Are we expecting a classic Intercontinental Championship match at SummerSlam??


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Past history shows that at SummerSlam, we have some good Intercontinental Champoinship matches! May I?

1989 - The Ultimate Warrior vs. Rick Rude
1991 - Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect
1992 - The British Bulldog vs. Bret Hart
1995 - Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (Ladder match)
1998 - Triple H vs. The Rock (Ladder match)
2002 - Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Benoit
2009 - Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler
If you feel I have missed a classic out, please do let me know!

I think the first question here is, Who will challenge for the title??

I have the feeling it could end up being Ziggler vs Kofi, do you think they could pull off a classic? If not those two, who else do you think could take on Kofi for the title, or do you see him dropping it on a Smackdown edition to another wrestler?

I actually think, if booked right, you can get a lot out of these 2 wrestlers, and it would be the icing on the cake if Ziggles wins because he was supposed to win this time last year!!

I can't say I expect a classic IC match at SummerSlam. Never really thought about it much really. Off the top of my head I'd consider 1991, 1992 & 1998 to be classic IC matches at SummerSlam. The rest are just very good.

Ziggler vs. Kofi seems like a possible feud for the IC title. But I don't see it happening at SummerSlam. And I wouldn't expect a classic from Kofi Kingston anytime soon.
If you go with what happens on SD tonight, it'll likely be Ziggler vs. Kofi, which would be a pretty good match but hardly a classic, tbh. They could also stick Matt and Christian in there and make it a fatal fourway, but I'd rather see those two go for the tag titles or something. It'll hardly be a classic compared to matches passed, but there will definitely be an IC match on the PPV.
for summer slam 2010 i would like to see a 5 way ladder match for the ic title which would include kofi vs drew vs ziggler vs hardy vs christian. know that should be a classical summer slam moment cause u put the ladder match experts in this match you are promised a sure classic match.
for summer slam 2010 i would like to see a 5 way ladder match for the ic title which would include kofi vs drew vs ziggler vs hardy vs christian. know that should be a classical summer slam moment cause u put the ladder match experts in this match you are promised a sure classic match.

You see the only problem with this is and I repeat ONLY, is that we have just seen all of these guys compete in a ladder match the ppv before!!

However I do like the 5 picks and it could come off as a good match, maybe a scramble match, or a 5-pack challenge, or an elimination match, or even a 5-man iron man match!! now that would be great!! Maybe make it like 30 mins..
I would like to see Kofi and Christian with one of them turning heel like Stone Cold did against the Rock at WM 17. But, nothing in the near future will ever come close to Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect in 91, nor Michaels and Razor Ramon in 95. Sorry, but those 2 matches have raised the bar so high that it is going to take a match of extraordinary
proportions to match those. I think those matches were predicted to be excellent matches, but WWE lucked out and those exceeded even excellent status. Even the ladder match between Jericho and Benoit was awesome, but is not looked at as if it was better than those 2.
I would like to see Kofi and Christian with one of them turning heel like Stone Cold did against the Rock at WM 17. But, nothing in the near future will ever come close to Bret Hart and Mr. Perfect in 91, nor Michaels and Razor Ramon in 95. Sorry, but those 2 matches have raised the bar so high that it is going to take a match of extraordinary
proportions to match those. I think those matches were predicted to be excellent matches, but WWE lucked out and those exceeded even excellent status. Even the ladder match between Jericho and Benoit was awesome, but is not looked at as if it was better than those 2.

Jericho vs. Benoit in a ladder match for the IC Title happened at Royal Rumble 2001, not SummerSlam.

Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog was also pretty amazing. i'd for sure call it a classic. great performance by both men.

if reports are to be believed, it is looking like Kofi will be booked to defend the title against Ziggler at SummerSlam. i think both are pretty good workers and enjoy their matches enough, but i'm not looking for this to be a classic.

what would be more classic to me would be for Kofi to go against Orton for the IC Title. quite honestly, the Viper doesn't need a title to be cheered for like crazy, but think of the prestige that title would have if Orton held it now while he's the hottest thing in the E. plus, they had a really good feud last year and i'd like to see that continue.

either that or go Edge vs. Christian, Edge vs. Jericho or Jericho vs. Christian. all of those would be good IC Title matches and would help add some prestige to the IC Title.
Judah - you'd have to have an inter-brand match and then you leave SD! with one men's title... which would be ridiculous.
Kofi vs Ziggler vs Rhodes vs Christian is a match I would like to see and would make a good 4-way match... however, I wouldn't mind a 5-pack challange (which were actually interesting for me) and add in MVP 'cause he ain't don't much else.
I know I'm not expecting anything great out of the IC title picture. Kofi vs Ziggler may be a sleeper but its probably going to be a typical IC title match on PPVs. It'll be under 10 minutes and forgettable. I'd like to see a title change in this match though. I think Ziggler has been ready for a bit of a push for a while and would like to see what he could do if given a longer leash. As for it being a ladder match or any kind of gimmick match... no. I do not want to see another gimmick match for this unless its a 2 out of 3 falls of something like that.
Judah - you'd have to have an inter-brand match and then you leave SD! with one men's title... which would be ridiculous.
Kofi vs Ziggler vs Rhodes vs Christian is a match I would like to see and would make a good 4-way match... however, I wouldn't mind a 5-pack challange (which were actually interesting for me) and add in MVP 'cause he ain't don't much else.

true, it would be an inter-brand match. and true, assuming Orton won, that would leave Smackdown with only one male title to contend for.

but in a perfect world, that wouldn't be such a factor. in a perfect world, Orton would then feud with the Miz in a build up to Night of Champions and the IC and US Belts would be unified into one belt.

and then, in said perfect world, the Unified IC/US Champion and Unified Tag Team Champions could float from show to show and so each show would have 4 titles to fight for; World, Women's, Mid-card and Tag.

that's in a perfect world though. add some prestige and credibility to all the belts and give us some pretty good matches and feuds in Orton vs. Kofi and Orton vs. Miz.

however, back to the topic of this thread, a fatal fourway match for the IC Title could be pretty good. i'd put in Drew, Hardy, Kofi and Ziggler. there's already some history between all those guys. the only downside is that leaves Christian out of the mix and i'm such a big fan of his.

oh well, put Christian in another meaningful match and subsequent feud and angle instead. it'd be better than burying him!

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