decision.

Where do you think Christian would be today if he was the attacker?

My guess is that he would probably have been a world champion by now. I mean, at that point, Jeff Hardy was one of the hottest commodities around and attacking him got mega-heat. I mean, if Matt Hardy got over as a heel because of it, there is no telling what Christian could have accomplished. There is no doubting that he is better than Matt Hardy. He is his superior in every department from look, to mic skills. Christian could have taken this angle as far as it was going to go and I think that that is the world Heavyweight Championship.

Where would Matt Hardy be if he wasn't revealed as the attacker?

In line at the job centre, is my best bet. Matt Hardy is now struggling to get over and people have forgotten about him. He is terrible and this attack of Jeff Hardy really gave his career a little push in the right direction. However, it was hastily wiped away and Matt went back to looking like shit.

Is the IWC to blame for Christian not being a main event player by now?

I would say so. Noy directly but I do think that we have to share some of the blame. The problem is, the WWE threw us one helluva curve and no one saw it coming. However, it has come to be known that they really had nothing else for Christian to do. The only thing that would get Christian back into the main event is to feud with Edge and the WWE seem keen to avoid that for now.
Do you think the WWE decided to change the attacker on the fly?
Somewhat. There's not concrete proof that Christian was ever to be the man behind it all. That said, it was the most logical choice overall and the one that probably could have garnered the best reactions with regards to the fans' interest and their subsequent purchasing power. With the proper build and production montage people would definitely have payed to see that match up.
Where do you think Christian would be today if he was the attacker?

Where would Matt Hardy be if he wasn't revealed as the attacker?
Not going to waste my time on those two question as that level of speculation has way too many variables to consider. A lot can happen in a year+. This is especially true in the wrestling business.
Is the IWC to blame for Christian not being a main event player by now?
Nope. Not one bit. Vince not seeing Christian as main event caliber for the entirety of his career, and Captain Charisma's inability to change Vince's mind on that opinion --via whatever means possible-- is why he's not a main event player by now. The iwc does not matter in the grand scheme of things; nor will it ever as long as WWE makes the majority of it's revenue from the mainstream.
There's a chance WWE decided to change the attacker on the fly. Jeff Hardy was extremely hot last year, and WWE probably wouldn't want a storyline with the WWE champion being spoiled. I remember reading stories about how Vince had a tarp covering the ring before the No Way Out 2009 ppv. I believe this was done because McMahon became paranoid about the results of the Elimination Chamber matches being spoiled. So I wouldn't be surprised if plans with Christian changed.

I don't think Christian would be a main event player if he was revealed as the attacker. He would still be in the mid card, and I doubt he would get near the World Heavyweight Championship. He might have beat Jeff at Wrestlemania, but nothing major would've happened for him afterwards.

Matt Hardy would still be where he is today. People have to face facts. Hardy just isn't a main event guy, and he never will be. The WWE had him turn heel against his very popular brother, and the fans just didn't give a shit.

I don't think you can place all of the blame on the IWC for Christian being stuck in the mid card. For some reason, Vince McMahon just doesn't see him as a top guy. Sure he had a pretty lengthy run with the ECW title, but after that, he's been stuck in the mid card for a long time. I thought he might be on his way to the top when he was drafted to Smackdown, but after his brief stint in the Intercontinental title picture, Christian has been fading away into obscurity. He's teamed with Hornswoggle. So that should tell you everything you need to know about Christian's status on Smackdown.

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